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1、義渡中學英語組七年級外研版英語初一年級期末復習Module 11.我的名字 my name 2. 從來be from/ come from 3. 歡迎來到welcome to. 4. 見到你很高興 Nice to meet you!5. 你們的老師 your teacher 6. 怎么樣 what about7. 七年級四班 Class Four Grade Seven 8.13歲 thirteen years old9. 一個大城市 a big city 10.好朋友 good friends11. 中國的首都 the capital of China 12. 英文名字 English na

2、me13. 一個小城市 a small city 14. 姓氏 family name/last name15.(取的)名字 given name/first name 16. 來自come from/ be from1. I am a student. . I am from America. 我是一名學生, 我來自美國。2. Im your teacher and youre my students. 我是你的老師,你們是我的學生。3. Where are you from? Im from Beijing. 你來自哪里? 我來自北京。4. Tony and Betty are our f

3、riends. 托尼和貝蒂是我們的朋友。5. Welcome to Class 4, Grade 7.歡迎來到七年級四班。6. My name is Li Daming and my English name is David. 我叫李大明,我的英文名字叫戴維。7. Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。8. Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. 王輝是我的朋友,但他不在我班。9. Im from China and Im Chinese.我來自中國,我是中國人。10. Tony is

4、my first name and Smith is my last name. 托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓。Module 21. 的照片 a photo of 2. 我的家庭 my family3. 他的妹妹 his sister 4. 兩個叔叔two uncles5. 在左邊 on the left 6. 緊挨著 next to7. 托尼的表哥 Tonys cousin 8. 她的丈夫her husband9. 派出所 police station 10. 劇院經理the manger of a theatre11. 我的父母 my parents 12. 我父親的工作 my fathe

5、rs job13. 一位英語教師 an English teacher 14. 一位酒店經理 a hotel manger15. 在同一家醫(yī)院at the same hospital 16.一位公交車司機 a bus driver17. 一個大家庭 a big family 18. 一個小城市 a small city1. What a big family! 多么大的家庭!2. Is this your sister? 這是你的姐姐嗎?3. Are these your grandparents? 他們是你的祖父母嗎?4. My father s parents are on the rig

6、ht. 我爸爸的父母在右邊。5. The woman next to Daming is his aunt. 緊挨著大明的那位女士是他的姑姑。6. He is my good friend. 他是我的好朋友。7. Is that boy a new student? 那個男孩是新學生嗎?8. She is from China. 她來自中國。9. Can you ride a bike? 你會騎自行車嗎?10. They are Peters parents. 他們是彼得的父母。Module 31. 在我們的教室里 in our classroom 2. 在我的桌子上 on my desk3.

7、 在老師的桌子上 on the teachers desk 4. 20個男孩 twenty boys5. 許多,大量 a lot of 6. 一張世界地圖 a map of the world7. 在墻上 on the wall 8. 40 個學生 forty students9. 餐廳 dining hall 10. 在前面 in front of11. 我們學校的地圖 a map of our school 12. 在圖書館后面 behind the library13. 在的中間 in the middle of 14. 科學實驗室 science labs15. 微機室 compute

8、r rooms 16. 在A與B之間 between A and B1. There are twenty-five boys in our class. 我們班上有25 個男生。2. How many students are there in your class? 你們班有多少名學生?3. Are there computers on everyones desk? 每個人的課桌上都有電腦嗎?4. There arent any pictures on the wall. 墻上沒有圖畫。5. There is a map of the world in our classroom. 教室

9、里有一張世界地圖。6. The library is on the right of the dining hall. 圖書館在餐廳的右邊。7. There isnt any money in the purse. 錢包里沒有錢了。8. Is your classroom behind the office? 你的教室在辦公室的后面嗎?9. The computer is in the front of the classroom. 電腦在教室的前面。Module 41. 去購物 go shopping 2. 太多 too much3. 對好be good for 4.許多,大量 lots o

10、f/ a lot of5. 好主意 Good idea! 6.好的, 好吧 all right7. 對不好 be bad for 8. 一些雞肉 some chicken9. 健康食品 healthy food 10. 太多肉 too much meat11. 對有益 be good for 12. 有點疲倦 a bit tired13. 保持健康 keep/stay healthy 14. 變胖 get fat15. 吃頓好早餐have a good breakfast16. 大量的水果和蔬菜 a lot of fruit and vegetables17. 你最喜歡的食品 your fav

