1、Geant4 ExampleB4a 源碼解讀 今天繼續(xù)簡(jiǎn)單講一下 exampleB4中的幾個(gè)子例子,先是 exampleB4a,仍然是采用 Steppi ngAction —步一步抽取事件,這種方法的好處是能夠很詳細(xì)的考慮、輸出每一步的信 息,但有時(shí)候我們只希望對(duì)感興趣部分(位置)進(jìn)行事件抽取,則用 SD和Hit要明顯方便 一些,例如在exampleB4c中用到的就是 SD和Hit進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)抽取。exampleB4a和exampleB4c 描述的是同一個(gè)幾何、物理過(guò)程,只是數(shù)據(jù)抽取的方式不同,因此將這兩個(gè)例子放在一起具 有比較意義。本次先對(duì) exampleB4a進(jìn)行講解。exampleB4
2、a計(jì)算了入射粒子(默認(rèn)電子,能 量50 MeV,軸向方向)在多層鉛-液氬材料中(由10個(gè)吸收體和間隙復(fù)制組成)的能量沉 積及帶電粒子(包括次級(jí)粒子)徑跡長(zhǎng)度。 圖1.幾何可視化及粒子輸運(yùn)可視化 exampleB4a.cc #in clude "B4DetectorCo nstructio n.hh" #in clude "B4aActio nlni tializatio n.hh" #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED #in clude "G4MTRu nMan ager.hh" #else #in clude "G4Ru nMan ager.hh" #en
3、 dif #in clude "G4UIma nager.hh" #in clude "G4UIcomma nd.hh" #include "FTFP_BERT.hh" #include "Randomize.hh" #include "G4VisExecutive.hh" #include "G4UIExecutive.hh" // oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo namespace { void PrintUsage() { G4cerr << " Usage: " << G4endl; G4cerr <<
4、" exampleB4a [-m macro ] [-u UIsession] [-t nThreads]" << G4endl; G4cerr << " note: -t option is available only for multi-threaded mode." << G4endl; } } // oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo int main(int argc,char** argv) { // Evaluate arguments // if ( argc > 7 ) { PrintUsage();
5、 return 1;
G4String macro;
G4String session;
G4int nThreads = 0;
for ( G4int i=1; i 6、[i]) == "-t" ) {
nThreads = G4UIcommand::ConvertToInt(argv[i+1]);
#endif else {
return 1;
// Detect interactive mode (if no macro provided) and define UI session
G4UIExecutive* ui = nullptr;
if ( ! macro.size() ) {
ui = new G4UIExecutive(argc, argv, session);
/ 7、/ Optionally: choose a different Random engine...
// G4Random::setTheEngine(new CLHEP::MTwistEngine);
// Construct the default run manager
auto runManager = new G4MTRunManager;
if ( nThreads > 0 ) { runManager->SetNumberOfThreads(nThreads);
auto runMana 8、ger = new G4RunManager;
// Set mandatory initialization classes
auto detConstruction = new B4DetectorConstruction(); runManager->SetUserInitialization(detConstruction);
auto physicsList = new FTFP_BERT; runManager->SetUserInitialization(physicsList);
auto actionInitialization = new B 9、4aActionInitialization(detConstruction); runManager->SetUserInitialization(actionInitialization);
// Initialize visualization
auto visManager = new G4VisExecutive;
// G4VisExecutive can take a verbosity argument - see /vis/verbose guidance.
