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14.9 積分





1、關于2011高考書面表達的思考,情景作文,Controlled writing,(03)(滿分25分)為了響應38年前毛主席提出的“向雷鋒同志學習”的號召,配合北京迎“奧運”宣傳活動,光明中學組織了一次到某汽車站的學雷鋒活動。請根據(jù)以下6幅圖畫,用英語寫一篇日記。,記。,(04)(20分)某學校對中學生課余活動進行了調(diào)查,結果如下。請根據(jù)圖表1提供的信息描述學生每天的課余活動,并針對圖表2中任何一個數(shù)據(jù)中反映的情況寫出你的一個看法。詞數(shù)不少于60。生詞:圖表chart,情景作文,Controlled writing,(05)(20分)美國中學生Jeff將要來你所在的紅星中學學習中文,經(jīng)協(xié)商安排

2、住在你家。假設你是李華,請給Jeff寫一封信,按照下圖順序介紹他來中國后的生活安排。注意:1.信的開頭已為你寫好。2.詞數(shù)不少于60。,(06) 國際文化交流中心將組織一次由各國學生參加的“和平、友誼”夏令營活動,要求報名者提交英文個人簡歷。假設你是王姍,請根據(jù)下列信息寫一篇個人簡歷。,(07年北京卷)假設你是李華,要給英國筆友Harry寫封信,介紹你班兩位同學競選班長的過程。請按下圖順序描述。注意:1.信的開頭已為你寫好。 2.詞數(shù)不少于60.提示詞:競選班長monitor election,(08)假設你是紅星中學高三一班的學生李華,為??⒄Z園地寫一篇題為“Our Spring Outi

3、ng” 的英文稿件。 請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,敘述上周你們班從準備春游到春游結束的完整過程。 注意: 詞數(shù)不少于60. 提示詞: 游樂園 amusement park 垃圾箱 bin,(09年)假設你是紅星中學高三一班的學生李華,為響應綠化祖國的號召,你班四月十二日去郊區(qū)植樹,請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,介紹植樹活動的全過程,給某英文雜志的“綠色行動”專欄寫一篇以“Green Action in Our Class”為題的英文稿件。 注意:詞數(shù)不少于60 提示詞:郊區(qū) suburbs,08年高考,09年高考,07年高考,05年高考,假設你是紅星中學高二(1)班的學生李華,利用上周末的時間幫

4、助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,寫一篇英文周記,敘述你從準備到送行的全過程。 注意:1周記的開頭已為你寫好。 2詞數(shù)不少于60。,一、記敘文 (03,05,07,08,09,10) 08年春游;09年植樹; 10年安排旅行) 二、說明文(04年圖表說明+議論) 三、議論文 (04圖表+ 議論) 四、應用文(書信,日記,通知,便條, 講演稿,履歷表 ) (03日記:學雷鋒 05年書信:Jeff來中國的生活安排 06書信:履歷表 07年書信:競選班長),情景作文訓練類型(文體),2011年的情景作文?,1)分類: 個人活動或集體活動; 一天活動或一周活動; 一次活動或多段

5、活動; 過去活動、目前活動或將來活動; 命題活動或主題活動(“倫敦游學”),1、記敘類(四圖/多圖),2)審題:從兩部分入手。,審文字,確定: 文體: 日記:在正文之前,先依次有日期、星期幾及當天的天氣情況 周記:非日記,周末的時間指周五-周日;或者完整的一周,Saturday ,May 4,2002 Cloudy,2010年高考 情景作文(20分) 假設你是紅星中學高二(1)班的學生李華,利用上周末的時間幫助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,寫一篇英文周記,敘述你從準備到送行的全過程。,2)審題:從兩部分入手。,話題作文(英文稿件-命題/主題):注意什么?,語言要求比較

