高中英語總復習 part1 M7Unit 4 Public transport課件 牛津譯林版 新課標

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1、【1】 beneath prep. 在下方,低于,劣于The sun is now beneath the horizon.太陽此刻落到地平線以下了。He is beneath his brother intellectually.他在智力方面不如他兄弟。He is beneath her in education.她在教育方面比他強。beneath, under與與belowbeneath 緊貼于物體下表面,強調(diào)某物被另一物覆蓋或遮住。under 有間距,物體正下方。The cat is asleep under the table.貓在桌子底下睡著了。below 表示兩事物在同一建筑物內(nèi)、

2、同一座山上、人體的同一部位等,但其中一物的位置低于另一物。They live in the apartment below us.他們住在我們樓下的套間里。用under, beneath, below填空He took a novel from _ the paper.There were a few farmers lying down _ the shade of the tree.There was a small flower bed _ the window.A fly is resting _ the ceiling.The supplier of goods will sell

3、nothing if he charges above the market price and sell all if he charges at or _ the market price.A. Below B. beneath C. over D. abovebeneathunderbelowbeneathAabove的反義詞為below; beneath的反義詞為over?!?】辨析annoy, botherannoy 指由于干擾、不順利或受不了某種外界情況等而“使煩惱、懊惱”。I was annoyed by his bad manners.他的無禮使我惱怒。bother 指不停地“

4、擾亂”、“麻煩”, 使人不能安寧,而產(chǎn)生煩惱的心理。Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter.請原諒我為這點小事麻煩你。The lady got _ because the boy broke her window.A. happy B. annoyC. annoyed D. angerCget annoyed with sb. 對某人惱火;生某人的氣。【3】 release n&v. 釋放,放開,發(fā)行;解脫The family paid a ransom of 50,000 dollars for the childs rele

5、ase.那家人為了贖回孩子付了5萬美元。The terrorists will only release their hostages on certain conditions.恐怖分子只有在某些條件下才釋放人質(zhì)。The actors new film will be released next month.這位男演員的新影片下個月將公開發(fā)行。After the trainer was sure that the whale could look after itself he _ it into the sea.A. transported B. unloadedC. released D

6、. handledC【4】辨析 promise, let, allow, permit(1) promise意思是“諾言;答應,許諾”,可以接雙賓語、不定式、含不定式的復合賓語或從句作賓語。promise sb. to do sth. 答應某人做某事The father promised his daughter to teach her brother a lesson.父親答應他的女兒(他)給她的弟弟一個教訓。(句中的不定式to teach her brother a lesson在此作賓語,而不是賓語補足語)He promised that the roof should be repa

7、ired within two days.他答應兩天內(nèi)應該修好屋頂。(2) let“允許、讓”,常用于口語,其后接省略to的不定式作賓語補足語。Dont let your child play with matches.別讓孩子玩火柴。(3) allow“允許”,是日常用語,表示允許某人做某事時,其后接to的不定式作賓語補足語,也可用于被動語態(tài)中。(參見M4U2)The boss doesnt allow me to use the telephone.老板不允許我使用電話。(4)permit“允許”,側重表示得到權威的認可,正式條文或法規(guī)的“準許”,多用于正式場合。The doctor do

8、esnt permit me to stay up.醫(yī)生并不允許我熬夜。 Can I smoke here? Sorry. We dont allow _ here.A. people smoking B. people smokeC. to smoke D. smokingThe guard _ the old man to enter the hall after he showed him the pass.A. promised B. letC. agreed D. permittedD句意:對不起,我們不允許在這兒抽煙。allow接動名詞作賓語,表示“允許做某事”。D句意:老人出示通

9、行證后門衛(wèi)讓他進入大廳。句型為“permit sb. to do sth.” 表示“允許某人做某事”,與題意相符。【5】 undertake v. (undertook, undertaken) 承擔;承受;許諾;開始進行undertake后接名詞、代詞或不定式作賓語,但不能接動詞的ing形式。同時,也可接賓語從句。Ill undertake that I will buy you a birthday present.我保證給你買一件生日禮物。undertake to do sth. 答應做某事I undertook to teach the children English.我答應教孩子們

10、英語。He is going to undertake a new experiment.他打算著手進行一項新的實驗。If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will _ to replace it.A. force B. undertakeC. overcome D. applyB句意:如果設備達不到議定的規(guī)格質(zhì)量,我們將負責調(diào)換。force作“迫使、強迫”,常跟賓語;apply表示“申請”,后常跟for;overcome表示“克服”;而undertake則表示“負責,著手”,后可跟不定式

11、?!?】 pick up 拾起;收拾;學到;獲得;口 與偶然結識The boy picked up the hat for the old man.男孩替老人拾起了帽子。You should pick up the tools after work.工作結束后你應該把工具收拾好。He was picking up the skills quickly.他正在很快地掌握技術。We picked up a couple of girls at the pub last Friday.上星期五我們在酒吧結識了幾個女孩。pick off 摘掉,取走pick on 挑選人(去做不愉快的事)pick on

