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中職英語 unit1-Nice to meet you!

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中職英語 unit1-Nice to meet you!

1 5 Book 1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you 一 單元內(nèi)容分析 本單元是學生進入中職學習的第一單元 單元主題是問候禮儀 主要包括對個人基本信 息的詢問和表達 制作個人名片 了解不同國家的常見問候方式 同時還將對 Be 動詞的 一般現(xiàn)在時進行回顧性學習 激發(fā)學生的英語學習興趣是本單元的教學關(guān)鍵點 教師在教學過程中應(yīng)充分引導學生重新認識英語學習的目的在于更好的了解別國文化 明確口語交際和表達能力在中職階段的重要性 教師可以利用學生的年齡 專業(yè) 地域等 特點開展相應(yīng)的教學活動 比如 利用頭腦風暴法搜集不同國家見面問候的不同方式的素 材 開展如招呼用語集錦 刨根問底探隱私 名片欄目大薈萃等活動 結(jié)合本單元的教學 主題 教師還可以開展最佳見面禮儀表演 側(cè)重于聽說 最佳名片設(shè)計評比 側(cè)重于讀寫 等豐富的教學活動 本單元設(shè)計分為 4 個課時 第一課時 Lead in Listening and speaking 第二課時 Reading and writing 第三課時 Grammar focus Verb be Pronouns 第四課時 Vocabulary practice Supplementary reading 二 分課時教學設(shè)計 第一課時 Lead in Listening and speaking 一 教材分析 1 教學內(nèi)容 本課時系 英語基礎(chǔ)教程 1 第一單元的第一課時 包括 Lead in Listening and speaking 兩部分 具體內(nèi)容為 了解常見的問候方式 聽懂并掌握交流個人信息的相關(guān)詞 匯和句型 2 教學重點 難點 教學重點 聽懂并掌握交流個人信息的詞匯 句型 主要見面問候方式的英語表達 教學難點 交流個人信息的詞匯 句型 二 教學目標 1 知識目標 1 識記并掌握關(guān)于問候方式的基本短語 如 kiss on the cheeks shake hands say hello to the guest make a respectful bow hug each other 識記并掌握提供或詢問個人信息時所使用的句型 如 1 About greeting 2 5 Nice to meet you Glad to meet you 2 About personal information I d like to introduce myself Where do you come from Where are you from Which company are you from What do you do I come from I m a student from a vocational school 2 能力目標 1 學生能聽懂關(guān)于問候方式的短語 2 學生能靈活運用關(guān)于交流個人信息的關(guān)鍵句型 3 情感目標 1 在師生間 生生間建立融洽的關(guān)系 學生能逐步了解英語在跨國交流中的橋梁作 用 2 學生能理解在問候和其他生活場景中學會 入鄉(xiāng)隨俗 的重要性 三 教學步驟 Step One Lead in 1 The teacher greets the students and tries to know more about them Good morning Nice to meet you I m your new English teacher May I have your name please Which school are you from 教師和學生之間交流時可配合握手等身體語言 設(shè)計意圖 教師熟悉班集體 鼓勵學生大膽發(fā)言 在自然交流中導入本單元重點 2 Activity 1 Match and think 1 Brainstorm How do people greet each other in foreign countries Possible answers shake hands bow to each other kiss hug The teacher collects different answers on the blackboard 設(shè)計意圖 頭腦風暴 團隊競賽 師生可以快速搜集多種問候方式 并讓全體同學盡快掌 握 進入新單元學習 2 Match the phrases with the pictures And the students read the phrases after the teacher kiss on the cheeks shake hands say hello to the guest make a respectful bow hug each other 3 List the countries on the blackboard How do the Japanese American Chinese people greet each other 設(shè)計意圖 熟悉主要的問候方式 為聽說練習做準備 Step Two Listening and speaking 1 Activity 2 Listen and circle Listen to the dialogue and circle the two countries from the list on the blackboard The teacher tells the students their listening task before listening sharing one of the listening skills 3 5 We always read the questions before listening in order to make sure what we should pay attention while listening 設(shè)計意圖 對對話形成初步印象 了解對話的主題 2 Activity 3 Listen and choose Listen to the dialogue again Before listening the teacher asks the students to read the three comprehensive questions and tells the students we should pay more attention to the key words and phrases according to the questions 設(shè)計意圖 再聽對話 利用聽力前時間閱讀聽力問題 同時通過第二遍聽力 明確對話內(nèi) 容 3 Activity 4 Listen and fill The teacher encourages the students to fill in the blanks Then the students listen to the dialogue for the third time 設(shè)計意圖 第三遍聽力之前 鼓勵學生嘗試填寫空格上缺失的單詞 之后再播放聽力資料 訓練學生帶著問題去聽懂對話細節(jié)的技巧 必要時可以在每一句聽力朗讀后予以暫停便于 學生填寫單詞 4 Activity 5 Listen and repeat 