6、正式,2008高考 情景作文 (20分) 假設你是紅星中學高三一班的學生李華,為校刊英語園地寫一篇題為“Our Spring Outing” 的英文稿件。 請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,敘述上周你們班從準備春游到春游結束的完整過程。,2009高考 情景作文 (20分) 假設你是紅星中學高三一班的學生李華為響應綠化祖國的號召, 你班四月十二日去郊區(qū)植樹。請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序, 介紹植樹活動的全過程, 給某英文雜志的“綠色行動”專欄寫一篇以“Green Action in Our Class”為題的英文稿件。,2)審題:從兩部分入手。,書信、郵件、發(fā)言稿: 注意什么?,交際性原則,書信: I

7、m very delighted to inform you that. I have the pleasure to tell you that . I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. Please write to me soon and tell me about your life there.,通知: Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls. Attention ,please ! May I have your attention please ? Please be

8、 quiet, everyone, there is something I have to tell you. Any questions? Does everyone understand? Thats all .Thank you.,人稱: 自己經(jīng)歷:第一人稱 他人經(jīng)歷:第三人稱 時態(tài): 敘述經(jīng)歷:一般過去時,但可以多樣化 抒發(fā)感受:一般現(xiàn)在時/一般過去時,結構:三段式,總-分-總 開頭段:點題,交待活動的背景包括時間、地點、人物等(when, where, who ) 主體段:描述活動過程,注意按圖示順序描述,注意分層處理圖片,注意小段落結構 結尾段:議論,包括結題,歸納、總結或思想提

9、升,總-分-總,審圖:確定: a) 要點-必要細節(jié)-可添加細節(jié) 注意什么?,2011年一模情景作文,審圖:確定: b) 結構:詳略得當,主次分明,突出主題,倫敦游學,詳寫游學環(huán)節(jié),學與游可以 同步進行或者分步進行,審圖:注意:圖中文字-圖中人物-圖中數(shù)字-圖中圖-圖角標示,3)表達技巧:,例:2010屆二模情景作文 假設你是某所中學的學生,3月22日(世界水日)你參加了你班開展的一系列節(jié)水宣傳活動。請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,以日記的形式記錄當天的活動內(nèi)容。 注意:開頭已給出。詞數(shù)不少于60。 提示詞:宣傳材料leaflets; 危機 crisis,細節(jié):“集體活動”要注意什么?,社區(qū)節(jié)水方法

10、座談會,人物: 具有代表性,不能自行命名 符號:如xxx社區(qū),xxx可以表達a neighboring community, 不能直接寫xxx; 人數(shù):不要具體寫出人數(shù),許多人參加即行 時鐘:鐘表上的時間是具體的,描述也應該具體;表達可以多樣化,“集體活動”要注意什么?,分為兩個階段:準備階段+活動階段,注意:圖中文字-圖中人物-圖中圖-圖角標示,3)表達技巧:,例:分步進行(P3/P4): In the coming days, we spent lots of time in Westminster College listening to the introductions to col

11、leges in London and attending lectures on the British culture, from which we really gained a lot. After days of study, we were shown around through the city. It was much too impressive to see the River Thames flow past the towering Big Ben and the London Eye, where I took countless photos of those f

12、amous signts. So if you are interested, come to me after class. By the way, I also bought some souvenirs for you guys.(注意交際性原則),策略1:添加細節(jié)需要緊扣主旨,主次分明,相對集中,分層處理,詳略得當。,策略2:過渡銜接方式可以多樣化表達。,1)以時間為主線: On the morning of,Later in the afternoon,The next day, After a couple of days learning,.On the last day,. 2

13、)以動作順序為主線: On arriving at ., Soon., Later, Finally. 3) 以空間或地點為主線: Our fantastic journey began at Heathrow Airport., At my home-stay family, In the college, At weekends, we went downtown for sightseeing. On the farewell party in the college,一模作文,忌用議論文過渡語如:last but not least等,P4: 建議: Someone suggested

