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西昌學(xué)院畢業(yè)論文畢業(yè)論文開題報告中 文 題 目:論中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)策略英 文 題 目:On the Strategies of English Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School學(xué) 院:外國語學(xué)院年級、 專業(yè):2008級本3班 英語學(xué) 生 姓 名:學(xué) 號:指 導(dǎo) 教 師:日 期:2011年11月30日選題依據(jù)、目的意義與準(zhǔn)備解決的問題(包括國內(nèi)外目前對該論題的研究現(xiàn)狀與發(fā)展趨勢簡述;論文選題的依據(jù)及論文的理論意義、現(xiàn)實意義及應(yīng)用價值;準(zhǔn)備解決什么樣的問題并將在哪些方面有可能突破等):一、 國內(nèi)外目前對該論題的研究現(xiàn)狀與發(fā)展趨勢:隨著英語教學(xué)和學(xué)習(xí)方法的不斷改進(jìn),教師在如何組織課堂教學(xué)和為學(xué)生創(chuàng)造良好的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境方面面臨著挑戰(zhàn)。詞匯在英語語言學(xué)習(xí)和應(yīng)用中的地位和重要性是毋庸置疑的,它是培養(yǎng)聽、說、讀、寫、譯五種基本技能的基礎(chǔ),如何采用科學(xué)有效的教學(xué)策略進(jìn)行詞匯教學(xué)顯得尤為重要。最近幾十年來,國內(nèi)外對詞匯教學(xué)策略這一領(lǐng)域的研究從廣度和深度都有了很大發(fā)展,這大大豐富了對于中國教師英語詞匯教學(xué)策略的了解。20 世紀(jì)80 年代至今, 國內(nèi)陸續(xù)出版了多部英語詞匯學(xué)專著,如:1983 年, 陸國強(qiáng)就出版了現(xiàn)代英語詞匯學(xué), 以后陸續(xù)問世的有林福美的 現(xiàn)代英語詞匯學(xué)(1985) 、張韻斐與周錫卿合著的現(xiàn)代英語詞匯學(xué)概論(1986) 、楊承章的英語詞匯學(xué)引論(1987)、林良生與秦大維合著的現(xiàn)代英語詞匯學(xué)導(dǎo)論(1991) 、曹務(wù)堂的簡明英語詞匯學(xué)(1992)和英語詞匯學(xué)-全國高等教育自學(xué)考試教材(1997) , 以及汪榕培的英語詞匯學(xué)教程(1997) 、英語詞匯探勝(1999) 、英語詞匯學(xué)研究(2000),畢淑芝和王義高的當(dāng)代外國教育思想研究(2000),劉向紅的 英語詞匯學(xué)習(xí)策略綜述(2005),崔美麗的 中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)策略淺析(2007)等等。然而對于詞匯教學(xué), 英語教師有的較為重視,有的不夠重視。 在國外, 70年代以前的詞匯教學(xué)不受重視。70年代D.A.威爾金斯從詞匯語義學(xué)的立場出發(fā), 竭力強(qiáng)調(diào)詞匯教學(xué)的重要性。威爾金斯竭力主張, 詞匯在語言教學(xué)中應(yīng)占重要地位。“沒有語法,人們能說的話很少;沒有詞匯,人們一句話也說不出?!边@是他的名言。此后學(xué)者們對詞匯教學(xué)日益關(guān)心,提出了許多見解。我們可以看出國內(nèi)外學(xué)者對詞匯教學(xué)和學(xué)習(xí)已日益關(guān)心。這說明人們已經(jīng)把詞匯教學(xué)放在了一個非常重要的位置,但多數(shù)是理論上的探討,對英語詞匯教學(xué)的策略還有待研究。二、論文選題的依據(jù)及論文的理論意義、現(xiàn)實意義及應(yīng)用價值:1.選題依據(jù)和理論意義英語學(xué)習(xí)對于中國學(xué)生來說,一直是個大難題,對于教師來說英語教學(xué)策略也是一大難題,尤其是詞匯的教學(xué)策略。詞匯是構(gòu)成語言的基礎(chǔ)。學(xué)習(xí)一門語言,對詞匯的學(xué)習(xí)是不可或缺的,英語學(xué)習(xí)也不例外。作為一個英語教學(xué)工作者,如何有效地進(jìn)行詞匯教學(xué)將直接影響到學(xué)生是否真正理解和掌握英語。2.現(xiàn)實意義 詞匯教學(xué)是英語教學(xué)中的一個重要環(huán)節(jié),忽視詞匯教學(xué)即忽視了語言教學(xué)的本質(zhì)。通過對中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)策略的研究有利于英語教師在平時的詞匯教學(xué)中善于發(fā)現(xiàn)問題、解決問題,耐心幫助學(xué)生解決在詞匯學(xué)習(xí)中遇到的問題。并利用英語詞匯內(nèi)在的有機(jī)聯(lián)系,有效地進(jìn)行教學(xué),幫助學(xué)生不斷地進(jìn)行梳理、總結(jié)和歸類,形成知識體系。本文試圖通過總結(jié)目前實際教學(xué)過程中的發(fā)展?fàn)顩r,前進(jìn)方向和存在的弊端,提出行之有效的英語詞匯教學(xué)策略。3. 應(yīng)用價值從細(xì)節(jié)上分析中學(xué)英語教學(xué)過程中的發(fā)展?fàn)顩r,前進(jìn)方向和存在的弊端,試圖提出行之有效的英語詞匯教學(xué)策略。通過本文,希望對以后的英語教學(xué)有一定的指導(dǎo)作用,正確認(rèn)識中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)存在的問題,盡量避免在實際教學(xué)中走彎路,從而促進(jìn)英語教學(xué),提高英語教學(xué)水平和質(zhì)量。三、準(zhǔn)備解決什么樣的問題并將在哪些方面有可能突破:對于該論題前人已經(jīng)作出了很多研究,有些是寫的純理論的著作,有些是采取的實證研究的方法。但總的來說,在教學(xué)的實踐中運用的不太成功。本文從比較實際的教學(xué)理論角度來分析現(xiàn)階段中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)問題,試圖提出行之有效的英語詞匯教學(xué)策略。主要研究內(nèi)容、研究方法及預(yù)期目標(biāo):一、主要研究內(nèi)容本選題通過發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,提出問題,分析問題,解決問題的思路,對當(dāng)前詞匯教學(xué)中存在的缺陷進(jìn)行分析,基于對優(yōu)秀語言教學(xué)策略研究,對一線教師的調(diào)查和作者自己的教學(xué)實踐,本文試圖提出行之有效的英語詞匯教學(xué)策略。首先,簡要介紹詞匯學(xué)習(xí)的重要性,以及在中學(xué)詞匯教學(xué)的現(xiàn)狀。其次,通過分析傳統(tǒng)詞匯教學(xué)中存在的一些問題,結(jié)合英語詞匯的特征找出問題所在,據(jù)此提出行之有效的詞匯教學(xué)策略,即視覺教學(xué)法,音形結(jié)合法,構(gòu)詞法,歸納組織法,交流法,游戲法。再次,提出詞匯教學(xué)應(yīng)強(qiáng)調(diào)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)詞匯的能力以及在文化背景下對詞匯的不同理解。最后,簡述教師應(yīng)該遵循詞匯的特征,正視學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)詞匯,以及詞匯教學(xué)方法的問題,根據(jù)不同的情況采用不同的詞匯教學(xué)策略,才會使中學(xué)的詞匯教學(xué)上一個臺階。