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1、邵小樂 英語09-03班310914010314The adventures of Huckleberry Finn 馬克吐溫(Mark Twain,1835年11月30日1910年4月21日),原名薩繆爾蘭亨克萊門 (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) ,是美國的幽默大師、小說家、作家,也是著名演說家,19世紀后期美國現(xiàn)實主義文學的杰出代表。 童年:生活清苦,在印刷所當學徒。青年:在密西西比河上作領航員。南北戰(zhàn)爭爆發(fā)后,去西部淘金,后在報館作記者。開始創(chuàng)作生涯。傻子國外旅行記(1869)過苦日子(1872)19世紀70年代初,他同一位富商的女兒奧蘭登結了婚,定居康涅狄格州的哈

2、特福德。1874年,他同人合作寫了一部長篇小說鍍金時代,嘲諷當時彌漫全國的投機、發(fā)財?shù)臍夥铡4撕?,馬克吐溫以寫作為生,收入頗豐,生活穩(wěn)定。 湯姆索亞歷險記(1876)是對童年生活的生動描寫。在密西西比河上(1883)回憶了作者當年的航行生涯。哈克貝利費恩歷險記(1884)反映了南北戰(zhàn)爭以前美國的社會生活。19世紀80年代后期,投資“佩奇排字機”的試制工程,又經(jīng)辦出版公司,均告失敗。為償還債務,1891年,馬克吐溫關閉了哈特福德的寓所,到世界各地去巡回演講,于1900年回國。出了美國,他發(fā)現(xiàn)歐美帝國主義在世界各地的種種罪行,赤道環(huán)游記(1897)譴責帝國主義的殖民政策,贊揚殖民地人民的反帝斗爭。

3、晚年,馬克吐溫主要作品是自傳,發(fā)表在他去世之后(1924)。 The adventures of Huckleberry FinnMark Twain AbstractMark Twain waft the pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He Was born in the one-horse village of Florida, Missouri, in 1835.He rose to become a famous American realistic writer, lecturer and traveler before he died

4、 in 1910.His masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn published in 1884 presents a vivid picture of American society in the 19th century. This essay presents an analysis of Mark Twains writing features and characterization of Huckleberry Finn. The main clue of this novel was a white boy Huck w

5、ho helped a runaway slave Jim gains freedom. The writer narrated the story in first person, which enables readers to appreciate the significance of the novel directly and deeply. The two heroes Huck and Jim stand for two different classes. In the winding and adventurous journey, Huck and Jim have bu

6、ilt up an everlasting friendship that has broken down the barrier between the white and black. The writers wording is full of humor, sarcasm and contempt. This writing traits(特征,特點,特性) and rhetorical(夸張的) tactics(策略,手段) contribute to reflecting the strong desire of the public to abolish the bondage(

7、 奴役;束縛)of slavery and pursue independence and freedom. 馬 克 吐 溫 ,原 名 塞 繆 爾 -朗 赫 恩 克 萊 門 斯 .1835年 11月 30日出 生 于 密 蘇 里 州 一 個 名 叫 佛 羅 里 達 的 小 村 ,塞 繆 爾 朗 赫恩 克 萊 門 斯 在 1910年 逝 世 前 已 成 為 美 國 著 名 的 現(xiàn) 實 主 義 作 家 ,演 講 家 和 旅 行 家 .他 于 1884年 發(fā) 表 了 他 最 成 功 的 長 篇 小 說 ,它 形 象 生 動 地 反 映 了 美 國 十 九 世 紀 的 社會 現(xiàn) 實 .本 文 詳 盡

8、地 分 析 和 評 論 了 馬 克 吐 溫 的 代 表 作 的 寫 作 特 點 和 人 物 形 象 .這 篇 小 說 的 主 要 線 索就 是 白 人 男 孩 哈 克 幫 助 黑 人 選 奴 吉 姆 獲 得 自 由 的 歷 險 經(jīng) 歷 .作者 運 用 第 一 人 稱 的 口 吻 使 得 讀 者 能 夠 更 加 直 接 和 深 刻 地 領 會 小說 的 意 義 .小 說 的 主 人 公 哈 克 和 吉 姆 盡 管 屬 于 不 同 的 社 會 階 層 .但 是 經(jīng) 過 曲 折 波 蕩 的 歷 險 經(jīng) 歷 ,使 兩 個 人 建 立 起 永 恒 的 友 誼 打破 了 黑 人 與 白 人 的 種 族 束

