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1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??凭C合英語(3)2020-2021期末試題及答案(試卷號:2160)1 Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Bcncuth each of the followlnx sentences, there lire four choices murked A. K C and !>. Choose the one (hat bnt compictes the sentence Murk your aruwer on lhe ANSWER SHEET. (20 polnti)Examples Thr Aornr/rss coup/rat /

2、as< in finding a flat to rent.A. manand H. didC. finiihdD tuccftdedThe irntencif thtiuld rttad « * The homelrsi couple mcctfdfd at last tn /im/mg a flat to rent. H Therefore you should choosr D.Next time you hnvr n headache rushing (o the drugMorc, yuu might want to try one of these noturnl

3、remrdieRtA. replace oftlinmend ofC. without regard toIXinform of2. He is one of the molt rock climbern in the whole town.A. experiencedKexplainedC. explodedIXexpenmented3. He the bottle he put on <he top of the »hd( on Fridny. but couldn'tfound it.A. dealt withC. figured out4. The li&

4、;ht from a laserA# connect C. contactsH. rtrrivcd m11 renchcd (orin a narrow bcam»B> concentrnteND. conhneM5. Fifteen in a littlr younx to a serious long distance relationfthqhA. put up withB. be pressed intoC. be convinced of11 be involved in6. When it wah all over, both men spoke nn i( the

5、rr a neriou% problem.A# isnftB hadn1! beenQ hAvrn*t been7. Hy the time youin Beijing. Idinner with Mom und Dud nt TinA. nrrive will be having( will arrive will hnveIt arrived will hoveD. arrive hnvrH. Hr no eiirk today thn< be doen not anything to ent.A. feel to like havingH. feel like hnvrG (eel

6、 like to huveD. fee! like having9. Can you tell mea post office nrxir here?A. where la thereFL that is thereC if there isD. what there is10. Not only pets, they made them do strange things tor their rnieruinmcnuA. kept rich peoplerich people did keepC. did rich people keepD. rich people keptII Cloze

7、Dirrctiomit For each numbered bliink in the following passage# there are four choices marked A, B C and D. Choose the best onr and nurk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 poind)When you read n story in English> do you read it for the story or for the English? Thig t> a qurstion that is not h

8、o foolish 11 it may »ecm. For I find that many «tudcnu of English pay far more attention to the story than to the English. They read nnd enjoy and (or a long rime 12 remember the tttory> but do not care to siudy ihr use of words and phraE in it. For inMance9 they keep the memory of 13 t

9、hr eternnl triangle is solvedt but do not remember a single sentence in the story and cannot tell what preposition is used before or after u 14 word in the speech of a ccrtnin chnrRCtcn()1 course« it's all right to read And 15 and remember a story, and bo long ns one wants to know the story

10、 only, one needs not 16 aboui the UnguHKe< The camc K quite different with n student of Enliiih. I mean h stucicni as distinguished from a student of Mtanea or 17 in called the gmernl reader.As you may also have gathered from the above, you ought to read very carefullye Not only very carefully bu

11、t aloudt and that Again and again 】8 you know the passage by heart and can recite it as if it were your own. Positively this will teach you many 19 words and phraaes; negatively it will help you to avoid many errors and faults in expression. Incidenrallyv I have found from experience that intelligen

12、t copying is an aid to 20 by heart 11.A.thatB.(: thanD. as if12.A.afterwardsB.latelyC. UtterD. mere13.A.whenB.whereC whmD. how14.A.simpleKsingleQ onlyD. certain15.A.enjoyB.ignoreC< comprehend【). realise16.A.botherRworryC concernD. trouble17.A.whichB.whatC thatD1318. A. iiinreB. forC tillIX while1

13、9. A< uitefulB. toiiKhC. denirnblet). Available20. A. mtidyingB. kerningC. rvadinKD reviewingUl> Reading ComprvhcmiionDirccthmsi butch of the p&«Miges below h followed by Mime quMtlonx. For each question Ihm re four answer% marked A B C and I). Read the pasMagcsi carvfully und chmmc t