// G4VisManager* visManager = new G4VisExecutive("Q 10、uiet"); visManager->Initialize();
// Get the pointer to the User Interface manager
auto UImanager = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
// Process macro or start UI session
if ( macro.size() ) {
// batch mode
G4String command = "/control/execute ";
els 11、e {
// interactive mode : define UI session
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/control/execute init_vis.mac");
if (ui->IsGUI()) {
UImanager->ApplyCommand("/control/execute gui.mac");
delete ui;
// Job termination
// Free the store: user actions, physics_list and detector_des 12、cription are
// owned and deleted by the run manager, so they should not be deleted
// in the main() program !
delete visManager;
delete runManager;
用戶(hù)在終端輸入字符串個(gè)數(shù)大于 7 則調(diào)用 PrintUsage 提示出錯(cuò),并返回 1,跳出 main()
函數(shù)。通過(guò)for循環(huán)對(duì)輸入字符串掃描識(shí)別,若程序名后字符串為" -m”給macro賦值該字
符串后一個(gè)字符串;若程序名后字符串為 “ -u”給session賦值該字符串后一個(gè)字符串, 13、 否則
調(diào)用PrintUsage提示出錯(cuò),并返回 1跳出main()函數(shù)。定義一個(gè) UI操作類(lèi)對(duì)象,ui指針 初始化空指針,若用戶(hù)沒(méi)有調(diào)用 macro 控制文件,則 new 一個(gè) ui 指針,分內(nèi)存空間辟。初 始化探測(cè)器、物理過(guò)程以及用戶(hù)行為,其中,用戶(hù)行為與探測(cè)器構(gòu)造有關(guān)。 new 一個(gè)可視化
管理器并對(duì)其初始化。定義一個(gè) UI 管理類(lèi),通過(guò)判斷條件 macro 是否為空,來(lái)決定執(zhí)行交 互式界面模式還是批處理模式。最后 delete所有管理類(lèi),釋放內(nèi)存。
#ifndef B4DetectorConstruction_h #defin 14、e B4DetectorConstruction_h 1
#include "G4VUserDetectorConstruction.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
class G4VPhysicalVolume;
class G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger;
class B4DetectorConstruction : public G4VUserDetectorConstruction
virtual ~B4DetectorConstruction();
pu 15、blic:
virtual G4VPhysicalV olume* Construct();
virtual void ConstructSDandField();
// get methods
const G4VPhysicalVolume* GetAbsorberPV() const; //const 修飾指針, 指針的內(nèi)存空間 數(shù)據(jù)不能改變;函數(shù)重載
const G4VPhysicalV olume* GetGapPV() const;
// methods
void DefineMaterials();
G4VPhysicalV ol 16、ume* DefineV olumes();
// data members
static G4ThreadLocal G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger* fMagFieldMessenger;
// magnetic field messenger
G4VPhysicalV olume* fAbsorberPV; // the absorber physical volume
G4VPhysicalV olume* fGapPV; // the gap physical volume
G4bool fCheckOverlaps; // option to 17、 activate checking of volumes overlaps
// inline functions
inline const G4VPhysicalV olume* B4DetectorConstruction::GetAbsorberPV() const {
return fAbsorberPV;
inline const G4VPhysicalV olume* B4DetectorConstruction::GetGapPV() const {
return fGapPV;
B4DetectorConstruction 繼承于 G4VUse 18、rDetectorConstruction 基類(lèi), 聲明構(gòu)造函數(shù)、 析構(gòu) 函數(shù),Con struct。返回物理體。虛方法Con structSDa ndField()用于定義SD探測(cè)器以及空間內(nèi) 的電磁場(chǎng)。 GetAbsorberPV() 和 GetGapPV() 為自定義的內(nèi)聯(lián)函數(shù)在類(lèi)體外進(jìn)行定義,分別返 回物理體 fAbsorberPV 和 fGapPV (私有數(shù)據(jù)成員) 。 G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger 類(lèi)用于描 述電磁場(chǎng)的大小、方向等信息。
B4DetectorConstruction::B4Detector 19、Construction()
: G4VUserDetectorConstruction(),
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
G4VPhysicalVolume* B4Det 20、ectorConstruction::Construct() {
// Define materials
// Define volumes
return DefineVolumes();
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
void B4DetectorConstruction::DefineMaterials()
// Lead material defined using NIST Manager
auto nistManager = G4NistMana 21、ger::Instance(); nistManager->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_Pb");
// Liquid argon material
G4double a; // mass of a mole;
G4double z; // z=mean number of protons;
G4double density;
new G4Material("liquidArgon", z=18., a= 39.95*g/mole, density= 1.390*g/cm3);
// The argon by NIST Manager is a gas with 22、 a different density
// Vacuum
new G4Material("Galactic", z=1., a=1.01*g/mole,density= universe_mean_density, kStateGas, 2.73*kelvin, 3.e-18*pascal);
// Print materials
G4cout << *(G4Material::GetMaterialTable()) << G4endl;
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