1 Encourage the students to read the dialogue in groups pairs 設(shè)計意圖 讓學生在跟讀錄音前嘗試分組或搭檔朗讀對話 在本環(huán)節(jié) 教師可適當忽視 學生發(fā)音錯誤 以鼓勵為主 同時可以發(fā)掘班級中在英語學習中的優(yōu)生及學困生 2 Ask Ss to read after the audio sentence by sentence and pay attention to imitate the tone of the audio Or read after the teacher if necessary Then Ss read altogether or in groups by themselves 設(shè)計意圖 通過逐句跟讀 集體朗讀 分組朗讀 訓練學生正確的語音語調(diào) 培養(yǎng)學生 模仿英美原音語音語調(diào)的學習習慣 3 T Wang Feng talks about custom with his new friend Which topics will you choose to chat with a foreign friend Where do you come from What do you do It s a nice day 4 The teacher leads students to conclude Do in Rome as the Romans do 設(shè)計意圖 引導學生總結(jié)適合與外賓的交流的話題 總結(jié)入鄉(xiāng)隨俗的基本原則 幫助 學生感受文化差異 5 Activity 6 Practice and act Have students make conversation with their partners according to these sentence patterns The teacher will give an example if it s necessary Then ask some pairs to demonstrate their performances greet each other and ask for personal information 設(shè)計意圖 學生操練本單元重點句型 教師予以適當?shù)募m正 鼓勵學生在基本句型上進 行拓展和自由發(fā)揮 既操練了英語 鍛煉了學生的膽量 也增進了解 Step Three Production 1 Think of ten ways of greetings Hi Hello How s it going 4 5 How do you do How are things How are you Haven t seen you for ages Great to see you again Nice to meet you Good morning Good afternoon Good evening 設(shè)計意圖 通過小組競賽的方式 集思廣益讓學生羅列 10 條問候語 并請學生當堂記憶 明確數(shù)量 可以幫助學生記憶 2 T What else would you like to know about your classmates Ask your classmates some questions and get to know your classmates e g What is your favorite animal What is your favorite city in China What is your favorite color What is your favorite day of the week Why What is your favorite drink What is your favorite vegetable What s your favorite word in English Why do you like it Who is your favorite actor Who is your favorite actress Who is your favorite athlete Who is your favorite singer What is your best friend s name Who is your favorite teacher Why What is your favorite subject in school 設(shè)計意圖 利用調(diào)查 詢問的方式來獲取同學信息 問題的設(shè)置迎合學生的口味 促使活 動順利開展 請學生當堂匯報采訪結(jié)果 訓練學生的口語和聽力以及語言組織能力 課后 要求學生以提綱形式介紹班上一位同學 并在班級英語角展出 該環(huán)節(jié)的設(shè)計也是為了下 次課聽說環(huán)節(jié)中自我介紹的學習做鋪墊 3 T We ve learned 5 different greeting ways Do you know more greeting ways Would you like to show these greeting ways with your classmates 設(shè)計意圖 小結(jié)世界各地的問候禮儀 鼓勵學生上臺表演 師生可共同評出最具舞臺表現(xiàn) 力的學生 讓學生感受到英語課堂的趣味性 Step Four Summary Make a short summary of what we ve learned today 1 Key phrases kiss on the cheeks shake hands say hello to the guest make a respectful bow hug each other 2 Useful sentence patterns about greetings and personal information Glad to meet you Where are you from I d like to introduce myself Where do you come from What do you do 5 5 I come from 設(shè)計意圖 對本課時所學集體進行梳理 讓學生明確學習重點 方便學生補充筆記 Step Five Homework 1 Practice the dialogue with your classmate after class 2 Make a similar dialogue in pairs talking about personal information 3 Make an introduction of yourself 4 Complete the parts Language application and Complete the dialogue in the workbook 四 板書設(shè)計 Unit 1 Glad to meet you Ways of greeting kiss on the cheeks shake hands say hello to the guest make a respectful bow hug each other I d like to introduce myself I m a student from a vocational school Where are you from Where do you come from What do you do Do in Rome as the Romans do


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