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高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 第四編 考前要點再排查 四 熟詞生義練習(xí) 新人教版-新人教版高三全冊英語試題_第1頁
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《高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 第四編 考前要點再排查 四 熟詞生義練習(xí) 新人教版-新人教版高三全冊英語試題》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí) 第四編 考前要點再排查 四 熟詞生義練習(xí) 新人教版-新人教版高三全冊英語試題(16頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、四、熟詞生義1.address 熟詞:n. 地址,住址,網(wǎng)址;電子郵箱地址;演說;演講生義:v. 稱呼;發(fā)表演說;提出;寫地址;處理Mr Howard gave an address on economic strategies in Asia.霍華德先生發(fā)表了關(guān)于亞洲經(jīng)濟戰(zhàn)略的演講。Most people call me Bob. How do I address you?大家叫我鮑勃,我怎么稱呼你?Please address all enquiries to this office.一切查詢請向本辦公室提出。There is a letter addressed to you.有封寫給你

2、收的信。The next meeting will address the problem of truancy.下次會議將著手解決學(xué)生的逃課問題。He addressed me in low tunes.他低聲與我交談。2admit 熟詞:vt. 承認生義:vt. 準許進入;接容納;容許This ticket admits two people to the football match.這張票可供兩人入場看足球賽。He was delighted to be_admitted to Beijing University.他很高興被北京大學(xué)錄取。The cinema admits about

3、 2,000 people.這座電影院大約可容納 2,000 人。The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation.這些規(guī)章制度不容許有其他解釋。3against 熟詞:prep. 反對;逆著;倚靠著生義:prep. 襯托,以為背景;防備The white building looks beautiful against the blue sky.在藍天襯托下,這棟白樓很漂亮。She was forced to go there against her will.她被迫不情愿地去那里。Put the ladder against t

4、he wall.把梯子靠著墻放置。We are all taking medicine against the flu.我們都在服藥預(yù)防流感。Lets have a further talk.Sorry, I dont have time to talk. My report is due on Friday and I am in a race against_time.“我們深談一下吧?!薄皩Σ黄?,我沒時間談。我的報告周五到期,我在趕時間呢?!?air 熟詞:n. 空氣,天空生義:v. 發(fā)表(意見等);使通風(fēng),使通氣At the meeting, everyone had a chance

5、 to air their views.會上,每個人都有機會發(fā)表意見。She aired the room by opening the window. 她打開窗子使房間通風(fēng)。5allow 熟詞:vt. 允許,準許生義:vi. 容許(of);體諒,顧及(for)vt. 預(yù)留,預(yù)計They allowed him 1,000 for expenses.他們給他每年1,000 英鎊的開銷。The situations allow of no excuse.形勢不容許拖延。We must allow for his youth.我們應(yīng)當體諒他年輕。We should allow 15 minutes

6、 for delay.我們應(yīng)該預(yù)留15分鐘以防耽擱。6attend 熟詞:vt. 出席,參加生義:vi. 伺候,照應(yīng);處理,料理(與to連用)A nurse attended_to his needs constantly.有一位護士經(jīng)常照料他的需要。You should know how to attend_to the problem.你應(yīng)該知道如何處理這個問題。7build 熟詞:vt. 建造, 建筑生義:n. 體格;體型Were of the same build.我們體型相同。He is a man of strong build.他是個體格健壯的人。8charge 熟詞:n. 費用

7、vt. 收費,索價;指控生義:vt.猛沖,攻擊;充電;裝(滿)Suddenly the wild animal charged at us.突然那頭野獸朝我們沖過來。I have to charge my mobile phone every day.我每天得給手機充電。He immediately charged a gun with powder.他立刻用火藥填滿炮。9coin 熟詞:n. 硬幣生義:vt. 造幣,鑄幣;杜撰(新單詞或短語)The government has decided to coin more oneyuan pieces.政府決定再鑄造一些一元的硬幣。Do not

8、 coin terms that are intelligible to nobody.不要生造誰也不懂的詞語。10collect 熟詞:vt. 收集生義:vt. 收(租,稅,賬等);募(捐);領(lǐng)取(信件等);使鎮(zhèn)靜,集中(思想等);領(lǐng)取,接走His work is to collect the electricity fee every month.他的工作是每月收取電費。Today it is his turn to collect the children from school.今天該輪到他把孩子們從學(xué)校接回去。Before you begin to make a speech, yo

