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重點單詞(必修 4 Unit 3 A taste of English humor)(講義)

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重點單詞(必修 4 Unit 3 A taste of English humor)(講義)

重點單詞(必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humor )(講 義)高中英語重點單詞(必修 4 Unit 3 A taste of English humor)1.學習單詞;一注意重點單詞的用法并靈活運用這些單詞。2.掌握astonish及其名詞和兩類形容詞的用法以及其構成的固定搭配。重點:content, astonish, convince, direct,particularly難點:convince的用法1. content畑仙©嘟 滿意的,滿足的rkuntent n【單詞學習】 滿足,滿意;內容,含量 此使?jié)M足be content to do sth.樂于做某事feel/be content with對滿足/滿意be content that.滿意content sb./oneself with sth.使某人/ 自己滿足于某事with content滿足地;滿意地He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives.在人們感到沮喪的時候,他可以使他們開懷 大笑,于是人們就對自己的生活感到比較滿足。I am content with my job, my home, and my family.我對我的工作、住所和家庭都非常滿意。I was no longer satisfied with the life that had once contented me.我已經不再滿足于曾經使我滿足的生活了。She dropped her purse and the contents fell out on the floor.她的錢包掉了,里面的東西散落在地板上。content作形容詞時,通常作表語、后置定語或狀語,作前置定語時要用contented,如acontented expression 一個滿足的表情。在充當表語表示“非常滿意”時用be well content 而不能用 be very content。完成句子。 你對你目前的工資滿意嗎?youyour present salary? 令我們心滿意足的是我們都通過了考試。, we all passed theexam. 他滿足于單獨一個人度過他的大部分時 間。Hespend most of his timealone.答案:Are; content with To our heart's content was content to思路分析:be content with “對感到滿意” to one's content令某人滿意的是。 be content to do sth樂于做某事,對做某 事感到滿足。2. astonish 畑訕vt 使吃驚,使驚奇(比surprise程度強,比shock程度弱)astonish sb.with/by sth.用 /通過某事使某 人驚訝astonished adj.感到吃驚的 astonishing adj.令人吃驚的 astonishment n.驚訝 be astonished at/by sth.對某事感到驚訝 be astonished to do sth驚訝地做某事 to one's astonishment使某人驚訝的是 in astonishment 吃驚地You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.你可能會感到驚奇,査理剛會說話時大人就 教他唱歌,他剛會走路時大人就教他跳舞。She astonished us by saying she wasleaving.她說她要離開,令我們大為驚奇。It was quite astonishing that they didn't go to church tonight.令人感到驚訝的是他們今天晚上沒有去教 堂oHe expected the assistant to look at him in blank astonishment.他原想女售貨員會驚奇地望著他,不知所 措。語境填詞:用astonish的適當形式填空。To our great , the bosswasn'tat thenews at all.使我們非常吃驚的是,老板對這個令人吃驚的消息一點也不吃驚。答案: astonishment astonishedastonishing思路分析:第一空to one's great astonishment= much to one's astonishment “令 某人吃驚的是”;第二空 be astonished at “對 感到驚訝”;第三空 the astonishing news “令人吃驚的消息”。3. convince畑伽引vt.使人信服;使相信 convince sb.to do sth.說服某人做某事 convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事 convince sb.that.使某人相信I've been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直勸他去看病。You need to convince your interviewer ofyour ability to master the work.你需要讓你的面試官相信你有駕馭這份工作的能力。I am convinced that sooner or later we willsucceed.我確信我們遲早會成功的。convinced adj.堅定不移的;有堅定信仰的 be convinced of 確信; 相信be convinced that.確信convincing adj.令人信服的;有說服力的The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!令人心悅誠服的表演使你相信這是他吃過 的最可口的飯菜之一了!語境填詞:用convince的適當形式填空。 He alwaysme that I shouldstudy law. She agreed but didn't sound very His argument sounded very to me. We areof his innocence.答案: convinces convinced convincing ©convinced思路分析:“使某人相信”應用結構 convince sb. of sth./ that 從句。 此處convinced為形容詞,放 在系動詞sound之后作表語,表示“相信的”。 此處convincing為形容詞作 表語,表示“令人信服的,有說服力的”。_ be convinced of表示“相4. directvt& vi.導演;指揮;指示adj.徑直的;直接的;直率的adv直接地direct sb. to do sth.指示(令)某人做某事 direct that.(should) do sth.指示做某事direct sb. to給某人指去的路Charlie Chaplin wrote , directed and produced the films he starred in.查理卓別林自編、自導、自制他主演的電 影。A policeman stood in the middle of the road,directing the traffic.