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備戰(zhàn)2019年高考英語 考點一遍過 考點02 名詞(含解析)

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備戰(zhàn)2019年高考英語 考點一遍過 考點02 名詞(含解析)

考點02 名詞高考頻度: 【命題解讀】名詞是中學英語的主要詞匯之一,也是歷年高考的重要考點。研究近年的高考題我們不難看出,名詞部分主要考查名詞的詞義辨析和習慣搭配、名詞的數(shù)(可數(shù)與不可數(shù)、單數(shù)與復數(shù))、名詞的所有格、抽象名詞的具體化、物質(zhì)名詞的量化、名詞和冠詞的搭配以及主謂一致等。在高考試題中,名詞常結合其他項目一起考查,考查題型以短文改錯、完形填空、語法填空為主。【命題預測】預計2019年的高考名詞在完形填空、短文改錯及語法填空中仍會占有重要地位?!緩土暯ㄗh】在學習過程中,要掌握常用名詞的基本用法,注意一詞多義和舊詞新義。另外要多歸納總結,做題時要結合語境??枷蛞?可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù) (1)規(guī)則變化情況方法例詞一般情況加sstudents,teachers,doc tors,tables以s,x,ch,sh結尾加esglasses,dishes,boxes,watches但stomach復數(shù)形式直接加s,即stomachs以輔音字母y結尾變y為i再加esfamilies,babies,armies,bodies以元音字母y結尾加sboys,toys,pianos,photos以f或fe結尾大都變f或fe為v,再加esthieves,wives,knives,shelves,lives少數(shù)加sbeliefs,proofs,roofs,chiefs以o結尾通常加sradios,videos,zoos,tobaccos有的加esheroes,potatoes,tomatoes注意:以o結尾的下列名詞要加es,它們是黑人英雄在回聲中吃土豆、西紅柿,即Negroes,heroes,echoes,potatoes,tomatoes。但下列以o結尾的名詞既可以加es,也可以加s,它們是:zeros(zeroes)零,mosquitos (mosquitoes)蚊子,volcanos(volcanoes)火山。以f或fe結尾的下列名詞需要把f或fe去掉,加ves,它們是為了自己活命,小偷和他的妻子手里拿著刀子和樹葉站在架子上,把狼劈成兩半,即selves,lives,thieves,wives,knives,leaves,shelves,wolves,halves。但下列以f結尾的名詞既可以去掉f加ves,也可以直接加s,如:handkerchiefs (handkerchieves) 手帕。名詞前有man或woman修飾,變復數(shù)時,作定語的man 或woman和后面的名詞都要變成復數(shù)。如:woman doctorwomen doctors(2)不規(guī)則變化常見單復數(shù)同形的名詞Chinese 中國人;sheep 綿羊;deer鹿;series 系列;means 方式;works 工廠;fish 魚;fruit 水果等。其中fish,fruit表示種類時,可加復數(shù)詞尾,即fishes,fruits。自身有特殊變化的名詞child孩子childrenman男人mentooth牙teethfoot腳,英尺feetmouse老鼠micephenomenon現(xiàn)象phenomenamedium傳播媒介media1.(2018·全國新課標卷I·語法填空)Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 66that/which showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all 67 (cause).【答案】causes 2.(2018·全國新課標卷I·短文改錯)Last winter when I went here(改為there) again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken.【答案】chicken改為chickens【解析】考查名詞復數(shù)。他們擁有一個大的獨立住宅,還養(yǎng)了許多只雞。根據(jù)前文的dozens of可知,其后用名詞復數(shù)形式。3. (2017·全國新課標卷I·語法填空)This trend, which was started by the medical community(醫(yī)學界) as a method of fighting heart disease, has had some unintended side 62 (effect) such as overweight and heart disease the very thing the medical community was trying to fight.【答案】effects 4.(2016·全國新課標卷I·語法填空)Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asias biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top 61 (attract). The nursery team switches him every few 69 (day) with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, 70(the) other is with mum she never suspects.61.【答案】attraction【解析】考查名詞。 形容詞top后面跟名詞形式。69.【答案】days【解析】考查名詞復數(shù)。few修飾復數(shù)名詞。