二、研究的方法總體上來說,本次研究將采用文獻(xiàn)分析的研究方法。鑒于前人的研究大多數(shù)是提出理論依據(jù)和分析,因此,通過查閱資料了解關(guān)于本論題的具體研究結(jié)果是有必要的。利用學(xué)校圖書館書籍資源和網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源,搜集有關(guān)方面的研究成果,作為論文寫作的理論指導(dǎo)。從分析中查找出前人的不足,提出更為有效地英語詞匯教學(xué)方法。三、預(yù)期目標(biāo) 本次研究的預(yù)期目標(biāo)是:通過各種有效途徑,搜集有關(guān)本論題的資料和信息,從理論和實際的角度去進(jìn)行分析,找出前人研究的不足,結(jié)合實際,提出對中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)行之有效的教學(xué)策略。 總體安排及進(jìn)度計劃:本論文寫作分為八個階段,具體如下:第一個階段:2011年10月26日至11月30日,收集資料,確定選題,完成開題報告;第二個階段:2011年12月前,擬定提綱;第三個階段:2012年3月1日前完成論文的初稿;第四個階段:2012年3月1日至31日完成論文二稿交由指導(dǎo)教師批閱;第五個階段:2012年4月1日至30日完成三稿交由指導(dǎo)教師批閱;第六個階段:2012年5月1日至20日論文定稿;第七個階段: 2012年5月26日至31日論文答辯。參考文獻(xiàn)、資料:Allen, Virginia French. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. Shanghai: Foreign Language teaching and research press, 2002Hockett, Charles Francis. A Course in Modern Linguistics. (New York: MacMillan) 1958.I.S.P., Nation. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. (New York: Newbury House) 1990.Leech,Geoffrey. Semantics Harmond sworth : Penguin, 1974.Michael OMalley J. and Anna Uhl Chamot. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.Trudgill, Peter. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society, Fourth Edition. Harmond sworth: Penguin, 2001.Wilkins, David Arthur. Linguistics in Language Teaching. London: EdwardArnold,1972.畢淑芝, 王義高,當(dāng)代外國教育思想研究。 北京: 人民教育出版社, 2000。崔美麗, “中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)策略淺析”,英語教學(xué)研究2(2007):112。劉向紅,“英語詞匯學(xué)習(xí)策略綜述”,基礎(chǔ)教育外語教學(xué)研究, 7(2005):31。王薔, 英語教學(xué)法教程(第二版)。 高等教育出版社, 2006。文秋芳,“英語成功者與不成功者在學(xué)習(xí)方法上的差異”, 外語教學(xué)與研究,3(1995 66-61。指導(dǎo)教師意見:指導(dǎo)教師簽名:年 月 日畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)小組意見:組長簽名:年 月 日On the Strategies for the Vocabulary Teaching in Middle SchoolAbstractWith the continual reform of language teaching and learning methods, teachers are faced with challenges how to organize the classes in English and create English-learning circumstance. Vocabulary is the language of construction materials and the basis for the development of the five skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. As the most basic material of language, foreign language teaching cannot exist without the vocabulary teaching. Vocabulary undoubtedly plays an important role in English language study and application. Therefore, it seems especially important for us to adopt a scientific teaching strategy in vocabulary teaching. In recent years, the significant development has taken place in both breadth and depth of this area in China, which has greatly enriched the understanding of vocabulary teaching process of the Chinese teachers. This thesis summarizes the process of its development, the direction of its development and the defects in the current practical teaching. Based on the advanced theory of educational vocabulary teaching, the investigation on front-line teachers and the authors own practical teaching, this thesis attempts to put forward an effective proposal to improve vocabulary teaching. Hoping can improve the efficiency of vocabulary teaching, and promote the students vocabulary accumulation.Key Words: vocabulary teaching; current defects; strategies論中學(xué)英語詞匯教學(xué)策略內(nèi)容摘要 隨著英語教學(xué)和學(xué)習(xí)方法的不斷改進(jìn),教師在如何組織課堂教學(xué)和為學(xué)生創(chuàng)造良好的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境方面面臨著挑戰(zhàn)。詞匯是語言的建筑材料,是培養(yǎng)聽、說、讀、寫、譯五種基本技能的基礎(chǔ)。作為組成語言最基本的材料,外語教學(xué)自然離不開詞匯教學(xué)。