14、 doing.,someone advocated/ proposed/advised/recommended Some .while others . such as switching off/turning off the tap,watering flowers with used water,策略3:同一說法注意用不同方式表達,2010二模P4,關水龍: turn off switch off the water faucet fasten the tap keep the tap closed,如何達意? P4: “用洗菜水澆花” watering flowers with wat

15、er that washed fruits and vegetables watering flowers with water after having washed fruits and vegetables saving water used to wash fruits and vegetables using water several times to do different things,策略4:不會的詞匯可以迂回“達意”,2010二模P4,策略5:內(nèi)容要點可用多樣化不同方式進行表達。(非謂語、復合句、倒裝、虛擬、強調(diào)句等特殊句式),On arriving at the Hea

16、throw Airport in London, (非謂語)we received a warm welcome from our home-stay family. We were deeply touched by the familys thorough consideration and warm greeting. After we were picked up and brought home by our host family, we enjoyed a traditional meal of England that had been well prepared by the

17、 family. (復合句+被動語態(tài))Despite the exhaustion from the long flight, we talked and chatted in high spirits during the meal, excited at all the culture shocks we were experiencing. (介詞狀語+形容詞狀語) The following days were spent in Westminster College where we learnt its history from the introduction given by

18、the scholars.(被動語態(tài)+復合句+非謂語) The course we had in the college aroused my interest, broadened my eyesight and greatly improved my spoken English. (did, did and did結構) But the excitement was not finished yet. We spent quite a long time touring around the historic city. The Big Ben and London Eye were o

19、nly two of the many great places we visited in London. All the way, we followed the tour guide, took pictures of the attractions and learnt their stories from our tour guide. (did, did and did結構) On the last day of the trip we threw a Farewell Party, where we and all our home-stay family members gav

20、e terrific performances together. (復合句) The days in London will always be a precious piece of memory in my mind and I hope I have passed my happiness to all of you! Thats all. Thank you!,一模作文,請根據(jù)上述圖片,講述上周班主任(head teacher)生病期間你班同學的表現(xiàn),并簡單談談你的感想。,內(nèi)容要點及細節(jié),要點:討論 細節(jié): 班長組織 怎么辦,好好表現(xiàn),2. 要點:表現(xiàn)出色 細節(jié): 無人遲到 認真鍛煉

21、,內(nèi)容要點及細節(jié),3. 要點:課堂表現(xiàn) 細節(jié): 認真聽講,積極回答問題 受到任課老師夸獎,4. 要點:籃球比賽 細節(jié): 通力合作 贏得比賽,內(nèi)容要點及細節(jié),5. 要點:值日 細節(jié): 認真打掃 心情愉快,6. 要點:老師回來 細節(jié): 獲流動紅旗 歡迎,給老師獻花 表情:高興,Last week our form teacher was ill. We had a meeting organized by our monitor and decided to behave ourselves in the week. In the morning no one was late for schoo

22、l and we did morning exercise well. We had good performance in classes and were praised by our teachers. We even won a basketball match against Class 2. Every day we made the classroom very clean. This week, when our form teacher came back and saw the flag we won, she was very happy. We felt proud o

23、f ourselves.,評卷給分的細節(jié)要求,1. 閱卷中不要通過找單詞去找要點, 一定要從上下文來找要點。 2. 閱卷重點放在用完整、準確的句子去表達思想上,滿篇沒有正確句 子,一樣打0分。 3. 所有要點齊全的進三檔(12分以上),要保證要點和細節(jié)相互支撐。 4. 少一個細節(jié)的進三檔上線(14分),可以視其語言狀況+1或-1分 (說明該學生最高可得15分,最低可得13分)。 5. 少兩個細節(jié)進三檔下線(12分),可以視其語言狀況+1或-1分(說明該 學生最高可得13分,最低得11分)。 6. 行文中圖的先后順序有誤或人稱錯誤的直接進四檔(6-11分)。 7. 文章不能以班主任回來作為結束,