考向二 不可數(shù)名詞具體化(1)通常只用作不可數(shù)名詞的名詞:advice建議, furniture家具, fun樂趣;information信息,news新聞, weather天氣, progress進步,wealth財富,value價值等。(2)不可數(shù)名詞具體化具有某種特性、狀態(tài)、情感的抽象名詞在表示具體的概念時,可以與不定冠詞連用,??嫉挠校簡卧~抽象名詞意義具體化名詞意義success 成功成功的人或事pleasure樂趣令人高興的事beauty美;美麗美麗的人或事物comfort安慰;慰藉令人感到安慰的人或事物danger危險危險的人或因素delight高興令人高興的事 failure失敗失敗的人或事物surprise驚奇令人驚奇的事情 shock震驚令人震驚的事情pride驕傲令人驕傲的事情Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success.你的貢獻一定會使這個事件很成功。物質(zhì)名詞具體化drink飲料two drinks 兩杯飲料coffee咖啡a coffee一杯咖啡chalk 粉筆a chalk 一支粉筆hair 頭發(fā)a hair 一根頭發(fā)抽象名詞與a(an)連用,淡化了抽象概念,轉(zhuǎn)化為似乎可以體驗到的動作、行為或類別。例如:Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in those tough times.在那些艱難的時期,能夠買得起一杯酒會是一件欣慰的事。考向三 名詞所有格(1)s所有格用and連接的并列名詞的所有格要分兩種情況,即表示各自的所有關系時,要分別在并列名詞后加s 或;表示共同的所有關系時,只在最后一個名詞后加s或。Toms and Jims rooms.湯姆和吉姆(各自)的房間。Tom and Jims room.湯姆和吉姆(共同)的房間。表示店鋪、辦公室或某人的家時,名詞所有格后被修飾的名詞一般省略。at the barbers在理發(fā)店at the teachers在老師辦公室(2)of所有格表示無生命的事物的名詞通常用of所有格表示所有關系;名詞短語或有定語修飾的有生命的名詞也常用of所有格。the content of the novel小說的內(nèi)容the name of the girl over there那邊那位女孩的名字(3)雙重所有格指名詞of名詞所有格或名詞of名詞性物主代詞。a play of Shakespeares(莎士比亞的一個戲劇)a friend of mine(我的一個朋友)1. (2018·全國新課標卷II·短文改錯)When I was little, Fridays night was our family game night.【答案】Fridays改為Friday。2.The village is far away from here indeed. Its _ walk. A. a four hourB. a four hoursC. a four-hoursD. a four hours【答案】D【解析】s屬格除了用在表示有生命的東西(人或物)的名詞后,有時還用于某些無生命的名詞(如表示時間的名詞)后,一般是在名詞詞尾加s,如果該名詞詞尾已有-s或-es,則是在其后加" "。故選D??枷蛩?名詞的語法功能1.作主語The young woman played an important part in the matter. 那年輕女人在這件事上舉足輕重。His grandpa joined the Red Army at the age of fifteen. 他爺爺十五歲時參加紅軍。2.作賓語(1)作及物動詞的直接賓語I met your elder brother in the street。我在街上碰見你哥哥了。Have you finished the letter to Jane?你寫完給珍的信了嗎?(2)作及物動詞的間接賓語。I told my students a funny story. 我給學生們講一個有趣的故事。She asked the doctor another question. 她問了醫(yī)生另一個問題。(3)作介詞的賓語。After 20 years traveling, he settled down in Liangxiang. 二十年的流浪后,他在良鄉(xiāng)定居。Do you still ask your parents for money?你還向爸媽要錢嗎?3.作表語Its a good idea to plant trees here . 在這里栽些樹是個好主意。She is now a professor while her husband remains a worker. 也現(xiàn)在是教授而丈夫仍是個工人。4.作賓語的補足語They elected Tom head of the workshop. 他們推選湯姆當車間的頭。(職務名詞作賓補前面不加冠詞)The old man called my uncle Xiao Li. 老人喊我叔叔小李。5.作定語(1)直接作定語, 通常用單數(shù)形式。college students大學生 girl friend女友 vegetable garden菜園 basketball match籃球賽Lets stop by the book store on the way home.回家的路上,我們的書店停一下吧!He bought the shoes in that shoe shop. 這雙鞋他是在那個鞋店買的。(2)名詞所有格作定語。students books學生用書 Chinas capital中國的首都 the worlds population世界人口(3)man,woman,gentleman作定語man,woman,gentleman作定語時可以用單數(shù)和復數(shù)兩種形式,但必須隨所修飾名詞的數(shù)而定。He said that two women doctors would come to our village the next day. 他說明天有兩個女醫(yī)生到我們村子來。