詞匯在英語語言學(xué)習(xí)和應(yīng)用中的地位和重要性是毋庸置疑的。如何采用科學(xué)有效的教學(xué)策略進(jìn)行詞匯教學(xué)顯得尤為重要。最近幾年來,國內(nèi)對詞匯教學(xué)策略這一領(lǐng)域的研究從廣度和深度都有了很大發(fā)展,這大大豐富了對于中國教師英語詞匯教學(xué)策略的了解。 本文總結(jié)了目前實際教學(xué)過程中的發(fā)展?fàn)顩r,前進(jìn)方向和存在的弊端。基于近幾年來優(yōu)秀語言教學(xué)策略研究,對一線教師的調(diào)查和作者自己的教學(xué)實踐,本文試圖提出行之有效的英語詞匯教學(xué)策略,以期提高詞匯教學(xué)的效率,促進(jìn)學(xué)生的詞匯積累。關(guān)鍵詞: 詞匯教學(xué);目前弊端;策略O(shè)n the Strategies of English VocabularyTeaching in Middle SchoolContents1 Introduction12 Disadvantages of Vocabulary Teaching32.1 Insufficient Understanding the Necessity of Vocabulary Teaching.32.2 Insufficient Understanding the Necessity of Vocabulary Teaching.42.3 The Wrong Opinions on the Teaching Vocabulary Teaching.63 The Characteristics of English Vocabulary.9 3.1 Attention to Spelling, Pronunciation and Writing.9 3.2 Attention to the Meanings, Collocations and Usages.94 Improving the Efficiency of English Vocabulary Teaching.11 4.1 Strategies for English Teachers Teaching Vocabulary11 4.2 Placing Emphasis on Training Students Abilities to Learn.16 4.3 The Cultures Background of Language and Vocabulary.175 Conclusion.19Notes20Works Cited21Acknowledgements.22Declaration of Thesis Originality.23On the Strategies of English VocabularyTeaching in Middle School1 IntroductionLanguage is made up of three main elements: grammar,phonetics and vocabulary; However, vocabulary is the most important one. Vocabulary is not only the carrier of phonetics and grammar, but also the construction material of linguistic building. The great English linguist, Wilkins, said: “If there is no grammar, people can only express something; but if there is no vocabulary, people can express nothing.”1 So vocabulary teaching and learning is the basic point in English teaching and learning.Word, one of the three basic language units (sound, word, and grammar), is essential to communication2. When you spend most of your time learning grammar, your English will not improve very much. However, you will make great progress with your English if you learn more words and expressions. As words are the basic and core part of communication, which directly influences ones ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. So only after mastering enough vocabularies can you possibly understand what others say and what others write, and can you express your thought fluently and communicate with others successfully. In fact, the difficulties in communicating often result from insufficient vocabulary. The well-known American author and educator, L. Ron Hubbard advised: “Failure to learn definitions results in a later inability to understand explanations, which include those definitions. Easily the most important factor in any study is a comprehension of what is meant by certain words.”3. Virginia French Allen writes in his book, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary that “experienced ESL (English as a Second Language) or EFL (English as Foreign Language) teachers know very well how important vocabulary is”4. With comprehension and application playing a more and more important role in examination, vocabulary in terms of the English teaching status should become more significant. Correcting acquaintance for teaching and learning vocabulary is crucial subject for our better English teaching. In order to find the efficient ways of teaching vocabulary, vocabulary-teaching strategies have been studied for decades of years. Now it is a hot issue in the study of language teaching strategies. Lots of research has been done both abroad and in