密級分類號編號成績本科生畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)外文翻譯原文標(biāo)題Suspension Basics 譯文標(biāo)題懸架系統(tǒng)的基本原理作者所在系別作者所在專業(yè)作者所在班級作者姓名作者學(xué)號指導(dǎo)教師姓名指導(dǎo)教師職稱完成時間教務(wù)處制譯文標(biāo)題懸架系統(tǒng)的基本原理原文標(biāo)題Suspension Basics作者Scott譯名斯科特國籍美國原文出處http:/www.docin.com/p-1175103800.html?qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c譯文:懸架系統(tǒng)的基本原理懸架系統(tǒng)雖不是汽車運行不可或缺的部件,但有了它人們可以獲得更佳的駕史感受。簡單的說,它是車身與路面之見的橋梁“懸架的行程涉及到懸浮于車輪之上的車架,傳動系的相對位置“就像橫跨于日金山海灣之上的金門大橋,它連接了海灣兩傭。去掉汽車上的懸架就像是你做一次冷水潛泳通過海灣一樣,你可以平安的渡過整個秋天,但會疼痛會持續(xù)幾周想想滑板吧!它直接接觸路而你可以感受到每一塊磚,裂隙及其撞擊。這簡氣就是一種令人全身都為之震顫的體驗“當(dāng)輪子滑過路面時,就會在此產(chǎn)生震動,中擊,這種震動的旅程時對你的身體和勇氣的檢驗。如果你沒感到隨時都有被掀之勢,那么你或許會樂在其中吧!這就是你會在沒有懸架的汽車上將會體驗到的“汽車的懸架分為兩種基本類型:整體和獨立懸架。整體懸架(也叫剛性梁,剛性軸)是聯(lián)接車輛上下兩部分的一種主要形式“一如其才,它是用一根金屬材料一一一軸,來連接兩側(cè)車輪的。鋼板彈簧在車架之;在兩半軸中間裝有差速器,允許兩儷的輪子以不同的角速度旋轉(zhuǎn)。整體式懸架的車輛在行進中,由于兩側(cè)的車輪共用一根周因此,當(dāng)某一側(cè)車輪跳動時另一側(cè)也會隨之運動“它們的反饋結(jié)果就像是一個整體“可以想的到,這不可能有舒適的駕駛體驗的。雖然可以借助于彈簧來衰減猛烈的震動,但仍然存在較強的震動“那么,既尜如此為什么還要用這種懸架呢?第一,它很堅周,由于采用了一體化的結(jié)構(gòu),定軸式懸架系統(tǒng)具有著其他方式懸架不可替代的承載能力”它們經(jīng)常應(yīng)用于行史于較差路況的車輛。你可以在卡車和重載車輛上見到它。一種由固定軸式懸架變形系統(tǒng)叫做TIB懸架系統(tǒng)(或叫半固定軸式在這種結(jié)構(gòu)中,有兩根剛性軸而非一根“這種設(shè)計可兼得較大的剛性和較好的韌性,通常用于輕卡的前懸。另外一種基本結(jié)構(gòu)是叫做獨立懸架的系統(tǒng)。想它的名字一樣,匕是由兩個獨立存在的“橋“分別連接兩側(cè)的車輪。到目前為止,這種結(jié)構(gòu)可以提供最舒適的乘坐環(huán)境,多見于乘用車,小型貨車和其他的小型車輛。這是目前較為流行的一種懸架系統(tǒng)。如果你喜歡較軟的懸架,那么獨立懸架無疑是最佳選擇。除了軸,車輪,輪胎,今天的懸架系統(tǒng)使用的兩個重要部件是彈簧和減震器,以增強車輛的安全和舒適性“彈簧:在一輛車上彈簧是懸架系統(tǒng)的主要部件“有集中不同的彈簧,比如扭桿彈簧,但幾乎所有的車輛都采用螺旋彈簧來構(gòu)成四輪獨立懸架系統(tǒng)“許多卡車也用螺旋彈簧,而重載卡車則使用彈簧安裝于其后懸。彈簧可以減緩和儲存來自路面的振動,沖擊等能量“它通過壓縮和伸展來衰減振動。當(dāng)一輛車子的某一個輪子遇到一個凸起而向上跳動時,彈簧就會衰減額外的能量。以此來保證能量傳遞的連貫性,在此過程中確保車輪始終與路而保持接觸。彈簧壓縮或伸展量的大小是由“彈簧剛度”決定的。彈簧剛度以每英寸的變形量是由多少載荷所引起來表示的。比如,1inch/pound,所以200磅的負荷可以產(chǎn)生2inch的變形量。彈簧變形量是由很多的因素決定的。對于蟈旋彈簧而言包括有效圈數(shù),彈簧中徑,彈簧鋼直徑。有效圈數(shù)越少,剛度越小。彈簧的設(shè)計影響到車輛的舒適性與操縱穩(wěn)定性。由于彈簧衰減了大部分的能量,因而可以提供較好的駕駛環(huán)境。畢竟它可以衰減由于路面產(chǎn)生的能量。但總會有工程交換的。這種彈簧會使車輛的重心較高,從而在輪子跳動時導(dǎo)致不穩(wěn)定工況這種工況的產(chǎn)生是由于彈簧的壓縮和伸展的量不同而引起的。車身的“翻滾”大都發(fā)生在懸架之上。這種“翻滾”叫做載荷轉(zhuǎn)移,是由于某一車輪跳動是汽車的重心偏移的離心力所引起的“載荷轉(zhuǎn)移可能導(dǎo)致某一車輪承受較大的附加載荷,這將會產(chǎn)生有害的拖拽力,不利于操縱穩(wěn)定性。減振器:懸架的另外一個重要部件是減震器減震器在懸架系統(tǒng)中扮演著衰減振動最后防線的角色,而這本是彈簧的職責(zé)。減振器可以衰減由于路而致使彈簧上下跳動而產(chǎn)生的振動的影響“人們不喜歡限程減振器;他們更喜歡阻尼器“如果不加處理一一一就是被你,我叫做振動衰減器東西“減振器丁作中有兩個行程一一壓縮和伸張。壓縮行程發(fā)生在活塞向下運動,在活塞套筒密閉的內(nèi)室向下擠壓液壓油“伸張行程發(fā)生在活塞向上方的套筒頂部運動時,此時被壓縮的液體將向上充滿套筒“如果沒有減振器,彈簧衰減的能量將會以不可控制的速率釋放。彈簧的慣性將導(dǎo)致它猛烈的彈回和擴張。這時彈簧還可以再次被壓縮,但是又會被壓縮過量。此后,彈簧仍舊會以其自然頻率被彈回直至它的能量被摩擦力損耗完。這種作用十分不利于車輛穩(wěn)定性“迷惑了吧?1下面是個模型(來闡釋這個概念)。如果你有一個劃帶且近日又沒用它,你可以用它做個試驗。用手拿著它在空中使他壓縮。