12、es pocket 偷某人口袋里的錢pick over 檢查并從中精挑細選pick through 搜查,搜尋I _ a lot of English while I was in England.A. picked out B. put outC. put up D. picked upA study shows that students living in nonsmoking dorms are less likely to _ the habit of smoking. A. make up B. pick upC. draw up D. turn upDpick up在此表示“偶然

13、中學到”。B句意為“研究表明住在無煙宿舍的學生不容易染上吸煙的習慣”。pick up意為“撿起,學會”,符合句意?!?】 drop off 讓下車;減少;下降;睡著Please drop me off at the bank.請讓我在銀行下車。The business of the company was dropping off.這家公司的生意日益清淡。She dropped off during the lesson.她在聽課時睡著了。My old friend Jack was on business in the city and he _ me yesterday.A. droppe

14、d out of B. dropped in atC. dropped in on D. dropped offCdrop in on sb. 順便拜訪某人。 【3】辨析postpone, delay, put off(1)postpone 用于正式場合,由于種種原因而不得不“延期”完成會議等;They postponed sending an answer to a request.他們耽擱了對一項請求的答復。(2)delay 指由于各種原因而導致“延誤、耽擱”;The flight was badly delayed because of fog.因霧航班被延誤了很久。(3)put off

15、 一般用語。To postpone _ the debt will ruin our business reputation.A. paying B. to payC. pay D. paidApostpone doing sth. 延期做某事?!?】 Aeroplanes are used to travel quickly over long distances. 飛機用來長距離的快速旅行。句中的be used to do“被用來做某事”,to 是不定式符號,后跟動詞原形。Bamboo is used to make into walking sticks and fishing pole

16、s.竹子用來制成手杖和漁竿。And all this beautiful silk, she said, would be used to weave colorful clouds in heaven.她說所有這些美麗的蠶絲都將用來織天上的彩云。(1) used to 表示“過去如此,現(xiàn)在不再這樣了”。只有過去時,它既可以視為助動詞,其否定式為:usednt to;亦可以看作及物動詞,其否定式為:didnt use to。它不能用來說明事情發(fā)生的具體次數(shù)和狀態(tài),不能強調(diào)動作,不用于現(xiàn)在時。I used to live with my grandparents, but I have my o

17、wn home now.過去我與祖父母生活在一起,但現(xiàn)在我有自己的家了。She used to visit her uncle on holidays, didnt she?她以前常常在假日去拜訪她的叔叔,是不是?(2) be used to doing是“習慣于”某一客觀事實和狀態(tài),不強調(diào)動作,to為介詞。He is used to working in that company.他習慣了在那家公司工作。(3) get used to 指的是從不習慣到習慣這一過程的轉(zhuǎn)變,強調(diào)動作,不用于現(xiàn)在時。You will soon get used to the weather here.你很快就會習

18、慣這里的天氣。Did you get/become used to hard work when you were in the countryside?你在鄉(xiāng)下時習慣于辛勤勞動嗎?In my opinion, life in the twentyfirst century is much easier than _.A. that used to be B. it is used toC. it was used to D. it used to beD句意:依我看,21世紀的生活比過去容易多了。通常情況下used to 后面的be不能省?!?】 So why not take a trip

19、 on the oldest underground system today? 所以今天為什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地鐵觀光一番呢?Why not do? 是Why dont you do?的省略形式,這是表“建議”的句型,意為:為什么不做呢?其肯定式是why do you do/why do?肯定句式常用于責問對方,意為:為什么做?Why dont you (Why not) sing a song?為什么不唱支歌呢?Why not turn to the teacher for advice?為什么不向老師征求意見呢?Why do you/Why lend him the money?為什

20、么要借錢給他?表示“建議”的其他句型:(1) Lets do, shall we?/How/What about doing? 我們可以做嗎?/做怎么樣?(2) Cant we do? 我們不能做嗎?(這是一個否定疑問句表示建議或邀請)(3) I suggest you (should) do/I advise you to do/Youd better do我勸你應該做/你最好做(這3個句型均為直接向?qū)Ψ教岢鼋ㄗh,使用時需注意句中的動詞形式)(4) Maybe we could do也許我們能做(5) Would you like/love to do? 你愿意做嗎?(6) I wonder

21、 if you should do我想知道你是否應該做(7) I think its better for you to do我認為對你來說做更好。 Its a long time since I saw my sister. _ her this weekend?A. Why not visit B. Why not to visitC. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit So Im going to make the desk myself. Why _ instead, if I may ask?A. not buy it B. dont buy on

22、eC. not buy one D. dont buy itA句意:“我很久沒有見到我的妹妹了。”“為什么不在這個周末去看看她呢?”回答人顯然是在提出建議?!癢hy not 動詞原形”結構用來表示建議。C考查固定句型和代詞?!皐hy not動詞原形”是固定句型,意為“為什么不”,有提出建議之意;it用作代詞指“同一物”,one指“同類而不同物”,即“同類中的一個”,根據(jù)題干意思此處代詞用one,選C項?!?】 Many cyclists do not pay attention to the cars that surround them and often ride too close to

