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職稱英語 綜合B考前孫偉老師點題 小抄版 字典版

10第一部分15. A deadly disease has affected these animals.>fatal)8. An important part of the national government is the Foreign Service, a branch of the Department of State.>a division)1.Although originally a German innovation ,kindergarten got its real start in the United States as a movement to provide an improved learning environment for children.>a better)3.Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark>faintly)4.Because of the popularity of the region , it is advisable to book hotels in advance.>wise)3. Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages.>rarely)14. Examination papers of the class were marked without bias>fairly)1. Even in a highly modernized country, manual work is still needed.>physical)10. Formulated in 1823 ,the Monroe Doctrine asserted that the Americas were no longer open to European colonization>stated firmly)12. Gas does accumulate in the mines around here.>collect )15. Guests were scared when the bomb exploded.>frightened)8. Gambling is lawful in Nevada.>legal)3.He achieved success through hard work .>attained)5.He began his talk by giving a concise definition of post-modernism>short and clear)14. Her behavior is extremely childish.>immature )6. His claims seem credible to many people .>convincing )2. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be deliberately controlled and modified.>intentionally)10.He often finds fault with my work.>criticizes)6. He rolled up his trouser leg to exhibit his wounded knee.>show)1.His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.>failed )2. He was one of the principal organizers of the association >planners)15.Have you talked to her lately?>recently)4. Illinois has produced writers such as Carl Sandburg , gangsters such as Al Capone , and architects such as Louis Sullivan.>violent criminals)9.I catch cold now and then.>occasionally)13.I can no longer tolerate his actions .>put up with)12.In judging our work you should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently.>account)3.It is said that the houses along this street will soon be demolished.>pulled down)10.I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.>seldom)14. I seldom watch TV> rarely)6. It took me exactly a week to complete the work.>Finish)4.”Im not meddling .”Mary said mildly .”Im just curious”.>gently)5.In 1861 it inevitable that the Southern states would break away from the Union >certain.)11.In order to improve our standard of living , we have to accelerate production.>step up )2.I wasnt qualified for the job really but I got it anyhow.>anyway)3. I have to go at once.>immediately)13.I feel regret about whats happened.>sorry)9.In his two-hour-long lecture he made an exhaustive analysis of the issue>extremely thorough)8.John has made up his mind not to go to the meeting .>decided)6. John Hanson helped draft instructions for Marylands delegates to the Stamp Act Congress.>formulate)7.Jack is a diligent worker.>hardworking )15.John removed his overcoat.>washed off )1.Loud noises can be annoying .>irritating )6. Medicine depends on other fields for basic information , particularly some of their specialized branches.>especially)1. Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality.>demand)6.Many of novelist Carson McCullers characters are isolated, disappointed people >solitary)3.Many residents of apartment complexes object to noisy neighbors.>occupants)7.Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.>attraction)4. Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour .>velocities)13.Not all member states abided by the principle they had agreed on previously>adhered to )9Please let me know if you are unable to attend the meeting>go to )2.Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War>reportage)7. Practically all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through a large repertory of soundless codes.>Almost)11.Reading the job ad , he wondered whether he was eligible to apply for it >qualified)8. Sulphur has occasionally been found in the earth in an almost pure state.>sometimes)2. Since the Great Depression , the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices.>harmful)8.Society is now much more diverse than ever before.>varied)14.She has proved that she can be relied on in a crisis>depended on 11.Smoking is not permitted in the office.>allowed)4.The advertising company was surprised by the adverse public reaction to the poster.>unfavorable)9.They always mock me because I am ugly.>laugh at)10.These are our motives for doing it .> reasons)3.The attack on Fort Sumter near Charleston provoked a sharp response from the North , which led to the American Civil War.>elicited)11.They agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means>solve)5.The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemys coast .>together)12.The chairman proposed that we should stop the meeting>suggested)2.The curious look from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy>anxious)9.The childs abnormal behavior puzzled the doctor.>unusual)3.The Constitutions vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change .>imprecise)8.The development of the transistor and integrated circuits revolutionized the electronics industry by allowing components to be packaged more densely>compactly)15.The dentist has decided to take out the girls bad tooth. >extract)14.The doctors have abandoned the hope to rescue the old man >given up)12. The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.>take out )4.The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning >top of the mountain)1.They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two years.>dreadful)7. The herb medicine eventually cured her disease.>finally)13.They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning> abandoned)10.They have made up his mind to give up smoking> decided)2.There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.>beats)10.There is an abundant supply of cheap labor in this country.>a plentiful)11.The little girl grasped her mothers arm as she crossed the street.>took hold of )7.The little boy was so fascinated by the mighty river that he would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the passing boats and rafts.>very strong )9.The leading astronomers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were fascinated by comets.