24、要加上一個合情合理的結尾,否則要 在所得分數(shù)中扣-1分。 8. 一檔或二檔文的確定要依文章的上下文連貫、緊湊,以及語言質量來決 定。 9. 要點和細節(jié)可出現(xiàn)在一句話中。 10. 寫落款、題目或稱呼的都忽略不計,按照正常情況給分。,情景作文,假設你剛剛參加了一次“倫敦游學”活動, 請根據(jù)以下五幅圖的先后順序, 寫一篇英文匯報, 在班內(nèi)介紹你們游學的過程。 注意:1.匯報的開頭和結尾已經(jīng)為你寫好。 2.詞數(shù)不少于60。 3.提示詞語:Big Ben 大本鐘 London Eye倫敦眼摩天輪 home-stay family 住宿家庭,情景作文出現(xiàn)的主要問題,1.審題不仔細,漏掉要點。 2.缺乏細節(jié)

25、觀念,不能使文章銜接緊密。 3.人稱和時態(tài)觀念差,文章直接降檔。 4.語言基本功差,漏洞百出。 5.缺乏交際觀念,很難出色地完成寫作任務。 6. 邏輯不清楚,句子間照應不夠。 7. 結尾感想部分空泛,與前面敘述關系不大。 海淀一模情景作文樣卷.doc,情景作文,假設你剛剛參加了一次“倫敦游學”活動, 請根據(jù)以下五幅圖的先后順序, 寫一篇英文匯報, 在班內(nèi)介紹你們游學的過程。 注意:1.匯報的開頭和結尾已經(jīng)為你寫好。 2.詞數(shù)不少于60。 3.提示詞語:Big Ben 大本鐘 London Eye倫敦眼摩天輪 home-stay family 住宿家庭,1)分類: 今昔對比、 正反觀點對比、數(shù)據(jù)

26、分析對比 2)審題: 文體:對比類記敘文/說明文/議論文 時態(tài):一般過去時;一般現(xiàn)在時;現(xiàn)在完成時 人稱:根據(jù)文字提示而定,2、對比類,結構:三段式: 今昔對比:主題句-描述過去情況-描述現(xiàn)在情況-總結句 正反觀點對比:提出問題-介紹兩種不同觀點-對兩種不同觀點的論據(jù)逐項進行對比-個人觀點及理由 數(shù)據(jù)分析對比:提出現(xiàn)象-數(shù)據(jù)對比-得出結論,2、對比類,3)表達技巧: a) 采用何種對比方式? b)如何過渡? c)語言特點?,策略1: (1)集中比較或對比(集中說明一個對象的諸種特征) (2)逐條比較或對比(一條一條地說明兩者的異同),Compared with Different from U

27、nlike; besides on the other hand just on the opposite whats more/worse In short/brief/conclusion,策略2:突出主題句、支持方,層次分明,語言簡潔,用詞準確,usedto,butnow inthepast,butnow once,butnow, Weve had a fierce discussion over whether we should make friends online. Opinions are divided on the question. Opinions on this po

28、int differ from person to person. . Every coin has two sides., 76% of the students agree to have a try, while/whereas 24% disagree with the idea. The supporters think . Whats more,. Moreover,. However, those against the idea argue that for the following reasons. Firstly, Secondly,今昔對比,觀點對比,數(shù)據(jù)分析,語言,贊

29、成: agree to/with; be for; support; be in favor of;approve of, 贊成者:supporters/defenders/ boosters/proponents/ those who are for/disagree with/disapprove of 反對: object to; disagree to/ with; be against;be opposed to sth; 反對者: opponents/objectors/ rejecter/those who are against/disagree with/disapprove

30、 of,策略3:同一說法注意用不同方式表達。,3、圖表類,1)分類: 客觀描述類 對比變化類(描述+議論類圖表) 2)審題: 時態(tài):調(diào)查結果:客觀性描述,一般現(xiàn)在時 人稱:描述部分第三人稱;議論部分第一人稱 結構:描述占2/3;議論1/3,圖表作文結構,開頭段: 開門見山:點明圖表所反映的主題。調(diào)查活動及內(nèi)容簡介 主體段: 描寫數(shù)據(jù):分類描寫或對比描寫,注意層次 結尾段: 根據(jù)其中一個或兩個數(shù)據(jù)談論自己的看法 (議論) 分析趨勢、原因、影響或結果,語言,常用詞匯: table, chart, pie/line/bar/graph, figure, describe, tell, show, r

