UNIT4 what can you do Part B let27s learnppt課件
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UNIT4 what can you do Part B let27s learnppt課件
Unit4Whatcanyoudo PartBLet slearn 1 2 minions 仆人 Whatcantheydo Theycan 3 Let sknowmoreabout 進一步了解 him Hi I mDave Let sbefriends 4 swim Dave canyouswim Yes Ican Whatcanhedo Hecan 5 Goodmorning speakEnglish Dave canyouspeakEnglish Yes Ican Whatcanhedo Hecan 6 cook Dave canyoucook No Ican t Whatcantheydo Theycan 7 playbasketball Dave canyouplaybasketball No Ican t Whatcantheydo Theycan 8 playping pong Dave canyouplayping pong Yes Ican Whatcantheydo Theycan 9 playping pong playfootball playbasketball playthepipa no the play 運動 playtheerhu playthepiano with the play the 樂器 10 Let schant Swim swimIcanswim Speak speakIcanspeak Cook cookIcan tcook Basketball basketballIcan tplaybasketball Ping pong ping pongIcanplayping pong 11 Let slearn WhatcanZoomdo Canheswim 12 Isay youdo 13 Canyouguess 14 Canhe Goodmorning Yes hecan No hecan t 15 Canhe Yes hecan No hecan t 16 Canhe Yes hecan No hecan t 17 Canhe Yes hecan No hecan t 18 Canshe Yes shecan No shecan t 19 Canshe Yes shecan No shecan t 20 Canthey Yes theycan No theycan t 21 Doyouwanttobetheirboss Theminions 仆人 areunhappy Theyneedaboss Thebosscandomorethingsthanothers 比起其他人 boss會做更多的事情 22 Canthey Yes theycan No theycan t 23 Findyourbossinyourgroup A Canyouswim B Yes Ican A Great Wonderful A Canyoucook B No Ican t A Noproblem Youcanlearn speakEnglishplaybasketballplayping pongdancesingEnglishsongs 24 Let swritetoDave 25 Let swritetoDave Icandrawcartoons IcanspeakEnglish Icancook Ican tswim Ican tdoanykungfu 26 some any一些 Icandosomekungfu Ican tdoanykungfu Canyoudoanykungfu some常用在肯定句any常用在否定句或疑問句 肯定句 否定句 疑問句 27 Let swritetoDave Icandrawcartoons IcanspeakEnglish Icancook Ican tswim Ican tdoanykungfu 28 Canyouswim Yes Ican No Ican t 29 Icanswim Icancook Icanplaybasketball If 如果 youcan t youcanlearn Practicemakesperfect 熟能生巧 30 Homework Talkwithyourfriendsandfindout Whatcanhe shedo Canhe sheswim playping pong 31