China. The significant development has been taken place in both breadth and depth of this area in China, which has greatly enriched the understanding of vocabulary teaching process of the Chinese teachers.In this thesis, the defects of current vocabulary teaching will be analyzed. In addition, based on advanced theory of educational vocabulary teaching and practical teaching, this thesis will try to put forward a proposalto perfect vocabulary teaching.2 Disadvantages of Vocabulary TeachingTraditional vocabulary teaching only requires students to read the new words and spell them out then offered the corresponding or similar Chinese explanation. As the result we fond that many students spend a lot of time on remembering the new words. Although they knew the meaning of words but they dont know how to use them correctly. Although many current educational theories promote vocabulary teaching, there are many problems existing in English vocabulary teaching. And then the students find it difficult to learn vocabulary and gradually lose the interest in memorizing vocabulary2.1 Insufficient Understanding the Necessity of Vocabulary TeachingThough people do not deny the role of vocabularies in language communication, many people think that vocabularies should be taught by the teachers and accumulated by students themselves. It is exactly under the influence of the mistake concept. From primary school to the university, many students believe that to learn English well was to learn grammars well; he who is poor in the ability to use English is just because he is not good at grammars. So they pay more attention on grammar, about vocabulary just know the meaning and the pronunciation. In fact when talk about the grammar analysis many Chinese students are good at it. In contrary lots of foreign teachers are not as good as them. However, Chinese students actual ability to use English is disappointing. Why cannot some students use the words, which remembered firmly by them? Why is their writings content so poor? Why cannot they get rid of thinking in Chinese, expressing ones own thought with some words and expressions coined? Does the vocabulary really not need to be taught? As we know, ignoring vocabulary teaching has already produced some bad consequences. If we can make vocabulary teaching be equal of grammar teaching, I believe that the situation will be changed greatly. Teacher not only has the duty to teach students the knowledge of vocabulary, but also should study and probe into the teaching approaches of the vocabulary, vocabulary teaching should be an essential important link in English teaching naturally.2.2 Three Phenomena Existing in the Traditional English Vocabulary Teaching It is well known to all that vocabulary teaching is a hard work; traditional English teaching approach in China is a teacher-centered one. The traditional English vocabulary teaching has exists some problems teachers should have the correct attitude on this situation, and change their teaching methods on vocabulary teaching. 2.2.1 Breaking Away From the Sentence and Article ContentTeachers are used to teaching words and phrases before text, which are the common features of most of them. When the class begins teachers write down the new words on the blackboard and then teach the words in isolation, ignoring the content and meaning of the language. So the teachers break vocabularies away from sentence and text. For instance, there are many vocabulary means scenery, such as, landscape, sight, view, scene, prospect, and outlook. If teachers just list and write down the new words on the blackboard and then teach the words in isolation, and then, many a student do not understand the real meaning and usage of the words. If the teachers write down “Walked round the town, looking at the sights” and “From the window there was a clear view of the mountains”. Then the students understand their meaning and usage naturally. 