31、epresent 過渡句: Its clear from the chart that We can draw the conclusion that We can learn/know 連接詞: 對比:while, but, however, on the contrary, in contrast to, compareto/with, asas, the same as, similar to, different from 歸納:In conclusionin shortgenerally speakingin generalgenerally on the whole ,上升到: v

32、. increase (to) / rise (to) /climb (to)/go up (to)/ boom (to) go up to/jump to/rocket to; n. an increase (in) /a rise (in) /an upward trend (in)/ a growth (in) 下降到: v. decline (to)/ decrease (to)/reduce (to)/ go down (to)/ fall (to)/ drop to n. a decline (in)/ a decrease (in)/a reduction (in)/ a fal

33、l (in) 穩(wěn)定: v. remain stable (at)/ maintain the same level/ remain steady (at) /stay constant (at) n. no change (in) 波動: v. fluctuate (between) n. a fluctuation (in),Next in line is Followed by ,chosen by 30% .ranks first/second sth. account for Coming to the next Behindis a quarter of half of the ma

34、jority of the students,數(shù)據(jù)描寫,語言,3)表達技巧: 如何安排結構? b. 如何選議論的數(shù)據(jù)? 如何添加細節(jié)?,策略1:大總分總,小總分總; 不同觀點分開寫,最好分段寫。,策略2:議論數(shù)據(jù)宜選最高點或最低點,能反映出典型問題的數(shù)據(jù) 。,描述:不能少一個數(shù)據(jù) 議論:不能多一個數(shù)據(jù) 添加細節(jié):不宜過多,最佳點,語文-數(shù)學,語文-英語,問題成因-看法(必要性-呼吁),現(xiàn)狀 問題 建議,2011海淀期末,Ranking first is math, chosen by 54% of the students. Next in line is English, which 18%

35、 of the students regard as top priority. Surprisingly, only 7% of the students surveyed show preference for Chinese homework and those who choose the rest of the subjects like physics, chemistry and biology add up to 21%.,策略3:語言簡潔明了。數(shù)據(jù)不必面面俱到,但要概括出特征,為后文分析原因、揭示規(guī)律、發(fā)表看法做鋪墊。,2011海淀 期末,花時間干: Sb. spendson

36、 sth/doing Sth. takes up; Sb. putinto sth Sb. put indoing sth goes into Sth. occupies Sth. takes possession of Sb. distributesto Sb. sparesto do It takes. sb.to do,策略4:同一說法注意用不同方式表達。,最重視: put in the first place rank as the most important think/ hold the view/idea that is the most important regard as

37、 the most significant attract the greatest attention of consider (to be) the most important/vital think the most important,語言技巧,1)分類: 個人簡歷/自薦信; 介紹他人(介紹同學,朋友,老師,父母,名人等) 2)審題: 文體:記敘文 時態(tài):介紹經(jīng)歷:一般過去時,一般現(xiàn)在時; 人稱:第一人稱;第三人稱 要點:分類整理信息 語言:精煉,感人,不拖泥帶水 結構:開頭段:主題句 主體段:發(fā)展句 結尾段:結論句,4、人物類,3)表達技巧:,組織要點的關鍵? b) 組織細節(jié)的關鍵

38、?,策略1:關注重點與難點。人物介紹重點在細節(jié)的添加;難點在材料的重組。 自然信息(姓名,性別,年齡,年級) 社會信息(開朗,活潑,精力充沛),策略2:組織細節(jié)要突出個人/他人的優(yōu)勢(長處)。 I am quite independent and it is easy for me to adapt myself to a new environment. All this will enable me to continue my studies in your department without having much trouble with a language barrier.,c