There are many men teachers in our school. 我們學校有很多男教師。(4)某些常用復數(shù)的名詞用作定語某些常用復數(shù)的名詞,當它們用作定語時,也須用復數(shù)形式。arms production 武器生產(chǎn) clothes shop服裝商店 sales department營業(yè)部 a goods train貨車 savings bank 儲蓄所 foreign languages department外語系(5)單位名稱、報紙、廣播、電視等的標題中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)復數(shù)名詞作定語。Learning Skills center學習技巧交流中心 The Boys Club 男孩俱樂部(6)表示類別時名詞直接作定語還是用所有格作定語一定要嚴格遵守習慣。a peasant family/boy(peasant習慣直接作定語) a workers family(worker習慣用所有格作定語)(7)兩種定語有時并存但意義不一樣。women drivers女司機 the womans driver這位婦女的司機girl friend女朋友 the girls friend 這女孩的朋友mother tongue母語 mothers tongue母親的舌頭(8)名詞作定語強調(diào)被修飾成分的內(nèi)容或職能,與其同根的形容詞作定語則強調(diào)特點或?qū)傩詆old watch 金表 (指手表是含金的) golden watch 金色的表 (指表是金色的,但不一定含金)6.作狀語時間名詞、數(shù)量名詞、距離名詞等有時可以作狀語。The soldiers walked 50 kilometers at a night. 戰(zhàn)士們一夜行軍五十公里Your suitcase weighs 10 kilograms. 你的手提箱重10千克??键c五 疑難名詞比較與辨析1.force; energy; strength; powerforce表示力、力量的意思。指為做或?qū)崿F(xiàn)某事而實際運用的力量。He overcame his bad habits by force of will.毅力使他克服了自己身上的不良習慣。Those people are the progressive forces in the society. 這些人是社會的進步力量。energy主要強調(diào)精力,指用來做某事或完成某事的能力。還可以指能源。Young people usually have more energy than the old. 青年人通常此老年人精力充沛。Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of energy. 很多國家正在提高天然氣、風以及其他能源形式的利用。strength表示力的意思。指做事情的-種內(nèi)在能力。就人而育,著重指力氣;就物而言,著重指強度潛力等。He lifted the stone with all his strength.他使出全身力氣舉起了那塊石頭。The side man hasnt got enough strength to get out of bed. 那位病人還沒有足夠的力氣下床。power 表示 能力、能量、動力的意思。指身體上、心理上和道德上的能力(不管是否發(fā)揮出)。Knowledge is power.知識就是力 量。I shall do everything in my power to help you.我將盡我的能力幫助你。2.manner; means; method; waymanner表示方式、方法的意思。指個人喜歡采用的方式。The manner of their meeting makes a good story. 他們相見的方式似乎有些傳奇色彩。He has developed his own manner of acting. 它形成了自己獨特的演出風格。means表示方法、手段 、工具的意思。Students sometimes support themselves by means of evening job. 學生有時通過晚上打工的方法來養(yǎng)活自己。The quickest means of travel is by plane.最快的旅行工具是飛機。Have you the means to support a family? 你有維持家的方法沒有?method指做某事的具體步驟或程序,也指系統(tǒng)的、抽象概念的原理。His idea is all right, but he lacks method.他的想法不錯,但是缺少方法。He is a man of method.他是個有條理的人。method of teaching 教學方法 method of study 學習方法Roasting is one method of cooking meat. 烤是做肉的一種方法。way是最通用的詞,也是最不正式的詞,本義是通道、通路,引申作方式、方法講,含義很廣。In this way over several days, the artist and his mice became friends. 就這樣過了幾天,這位藝術家和他的老鼠成了好朋友。Look ! Work on it in this way. 看!像這樣搞它。My parents always let me have my own way of living. At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics。A. approachesB. meansC. methodsD. ways【答案】D。3.cost; price; value; worth; expensecost表示成本、費用的意思。 原指生產(chǎn)某種物品的成本 ,包括生產(chǎn)中所支付的原料和勞動。一般要低于售價,有時也可用來泛指價格。也可用于借喻,指所付出的代價,甚至生命。As a result, costs will be reduced by as much as 90%. 