一名警察站在路中央指揮交通。The general directed that the prisoners (should) be set free.A new film (which/that is) directed by Zhang Yimou will be released next month.張藝謀導演的一部新影片將于下月發(fā)行。 direction n.方向;方位;指點;指示;說 明書in the direction of 朝方向under the direction of 在的指導下in all directions =in every direction 朝四面 八方ask directions 問路directly adv“直接地”也可作連詞,引導 時間狀語從句,意為“一就”辨析例句direct用于具體意義,指 “中途不停止地, 徑直地”The 10:40 train goes direct to Qingdao.10:40這班火車直達 青島。directly多用于抽象意義, 表示“直接地”,還 有“立即,一 就 ”等意思We have not been directly affected by the latest cuts.我們并未因最近的 裁減而直接受到影 響。語境填詞:用 direct, directly, direction 的 適當形式填空。camein, the teachereveryone was quiet.老師一進來,大家都靜了下來。 I like to make friends with anyone who isopen and我喜歡和任何坦誠直爽的人交朋友。 After school, shewent to theof the cinema to see the new filmby the famous director.放學后,她徑直向電影院方向走去,去看由 那位著名的導演導演的新影片。答案:Directly direct directly; direction; directed思路分析: directly用作連詞,引導時間狀語從句,表示“就”,類似用法的詞還有immediately, instantly 等。 此處direct用作形容詞,表示“直率的”。 第一空directly修飾動詞went,此處表示 “徑直,直接”第二空direction為名詞,表示“方 向”;第三空directed此處為過去分詞,表示 “被導演的”。5. particular 丘訕殉) p9'tikj9l9(r)加/特 殊的;特別的;挑剔的n.細節(jié);細目be particular about/over sth.對某事講究/ 挑剔be particular to do sth.特地做某事I have nothing particular to do this evening, so let's go out for a walk.今晚我沒有什么特別的事要做,咱們出去散 散步吧!He is very particular about food while he doesn't care about money.他對吃的東西特別挑剔,而不在乎金錢。particularly adv.尤其;特另U particularly=in particular 尤其;特別;格 外Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour.孩子們尤其對他的表演報之以大笑。She loves the song in particular, because her mother used to sing it.她特別喜歡這首歌,因為她媽媽過去經常 唱。辨析例句particular特別的,特殊 的,挑剔的。強 調與眾不同的, 特定的,個別的Is there a particular type of book he enjoys?他有特別喜愛的一類 書籍嗎?especial特別的,主要 的,突出的。強 調的是重要性, 有“優(yōu)越,好感” 之意This is a matter of especial importance. 這是件特別重要的事 情。specialk 1 1專門的,特殊 的,特別的。強 調的是事物特 有的性質、性格 或專門的目的、 用途These teachers need special training. 這些教師需要專門的 培訓。用 particUlar, especial 或' special 的適當形 式填空。 On thatday, the door wasopened. You need atool to finish thetask. Collecting stamps is his hobby.答案:particular special especial 思路分析:表示“特定的一天”,所以選用 particular o 表示“專門的,特別的工具”, 所以填special o 表示“主要的愛好,特別的愛 好”。1. Nowadays young people are not ust to read good articles; they hope to write their own blogs on the Internet.A. contentB. generousC. confidentD. outstanding2. Do your parents check your tests and readyour diary? Here is how tothemto give you more of the privacy you want.A. resembleB. transformC. convinceD. distribute3. Successful people have some good qualitiesand above all, they are nevera simplelife so they keep fighting until they are top ones.A. interested inB. curious aboutC. content withD. confident in4. Hislook suggested that he hadn'texpected the result.A. astonishingB. astonishedC. surprisingD.beingastonished5. She has already tried her best. Please don't be tooabout her job.A. specialB. responsibleC. unusualD. particular答案:1. A 2. C 3. C 4 B 5. D 思路分析:1. 句意:現在的年輕人已經不滿足于讀好 文章,他們希望在網上自己寫博客。be content to do sth表示“滿足于做某事”。2. 句意:你的父母看你的試卷,閱讀你的日 記嗎?下面是如何說服他們給你更多的你想得 到的私人空間。A項“看起來像”;B項“改變形 狀,改觀”;C項“說服”;D項“分布,分發(fā),分配”。3. 句意:成功的人們有一些很好的品質,最 重要的是他們絕不會對簡單的生活感到滿意,而 是不斷奮斗直到成為頂尖人才。A項“對感 興趣”;B項“對感到好奇”;C項“對 感到滿意”;D項“對有信心”。4. 句意:他詫異的表情表明他沒預料到那 個結果。astonishing指事物本身的特 征;astonished指人的主觀感受,故B項正確。5. 句意:她已經盡力了,請不要過分挑剔她的工作。be particular about對苛求。故選Do


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