11、ourite food 18. 不健康的飲料 unhealthy drink1. How about some cola? 來一些可樂怎么樣?2. Have we got any vegetables? 我們有些蔬菜嗎?3. Its important to drink healthy drink. 喝健康的飲料是很重要的。4. Too much chocolate is bad for you. 吃太多巧克力對你身體不好。5. Whats your sisters favourite food and drink? 你妹妹最喜愛的食物和飲料是什么?6. Meat is healthy foo

12、d, but too much meat is not good for children. 肉類是健康食品,但是吃太多肉對兒童不利。7. Too much sugar is bad for your health. 太多糖對你的健康有害。8. Whats your favourite food and drink? 你最喜歡的食品和飲料是什么?9. Cheese and fish are good for your teeth. 奶酪和魚對你的牙齒有好處。10. It is important to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and dont get

13、 fat. 記住: 吃好, 保持健康, 不要變胖。Module 51. 在星期一 on Monday 2. 在八點四十 at twenty to nine 3. 上數(shù)學課 have maths/ have a maths lesson 4. 有點難 a bit difficult5. 擅長 be good at 6. 和交談 talk with7. 在下午 in the afternoon 8. 在星期五下午 on Friday afternoon9. 在十二點半 at half past twelve 10. 幾點 what time11. 上學 go to school 12. 在旁邊 n

14、ext to13. 休息 have a break 14. 在餐廳 in the dining hall15. 做作業(yè) do ones homework 16. 吃晚飯 have dinner17. 上床睡覺 go to bed 18. 看電視 watch TV19. 吃早飯 have breakfast 20. 去睡覺 go to sleep21. 起床 get up 22. 回家 go home1. -What time is it? / Whats the time? 幾點了?-Its half past twelve. 12:302. We have Chinese at eight

15、oclock and science at five to nine. 我們8點上語文課,8:55 上科學課。3. Do you like maths? 你喜歡數(shù)學嗎? Yes, I do. But its difficult. 是的,我很喜歡,但是很難。4. What lessons do we have on Friday? 星期五我們上什么課?We have English, Chinese, PE and geography. 我們上英語、語文、體育和地理。5. I love history and Im good at it. 我喜歡歷史課,并且我歷史學的好。6. I get up

16、at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast. 我早晨7:30 起床,然后吃早餐。7. We start work at nine oclock. 我們9點鐘開始上課。8. We have three lessons in the morning. 我們上午上三節(jié)課。9. We have lunch in the dining hall at half past twelve. 我們12:30在餐廳吃午飯。10.In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my famil

17、y.晚上我看電視和家人共進晚餐。Module 6I.重點短語:1.a trip to the zoo 到動物園的參觀 2.welcome to. .歡迎到.3. many kinds of. 許多種類的. 4.such as. 比如e from 來自于 6.look at 看7.black and white黑白相間的 8.over there 在那邊9.live in 居住,生活 10.a little一點兒 11.30 kilos of bamboo 30千克竹子 12.as well as. 也,還,并且13.the favourite of people =peoples favour

18、ite人們最喜歡的14.all over the world 全世界 15.an African animal一只非洲動物16.live alone 獨居 17.be good at swimming擅長游泳 II.重點句子:1. Welcome to Beijing Zoo. 歡迎到北京動物園。2. The zoo has many kinds of animals. =There are kinds of animals in the zoo. 動物園里有許多種類的動物。3. The animals come from different countries and eat differe

19、nt food. 這些動物來自不同的國家,吃不同的食物4. Shall we go and see pandas? 我們去看熊貓好嗎?5. Is there a panda called Lingling? 有叫玲玲的熊貓嗎?6. The elephant lives in Africa and in Asia. 大象生活在非洲和亞洲。7. It eats plants and a little fruit, but it doesnt eat meat. 它吃植物和少量水果,但它不吃肉。8. The panda eats about 30kilos of bamboo and as well