因此,成本將會降低90% 之多。China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper. 中國日報刊登大量廣告有助于降低報紙生產(chǎn)的成本。price表示價格、價錢、定價的意思。 指經(jīng)營商品出售的單價,通常要高于商品的出廠成本。也用于借喻,指做某事所付出的代價。Can you try to get them to bring down the price? 你能把價格講下來嗎?They can sell their beef at a high price in the capital. 他們可以在首都以高價出售他們的牛肉。value表示價值、價格。指我們所估計一件東西的價值,因此是不能 以金錢估價的。Instead, they are writing once more about things that are common for everyone: feeling alone in the modern world, the value of having good friends and so on. 他們現(xiàn)在再一次寫常人常事現(xiàn)代世界中的孤獨感及交好朋友的價值等等。The park is good value for the money.公園花這么多錢值得。worth意思是價值。指東西本身的真正價值,是經(jīng)久不變的,是可貴的。It was worth five hundred francs at the most.它最多值500法郎。He asked me how much this computer was worth. 他問我這臺計算機值多少錢。expense意思是費用、支出、開銷,指花費金錢、時間和精力。We travelled to France at our own expense. 我們自費去法國旅行了。Do you know at whose expense your visit to Japan will be?你 知道誰將擔負你訪問日本的費用嗎?4.land; ground; soil; earthland表示陸地、土地、地,是河流和海洋的相對用語。用于指土地或土壤時,著重指它的性質(zhì)、用途等。有時泛指大地,也可作國家、地產(chǎn)講。The rocky soil has been turned into rich land.巖石地已變成了沃土。But some people dont want good farm land to be built on. 但是有些人不愿意把好的農(nóng)田用來修建廠房。To the sea captains surprise, he found that land travel could also be quite pleasant. 使那位船長吃驚的是,他發(fā)現(xiàn)陸地旅行也很愉快。ground(n. )表示地、土地的意思。主要指大地表面,也可以指土壤、場地。也可用于借喻指根據(jù)、理由。He learnt how to clean rough ground before planting crops. 他學會了在種植作物之前如何拾掇毛糙的土地。Then the Class 2 runner dropped his stick on the ground when he was passing it on to the fourth runner.然而,當二班運動員傳給第四棒時,接力棒掉在地上了。soil表示土壤、土地,指可以生長植物且富有有機物的沃土,宜于農(nóng)耕。When the plants are in the ground, Ill put some powder on the soil.當植物種到地里時,我將給地里撒些粉劑。He studied how to improve soil conditions.他研究如何改善土壤環(huán)境。earth表示地、地球、泥土,著重指大地,以別于天空。作泥土解時,常用于以別于堅硬的巖石。Later, in a few weeks time Ill put the little plants in the earth. 幾星期后,我將把小植物埋在泥土里。5.practice; exercise; training; drillpractice; exercise; training; drill都表示練習、訓練的意思。training表示訓練、培養(yǎng)、教練、鍛煉的意思。一般指對于身體的鍛煉、對動物的訓練、對士兵的訓練等。These football players had no strict training until they joined our club.這些足球隊員直到加入我們俱樂部才受到嚴格的訓練。The athlete is in training.這個運動員鍛煉得好。The home training of children is the first class social problem. 兒童的家庭教育是社會的頭等問題。exercise主要指為提高技巧或業(yè)務水平而規(guī)定的練習或體格鍛煉。The book contains a series of graded exercises adapted to the use of beginners. 書中有一系列按難易排列的練習適于初學者應用。You need more outdoor exercise.你需要多進行戶外運動。practice主要指正規(guī)的、有條理的、不斷反復的 練習或把理論道理貫徹在行動中的 實踐。More practice will make you speak with greater fluency. 多練習會使你口語更流利。The integration of theory and practice is one of the basic points of Marxism. 理論和實踐的統(tǒng)一是馬克思主義的基本論點之一。drill表示操練、訓練的意思。一般指嚴格的訓練或反反復復練習或軍事上的練兵。Lets do some pattern drills.咱們做些句型練習吧。