39、) 策略3:同一說法注意用不同方式表達 興趣: My hobby is photography, writing and doing outdoor activities. Im into/Im fond of/I do well in/I fancy doing Im keen on/Im addicted to I have a great gift/love for I have a strong preference for I am gifted in My interest lies in With great interest in, I I have/show great in

40、terest in ,1)分類: 城市介紹;地點、路線介紹 2)審題: 文體:說明文 時態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時 人稱:第三人稱 要點:按文字提示整理信息 結構: 開頭段:交待背景,引出所要介紹的地點 主體段:概括要點,按要點順序簡介地點 結尾段:首尾呼應,提出期待或希望,5、地點方位類,3)表達技巧?,策略1:語言要簡練、準確。 策略2:重點在方位表達形式的多樣化,難點在對要點的架構和重組 Opposite to sp. is sp. West of the village is Behind/In front of sp. is sp. 策略3:邏輯要清晰,可以按照地理位置、自然環(huán)境、城市面貌和變化

41、發(fā)展的順序進行描述,書面表達中的高級結構,一、高級詞匯,1 think of:2 spend:3 want/look for: 4 very: 5 sit: 6 should:,occur, hit/strike, come up with, dawn on,devoteto, busy/occupy, put in, set aside,seeksought, sought, be after,1 think of: occur, hit, come up with 我突然意識到有人闖入了我的房間。,- Suddenly I had an idea that someone had brok

42、en into my house. An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house. It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.,Then wehit on/upon the idea of asking viewers to donate money over the Net.,2 spend: devoteto, busy oneselfHe devotes all his spare time to reading. He busies hims

43、elf (in) reading in his spare time. (busy oneself with sth.),Reading _ all his spare time.,occupies,occupy somebody with (doing) something,He puts in reading during all his spare time. (put something in),His spare time is filled with reading.,4 very: but The film we saw last night was very interesti

44、ng. The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting. The film we saw last night was anything but boring.,二、 高級句型結構,請舉出你所知道的高級句型結構:, It句型, It will be + some time + before It wont be long before humans visit the Mars. It is + adj./n.+ for sb to do sth. It is very important for us to learn compu

45、ter well, because it has changed our life so much.,He said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts.(2008年湖北卷) It is + 被強調(diào)部分 + that 1) It is what Yang Liwei has done that encourages us a lot. 2) Those who like reading extensively say it is through

46、reading that we get our knowledge., 名詞從句 It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk. ( 2004 全國卷 ) My hometown is no longer what it used to be.,(非限制性)定語從句 The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street. It is not far from Jianxin Chinese School.,The flat

47、 is in a building on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. (NMET 2003), It was quite an experience for us both, which Ill never forget for the rest of my life. (2002 北京卷), with結構 A terrible accident happened yesterday, with nine people killed and almost eighty injured. He was

48、 carrying a bedroll and a large bag on his shoulder, with a large suitcase in his left hand.,三、 過渡關聯(lián),情景作文的段落1 Opening paragraph 2 Body 避免一幅圖一個自然段。 3 Ending (記敘文發(fā)表感想請注意:上文寫過或能推出的感想,而不是突然冒出來的; 也不是對前面部分的重復,而是以不同的表達對前面所寫內(nèi)容進行提煉、升華。),開放作文,開放作文,Open-ended writing,(04)開放作文(滿分15分) 請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50。,Xiao

49、 Ming tells you that he had 100 yuan yesterday morning, which he put into the pocket of his jacket. He spent 40 yuan yesterday afternoon. But now when he reaches into the pocket of his jacket, he finds only 10 yuan. He is wondering what has happened to the rest of the money. As his friend, you sugge

50、st to him three or four different possibilities concerning the missing money.,開放作文,Open-ended writing,(05) In your English class, the teacher showsthis picture of a little boy looking into a mirror, and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates have different understandings. Look at thepicture c

