附錄B港口起重機中國經(jīng)濟在過去的高速增長已經(jīng)大幅增加了本國港口貨流量,以至于不斷擴大老港口以及不斷修建新的港口以應(yīng)對快速增長的集裝箱業(yè)務(wù)以及大宗貨物的流通。中國的港口擴展進程對本國港口裝備行業(yè)的發(fā)展產(chǎn)生了強烈的刺激,這一進程強烈需要大量的各種各樣的港口起重機的迅猛增加,包括集裝箱起重機、橋門式起重機以及其他能夠處理散料貨物的裝卸設(shè)備。由國資委掌控的中國港口工程集團有限公司是中國最大的港口起重機和散料裝卸設(shè)備的供應(yīng)商。該集團包括世界最大的港口集裝箱起重機生廠商振華港口機械有限公司(ZPMC)和精于生產(chǎn)用于港口的橋門式起重機以及干散貨物的裝卸設(shè)備的上海港口機械廠(SPMP)。上海港口機械廠主要市場是中國本地,雖然它在尋求擴大海外銷售。盡管它沒有同行振華港口機械有限公司出名,上海港口機械廠擁有很多的大型生產(chǎn)設(shè)施,它計劃不久將一部分生產(chǎn)線轉(zhuǎn)移到上海附近的長興島。振華港口機械有限公司已經(jīng)在那里建立了一個大型集裝箱起重機組裝廠。上海港口機械廠主要的生產(chǎn)項目是橋門式起重機和其它用途的港口起重機。在過去的兩年里,該公司已經(jīng)獲得了來自全國港務(wù)局的的145份橋門式起重機的合同,這其中包括正在建設(shè)的新港口和正在擴張的港口。最近幾年,上海港口機械廠已經(jīng)向美國,伊拉克以及緬甸提供橋門式起重機。緬甸的仰光港口購買了一座跨度為47米,起重量為40噸的橋門式起重機,然而美國的BIW購買了三臺起重量分別為15t,150t, 和 300t起重機。另外,上海港口機械廠已向伊拉克的一些港口提供了12臺起重機自從薩達姆下臺后。在中國,上海港口機械廠最近的主要訂單是橋門式起重機,這其中包括天津海外礦產(chǎn)航運碼頭的8臺起重量為40t,回轉(zhuǎn)半徑為45m的起重機,然而,位于中國南部的廣東鹽田港務(wù)局已經(jīng)購買了6臺這樣的起重機。其它一些大的訂單包括鎮(zhèn)江港務(wù)集團的7臺起重量為10t,回轉(zhuǎn)半徑為25m的起重機和防城港務(wù)局的10臺起重量為25t,回轉(zhuǎn)半徑為33m的起重機,而營口港務(wù)局已經(jīng)13臺起重量為25t,回轉(zhuǎn)半徑為35m和2臺起重量為40t,回轉(zhuǎn)半徑為44m的橋門機。許多起重機按照訂單在建上海港口機械廠也提供港口和海灣其它用途的起重機,這些大多數(shù)按照客戶的要求建造。它已經(jīng)向許多國外客戶提供岸邊集裝箱起重機,這其中包括泰國的曼谷港,臺灣的高雄港和加拿大的溫哥華港。在中國國內(nèi),該公司已向上海港,天津港,煙臺港以及其他的一些港口提供岸邊集裝箱起重機。該公司也向國內(nèi)外客戶提供輪胎式龍門起重機。訂購其它港口起重機的公司包括廣東的廣州,它購買了一臺25t的浮吊,而中港港口已購買了兩臺125/63t雙小車龍門起重機和一臺700t的橋式起重機。2003年,中港港口與上海港口機械廠簽訂一臺2600t的浮吊合同,這是該公司近些年做的最大噸位的起重機。其它的一些用戶包括江蘇省的中原南通造船廠,它已經(jīng)購買了兩臺300t用于船塢的戈利亞特起重機,而上海外高橋船廠已將上海港口機械廠的兩臺600t戈利亞特起重機用于船舶建造中。上海港口機械廠有兩個廠區(qū)。在上海的廠區(qū)有2000名工人,江蘇的廠區(qū)有1500名工人。在這3500名工人中,有800名技術(shù)人員和管理人員從事于設(shè)計,開發(fā),建造港口類和其它類起重機以及大宗干散貨物的裝卸設(shè)備。目前,該公司正準(zhǔn)備遷出它在上海的廠區(qū),因為該區(qū)是預(yù)留給2010上海世博會的一塊濱水區(qū)。該公司的上海分廠將于2006年年底關(guān)閉,它將遷移到一個在上海附近長興島的新廠區(qū)?!靶聫S區(qū)將比現(xiàn)有的廠區(qū)大,”李說,“當(dāng)2006年年底我們遷出時,我們將做好第一階段的準(zhǔn)備工作。”除了將上海的廠區(qū)遷移到新址外,該公司希望將來能與振華在業(yè)務(wù)上合作。中國港灣建設(shè)(集團)總公司的高層們被人們認(rèn)為他們已經(jīng)告訴上海港口機械廠它將與振華在招標(biāo)項目上有更多合作。兩家公司希望保持各自的制造能力,然而,將來合作的精確細節(jié)仍沒有確定。另外,上海港口機械廠的合作公司振華正在加強其作為世界最大的船岸集裝箱起重機生產(chǎn)商的地位,生產(chǎn)量幾近世界集裝箱起重機市場年產(chǎn)量的一多半。