9、u should collect your thoughts and ideas.在你開始講話之前,你應(yīng)當集中你的思想和意念。11count 熟詞:vt. 數(shù)數(shù),計算生義:v. 依靠,依賴(on);認為,看作;有價值,重要You can count_on my help.你可以依賴我的幫助。We count it an honor to help those in need.我們把幫助那些需要幫助的人看作是榮耀的事。Every second counts.每一秒鐘都很重要。12cover 熟詞:vt. 覆蓋n. 封面;被子生義:vt. 占地面積;走完(一段路程);報道;夠付(費用)The to

10、wn covers 5 square miles.小鎮(zhèn)占地5平方英里。I want to cover 100 miles by dark.我想在天黑之前走完100英里。He was sent to cover a fire for a newspaper.他被派去為報紙采訪失火的新聞。These expenses are covered by the state.這些費用都由國家負擔。13drive 熟詞:vt. 開車生義:vt. 吹,卷;驅(qū)趕n. 車程;活動;強烈愿望Its a 2hour drive from Birmingham.從伯明翰開車要兩個小時。He still has plen

11、ty of drive and ambition.他仍然充滿干勁、雄心勃勃。The noise outside almost drove him mad.外面的噪音幾乎使他發(fā)瘋。Food_drive helps hungry people.通過“食物募捐活動”幫助窮人。14employ 熟詞:vt. 雇用生義:vt. 使用,采用Why didnt you employ the new method?你們?yōu)槭裁床徊捎媚莻€新方法呢?She employs her time wisely.她善于利用時間。15equal 熟詞:adj. 平等的,相等的v. 等于生義:adj. 勝任的vt. 比得上Jo

12、hn is quite equal to the job of running the office.約翰完全能夠勝任主理這個辦事處的工作。None of us can equal her.沒人比得上她。16exercise 熟詞:vt. 練習(xí)n. 鍛煉生義:vt. 運用(權(quán)力),發(fā)揮She is good at exercising her intelligence to solve the problems.她善于運用智慧解決問題。It exercised a strong influence towards goodwill between the two great English s

13、peaking peoples.這件事對兩個講英語的偉大民族之間的友好親善發(fā)揮了巨大作用。17figure 熟詞:n. 數(shù)字;人像;畫像;圖;圖表生義:n. 人物v. 領(lǐng)會,懂得;推測,判斷,估計They are all the great figures of history.他們都是歷史上的偉大人物。We must figure_out how to solve the problem.我們必須想出解決這個問題的辦法。I figure hell be back soon.我估計他很快會回來。18gift 熟詞:n. 禮物生義:n. 天賦vt. 白送He has a gift for mus

14、ic.他有音樂天賦。They gifted their opponents a goal.他們白送給對方一分。19hit 熟詞:vt. 打生義:vt. 襲擊;使受嚴重影響;使想起;達到n. 轟動Last week a violent typhoon hit the coastal areas.上周一場猛烈的臺風(fēng)襲擊了沿海地區(qū)。The plan to charge motorists 75 a year to use the motorway is going to hit me hard.每年向開車跑高速的人征收75英鎊的方案將對我造成嚴重的影響。Then the answer hit me.

15、然后我突然就想到了答案。Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.昨天石油價格達到了新高。The story hit the front pages of newspapers across America. 這則報道在美國成了頭條新聞。20hold 熟詞:vt. 拿著,握著;召開,舉行生義:vt. 使身體保持某種姿勢;抑制,控制;容納;擁有,持有(金錢、土地、職位等);保持,繼續(xù);認為Hold yourself still.身體不要動。They all held their breath to expect the final results.他們都屏住氣

16、等待最后的結(jié)果。The room can hold twenty people.這屋子可容下20個人。She held an important position at the bank.她在這家銀行里擔任一個重要的職務(wù)。My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this matter.對于這件事,我和丈夫持相反的觀點。Do you think the good weather can hold?你認為好天氣能持續(xù)下去嗎?We hold that no country should interfere in the internal affai