14、hr bc»t nn«wcr to each ot (he qucutions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 point*)Questions 21 25 urc on the followingDeep in«idc a mountain nenr Sweetwater in E/im( Tennessee ir a body of water known am thr Lout Sca< It i» limed by the (iuinne»» Book of Worl

15、d Records 心 the world、 underground l«ke< The Lost Sen in pnrt of nn rxtrnmvc nnd Inntoric cove ny»lcm called Craighead CaverriB<The cuvcrnii have been known nnd used since the day* of the Cherokee Indinn nution* The r«ve expandn into n ncricn of huge rooms from sninll opening on

16、 ihr nidr of the mountaint approxiniAtely onr mile from the cnironett in o room called HThe Council Room.” where many Indian artifacts have been found. Some of the items discovered include pottcry> arrowheadst weapons and jewelry.For many years there were persistent rumors of a large underground

17、lake somewhere in a eave, but it was not discovered until 1905. In that year, a thirteen-year-oH boy named Ben Sands crawled through n small opening three hundred feet undergrounds He found himself in a large cavc half filled with water.Today tourists vtJtit the Lost Sea and ride far out onto it in

18、glass-boitomed boats powered by electric motors- More than thirteen acres of water have been mapped out so far snd still no end of the lake has been found. Even though teams of divers hove tried to explore the Lost Seat the full extent of it is still unknown.21. The Losl Sea is unique because U is A

19、. part of a hisioric cave systemB< the biggest underground lake in the USAC listed in the Guinness Book of World RecordsD the largest body of water in Tennessee22. The Craighead Caverns have been knozun A. throughout historyR. since the time of the Indian nationsC since 1905IX diver® explore

20、d them23. Who located tht Lott Sea ifi recent Zimri? A. The Cherokee IndianaB>TourimQ Hen SanduDScientists24. What wai found in * Thf Council Room H? A. A tmall natural openingU.A Urge caveC< Another ncricn af raonin11Many oldIndinn Objrctn25. It can br inferred from /Ar pasiar that thf Oajg/i

21、ruJ ( awrns presently srrrzr atA. an underground taHinR site11 an Indian meeting groundC. touriiit AttrnctionD. a motorboat rnce coumeQuestions 2630 are bused on the following pf RtsSome people h»tc everything that in modern. They ennnot imARinc how unyone can rcnlly like modern mu«tci the

22、y find H hard to accept the new faahion! tn clothingi they think that all modern painting in uglyi and they seldom hove n Rood word for the new huildingR thm lire beintf built everywhere in the world Such people look for perfection in evcrythinR> nnd they take their ntAndftrdn of perfection from

23、the pa»(> They arc uNually impnfient whIi Anyone who i brnvc enough to ex|x?nmcnt with new idmts or to exprenff hiniAelf or the nc in any oriRinid wayn« It in. o( coume* (rue thnt many artints do not nucccrd in their work and inntrftd produce worku that enn only br conjiidcrrd aa Rhimi.

24、 1( the work of art a painlinKt the mint's (allure conccrnji himnell alone> but if it in n buildingt hin (Allure concern* olhcrt loo. beenunv it mny dnmAgr I hr benuty of the whole place* This docs ometirnrn happen, but it i« completely untrue to My.心 tome people do# that modern architec

25、ture is nothing.We cunft judRc every modern building by the stAnclArds of the ancient time# evrn though wc admire fhr nncient buildiriKK. Technologically the modern buildmK nrc more advanced. The modrrn architect known he should learn from thr ancient worksf but with hin grrmrr rcnources of knowlrdg

26、c and mntcriid牌 hr will never br content to imiiAte the pAW. He i» too proud io do that.26. Some people half fvrrythinn that m mw/rrn became .A. they are 味edB. they look nt fhinK* by the ntarulArda of the pawtC they take their mundurdti o( perfection Irom the (ireekD> they find it hard to nc