The soldiers were at drill in the barrack yard.士兵們在營場上操練。6.sign; signal; mark; symbolsign表示 符號、記號、招牌等意思。是最普通的用語,指一個具有公認意義的、簡單的、隨意制定的代表物。Letters are signs used to represent sounds.字母是用來代表聲音的符號。Youll see the sign for the rest rooms.你將看到休息室的指示牌。signal表示 暗號、信號的意思。有時是有意的;有時是無意的。有意的,如強風訊號、求救信號等。There the electrical signal is changed back into sound. 在那兒電信號又變成聲音。mark表示 痕跡、記號、商標、特征、分數(shù)的意思。指印在物品上的記號,可用在好壞兩個方面。作動詞時,表示標明、作記號的意思。He got full marks in his maths test. 他在數(shù)學測試中得了滿分。Each stone was marked with a number. 每個石頭上都標明號碼。symbol表示 象征的意思,特別強調(diào)故意用來包含某一特定意義的東西,或故意構成的傳達某一特定意義的事物。a good luck symbol 好運氣的象征The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a symbol of courage and power. 獅子被看作百獸之王,是因為它是勇氣與權利的象征。1. (2018·天津卷·單項填空)The_ that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.A. advice B. orderC. possibility D. invitation【答案】C【解析】考查名詞詞義辨析及語境理解。句意:宇宙中其它星球上存在生命這種可能性總是激勵科學家們?nèi)ヌ剿魍獠靠臻g。A. advice建議;B. order命令;C. possibility可能性;D. invitation邀請。故選C。2. The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you any direct_.A.solution          B.targetC.measure          D.function【答案】A3.(2017年新課標I卷完形填空)Before the school year 47 (ended) ,I gave the kids a special 48 , T-shirts with the words “Verbs Are Your 49 ” on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(動詞)may seem dull ,most of the 50(fun) things they do.48.A.lesson B. gift C. report D. message49. A. Friends B. Awards C. Masters D. Tasks48.【答案】B 【解析】考查名詞辨析,A.lesson課,教訓, B.gift禮物, C.report 報告,D.message信息,根據(jù)后文可知作者送給Freddy一件襯衫,即一個特殊的禮物,故選B。49.【答案】A【解析】考查名詞辨析。A.Friends 朋友,B.Awards獎, C.Masters 主人,D.Tasks任務。襯衫上寫著“動詞是你的朋友”,故選A。4. (2017年北京卷完形填空) In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities, she has received a lot of 51 .For example, she received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the 52 of young people to change the world.51. A. praisesB. invitationsC. repliesD. appointments52. A. needsB. interestsC. dreamsD. efforts5 The accident caused some _ to my car,but its nothing serious.A. harm B. injury C. ruin D. damage【答案】D【解析】考查名詞。damage指使用價值遭到損壞, 這種損壞是部分性的,不是完全,根據(jù)語境it is nothing serious所以選D。harm指肉體上或精神上的傷害。injury指人在事故中受傷。ruin 多用于借喻之中,經(jīng)常指把某物損壞到了不能再使用的程度。題組一(真題在線)1.(2018·江蘇)Try to understand whats actually happening instead of acting on the _ youve made.A. assignment B. associationC. acquisition D. assumption2.(2016·天津)The weather forecast says it will be cloudy with a slight _ of rain later tonight. A. effect B. sense C. change D. chance 3.(2016·江蘇) Can you tell us yourfor happiness and a long life? Living every day to the full, definitely.A. recipe B. recordC. rangeD. receipt4.(2015·湖北)When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his _ and had a bad fall.A. balance B .chance C .memory D .place 5.