17、rs of other countries.我們認為一國不應(yīng)干涉他國的內(nèi)政。21land 熟詞:n. 陸地,土地v. (使)登陸生義:vt. 捕(魚),抓住或釣上(魚);獲得,取得Finally the fisherman anded a big catfish.最后漁夫釣上一條大鯰魚。Two weeks later, he landed a wellpaid job.兩周后,他找到一份收入很高的工作。He was glad to land a contract with a Japanese firm.他很高興攬到一份與一家日本公司的合同。22last 熟詞:adj. 最后的生義:vt. 持

18、續(xù),延續(xù);使得以維持adj. 最不可能的The festival lasted two days.節(jié)日持續(xù)了兩天。The food will last us another week.食品夠我們再吃一星期。He is the last man for the job.對這項工作來說他是最不合適的人。23lead 熟詞:vt. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)n. 鉛生義:vt. 通向(to);導(dǎo)致(to);(在比賽中)領(lǐng)先;過(生活)n. 榜樣,帶頭作用The path leads to the village.這條小路通到那村莊。The evidence they got led to the thief being

19、caught.他們搜集到的證據(jù)使竊賊被抓。After the first half of the race I was leading.跑了一半賽程后我領(lǐng)先了。He led a happy life.他的日子過得很幸福。We should take the lead in everything.我們應(yīng)該處處領(lǐng)先。24leave 熟詞:vt. 離開;留下;忘了帶,丟下生義:vt. 使處于某種狀態(tài);聽任n. 假期(不可數(shù))I always leave the raincoat hanging behind the door.我總是讓雨衣掛在門后。He intended to leave other

20、s in the dark, but the secret was out.他打算不讓別人知道,但是秘密泄露了。Leave it as it is.讓它保持原樣。He asked for two days leave.他請了兩天假。25major 熟詞:adj. 大的,主要的生義:n. 大學(xué)主修科目vt. 主修,專攻(in)He didnt like his major,_so he exchanged it one year later.他不喜歡自己的專業(yè),所以一年后換了專業(yè)。He majored in physics at college.大學(xué)時他主修物理。26monitor 熟詞:n.

21、班長生義:n. 監(jiān)聽器,監(jiān)控器vt. 監(jiān)控;檢查The patient was connected to the monitor.病人身上連著監(jiān)護器。Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.官員們沒有獲得允許監(jiān)督投票。27owe 熟詞:vt. 欠,欠債生義:vt. 感恩,感激;(常與to連用)歸功于I owe you for your help.我感謝你的幫助。The young writer owed his success to his teachers encouragement.年輕作家把自己的成功歸因于他老師的鼓勵。2

22、8passage 熟詞:n. 章節(jié),段落生義:n. 通行,通過;(狹窄的)通道,走廊;(時間的)流逝;船程The wooden bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of lorries.這座木橋不夠堅固,載重貨車不能通行。He didnt enter the room. Instead, he waited in the passage,_smoking.他沒有進入房間,而是在走廊等候,抽著煙。Her confidence grew with the passage of time.她的信心與日俱增。He couldnt affor

23、d the fare, and so he had to earn his passage by doing jobs on the ship.他交不起船費,只得靠在船上做些零活來掙取路費。29perform 熟詞:vt. 表演生義:vt. 履行,執(zhí)行,完成;表現(xiàn)About 200 heart operations a year are performed at the hospital.這家醫(yī)院每年進行大約200臺心臟手術(shù)。We are looking for people who have performed outstanding acts of bravery.我們在尋找那些有過杰出英

24、勇事跡的人。A complex engine has many separate components, each performing a different function.一臺復(fù)雜的發(fā)動機由很多獨立的部件組成,每個部件都發(fā)揮著不同的作用。The tables give a picture of how schools are performing.這些表格顯示出各個學(xué)校的表現(xiàn)情況。How well does this car perform in snow and ice?這輛汽車在冰雪天氣駕駛性能如何?Although she had never been interviewed o

25、n TV before, she performed well.雖然以前沒有接受過電視訪問,她表現(xiàn)得非常出色。30picture 熟詞:n. 畫,圖畫;照片生義:vt. 想象;(生動地)描繪、描述She pictured herself at school in a foreign country.她想象自己在國外上學(xué)。It is hard to picture life 200 years ago.很難想象200年前人們的生活。In his work, he pictured their suffering during the war.在他的作品中,他生動描述了戰(zhàn)爭中的苦難。31promi