現(xiàn)在,拿著一端放丿T-另一端,繃帶就會衰減由于地心引力而產(chǎn)生的潛在能量。(就像車上的彈簧衰減路面的振動那樣),它會上上下下的持續(xù)很長時間“如果一輛車沒有減振器的協(xié)作它就會像這樣“你可能聽過“支撐桿”這個單詞,或者更平常點的麥弗遜一支撐桿。這個桿通常是作為減震器的主要結(jié)構(gòu)部件。對于支撐桿,減振器是安裝在螺旋彈簧內(nèi)圈的“如此也可減少空間,成本也不高。許多車都用麥弗遜式的結(jié)構(gòu)“振動和支撐桿可以幫助控制懸架在允許的范圍內(nèi)快速運動。這對于保持輪胎與地面接觸是很重要的“大多數(shù)的減振器在設(shè)計時更多的考慮增加彈簧伸展循環(huán)的阻力”這是因為擴張行程決定著汽車彈簧的重量(通常為懸架重量的50_100月另一方面,壓縮行程決定著車輛的非懸架質(zhì)量(車輪,輪胎,剎車,一半的懸架質(zhì)量。附錄:原文 Suspension BasicsThe suspension system, while not absolutely essential to the operation of a moto r vehicle makes a big difference in the amount of pleasure experienced while driving- Essent ally, it acts as a bndge between the occupants of the vehicle and the road they ride on. The term suspension refers the ability of this bridge to suspend a vehicles frame, and powertrain above the wheels- Like the Golden Gate Bridge hovering over San Francisco. Bay, it separates the two and keeps them apart Tore move this suspension would be like taking a c0 dive from the Golden Gate: you might survive the fall, but the impact would leave you sore for weeks. Think of a skateboard- It has direct contact With the road You feel every bnck crack, crevce and bump. Its almost a Msceral experience As the *wheels grow across the pavement, picking up a bump here a crack there the M bratlon travels up your legs and settles in your gut- You could almost admit you were haMng fun, if you didnt feel like you were gonna toss your tacos at any second. This is at your car would like without a suspension system. Before we get into the individual components that make up a vehicles ride support, lets take at a basic pnnciple of design: solid axle independent suspension solid axle suspension, because both 1 Is share the same axle, the up movement of one wheel causes a like movement in the other wheel. They respond as 0 unit As you can imagine, this doesnt make the most comfortable nde. Eben though solid axle designs utilize spnngs to soften their inherently harsh ride charactenstics (more on different spnng setups bow ) , they still bump along like a bnck outhouse. So why use them at all? Well, strength, for one. Because of the unitized construction solid axle suspension systems incredible load bearing capacity- They also handle uneven roads superbly. Youll find them in trucks and off road vehicles .A modified fonm of the solid axle design is called Twin -I-beam suspension, his setup, 一 one for each wheel 一 take the place of a Single axle This design offers many of the strengths of the solid axle design, With a slightly softer ride- Yo find