(2015·湖北)He gave himself a new name to hide his _ when he went to carry out the secret task. A. emotion B. talent C. identity D. treasure 6.(2015·安徽)There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some _ and then let me know.A. thoughtB. supportC. protection D. authority7.(2015·江蘇)Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave.Id like to, but Im afraid she wont be happy with my _ .A. requests B. excuses C. apologies D. regrets8.(2015·江蘇)Some schools will have to make _ in agreement with the national soccer reform.A. judgments B. adjustments C. comments D. achievements9.(2015·福建)The failure was a big _to him, but he wasnt discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.A. blowB. issueC. excuseD. Factor10.(2015·浙江)One of the most effective ways to reduce is to talk about feeling with someone you trust.A. production B. stress C. energy D. passive題組二1.They have a 22:00 _. That is, they have to be in their dorm by 22:00 on school nights.A. limitB. entryC. scheduleD. block2.To allow all students _to education, China has to increase education spending to 4.5 percent of GDP.A. accessB. levelC. accountD. commitment3.It is believed that very little _has been made of the waste materials from factories in the past decades, which on the contrary has brought pollution to the environment.A. costB. useC. valueD. action4.England is a multicultural society and welcomes a variety of cultures which add a _ to our daily lives.A. collisionB. dimensionC. dilemmaD. privilege5.Lots of campaigns have occurred in China to defend the Nansha Islands recently. What is your _ of the situation?A. intentionB. assessmentC. attitudeD. appointment6.My morning _ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.A. drillB. actionC. regulationD. routine7.Harry has been out of work for six months, so he has difficulty _.A. earning livingsB. earning his livingC.to earn livingsD.to earn his living8.The role will be the biggest _of his acting career.A. conclusionB. challengeC. explanationD. approach9.Finding the window was broken, he asked whose _it was.A. mistakeB. errorC. faultD. responsibility10.She does exercise every morning to keep her _.A. figureB. natureC. imageD. character題組三語篇填空A strong memory depends 1 the health and vitality(活力)of your brain. Humans are2 (high) social animals, so relationships stimulate(刺激)our brains in fact, interacting with 3 may be the best brain exercise.Having 4 (mean) relationships is not only vital to emotional health, but also to brain health. In one recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, for example, researchers found that people with the most