>intrigued)14. The majority of people around here are decent people . >honest)7.The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.>extremely useful)5. The poet William Carlos Williams was a New Jersey physician>doctor)4. The policeman asked him to identify the thief > name)8.The stories of Sarah Orne Jewett are considered by many to be more authentically regional than those of Bret Harte.>genuinely)6.The staff of the company are always courteous and helpful.>respectful)4. The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo by water.>continuously)2.The scientists began to accumulate a huge mass of data.>build up 4.The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes capabilities now.>abilities)2. Techniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developed> utilize)5.The towers of a suspension bridge serve as a rigid framework to which the cables are attached.>skeleton)6.The use of the chemical may present a certain hazard to the laboratory workers >danger)8.The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me >crazy)7.The workers finally called off the strike.>cancelled)11.Your teacher will take your illness into account when marking your exams.>consideration)13. You must shine you shoes.>polish)閱讀判斷Across the Desert1.It is not always hot in the Sahara Desert ()2.Each day the men ran for approximately eight hours(O)3.In the middle of the day ,the men usually stopped running ()4.They sometimes felt sick because it was so hot()5.Sometimes they couldnt see the road because it was windy ()6.Luckily, they never got lost (O)7.On their trip across the desert, the three men ran through five countrier(?)Brands1.”Brands”is a general term which covers narrower rerms such as “brand name”,”brand mark” ()2.A brand name is intended to impress customers with an attractive anf original design while a brand(O)3.Trademarks are protected by law while brand names are not. (O)4.Some People identify the brand mark with the trademark ()5.Among various methods of classifying brands,the one based on ownership is widely accepted()6.Penncrest is a national brand (O)7.When classifying brands,marketing people tend to employ the categories of “producer-owned” ()Easy Learing1.Babies can learn language even in their sleep()2.An infant can recognize a lot of vowels by the time he or she is a year old(?)3.Finnish vowels are easy to distinguish(?)4.The Three vowels mentioned in this article are all Finnish sounds(O)4.The study shows that the infants cerebral cortex is working while he is asleep()6.If an adult wants to learn a language faster,he can put a language tape under his pillow. (O)7.Cheours finding is worthless(O)Msderate Earthquake Striker England1.During the April 28 erathquake,the whole England was left without power. (O)2.The Channel Tunnel was closed for 10 hours sfter the earthquake occurred(?)3.It was reported that one lady had got her head and neck injured,but not seriously ()4.France and several other European countries sent their medical teams to work side by side with the British doctors. (?)5.The countrys strongest earthquake took palce in London in 1580(O)6.Musson predicted that another earthquake would occur in southeast England sooner or later. ()7.It can be inferred from the passage that England is rarely hit by high magnitude earthquakes() “Own”Your Childrens Education1.Acorrding to the passage,parents should help their children with their homework(?)2.you should read your child textbooks so thar you can teach them (O)3.Chlidren should always take a book with them on the way back from school an read it aloud(?)4.If parents show a lot of interest in their children study, the children will do better at school)5.It is very important that you let your children know you feel love and concern for them()6.Parents must observe classes regulary(?)7.Governmental support also plays a role in achieving academic sucess(?)Plants and Mankind1.It is logical a detailed learning of plant and their propertier must be extremely ancient()2.People cannot survive without plants. ()3.Tribes living today in the jungle of the Amazon teach botany to their children at school(O)4.Our direct contact with plants grows with the process of industrialization(O)5.Today people usually acquire a large amount of botanical knowledge from textbook(O)6.People living in the Middle East first learned to grow plants for food about 10,000 years ago. ()7.Once mankind began farming, they on longer had to get food from many varieties that grew(O)Smoking 1.it is easy to determine whether smoking is hazardous (O)2.Smoking reduces one life expectancy ()3.Smoking may induce lung cancer()4.There is evidence that smoking is responsible for breast cancer(?)5.Male smokers have a lower derth rate from heart disease than female smokers(O)6.Nicotine is poisonous()7.Filters and low tar tobacco make smoking safe(O)Taking Pictures of the World 1.Belt has never traveled to England (O) 2. Belt has never traveled to Antarctica ()3.Belt has worked for a number of magazines(?) 4.Petra is a very old city in Jordan ()5.Belt can only connet with Eenlish-speakers(O) 6.People can connet with each other in bad weather()7.Volunteering is one way to begin a photographr caree()The Workers Role in Management1.Traditional workers showed no interest in management. (?)2.In recent years many management specialists have been arguing for the workers role in ()3.Since policy decisions are business secrets of a firm,workers should not be informed of them(O)4.Before closing,a plant should put up a notice and keep it for 90days. (O)5.The worker participation in management might save a plant from clsing down. ()6.One of the advantanges of involing workers in making a decision is that the interpeisonal (?)7.An efficient and productive worker should be rewarded with anything but shares of a plant(O)What Is Dresm?1.Not everyone agree that dreams are meaningful? ()2.According to Freud,people dream about things that they cannot talk about。()3.Jung believed that dreams didi not help one to understand oneself. (O)4.In the past,people believed that dreams involved emotions(?)5.According to Domhoff ,babies do not have the same ability to dream sa adults do. ()6.Men and women dream about different things. ()7.Scientists agree that dreams predict the future. (O)概括大意與完成句子Alaska1-3 Land and Population 2-4The Natives of the Land3-5 Transportation Problem 4-6Rich Resources of the State5.shines day and night 6.only a very small percentage 7. by the United States in the 19th century8.as fish doesEnglish and English Community1-2 The Definition of a Speech Community2-3The Composition of the English Community3-4The Wide Use of English4-5The Advantages of Learning a Second Language5.can a speech community 6.that of a speech community7. for the sake of simplicityHow We Form First Impression1.