9、 縛 .作 者 的 創(chuàng) 作 語 言 富 于 幽 默 .諷 刺 和嘲 諷 .這 一 寫 作 特 點 和 創(chuàng) 作 風 格 使 本 作 品 更 深 刻 地 揭 露 了 奴 隸制 的 黑 暗 .反 映 了 當 時 的 人 民 大 眾 要 求 廢 除 種 族 壓 迫 以 及 追 求自 由 和 平 等 的 強 烈 愿 望 . Ten aspects of Adventures of Huckleberry Finns theme.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Friendship.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme o

10、f Youth.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Man and the Natural World.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of The Supernatural.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Family.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Morality and Ethics.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Religion.Adventures of

11、 Huckleberry Finn Theme of Foolishness and Folly.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Lies and Deceit.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Rules and Order Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of FriendshipThe developing friendship between a white boy (Huck) and a black slave (Jim) is the main

12、driving force of this novel. It is this friendship that makes Hucks decision of whether to help Jim escape slavery so difficult. Hucks ultimate choice pits him against everything had previously known to be right. Huck makes several comments throughout the book that let us know how seriously he takes

13、 his friendships. He values loyalty most highly, and that leads him to stick with Jim (who proves his loyalty to Huck several times) to the end. Throughout the course of the story, many friendships are tested again and again, but whether or not the ideal of friendship prevails at the end of the day

14、is subject to debate. Huck Finns youthful naivet is part of the charm of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Because of his young age, he is able to approach conflict with an innocence and curiosity that an older protagonist might lack. Too young to be fully indoctrinated with the values of antebell

15、um (pre-Civil War) South, Huck gets to examine issues in light of his own still-evolving moral compass. Tom Sawyers runaway imagination adds another layer of adventurousness to the plot, and Hucks contentment with the simple things in life remind us were not dealing with somebody whos got a ton of p

16、ersonal baggage. Lastly, the playful tone of Hucks narration strikes an interesting balance with the weightier topics of the novel, such as slavery, morality, and racism.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Youth Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Man and the Natural WorldOne of Huck Finns s

17、truggles in this book is whether he prefers the world of civilization to living in the woods. Often it seems he is a wild, unkempt thirteen-year-old boy who would rather spend his day catching snakes than washing up for supper. He declares several times that hes happiest when hes alone with nature (

18、or alone with Jim and nature). However, it is also clear that Huck craves the structure and caring of a family household. He strongly admires some aspects of the cultural world, and seems to respect (and sometimes envy) others choice to follow rules and social norms. The tension between Hucks desire

19、 for a free, unencumbered life and the pull towards family structure and cultural refinement is one of Hucks central battles. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of The SupernaturalBelief in the supernatural and superstition in general are the marks of multiple characters in the Adventures of Huckl

20、eberry Finn. Its their mutual belief in certain superstitions that originally draws Huck and Jim together. Neither has a strong religious faith, and their belief in certain superstitions help both Jim and Huck explain things that they cannot otherwise explain. It is possible that the novel parodies

21、religion by comparing it to mere superstition, since some characters take advantage of both belief systems to manipulate and deceive. Often, superstitions are used as attempts to explain why bad things happen. When a character gets rewarded, or when something good happens, most would like to take cr

22、edit for that positive outcome. But when someone is punished, or something terrible happens.well, its a lot more comforting to blame that on plain old rotten luck. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of FamilyDuring his adventures on the Mississippi River Huck Finn encounters one family after anoth

23、er. Having left an abusive father behind, Huck appears to be trying out various familial situations as he travels. It seems like hes pretty keen on getting a family of his own because most of Hucks deceptions involve him making up a fictitious family of his own that fits in with the story. He develo

24、ps many pseudo-family relationships during his travels. Interestingly, the strongest family-like bond he creates is with his own friends, and particularly with Jim and Tom. It remains unclear whether or not Huck realizes and accepts this fact, but he definitely recognizes the unmatchable strength of