2.2.2 Overlooking the Relationship between the Central and Concrete MeaningThe central meaning is called the basic meaning of the word. The concrete meaning refers to the specific meaning of the word5. In vocabulary teaching, teacher must make students grasp the differences between the central meaning and the concrete meaning of word. The relation between them is generally and specific relation, namely affiliation of the concept. Some teachers often ignore this on interpretation, which makes student not understand vocabularies correctly. For example, “Please give me a hand.” and “We need three more hands.” In the first sentence “hand” means “help”, but it means “person” in the second sentence. If teachers do not pay attention to distinguish the two kinds of meanings in vocabulary teaching, students will misunderstand.2.2.3 No Dividing the Vocabulary into Primary and SecondaryWordsSome teachers do not divide all the vocabularies among every lesson into the primary words and secondary words. For instance, there are many vocabularies such as, audience, choir, classical, composer, jazz, orchestra, saxophone, lose, lyrics, lecture, conductor Students must memorize the primary words: audience, classical, composer, lose, lecture, conductor There is no need for students to memorize the other secondary words: choir, jazz, orchestra, saxophone, lyrics. Teachers should not attach the equal importance to all the words, he should screen to the new vocabularies in fact, distinguish primary and secondary words to explain. Some words are needed to read only, and some must be explained in detail, not only the pronunciation and the meaning of a word should be explained in detail, but also the way to use the transferred meaning of words, the comparison and extended meaning of the word should be taught by the teacher. Nevertheless, talking from the beginning to the end, using time equally, it has increased students burden and pressure to study vocabulary virtually, and it makes them feel so boring that they even want to give up study English.2.3 The Wrong Opinions on the Teaching Vocabularies Teaching Vocabulary teaching should not be just teach words isolatedly and explain them trivially, or memorize them mechanically Vocabulary teaching should fully mobilize students subjective initiative, let the students to be the master in the classroom, training their sensitivities of the vocabulary, and let them know how to learn English vocabulary well. Therefore, the teachers should pay more attention on the wrong opinions and try their best to improve their teaching efficiency.2.3.1 Breaking Away from Three ElementsVocabulary teaching includes sound, morphology and the meaning6. The first element is sound, namely the pronunciation of the word. In order to lay a good foundation for learning words, students should read phonetic symbol accurately. The second element is morphology, namely the spelling of the word. It is an important course in vocabulary teaching. Therefore, teacher should drill students to have the ability and the habit of spelling and learning words according to the rule