active social life had the 5 (slow) rate of memory deterioration.And moreover, youve heard that laughter is the best medicine for the brain as 6 as the body. As psychologist Daniel 7 (note)in his book Emotional Intelligence, "Laughter seems to help people think more broadly and associate more freely."When you hear laughter, move toward it. Most of the time, people are very happy 8 (share) something funny because it gives them an opportunity to laugh together.Please spend time with those 9 laugh easily both at themselves and at lifes humorous events. Surround yourself with reminders to lighten up. Keep 10 toy on your desk or in your car. Put up a funny poster in your office. Choose a computer screen saver that makes you laugh. 題組一1.D 【解析】考查名詞詞義辨析及語境理解。句意:試著去理解實際發(fā)生的事情,而不是按照你所做的假設行事。A. assignment分配;B. association交往;C. acquisition獲得;D. assumption假設。故選D。2.D 【解析】句意:天氣預報說今天會是多云,后半夜可能有雨。A.影響;B.感覺;C.改變;D.機會,可能性。故選D。4.A 【解析】句意:男孩在追他哥哥時,失去了平衡,重重地摔了一跤。A項平衡;B項機會;C項記憶;D項地方。lose ones balance失去平衡。故選A項。5.C 【解析】句意:他執(zhí)行一項秘密任務時,給自己起了一個新的名字來掩蓋身份。A項情緒;B項才能;C項身份;D項財富。故選C項?!久麕燑c睛】考生解答本題的關鍵是抓住題干中的關鍵詞secret task(秘密任務)和 gave himself a new name(給自己取了個新名字),然后推知肯定是為了hide his identity(掩藏身份),從而鎖定正確答案。6.A 【解析】句意:現(xiàn)在沒必要告訴我答案,你再思考一下,之后告訴我。A思考;B支持;C保護;D權威,當局。這里指讓對方再好好想想,故選A。7.C 【解析】句意:Dave,去跟你的媽媽道歉。我想這樣做,但是我擔心她對我的道歉不滿意。A項請求;B項借口;C項道歉;D項遺憾,后悔。故選C項。8.B 【解析】句意:為了與國家的足球改革相適應,一些學校必須做出調(diào)整。A項判斷,決斷;B項調(diào)整;C項評價,評論;D項成就。故選B項?!久麕燑c睛】本題側(cè)重考查在特定的語境中辨析名詞詞義的能力。四個選項都可以跟前面的動詞make搭配。因此,考生除了要充分利用特定語境理解詞義,還應注意多積累可以跟同一動詞搭配的名詞。另外還可以利用固定搭配排除C項make本題側(cè)重考查在特定的語境中辨析名詞詞義的能力。comments on對做出評價/評論,縮小正確答案的范圍。9.A 【解析】blow打擊; issue問題;excuse借口;factor要素。句意:這個失敗對他來說是一個打擊,但是他沒有泄氣,很快振作恢復了原來的熱情。故選A10.B 【解析】句意:一種最有效的減壓方法就是和你覺得信任的人談談你的想法。production產(chǎn)品, stress壓力, energy能源, passive力量。根據(jù)常識可知,和別人談心應該來說是減壓。所以答案是B.。題組二1.A【解析】考查名詞。limit限制;entry入口;條目;schedule時間表;block街區(qū)。結合下句That is, they have to be in their dorm by 22:00 on school nights.(也就是說,他們在校期間晚上10:00必須回到宿舍)可知,晚上10:00是時間限制,故選A項。4.B【解析】考查名詞辨析。collision碰撞;dimension方面;dilemma困境;privilege特權。句意:英國是一個多元文化的社會,它歡迎為我們?nèi)粘I钤鎏韮?nèi)容的各種文化。故選B。 5.B 【解析】考查名詞詞義辨析。intention意圖,打算;assessment評估,評價;attitude態(tài)度;appointment約定,約會。句意:在中國,為了保衛(wèi)南沙群島,開展了大量的運動。你對形勢有什么評估?根據(jù)句意,B選項正確。attitude要和介詞to/toward連用。6.D【解析】考查名詞。句意:我早上要做的事包括在公園慢走和吃早餐時讀報。drill操練,(反復)練習; action行動,行為; regulation規(guī)則,規(guī)章; routine常規(guī),日常事務。 故選D。 7.B 【解析】考查固定短語。句意:Harry已經(jīng)失業(yè)六個月了,因此他謀生有困難。have difficulty (in) doing sth.意為做某事有困難,earn ones living意為謀生,都是固定短語,故選B項。8.B 【解析】考查名詞辨析。句意:扮演這個角色將是他演藝生涯中最大的挑戰(zhàn)。challenge挑戰(zhàn),符合句意。10.A 【解析】考查詞匯辨析。句意:她每天早上做運動以保持身材。figure身材,身段,符合句意。題組三語篇填空【文章大意】本文是一篇議論文。記憶力取決于健康狀況和大腦的活力。重要的人際關系和大笑


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