G4VPhysicalVolu 23、me* B4DetectorConstruction::DefineV olumes()
// Geometry parameters
G4int nofLayers = 10; // 定義有多少層 copynumber
G4double absoThickness = 10.*mm;
G4double gapThickness = 5.*mm;
G4double calorSizeXY = 10.*cm;
auto layerThickness = absoThickness + gapThickness; //一層厚度
auto calorThickne 24、ss = nofLayers * layerThickness;
auto worldSizeXY = 1.2 * calorSizeXY;
auto worldSizeZ = 1.2 * calorThickness;
// Get materials
auto defaultMaterial = G4Material::GetMaterial("Galactic");
auto absorberMaterial = G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_Pb");
auto gapMaterial = G4Material::GetMaterial("liqu 25、idArgon");
if ( ! defaultMaterial || ! absorberMaterial || ! gapMaterial ) {
G4ExceptionDescription msg;
msg << "Cannot retrieve materials already defined.";
G4Exception("B4DetectorConstruction::DefineV olumes()", "MyCode0001", FatalException, msg);
// World
auto worldS
= new G4Box 26、("World", // its name
worldSizeXY/2, worldSizeXY/2, worldSizeZ/2); // its size
auto worldLV
= new G4LogicalV olume(
worldS, defaultMaterial, "World");
auto worldPV
= new G4PVPlacement(
G4ThreeVector(), worldLV , "World", 0, false, 0, fCheckOverlaps);
// Calorimeter
auto calorime 27、terS
// its solid
// its material
// its name
// no rotation
// at (0,0,0)
// its logical volume
// its name
// its mother volume // no boolean operation
// copy number
// checking overlaps
// its name
= new G4Box("Calorimeter",
calorSizeXY/2, calorSizeXY/2, calorThickness/2); // its si 28、ze
auto calorLV
= new G4LogicalV olume(
calorimeterS, defaultMaterial, "Calorimeter");
new G4PVPlacement(
G4ThreeVector(), calorLV, "Calorimeter", worldLV , false, 0, fCheckOverlaps);
// its solid
// its material
// its name
// no rotation
// at (0,0,0)
// its logical volume
// its n 29、ame
// its mother volume
// no boolean operation // copy number
// checking overlaps
// Layer
auto layerS
= new G4Box("Layer", // its name
calorSizeXY/2, calorSize 30、XY/2, layerThickness/2); // its size
auto layerLV
= new G4LogicalV olume(
layerS, // its solid
defaultMaterial, // its material "Layer"); // its name
new G4PVReplica(
"Layer", // its name
layerLV, // its logical volume
calorLV, // its mother
kZAxis, // axis of replication
nofLayers, // num 31、ber of replica
layerThickness); // witdth of replica
// Absorber
auto absorberS
= new G4Box("Abso", // its name
calorSizeXY/2, calorSizeXY/2, absoThickness/2); // its size
auto absorberLV
= new G4LogicalV olume(
absorberS, // its solid absorberMaterial, // its material "Abso"); // it 32、s name
= new G4PVPlacement(
0, // no rotation
G4ThreeVector(0., 0., -gapThickness/2), // its position absorberLV, // its logical volume
"Abso", layerLV, false,
0, fCheckOverlaps);
// its name
// its mother volume
// no boolean operation
// copy number
// checking overlaps //
// Gap
auto gapS
= new G4Box("Gap", // its name
calorSizeXY/2, calorSizeXY/2, gapThickness/2); // its size
auto gapLV
// its solid
// its material
// its name
= new G4LogicalV olume( gapS, gapMaterial, "Gap");
= new G4PVPlacement(
0, // no rotation
G4ThreeVector(0., 0., absoT 34、hickness/2), // its position gapLV, // its logical volume
"Gap", // its name
layerLV, // its mother volume
false, // no boolean operation
0, // copy number
fCheckOverlaps); // checking overlaps
// print parameters
<< G4endl
<< " " << G4endl
<< "---> The calorimeter is " << n 35、ofLayers << " layers of: [ "
<< absoThickness/mm << "mm of " << absorberMaterial->GetName() << " + "
<< gapThickness/mm << "mm of " << gapMaterial->GetName() << " ] " << G4endl
<< " " << G4endl;
// Visualization attributes
// worldLV->SetVisAttributes (G4VisAttributes::GetInvisible());
aut 36、o simpleBoxVisAtt= new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0,1.0,1.0)); simpleBoxVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
// Always return the physical World
return worldPV;
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
void B4DetectorConstruction::Constr 37、uctSDandField()
// Create global magnetic field messenger.