26、se 熟詞:vt. 允諾, 答應(yīng)n. 保證,承諾生義:vt. 預(yù)示,預(yù)兆n. 跡象,征兆Early mist promises fair weather.晨霧預(yù)示好天氣。He seems to be a young player of great promise.他似乎是一個很有前途的年輕球員。The letter gave a promise of greater happiness.那封信預(yù)示了更大的幸福。32raise 熟詞:vt. 提高,提升生義:vt. (錢等的) 籌募,籌集;提出;飼養(yǎng),種植,養(yǎng)育;引起They are going to raise money for a prim

27、ary school in a remote poor area.他們打算為貧困邊遠地區(qū)的一所小學(xué)募集資金。Finally we answered the question that was raised at the meeting.最后我們回答了會上提出的問題。After discussing, they decided to raise corn and soybeans.討論之后,他們決定種植玉米和大豆。Raising children is not an easy task, especially in big cities.撫養(yǎng)孩子不是一件容易的事,尤其是在大城市。His rema

28、rks raised a laugh.她的評論引起一陣大笑。33reach 熟詞:vt. 到達生義:vt. 伸出(手);聯(lián)系;達成(結(jié)論、協(xié)議);(大或長等)足夠達到n. 河段;(手/能力可及之)距離、范圍He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Chinese knot.他把手伸進口袋,拿出一個中國結(jié)。Ive been trying all day to reach him on the telephone.我整天都在打電話找他。The book in the shelf was out of reach.我夠不著書架上的書。No agreeme

29、nt hasnt been reached,_so we have to hold another meeting.沒有達成任何協(xié)議,所以我們還要再開會。The garden reaches down to the lake.花園一直延伸到湖邊。They are ready to go to the upper reaches of a river.他們準備去河流的上游。34read 熟詞:vt. 讀,朗讀,閱讀生義:vt. 看懂,理解;顯示,上面寫道Its hard to read the expression on his face.難以理解他臉上的表情。I cant read your

30、shorthand notes.我看不懂你的速記符號。The thermometer reads 80 degrees Fahrenheit.溫度計顯示華氏80度。I found the note, reading,_“Happy Birthday!”我找到了那張便條,上面寫道,“生日快樂!”35regard 熟詞:vt. 把看作生義:vt. 認為,看作;注視n. pl.問候,致意Please give my regards to your mother.請代我向你媽媽表達問候。She stood back and regarded him coldly.她退后站著,冷冷地看著他。36resp

31、ect 熟詞:vt.& n. 尊敬;尊重生義:n. pl.敬意,問候;方面;重視,關(guān)心Please give my respects to your friends.請代我向你的朋友表示敬意。I think you are wrong in every respect.我覺得你各方面都錯了。We must pay respect to the needs of the general readers.我們必須關(guān)心一般讀者的需要。37save 熟詞:vt. 挽救;節(jié)省生義:vt. 免除,避免;保存,保留;收集The article he sent to me saved me much trou

32、ble.他發(fā)給我的這篇文章免去我很多麻煩。Save_your_breath. Its no use arguing with him.別白費勁兒了。與他爭論沒有用。She saves in every way she can.她在各方面盡量節(jié)省。38sense 熟詞:n. 感覺官能;意識生義:n. 意義vt. 感覺,覺察,意識到Y(jié)ou are right in_a_sense,_but you do not know all the facts.在某種意義上你是對的,但是你并不知道實情。What he said doesnt make sense, so I cant make sense o

33、f his remarks.他所說的話意思不清,所以我不明白他的評論。(make sense “有意義,意思清楚,有道理”;make sense of “理解,明白”)He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome.他覺得他的建議不受歡迎。There is a lot of sense in what he says.他的話頗有道理。After finishing the task, we had a sense_of_achievement.完成這項工作后,我們有一種成就感。39spring 熟詞:n. 春天生義:n. 泉水,噴泉;彈簧vi. 跳躍,跳

34、起Everyone sprang_to their feet when the principal walked in.校長進來時,所有的人都立刻站了起來。Natural mountain spring_water is best for tea.泡茶用的水,以天然的山泉水為上。40stand 熟詞:v. 站立; 坐落;忍受生義:vt. 承受;請客;使直立n. 立場,主張;架,臺,攤She was kind enough to stand us a meal.她真好,請我們吃了飯。The building stands over 200 feet high.這棟樓200英尺高。They too

