高中英語 Module1 Reading and listening課件 外研版選修6.ppt
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高中英語 Module1 Reading and listening課件 外研版選修6.ppt
Module1 Readingandlistening Smalltalk Readandmatchtheconversationwiththeplaces atasummerschool duringajobinterview inabusinessmeeting onaboat A Wonderful aren tthey B Er I msorry A Thecliffs B Oh yes theyare A Beenherebefore B Pardon Activity1 Dialogue1 onaboat A So youwroteinyourapplicationformthatyou reinterestedinmountains B Yes A Haveyoueverclimbedamountain B No A Haveyoueverreadanybooksaboutmountain climbing B No atasummerschool duringajobinterview inabusinessmeeting onaboat Dialogue2 duringajobinterview atasummerschool duringajobinterview inabusinessmeeting onaboat Dialogue3 A Whendidyouarrive B Yesterday A Nicejourney B Verynice A Didtheimmigrationpeopleasktoseeyourvisa B Ididn tneedtogetavisa A Really Whynot B BecauseIwasbornhere A Ohyes ofcourse atasummerschool Answerthequestionsabouttheconversations Groupwork Activity2 1 Doyouthinktheconversationsarebetweenpeoplewhoknoweachother Givereasonsforyouranswers No theyaren t InConversation1 Beenherebefore indicatestheyarestrangers Thesecondisaninterviewbetweenstrangers InthethirdconversationSpeakerAobviouslyknowssomethingaboutSpeakerB lastutterance butprobablydoesn tknowhim 2 Whichoftheconversationswouldyoucallsmalltalk 3 Whatdoyouthinkabouttheanswersintheinterview A Theanswersshowthattheintervieweeisinterestedinthejob B Theanswersaretooshort C Theanswersareimpolite 1 BC Listentothewholeofthefirstconversationandanswerthequestions DothepeoplebothspeakEnglishasafirstlanguage No theydon t Activity3 Whydidthewomanhaveproblemsunderstandingwhatthemanwassaying Sheneededtogetusedtohisvoice Howdidthemanhelphertounderstandhimbetter Hespokeslowlyandrepeatedthings M Wonderful aren tthey F Er I msorry M Thecliffs F Oh yes theyare M Beenherebefore F Pardon M Isaid HaveyoubeentoEnglandbefore F Sorry Icouldn thearwhatyousaid No thisismyfirstvist M Youmustbeveryexcited F Yes Iam Veryexcited M Stayinglong Listeningtext F I mreallysorry Ididn tcatchwhatyousaid M Sorry myfault Isaid AreyougoingtostayinEnglandforalongtime F Oh No Justthreeweeks M Languagecourse F Yes M Goinganywherenice F I mgoingtostudyinOxford M Oxford F Yes M Lovelyplace Gotherealot F Sorry Couldyourepeatwhatyousaid M Igotherealot F Oh M Well haveagoodtime F Thankyou Er excuseme M Yes F Youneedn thavespokensoslowly Ijustneededafewsecondstogetusedtoyourvoice M Oh F Soitwouldn thavebeenaproblem Choosethecorrectendingstothelinesfromtheconversation Sorry Icouldn t A hearwhatyousaidB understandwhatyousaid Activity4 A Ididn t A likewhatyousaidB catchwhatyousaid B Couldyou A repeatwhatyousaidB explainwhatyousaid A Youneedn thave A spokentomeB spokensoslowly B Ijustneededafewseconds A togetusedtoyourvoiceB tounderstandyourvoice A