// Uniform magnetic field is then created automatically if
// the field value is not zero.
G4ThreeVector fieldV alue;
fMagFieldMessenger = new G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger(fieldValue); fMagFieldMessenger->SetVerboseLevel(1);
// Registe 38、r the field messenger for deleting G4AutoDelete::Register(fMagFieldMessenger);
在 con struct。函數(shù)中,定義了" Calorimeter ”、"Layer ”、“ Abso ” 以及"Gap ”四個(gè)邏輯 體,它們之間的關(guān)系是:構(gòu)建一個(gè)大長(zhǎng)方體" Calorimeter ”,往里面復(fù)制并放置 10個(gè)規(guī)格相
同的長(zhǎng)方體稱(chēng)之為層" Layer ”,再往"Layer ”中分別放置" Abso ”以及"Gap ”。在
ConstructSDandField() 函數(shù)體里,我們可以定義 SD 探測(cè)器以及空間 39、電磁場(chǎng), 在本例 exampleB4a中我們只是定義了電磁場(chǎng),可以通過(guò) run 1.mac中命令行控制磁場(chǎng)屬性:
/globalField/setValue 0.2 0 0 tesla //設(shè)置均勻磁場(chǎng),強(qiáng)度 0.2特斯拉,方向沿 x軸
exampleB4c 中,我們?cè)?ConstructSDandField() 函數(shù)體里還定義了兩個(gè) SD 探測(cè)器,這樣 做簡(jiǎn)化了后續(xù)數(shù)據(jù)抽取工作中對(duì)每一個(gè) step 的位置判斷,具體怎么操作到 B4c 例中再說(shuō)。
#ifndef B4aActionInitialization_h
#define 40、B4aActionInitialization_h 1
#include "G4VUserActionInitialization.hh"
class B4DetectorConstruction;
/// Action initialization class.
class B4aActionInitialization : public G4VUserActionInitialization
virtual ~B4aActionInitializ 41、ation();
virtual void BuildForMaster() const;
virtual void Build() const;
B4DetectorConstruction* fDetConstruction;
在構(gòu)造函數(shù)中,用到了 B4DetectorConstruction 類(lèi)的對(duì)象做形參,這是因?yàn)樵诤罄m(xù)判斷 粒子當(dāng)前位置過(guò)程中用到了探測(cè)器幾何, 用于獲取幾何的物理體, 后面會(huì)說(shuō), 這里只需要知 道用戶(hù)初始化過(guò)程用到了 B4DetectorConstruction 類(lèi)。
B4aActionInitialization 42、.cc
(B4DetectorConstruction* detConstruction)
: G4VUserActionInitialization(),
fDetConstruction(detConstruction) {}
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
B4aActionInitialization::~B4aActionInitialization() {}
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0 43、OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
void B4aActionInitialization::BuildForMaster() const
SetUserAction(new B4RunAction);
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
void B4aActionInitialization::Build() const {
SetUserAction(new B4PrimaryGeneratorAction);
SetUserAction(new B4RunAction 44、);
auto eventAction = new B4aEventAction;
SetUserAction(new B4aSteppingAction(fDetConstruction,eventAction)); //在 step 里面用
到了 fDetConstruction 變量
將 detConstruction 賦值給 fDetConstruction ,另外,對(duì)粒子發(fā)射器、 RunAction 、EventAction 進(jìn)行用戶(hù)行為設(shè)置,其中, B4aSteppingAction 用到了探測(cè)器幾何信息,一般 45、是用于位置判 斷。
SetUserAction(new B4aSteppingAction(fDetConstruction,eventAction));
class G4ParticleGun;
class G4Event;
/// The primary generator action class with particle gum.