-2Comparing Incoming Sensory Information Against Memories2-3Illustration of First Impression 3-4Comment on First Impression4-5Ways of Departure form Immature and Simplistic Impressions5.the sights and sounds of the world6.the meaning of incoming sensory information7.the immature form of thinking of a very young child8. the most complex areas of our cortexHow to argue with Your Boss?1-2Dont GO in When You Are Angry 2-3Make the Issue Clear 3-4Propose Your Solution4-5Put Yourself in the boss position 5.how he is feeling 6.what you really want to talk to him about7.without suggesting a way to solve it 8.the boss may haveScreen Test1-2 Harm Screening May Do to a Younger Woman. 2-3Investigating the Effect of Screening3-4.Effects Predicted by Two Different Modles 4-5 Small Risk of Inducing Cancers from Radiation5.save a life 6.still open to debate 7.reduce the risk of radiation triggering a cancer 8.reduced to the minimumTransport and Trade1-2Importance of Transport Trade 2-3Higher Living Standard 3-4 Birth of Transport-related Industries and 4-5Role of Information in Trade 5.has greatly promoted trade 6.is it possible to produce on a large scale7.at any time during the year 8.the transport of goodsThe Making of a Success Story1-2 The Origin of IKEA 2-3Specialization in Selling Furniture3-4 Success Brought by the Introducion of Showrooms 4-5 Flat Packaging-aFeature of IKEA5.Ingvar Kamprad showed interest in and talent for doing business6.IKEA began as small store selling all kinds of cheap things7.here they can see and try the furniture they are going to buy8.it is highly welcomed by bothThe Paper Chase 1-2 Find a Place to work on 2-3 Get Rid of Unimportant Things3-4Dealing with Bills 4-5 What Is a Good Filing System5.in paper chase 6.that it is easily reached 7.they are useless 8.that different people have different8. has played an important role in the field of education.US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty1-1US Signing of the FCTC 2-2.How the FCTC Came into Being3-3What the FCTC Demands4-4 What the FCTC Will Bring about5.approving it 6.restrict smoking in public places 7. caused by tobacco use8.have ratified itWashoe Learned American Sign Language1-1.General information about Washoe 2-2Report about Washoes in Learning Sign Language3-3Debate on Chinps Intelligence 4-4 Reason Why Not Many Scientists Carry out this research nowadays5.when she wanted to eat 6.if the Gardners argument was sound 7.while she was at a research center in8.because she could use sign language to ask for fruits閱讀理解A Letter from Alan1.Why has Alan written this letter?D) To inform other people about the builders plans.2. Why is Parsons Place particularly important, in Alans opinion?C) Because it is a place near the town where people can enjoy nature.3.What will cause traffic jams?A) A building on Parsons Place.4.Alan says that ordinary people who live in the town will probably soon D) have less money5. Which of these posters has Alan made? B) SAY NO TO HOUSES ON PARSONS PLACEEiffel Is an Eyeful1. Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into symbol of a world on the move?B ) Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron of the tower.2. What seems strange to the author? A) Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view.3. Which statement is NOT true of Hugues Richard?C ) He climbed 747 steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds.4. What did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for? B ) Conducting research in various fields.5. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel Tower is like)a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will _?C ) Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents.Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving1.On Halloween, children in the United States often dress up as_A) ghosts2.When are turkey and pumpkin pie eaten? _B) On Thursday.3.Thanksgiving is the time for the American people to thank God for_B) providing them with comfortable and happy lives4.Many children in the United States like Thanksgiving because_A) they can stay with their parents at home and eat a lot of nice food5.The first pilgrims settled in America in_B) 1620Income1. This passage is mainly about? B. the difference between national income and personal income.2. Which of the following statements is true according to the first paragraph?D. The money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded as income.3. It can be known from this passage that the government levy tax onA. corporation profits.4. According to this passage, the money you get as interest from government bonds is? B. not money earned but money received.5. The passage implies that ?D. people pay taxes somewhat unwillingly.Ill Be Bach1.The music composed by David cope is about ?.Aclassical music2.By developing a computer software,David cope aimed ?.Cto write an opera3.What did cope realize about a great composers brain?DIt can create melodies.4.Who is Emmy? B a computer software5.We can infer from the passage that ? DEmmy did much more work than a composer.Importance of Services1. The first paragraph intends to tell us that?B. services are important.2. Between 1966 and 1986, the United States created about?A. 32.4 million service jobs.3. Many economists, business and labor leaders and politicians believe that?B. most of the fast growth in the service sector is in low-paying jobs.4. The importance of services can be shown?C. by money spent on business services as well as on consumer services.5. What does the writer of this passage disapprove of regarding services now? C. Their prices.Goal of American Education1. Which of the following best states the goal of American education?C. To give every student the opportunity to fully develop his/her ability.2. It is implied in the passage thatD. the subject every student takes may vary.3. American schools place great emphasis on the learners?C. acquisition of the ability to be creative.4. According to the passag


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