it used pnmarily in the front end of light trucks The other main design s c independent suspens on- As the name suggests independent suspension assemblies offer a separate bridge for each wheel- They deliver the best characteristics by and are found most frequently in passenger cars, minivans, and other street vehicles Ths is the most popular kind of suspension system in use today you like the smoothness we can almost guarantee has independent .Suspension In addition to axles, wheels and tires todays suspension systems utilize bmother compSpnngs absorb and store road shock caused by bumps, dips, cracks, and so (remember the skateboard a They absorb this shock by either compressing extending. When a cars wheel goes over a bump and gets pushed upward, the spring absorbs that additional, keeps the road shock from reaching the chassis, and makes sure the tire maintains contact with the pavement .How much a spnng compresses “ extends is determined by spring rate Spnng rate is measured in pounds per inch of deflection, for example, 100 pounds per Inch- So, say aload of 200 pounds is applied, the spring Will deflect 2 inches. Spring rate comes on various facto For a coil spring, this includes the number of acti*,e coils, the diameter of the coils, and the diameter of the spring WI re The fewer coils a spnng has, the higher the spring rate it will have. The design Of a spnng affects how well the vehicle WII ride and handle- A spring that absorbs lots of energy Will generally offer a comfortable nde. Aner all, can absorb most of the road shock (energy) that is being generated by the road surface But there are always engineering trade 0 Shocks and struts help control how fast the suspension is allowed to m ove which s important for keeping the tires in contact with the road Most shock absorber designs have more resistance dunng the extension (rebound) cycle than the compression cycle is because the extension cycle controls the motion of the vehicles sprung weight of the suspension and everything else above the suspension). The compression cycle, on the other hand, controls the motion of unsprung weight (wheels, tires, brakes and half of the suspension)4指導(dǎo)教師評語外文翻譯成績:指導(dǎo)教師簽字:年月日注:1.指導(dǎo)教師對譯文進行評閱時應(yīng)注意以下幾個方面:翻譯的外文文獻與畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)的主題是否高度相關(guān),并作為外文參考文獻列入畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)的參考文獻;翻譯的外文文獻字數(shù)是否達到規(guī)定數(shù)量(3000字以上);譯文語言是否準(zhǔn)確、通順、具有參考價值。2.外文原文應(yīng)以附件的方式置于譯文之后。
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