35、k a firm stand on protecting the river nearby.對保護附近的河流他們采取堅定立場。When I caught sight of Jim, he was standing by a fruit_stand.我看到Jim時,他正站在水果攤旁邊。He kicked the ball into the stands.他把球踢到了看臺上。41state 熟詞:vt. 陳述n. 狀態(tài)生義:vt. 聲明;規(guī)定n. 國家,州Please state your name, age and occupation on the form.請在表上填寫你的姓名、年齡和職業(yè)。

36、These tickets can only be used on the stated date.這些票只能在指定日期使用。Everything was in a state of disorder.一切都處于紊亂狀態(tài)。In China, the railways are owned by the state. 在中國,鐵路是國有的。42strike 熟詞:vt. 打,打擊;打動n. 罷工生義:vt. 突然想到;(疾病、地震、洪水等)侵襲,襲擊;(鐘)敲響,報(時);擦,劃(火柴)An idea suddenly struck me.我心中忽然產(chǎn)生一個念頭。The earthquake st

37、ruck the city at night.地震在夜間襲擊了這個城市。The clock struck nine.鐘敲了九下。Strike while the iron is hot.趁熱打鐵。Strike a match, and then you can get fire.劃燃火柴,你可以得到火。43succeed 熟詞:v. 成功生義:vt. 繼之后;接替,繼承Day succeeds day.日復(fù)一日。David Rowland is almost certain to succeed him as chairman.戴維羅蘭接替他任主席幾乎已成定局。The dry weather

38、was succeeded by a month of rain.干旱天氣之后下了一個月雨。44term 熟詞:n. 學(xué)期生義:n. 期間,期限;專業(yè)名詞,術(shù)語;pl. 合同條款、細則vt. 稱為,把叫作He was made captain of the football team for a term of one year.他被推選為足球隊隊長,任期一年。When you write an article to students, dont use too many technical terms.你寫文章給學(xué)生閱讀時,不要用太多的術(shù)語。If you agree to my termsf

39、ree meals and good wagesI will work for you.如果你同意我的條件,免費用餐并給予高薪,我就為你工作。His life may be termed happy.他的生活可稱之為幸福。45treat 熟詞:vt. 對待;看待生義:vt. 治療,處置;使用;宴請,招待,款待n. 款待He has used this method for several years to treat obesity. 他使用這種療法治療肥胖已有多年。Glass must be treated carefully.玻璃必須小心使用。Ill treat myself to a s

40、unbath.我要好好地享受一次日光浴。Put your money away. This is my treat.把你的錢收起來,這次由我請客。46voice 熟詞:n. 聲音,嗓音生義:n. 發(fā)言權(quán)vt. 表達,吐露Everyone should have a voice in this matter.每個人對這件事都應(yīng)該有發(fā)言權(quán)。He voiced the feelings of the crowd.他表達出群眾的情緒。Our group rejected the proposal with one voice.我們小組一致反對提議。47weather 熟詞:n. 天氣生義:vt. 度過

41、(暴風(fēng)雨、困難等);經(jīng)受住They are strong enough to weather the storm.它們足夠結(jié)實可以抵擋住暴風(fēng)雨的襲擊。We have weathered another war.我們又經(jīng)受住了一場戰(zhàn)爭。48weigh 熟詞:v. 稱重量,重達生義:v. 考慮,斟酌,衡量;有分量;壓下You should weigh the matter seriously.你應(yīng)該認真考慮這件事。After weighing the advantages and disadvantages, they decided to give up the plan.權(quán)衡利弊之后,它們決定

42、放棄這個計劃。The fruit weighed the branches down.果子壓得樹枝下垂。His words weighed heavily with me.他的話對我很有分量。49when 熟詞:conj. 當時候生義:conj. 雖然,盡管;在情況下;這時(突然)She stopped short when she ought to have continued.盡管她應(yīng)該繼續(xù)下去,她卻突然停住了。Why use wood when you can use plastic?在可以用塑料的情況下, 為什么還要用木料?He was walking along the street when he caught sight of one of his friends.他正沿著街道行走,這時突然看到了一個朋友。50work 熟詞:n.& vi. 工作生義:n. 著作,作品vi. (方法、藥物等)起作用,奏效This is Rembrandts greatest work.這是倫勃朗最偉大的作品。The machine doesnt work.機器不運行了。The solution he suggested failed to work.他提出的解決辦法沒有奏效。

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