51、arefully and tell the class how you understand the picture.,開放作文,Open-ended writing,(06) You and your Australian friend Jim are visiting a city in China where you see the street sculptures as shown below. You and Jim are discussing what the artist is trying to say. Now you are telling Jim how you un

52、derstand this piece of art and what makes you think so. 提示詞: 雕塑 sculpture 筆記本電腦 laptop,開放作文,(07)請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50. In your English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.,開放作文,Open-ended writing,(08) 請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50。 In a

53、n English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.,開放作文,Open-ended writing,(09) 請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文,詞數(shù)不少于50 In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the picture and expl

54、ain how you understand it.,開放作文考點和能力要求分析,開放作文考點和能力要求分析,開放作文試題的要求: 1)文章扣題: 描述是為理解奠定基礎,應根據(jù)所要闡明的理解內(nèi)容有的放矢,突出主題;切忌將漫畫中所有看到的內(nèi)容逐一羅列出來。 2)思維活躍: 試題提供了廣闊的發(fā)散思維空間,有利于考生從不同的、全新的角度看待分析一個事物或現(xiàn)象。 3)內(nèi)容健康充實: 內(nèi)容要點可用不同方式表達,但要以樂觀向上,積極的態(tài)度進行表達。,開放作文考點和能力要求分析,開放作文試題的要求: 4)邏輯清楚: 完整呈現(xiàn)推理過程,對漫畫的描述與個人理解的表達相互呼應,構成一個有機的整體。 5)語言規(guī)范,

55、交際得體: 用詞準確,表述清晰,有條理,語言流暢。 學生的表達語境(英語口語競賽、英語課堂發(fā)言等),盡可能口語化。,一、立意與議論 理解圖片(2/3篇幅):理解時要有升華,有深度,結合現(xiàn)實生活圍繞話題進行議論。 1.兩個物象的立意與議論 圖中出現(xiàn)兩個主要物象時,描圖和議論時注意兩者之間的對比關系。這是最近幾年高考的熱點。 2006年城市雕塑長衫的老者和時髦的少女; 2007年大鳥和小鳥; 2008年的鉛筆和圓規(guī)。,例1:2008北京卷 開放作文 請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。 詞數(shù)不少于50。 In an English speech competition, you are asked to

56、describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it. 可接受的觀點 思路1:圓規(guī)驕傲,而鉛筆努力、執(zhí)著。宣揚一種奮斗精神。 思路2:圓規(guī)原地徘徊,而鉛筆永往直前。鼓勵人們?yōu)閷崿F(xiàn)人生目標而前進。 思路3:圓規(guī)可以畫出精彩的圓,鉛筆可以畫出筆直的線。選擇適當?shù)墓ぞ咄瓿刹煌哪繕恕?思路4:圓規(guī)可以畫出精彩的圓,鉛筆可以畫出筆直的線。不同的事物有自己的優(yōu)勢和劣勢。號召人們發(fā)揮優(yōu)勢,完成目標。,2. 單個物象的議論 圖中出現(xiàn)一個物象時,描圖和議論時注意抓住漫畫所表達的引申含義。 例1:北京西城區(qū)2

57、008年高三英語抽樣檢查試題 請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50。 In your English class,you are asked to describe this picture of a wooden barrel and explain to your classmates how you understand it 審圖: 1. 一個由不同長度木板構成的木桶,水從最短板處流出。 2. 結論:人要全面發(fā)展,個別缺點會影響人的成功。 團隊要共同發(fā)展,個別人落后會影響整體的進步。 文體:議論文 時態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時 人稱:第一人稱,Possible ideas 1. What y

58、ou see at the first glance may limit your thinking. 2. We must look deeper so as not to be cheated by the surface. 3. Everyone can grow old. Treasure your time. 4. Its more than one way to look at something. 5. We should have positive attitude towards failure.,3. 多個物象的議論 圖中出現(xiàn)多個物象時,描圖和議論時注意抓住漫畫所表達的主要