20、 as other plants. 一只熊貓每天吃30公斤竹子還有其他植物。9. This black and white animal is the favourite of people all over the world.這種黑白相間的動物是全世界人們的最愛。10.The zebra is an African animal.斑馬是一種非洲動物。11. Its a very large animal and usually lives alone. 它是一種龐大的動物,通常獨居。12. It likes water and is good at swimming. 它喜歡水,并擅長游泳

21、。13. Its strong and catches many kinds of animals for food. 老虎很強壯并經常捕抓許多種類的動物為食。Module 7I.重點短語:1. connect A to B連接A到B,把A連接到B2. turn on / off. 打開/關閉.3.open a new document打開/建立一個新文件4.click the mouse 點擊鼠標 5.use the keyboard 使用鍵盤6.save the document保存文件7.write a name for the document 為文件命名8.print the doc

22、ument 打印文件9.put paper in the printer 把紙放到打印機里面10.share sth with sb 和某人分享某物11.a manager of a company 公司的經理12.talk to customers 與顧客交談 13.go on the Internet 上網17.check the times of trains 查看火車時刻表18.make travel plans 制定旅行計劃 19.buy tickets 買票 20.listen to music 聽音樂 21.watch movies 看電影 22.every Friday nig

23、ht 每周五晚上 23.search for some information 搜索信息24.check ones email 檢查電子郵件 25.play computer games 玩電腦游戲26.send emails to sb 給某人發(fā)送電子郵件 27.use A to do B 用A來做BII.重點句子:1. How do I write my homework on the computer? 我怎么在電腦上寫作業(yè)?2.First, connect the screen to the computer.首先,把顯示器和電腦連起來。3. Next, connect the key

24、board and the mouse to the computer. 接下來,把鍵盤和鼠標連到電腦上。4. Finally, turn on the computer.最后,打開電腦。5. How do I save the document? 我怎樣保存文件?6. Where do I write the name? 我在哪里寫名字?7. What do I do next? 接下來我做什么?8. What about some paper? 來點紙怎么樣?9. My father often talks to his customers on the computer.我父親經常在電腦

25、上和他的客戶洽談。10. He also goes on the Internet to check the times of trains, make travel plans and buy tickets. 他也上網查看火車時刻表,制定旅行計劃,買票。11. I listen to music or watch movies on it every Friday night. 每星期五晚上我在電腦上聽音樂或看電影。12. There is no computer in my home.我家沒有電腦。13. On the Internet, I search for information

26、, do my homework and check my email. 在網上,我搜索信息,做作業(yè),查看電子郵件。14. I send email to my friends and play computer games. 我給朋友發(fā)送電子郵件并玩電腦游戲。Module 8I.重點短語:1.would like to do sth 想要做某事2.at a Chinese birthday party 在中國的生日聚會上3.at the birthday dinner在生日宴會上4.make a birthday cake 制作生日蛋糕 5.cut the cake 切蛋糕6.give/se

27、nd birthday cards送生日賀片7.get birthday presents收到生日禮物 8.choose presents 選擇禮物9.a box of chocolates一盒巧克力 10.a silk dress 一條絲裙11.a cinema / concert ticket一張電影票/音樂會入場券12.stay/keep healthy保持健康 13.get some exercise進行體育鍛煉14.sb spend +時間/錢+on sth/(in) doing st某人花費時間/錢做某事15.read magazines閱讀雜志 16.go to the cine

28、ma 去看電影17.go to concerts去聽音樂會18.the CDs of ones favourite songs 某人最喜愛的歌曲的唱片19.go to the football match去看足球賽 20.at weekends在周末21.watch films看電影 22.hear from sb.收到某人的來信II.重點句子:1. Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你愿意來參加我的生日派對嗎? Yes, Id love to./Id love to, but. 是的,我愿意。/我很愿意,但是.2. What do yo

29、u usually do at a Chinese birthday party? 在中國的生日宴會上你們通常做什么?3. My mother never makes a birthday cake for me. 我媽媽從不給我制作生日蛋糕。4. Do you sing it in Chinese or in English? 你們用中文還是英文唱這首歌呢?5. What would you like for your birthday? 對于你的生日,你想要什么呢?6. Its a secret. 這是秘密。7. She likes going shopping and always bu