23、 cars to allow them space and time to stop.許多騎自行車的人不注意周圍的車輛,而且經(jīng)常騎得與車輛太近,以至于車輛沒有足夠的空間和時間剎車。句中的too close to cars to allow them space and time to stop 是“too adj./adv. (for sb./sth. ) to do sth.”句型,表示“太以致(某人)不能做某事”。The problem is too difficult for me to work out.這問題太難了,我解答不了。The gate is too narrow for a

24、 car to get through.這門太窄了,一輛小汽車通不過。其實,這類句子都可以改為sothat結構的句子。以上句子可分別改寫為:The problem is so difficult that I cant work it out.The gate is so narrow that a car cant get through it.too adj./adv. (for n./pron. ) to do sth.結構在大多數(shù)情況下表示否定意義,即“太而不能”之意,但tooto結構在下列幾種情況下,也可表示肯定意義。not 置于動詞不定式前,成為toonot to do結構時,原來

25、表示否定意義的不定式再次受否定,變?yōu)榭隙ㄒ饬x,意為“太不會不”或“非常必定能”。He is too tall not to reach the book on the bookshelf.他很高不會夠不到書架上的書。You are too wise not to know that.你很聰明,必然會知道那件事情。在tooto do這一結構前有not, never, no longer, but, only, all等詞時,這一結構的意思也為肯定意義。The box is not too heavy for me to carry.這個箱子并不重,我提得動。One is never too ol

26、d to learn. 活到老,學到老。You know but too well to hold your tongue.你十分清楚少言為佳。Ill be only too glad to join in your games.我非常想?yún)⒓幽銈兊谋荣?。too 后為 anxious, eager, easy, glad, happy, pleased, excited, ready, satisfied, kind, willing, difficult等表示態(tài)度、心情、傾向等方面的形容詞時,too 相當于very much(極其,十分,非常),表示肯定意義。They were too anx

27、ious to leave. 他們急著要走。The model worker is too ready to help others.這位勞動模范非常樂于幫助別人。Its too kind of you to help us repair the car.你真是太好了,幫助我們修車。【注意】如把too adj./adv. to do 這一結構看成是一個整體時,后面再加動詞不定式,則該結構又恢復到否定意義上去了。試比較:She was too eager to succeed. 她急于成功。She was too eager to succeed to succeed.她欲速則不達。當不定式充當

28、句子中的實際主語時,tooto表示肯定含義。Its too wrong of you to have made such foolish mistakes.你犯這種愚蠢的錯誤實在是大錯特錯。too與名詞連用的語序為:tooadj.a/ann.Its too difficult a task for us to finish on time.這是一項十分艱巨的任務,我們不能按時完成。 Thanks for your trouble. Not at all. Im _ pleased to help you.A. too much B. too onlyC. so much D. only too

29、D句意:沒關系,我非常高興能幫助你。tooto前面有only表示肯定意義,表示“非?!?。 【4】 Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle or overloading it makes it unsteady and more difficult to control.在你的自行車上加上一個重東西或過分負載會使自行車不穩(wěn)而更難以控制。此句是make it adj. (for sb.) to do sth.句型。在此結構中,it是形式賓語,此結構中真正的賓語是后面的不定式,而形容詞充當了賓語補足語成分,尤其是當賓語太長時,常采用it作形式賓

30、語的形式。Each new way of looking at a situation deepens our understanding and makes it easier to discover new possibilities.每一種看待情況的新方法都會加深我們對問題的理解,使我們更容易發(fā)現(xiàn)新的解決途徑。The hard situation here made it necessary to make some changes.現(xiàn)在困難的局面有必要做一些變化了。(1)此類以it作形式賓語的動詞還有feel, consider, find, believe, take, imagin

31、e, think, suppose, regard等。I consider it reasonable to tell her beforehand.我認為提前告訴她還是很有道理的。I find it quite impossible to make some changes.我發(fā)現(xiàn)要做些變化不可能。(2)make 賓語賓語補足語在這一結構中,賓語補足語可以是不帶to的動詞不定式、過去分詞或形容詞形式。make 賓語不帶to的不定式。這一結構表示的意思是“使某人做某事”。若變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài),補語要用帶to的動詞不定式。They made the boy stand in front of us.他

32、們讓那個男孩站在我們面前。In the old society, the farmers were made to work day and night.在舊社會,農(nóng)民被迫不分白天黑夜地干活。make 賓語過去分詞。這一結構表示的意思是“使某人/某事被”。The chemistry teacher had a special way to make his students interested in chemistry.這位化學老師有一種特殊的方法使學生對化學感興趣。make 賓語形容詞。這一結構表示的意思是“使某人/某事(變得)”。The interesting story made him very excited.這個有趣的故事使得他很興奮。make后的賓補還可用名詞。She made herself the centre of the class.她使自己成為班里的中心。As the busiest woman in Norton, she made _ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A. this B. thatC. one D. itD句意:作為諾頓最忙的女人,她把關心鎮(zhèn)里其他人的事作為她的職責。作形式賓語只能用it。

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