of pronouncing. In English there are many words have the similarities pronunciations but spelling and meaning are completely difference. So it difficult that to teaching these words which has similarities in pronunciation. Such as son, song if teacher read son it is very difficult for student to distinguish whether it is son or song. If teacher dont point them out in class, and let students analyze, argue and distinguish, they will confused. The third element is that using words freely is based on understanding the meaning of word. At present, some teachers regard vocabulary teaching as attached content of reading teaching at the time of carrying on vocabulary teaching. Facing full of new words and pursuing the ability of reading and grasping the grammar, teachers carry on vocabulary teaching in isolation. It makes the students feel difficult to remember and understand the new words correctly. Moreover, when students are reading, each word seems to have met before, but they cannot get the correct meaning of the sentence.2.3.2 Failing to Follow the Laws of Language TeachingWen Qiufang, said: “Language teaching must follow the law of listening, speaking and writing repeatedly. Learn fast and forget fast, it is the present middle school students common fault in the course of studying English words”7. All of us know when students start to learn a certain vocabulary for the first time, they only have an “instant memory” at first, only by practicing and repeating a lot can it be changed into “the long-term memory”, can the words be mastered firmly. Some teachers do not pay attention to revise and consolidate the words. They just let students remember by themselves, and they go on teaching the new words. In this way just make students learn one and lose one. As we know, reviewing is the mother of the studying; reviewing systematically can not only consolidate the memory but also strengthen the understanding to the words remembered.2.3.3 Reviewing Vocabulary in Simple WaysSome teachers use outmoded method to revise vocabulary, such as, reciting the word list, copying and dictating new words, etc. After a long time, students must feel dull and lose the interest in writing the vocabulary. It is necessary for teachers to carry on reviewing words systematically through many ways. For example, teacher can also review words according to synonym, antonym and homonyms homographs, such as good-well, long-short, right-write, where-wear. In this way, we can reach the function drawing inferences about other cases from one instance, and expand students vocabulary quantity rapidly. We can also adopt the way of dictation, word game, word match, singing English songs, etc. In a word, the purpose of reviewing is to prevent forgetting and resuming the word that has been forgotten. In order to prevent students from being fed up with the review, to improve their review efficiency, the teacher should use flexible ways.3 The Characteristics of English VocabularyVocabulary, a very important concept in English teaching, has its own spelling, pronunciation and writing styles. The form of word is simple, but in different linguistic contexts one word may has many different meanings. Therefore, Vocabulary teaching can not ignore the characteristics of English vocabulary and teachers should pay more attention on the characteristics of English vocabulary.3.1 Attention to Spelling, Pronunciation and Writing Vocabulary teaching is a hard work in Englis


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