25、 the bonds he and his friends share. As a semi-orphan, Huck replaces his missing family with his friends. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Morality and EthicsThirteen-year-old Huck Finns narration in this novel focuses largely on his internal moral struggles. Forced to reconcile his personal

26、feelings of friendship for an escaped slave with what society has told him is right, Huck learns through the course of the story to trust his moral instincts. Despite his actions, however, the question remains at the end of novel as to whether Huck is truly able to overcome the pervading ethos of th

27、e pre-Civil War South. You could argue either way. Huck was amazingly strong-willed and in touch with his own personal sense of morality to turn away from societys pressures and the laws threats. But the end of the novel is somewhat ambiguous. To complicate matters, throughout the story Huck does te

28、nd to think one thing and then turn right around and believe another. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of ReligionReligion seems to be a constant target for criticism in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Those who are religious are often painted as overzealous, and many of them are manipulated

29、 because of their faith. It seems that Twain places organized religion in opposition to his central anti-racism theme; Huck feels like he has to renounce religion in order to help Jim escape to freedom. Twain might have painted religion in such a negative way for several reasons: 1) his own personal

30、 views on religion; 2) the common belief in the antebellum Southwas that God had made black people naturally inferior, and that slavery was OK; and 3) the church was an easy target for satire. We think, most likely, it was some sort of combination of the three. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme o

31、f Foolishness and FollyFor the most part, characters in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are made fools by other characters. Pranks, cons, tricks, and deceptions seem to be everyones stock and trade in this novel, which means a healthy supply of gullible nitwits is in demand. And there seems to be

32、 no shortage. As one character succinctly remarks (shortly before being made into an utter fool himself), the group of fools in any town always comprises the majority. True at least as far as the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is concerned. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Lies and DeceitDece

33、ption takes many different forms in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Sometimes it is used for benevolent purposes (to save a mans life, or shield someone from pain), sometimes for harmless fun (to play pranks), and sometimes also for self-serving manipulation (the duke and the king). Narrator Huc

34、k Finn seems to enjoy lying at any and all opportunities, but hes thirteen and is still just a child. This novel seems to draw a thick line between harmless lies and morally corrupt ones. For instance, someone with hurtful or selfish intentions will be caught and punished for their wrongdoing; indiv

35、iduals with benevolent aims never cause any real harm. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Theme of Rules and OrderThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn presents a slew of conflicting rules. Narrator Huck Finn struggles in choosing between religious rules, his own moral instincts, the countrys laws, and the

36、 relativist justifications of the conmen called the duke and king. From rules of honor and principle amidst feuding families to childlike views of the world as something fantastical, Huck Finn explores the contradictions between these different systems and the effect such conflict can have on a youn

37、g boy. When thinking about the big decisions Huck is faced with, we cant help but think of one of those posters hanging on middle school wall: Whats popular is not always right, whats right is not always popular. We think Huck would agree with that. We could also edit that maxim to say that the law

38、isnt always right, and Tom Sawyer isnt always right, and preachers arent always right. but Huck has to figure out what is the right thing to do. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain is commonly accounted as one of the first Great American Novels. It was also one of the first major Ame

39、rican novels ever written using Local Color Realism or the vernacular, or common speech, being told in the first person by the eponymous Huckleberry Huck Finn, best friend of Tom Sawyer (hero of three other Mark Twain books). The book was first published in 1884. The book is noted for its innocent y

40、oung protagonist(主角,主要人物), its colorful description of people and places along the Mississippi River, and its sober(樸素的,樸實的) and often scathing look at entrenched(十分頑固的)attitudes, particularly racism, of the time. The drifting journey of Huckleberry Finn and his friend Nigger Jim, a runaway slave, d

41、own the Mississippi River on their raft may be one of the most enduring images of escape and freedom in all of American literature. The book has been popular with young readers since its publication, and taken as a sequel(續(xù)集,續(xù)篇)to the comparatively innocuous The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (which had n

42、o particular social message), it has also been the continued object of study by serious literary critics. Although the Southern society it satirized(對.寫諷刺文章;挖苦) was already a quarter-century in the past by the time of publication, the book immediately became controversial( 有爭議的,引起或可能引起爭論的), and has remained so to this day . The end Thank you !

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