27、cept modern thin好27. The writer o f N paxsagr thtriki that.A. it i» true to sny Artime hil in their workB. i< in untrue to wy artijits (nil in their workC it in irue to »«y only piitntcrM fail in fheir workD. it in true to my fk)me mim (ail in their work28. Thr writer th ink $ the

28、failure of a budding A. concerns othersl< mcann nothingC. concerns only the artiiil11 concerns all the people in the world29 Tht writer thinkn that A. we em't buddtngN by the Ancient utAndardM11 wr cnnft judge all the modern buildings by the ancient »tandard!iC. wr c/inft judge all the b

29、uildings by the ancient Mftndards(X wr cnnFt judge modern buildings30. Technoloically. the madtrn butldinn art mort advanced. I hr srn/rnrr mrana .A. the nneient nrchitcct# hd no technologyH. the modern buildin.n are advanced because they are completely different from the nncirnt buildinft( the mode

30、rn Architect!* use more advnncrd technology). the modern buildingn nre more bc«u(i(ul|V. Translalionl)lrectiomt Put each of the following wntrncci into EnRlhh or Chinese. wiinR I hr word given InI he bracket if any. Write your an»cr on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)3L Whiitf n intrnne in a

31、relationship is ncwncM< Phnt 1 a why the urcnt romances of litcrAturr urc never between people who >tay tORclheL32. To win the lottery you only need luck, but to manage the ehnnges in your life that come with the jackpot you need 1。調(diào) of planning and good advice*33. There was# however. 8 need f

32、or food to be carried from the bowl to the mouth, and chopsticks came along to meet that need.34. 那么,F 一次頭偏發(fā)作時,也許你不會急奔藥店了 .而是成談下面這些頭痛自然療法.(instead of>35. 在過去的二十年里.個人計算機已經(jīng)給家庭生活和工作帶來了巨大的變化(brinRchAnffca).V. Writing36. Directions i For this part you arv allowed 30 minutes to write a composition io n

33、o less than 100 words according to the informutlon icivcn. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (25 points)(1)*a(»fnogs)« 害健康 i(2)«S形成的原因i(3)治理寡Ji的建仗You can write the composition In three paragrnphs. Kemcmbcr to write it neatly.試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)I.第一部分(20%,每小H 2分)L B2. A3. D4.B5. D6.B7

34、. A8. D9. C10. CH.MZ®分(20%,每小BS2分)11. B12. A13. D14. D15. A16. A17. B18. C19. A20. B嘰第三部分(20%,每小題2分)2. C22. B22. C24. B25. C26. B27D28. A29. B30. CIV. 第四部分(15%,每小原3分)(答案并不定要求與所給答案完全一樣.符合句意,無語法錯誤得3分,基本符合句 蔻.無重大語法錯誤.得2分,不太符合句意,有明顯兩法錯誤,得1分j不符合句意,句子無法 讀懂.得0分.其他情況酣情扣分31. 戀愛關(guān)系中最強烈的是新釁感.這就是為什么偉大的文學(xué)作品從

35、來不去描述人們?nèi)?何幸福地生活在一起的原因.32. 中彩票你需要的只是運氣.但是如何把摞暴富帶來的生活中的神種變化.你需要的卻 是精心的安排和良好的建議33. 不過.由于需要將食物由碗里送到嘲里.這樣筷子就應(yīng)運而生了.34 So. next time you have a headache* instead of rushing to the drug store, you might want to try one of these natural headache remedies.35. Over the past twenty years personal computers have brought tremendous changes to the home and the workplace.V. 第五部分(25%)(答案略)36 .(評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn):2125很好.基本無語法惰誤.內(nèi)容切颼、結(jié)構(gòu)合理、行文1620較好.無蕙大語法惰誤、內(nèi)容比較切地、靖構(gòu)比較合理、文字比較通原.10-15差.語法錯誤很多結(jié)構(gòu)較亂.內(nèi)容與83目要求不很一致字?jǐn)?shù)不第.。9很差.語句不通、語技錯誤太務(wù),文不時題、結(jié)構(gòu)混亂.)

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