59、矛盾,要有的放矢、中心突出。,例:北京市海淀區(qū)2008高三年級第二學期期中練習 請根據(jù)下面提示,寫一篇短文。詞數(shù)不少于50。 In your English class,you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it 圖片信息: 1. 兩個孩子望向遠方的太陽-對未來的憧憬 2. 孩子面前的彎彎的小路、高山、樹木-通向成功路上 的困難和艱辛 3. 光芒四射、蓬勃而出的朝陽-美好的未來(成功的頂峰) Possible ideas: 1. suns

60、et-forget the past-value the normal daily life; 2. two girls-one brave (success); one afraid (failure) 3. sunset-sad-let it pass-wait for sunrise 4. two girls help each other-friendship help us succeed 5. watch sunrise-get hope/courage,二、描圖 用第三人稱和一般現(xiàn)在時描述圖片內(nèi)容,描圖時做到內(nèi)容充實、具體、形象、生動。描圖時不加入個人觀點。 描圖是為下文對漫畫的

61、理解奠定基礎,要根據(jù)所要闡明的理解內(nèi)容有的放矢、中心突出,而并非僅僅將漫畫中的所有看到的內(nèi)容都逐一羅列出來。 描圖篇幅一般不超過1/3。,As can be seen in the picture, some people are standing hand-in-hand, forming the shape of a heart. They are all smiling happily. As can be seen in the picture, a boy with two wings is flying high in the sky, his face shining with

62、a confident smile, while below him there are many people holding up their thumbs or giving signs of victory. In the picture, a boy is trying hard to push forward the hour hand of the clock while an old man is making a great effort to push backward the minute hand of the same clock. Both of them are

63、trying their best, but in the opposite directions. As can be seen in the picture, a tree is broken by the strong wind, while the grass still stays as it is. Weak and small as the grass is, it can stand the strong wind.,An open-ended composition,Describe a picture,Interpret its implied meaning Point

64、out its implications in our life,Give your own comment,思路的產(chǎn)生: 1、先有樹,還是先有樓?(兩種情形) 2、有用元素:太陽、彎曲的樹、樓(很靠近) (the sun, two apartments/ flats/buildings , closely-located, the winding/twisted/curved tree) 3、矛盾點何在?(漫畫、夸張) 4、折射出什么生活現(xiàn)象?,1、讀圖 2、抓主要矛盾 3、聯(lián)系生活 4、升華觀點,Read and mark.,2010年1月北京考試院抽樣考試作文,評分標準知多少?,北京高考

65、開放作文分_個檔次給分 。評分時,先根據(jù)文章的_ 初步確定其檔次,然后以該檔次的_來衡量,確定或_檔次,最后給分。,4,內(nèi)容和語言質量,要求,調(diào)整,評分時應考慮:文章是否_,結構是否_內(nèi)容是否_ _,思維是否_,邏輯是否_,語言是否_,交際是否_。,扣題,完整,,充實、健康,活躍,清晰,準確,得體,第一檔1315分 第二檔 912 分第三檔 48分 第四檔 13分 無檔 0分,(一)看圖說話類 1、現(xiàn)象型 2、抽象型 3、主題型 (二)提綱類(計劃、建議、可能性等) (三)續(xù)寫類(以故事為主),分 類,得分點: 文章是否扣題 結構是否完整 內(nèi)容是否充實、健康 思維是否活躍 邏輯是否清晰 語言是否規(guī)范 交際是否得體,扣分點:?,文體不對 結構不全 立意跑偏 描議脫節(jié),要求:思維邏輯性與嚴謹性,開放作文,(一)看圖說話類,1、審題 文體:議論文 結構:描圖1/3文字,議圖2/3文字 時態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時、一般講來時等,忌用過去時 人稱:描圖:第三人稱 議圖:聯(lián)系實際最好用第一人稱,2、寫作指導,1)關鍵詞?,要素-

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