/// It defines a single particle which hits the calorimeter
/// perpendicular to the inp 46、ut face. The type of the particle
/// can be changed via the G4 build-in commands of G4ParticleGun class /// (see the macros provided with this example).
class B4PrimaryGeneratorAction : public G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction {
virtual ~B4PrimaryGeneratorAction 47、();
virtual void GeneratePrimaries(G4Event* event);
// set methods
void SetRandomFlag(G4bool value);
G4ParticleGun* fParticleGun; // G4 particle gun
粒子發(fā)射器用的是 G4ParticleGun 類(lèi)。
#include "B4PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh"
#include "G4RunManager.hh"
#include 48、 "G4LogicalV olumeStore.hh"
#include "G4LogicalV olume.hh"
#include "G4Box.hh"
#include "G4Event.hh"
#include "G4ParticleGun.hh"
#include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
#include "G4ParticleDefinition.hh"
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
#include "Randomize.hh"
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooO 49、O0OOooo
: G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction(),
G4int nofParticles = 1;
fParticleGun = new G4ParticleGun(nofParticles);
// default particle kinematic
auto particleDefinition
= G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->F 50、indParticle("e-"); fParticleGun->SetParticleDefinition(particleDefinition); fParticleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection(G4ThreeVector(0.,0.,1.)); fParticleGun->SetParticleEnergy(50.*MeV);
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
{ 51、
delete fParticleGun;
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
void B4PrimaryGeneratorAction::GeneratePrimaries(G4Event* anEvent)
// This function is called at the begining of event
// In order to avoid dependence of PrimaryGeneratorAction
// on DetectorConstruction class we g 52、et world volume
// from G4LogicalVolumeStore
G4double worldZHalfLength = 0.;
// 將
auto worldLV = G4LogicalV olumeStore::GetInstance()->GetV olume("World"); G4LogicalVolumeStore 實(shí)例化,把存儲(chǔ)在 constructd 的邏輯體找出來(lái)
// Check that the world volume has box shape
G4Box* worldBox = nullptr;
if ( worldLV 53、 ) {
worldBox = dynamic_cast 54、ou have changed geometry." << G4endl; msg << "The gun will be place in the center.";
G4Exception("B4PrimaryGeneratorAction::GeneratePrimaries()", "MyCode0002", JustWarning, msg);
// Set gun position fParticleGun
->SetParticlePosition(G4ThreeVector(0., 0., -worldZHalfLength));
義在 wor 55、d 體上的 x-y 面
粒子槍的設(shè)置應(yīng)該一樣,設(shè)置一個(gè)默認(rèn)初始值(可以在 macro 中更改),默認(rèn)是電子發(fā) 射,電子能量 50 MeV ,方向沿 z 軸。在對(duì)源位置定義時(shí), 從 world 邏輯體中把實(shí)體 get 出來(lái) 后賦值給 worldBox 指針, 此時(shí) worldBox 指針的地址就是在幾何體中構(gòu)建的 world 實(shí)體, 通 過(guò) worldZHalfLength = worldBox->GetZHalfLength() ;就是將 world 實(shí)體指向的內(nèi)存空間的值 56、拿出來(lái)賦給 worldZHalfLength ,于是源的位置就出來(lái)了,是一個(gè)貼著 world 的 x-y 面的源。
然后每一個(gè) event 到來(lái)時(shí)調(diào)用 fParticleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent) ;發(fā)射粒子。
class B4RunAction : public G4UserRunActi 57、on
virtual ~B4RunAction();
virtual void BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run*);
virtual void EndOfRunAction(const G4Run*);