30、ys expensive clothes. 她喜歡購物,總是買一些昂貴的衣服。8. She spends lots of money on clothes. 她在衣服上花費了大量的錢。9. She buys CDs of her favourite songs. 她買她最喜愛的歌曲的CD。10. They usually watch football on TV at weekends. 在周末他們常在電視里看足球賽。11. Its great to hear from you.收到你的來信真實太好了Module 9I.重點短語:1.lie in the sun 曬太陽 2.stand in

31、line 排隊3.take photos 拍照片 4.wait for the bus等公交車4.walk on the Great Wall 在長城上走 5.on a school trip 參加學校的旅行6.right now =at the moment 此刻,現(xiàn)在 7.a few 一些,幾個8.on sale 正在出售 9. by email 通過電子郵件10.its time to do sth/ its time for sth 到做某事的時間了11. go back to school 返回學校 12.leave work 下班13.drive home 開車回家 14.get

32、on/off 上/下車15.have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 16.have a drink 喝酒,喝飲料 17.go to the theater 去劇院看戲 18.watch a film=see a film 看電影19.go home from work 下班回家 20.start lessons開始上課21.see friends=visit friends拜訪某人,看望某人22.call home給家人打電話 23.have a good time 玩得開心 24.thank sb for sth=thanks for doing sth 因某事而感謝某人25. hi

33、 from. 來自.的問候 26.run for a bus追趕公共汽車II.重點句子:1. Were enjoying the school trip a lot. 我們非常喜歡學校的這次旅游。2. Im standing on the Great Wall and talking to you. 我正站在長城上和你打電話。3. Were on a school trip( to the Great Wall). 我們正參加學校(到長城)的旅游。4. Lingling is buying a few presents and postcards. 玲玲正在買一些禮物和明信片。5. They

34、are on sale at the shop. 它們在商店里出售。6. Please take some photos and send them to me by email. 請拍一些照片,并用電子郵件發(fā)送給我。7. Its time to go back to school now.現(xiàn)在到了返回學校的時間了。8. At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different things. 此刻,在世界上不同的地方,人們正做不同的事情。9. Hi from Los Angeles! 來自洛杉磯的

35、問候。10. Thank you for your postcard from the Great Wall. 謝謝你從長城寄來的明信片。11. We are having a good time.我們正玩的高興。Module 10I.重點短語:1.get / be ready for. 為.做準備 2.Spring Festival 春節(jié)3.make lanterns制作燈籠 4.learn a dragon dance學舞龍5.clean the house打掃房屋 6.sweep the floor打掃地板7.cook the meal 做飯 8.be busy with sth/(in

36、)doing sth 忙于做某事9.at work正在工作 10.put sth away 收起,收拾好11.work hard努力工作/學習 12.join sb加入(某些人)13. hurry up快點,趕快 14.sweep away bad luck掃除霉運15.on the same day 在同一天 16.in February 在二月17.have a look 看一看 18.celebrate Spring Festival慶祝春節(jié)19. a traditional family dinner傳統(tǒng)的家庭團圓飯20.watch a special programme 看一個特別的

37、節(jié)目21.lucky money 壓歲錢 22.Merry Christmas 圣誕快樂II.重點句子:1. Hi, Lingling. This is Tony speaking. 您好,玲玲。我是Tony。2. Whats happening?=What are you doing? 你們在做/忙什么?3. Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? 你們正為春節(jié)做準備嗎?4. He is still at work.他仍然在工作。5. Shes cleaning the house and putting things away. 她正打掃房間和

38、整理東西。6. Theyre learning a dragon dance with my grandpa. 他們正在和我爺爺學習舞龍。7. It happens every year, but not on the same day. 春節(jié)每年都會來,但不在同一天。8. My mother is cleaning the house and sweeping away bad luck. 9. 我媽媽正在打掃房子,掃除壞運氣。9. We are celebrating Spring Festival with a traditional family dinner on the evening before Spring Festival. 在除夕夜,我們以一頓傳統(tǒng)的家庭晚餐來慶祝春節(jié)。10. the dinner, we usually watch a special programme on TV. 晚飯后,我們通常在電視上看一個特別的節(jié)目。11. It means lucky money. 紅包就是壓歲錢。14 相信你會 成功的!

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