B4RunAction 繼承于 G4UserRunAction 基類(lèi),構(gòu)造函數(shù)、 析構(gòu)函數(shù)以及每次 run 的 begin 和 end 虛方法。
B4RunAction.cc (Begin)
: G4UserRunAction() {
58、// set printing event number per each event
G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->SetPrintProgress(1); //通過(guò) RunManager 管理器
// Create analysis manager
// The choice of analysis technology is done via selectin of a namespace
// in B4Analysis.hh
auto analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instanc 59、e(); // G4AnalysisManager 實(shí)例化對(duì) 象 analysisManager
G4cout << "Using " << analysisManager->GetType() << G4endl;
// Create directories //analysisManager->SetHistoDirectoryName("histograms");
//analysisManager->SetNtupleDirectoryName("ntuple"); // analysisManager->SetVerboseLevel(1);
analysisManager- 60、>SetNtupleMerging(true);
// Note: merging ntuples is available only with Root output
// Book histograms, ntuple
// Creating histograms
analysisManager->CreateH1("Eabs","Edep in absorber", 100, 0., 800*MeV); // 創(chuàng) 建
analysisManager->CreateH1("Egap","Edep in gap", 100, 0., 100*MeV); 61、 analysisManager->CreateH1("Labs","trackL in absorber", 100, 0., 1*m); analysisManager->CreateH1("Lgap","trackL in gap", 100, 0., 50*cm);
// Creating ntuple // 創(chuàng)建 ntuple/ 分支
analysisManager->CreateNtuple("B4", "Edep and TrackL"); //ntuple 名稱(chēng): B4
analysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("Eabs"); a 62、nalysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("Egap"); analysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("Labs"); analysisManager->CreateNtupleDColumn("Lgap");
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
delete G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
} 63、
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
void B4RunAction::BeginOfRunAction(const G4Run* /*run*/)
//inform the runManager to save random number seed //G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->SetRandomNumberStore(true);
// Get analysis manager
auto analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Inst 64、ance();
// Open an output file
//打開(kāi) B4 文件
G4String fileName = "B4"; analysisManager->OpenFile(fileName);
在 B4RunAction 的構(gòu)造函數(shù)中, 通過(guò) runmanager 獲取進(jìn)程, 設(shè)置每隔多少 event 打印出 event數(shù)。analysisManager指針開(kāi)始創(chuàng)建 histogram和ntuple用于數(shù)據(jù)存放, 相當(dāng)于在root中 新建一個(gè)TH1F和tree。析構(gòu)函數(shù)中,最后將刪除 analysisManager,釋放內(nèi)存空間。通過(guò)
analysisM 65、anager打開(kāi)"B4”文件,用于在 EventAction中存儲(chǔ)信息。
class B4aEventAction : public G4UserEventAction
virtual ~B4aEventAction();
virtual void BeginOfEventAction(const G4Event* event);
virtual void EndOfEventAction(const G4Event* event);
void AddAbs(G4double de, 66、G4double dl); //函數(shù),吸收體屬性
void AddGap(G4double de, G4double dl); //函數(shù),間隙屬性
G4double fEnergyAbs;
G4double fEnergyGap;
G4double fTrackLAbs;
G4double fTrackLGap;
// inline functions
inline void B4aEventAction::AddAbs(G4double de, G4double dl) { fEnergyAbs += de;
fTrackLAbs += dl;
inline void B4aEventAction::AddGap(G4double de, G4double dl) { fEnergyGap += de; fTrackLGap += dl;
// oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo oooOO0OOooo
在 B4aEventAction 類(lèi)中自定義了兩個(gè)內(nèi)聯(lián)系函數(shù), A
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