另外,它還經(jīng)營著四個起重機生產(chǎn)綜合體和一些其他的業(yè)務(wù)。振華的產(chǎn)品系列包括集裝箱起重機,輪胎式龍門起重機,干散貨物船用裝卸設(shè)備,斗輪堆取料機,門式起重機,浮吊以及工程船只。該公司還擴展到生產(chǎn)包括大型鋼橋的大型鋼結(jié)構(gòu)。振華擴大生產(chǎn)全世界有37個國家和地區(qū)超過150個航運碼頭正在使用振華的起重機和其它的產(chǎn)品。振華已經(jīng)提交了705臺集裝箱起重機,按照手頭的訂單將于2006年交付另外的128臺集裝箱起重機。除此之外,截止2005年底,振華已經(jīng)向世界各地的客戶交付了1148臺輪胎式龍門起重機,按照手頭的訂單將于2006年交付308臺輪胎式龍門起重機。振華正在擴大生產(chǎn)設(shè)施,預(yù)計不久訂單數(shù)將會增加。該公司擁有四個起重機生產(chǎn)綜合體在上海及周邊地區(qū),江陰,常州,湛江和長興島。長興島生產(chǎn)基地將于2001年完成,占地面積100萬平方米,有3.5千米的海岸線。該基地每年能夠生產(chǎn)160臺船岸集裝箱起重機和300臺輪胎式龍門起重機以及20,0000噸的大型鋼橋結(jié)構(gòu)。其計劃在長興島進一步填海3百萬平方米,屆時它將成為振華最大的生產(chǎn)中心。韓國看重國內(nèi)在一個支離破碎的全球港口起重機行業(yè)中,韓國生產(chǎn)商不得不在國內(nèi)市場尋求更多的商機。韓國的集裝箱起重機和港口起重機設(shè)備制造產(chǎn)業(yè)近幾年越來越依賴國內(nèi)市場,當(dāng)該國的制造商面對來自中國振華港機在主要的國際市場的價格競爭。全球的其他制造商也面臨著同樣的問題,他們中沒有那一家在國際集裝箱起重機市場上占有超過8%的份額。除了振華,來自歐洲和日本的生產(chǎn)商在岸邊集裝箱和輪胎式龍門起重機的競爭也很強烈。而韓國的現(xiàn)代重工,三星重工,斗山重工,大宇重工等仍然參加國際競標(biāo),贏得大批訂單的機會越來越少。業(yè)內(nèi)人士認(rèn)為斗山重工是唯一一家在過去的幾年里贏得集裝箱起重機大訂單的韓國港口起重工生產(chǎn)商,韓國廠商持有訂單的不到10起重機單位。斗山重工最近完成交付42股橡膠輪胎龍門起重機( RTGC ),該訂單是新加坡管理局于2004年授予的。包括最近的合同。自1997年以來,斗山重工已收到新加坡總共有120 RTGCs的訂單。最近一批RTGCs是專為提高安全性。埃斯克的RTGCs裝有16個車輪而不是通常的8 。“我們向國內(nèi)和國際提供集裝箱起重機。大多數(shù)工程都是一兩組,但是新加坡已經(jīng)訂購了120組,” 一位來自斗山重工材料處理設(shè)備部門的人士評論斗山重工,“集裝箱起重機能吊起一個還是兩個集裝箱取決于用戶,但是現(xiàn)在雙擴張器很常見。之前我們最大的訂單就是同釜山港簽訂的10臺集裝箱起重機?!苯ㄔ彀l(fā)電廠斗山重工的主要業(yè)務(wù)包括設(shè)計和建造發(fā)電廠。除了提供保護設(shè)備,它還生產(chǎn)渦輪機和發(fā)電機組。它有大的鑄件和鍛造劃分。其它的主要業(yè)務(wù)還包括在中東建造海水淡化廠。集裝箱港口裝卸設(shè)備是由斗山的材料處理設(shè)備部生產(chǎn)的,該部門還為其他行業(yè)生產(chǎn)煤炭處理設(shè)備和散裝貨物處理設(shè)備。新加坡港口管理局是RTGCs的最大客戶。最近的其他用戶還有科倫坡的南方航運碼頭,斯里蘭卡以及釜山港的韓國快車公司。該公司還生產(chǎn)船岸集裝箱起重機。最近的龍門起重機用戶包括印度尼西亞的雅加達集裝箱碼頭,印度孟買附近的賈瓦哈拉爾尼赫魯港,以及溫哥華的弗雷澤航運碼頭?!拔覀兊母劭谄鹬貦C的銷售前景不容樂觀。由于價格因素,振華港機正在掌控著國際市場,”內(nèi)部人士透漏,“我們正在尋找不涉及振華業(yè)務(wù)的工程,因為它并不經(jīng)營所有的工程。于2004和2005年我們同新加坡簽訂合同。我們在其他任何方面沒有取得成功,但我們?nèi)匀粫楦鞣N競標(biāo)投標(biāo)?!倍飞较M蔀榻o韓國光陽灣擴建工程的安裝集裝箱起重機的一名投標(biāo)人。的集裝箱起重機將安裝在計劃擴建港口。該公司的研發(fā)部門參與開發(fā)安裝在該擴建港口的邊集裝箱起重機的新的自動化控制裝置。“集裝箱起重機也有技術(shù)周期。除了自動化,它沒有別的發(fā)展方向,”該內(nèi)部人士透漏,“我們正在開發(fā)更多的自動控制裝置,但是新的功能還沒有商業(yè)化。”“我國政府計劃的光陽灣碼頭項目,將于3月2日宣布將其發(fā)展成為一個自動化碼頭。我們必須適應(yīng)這一點。投標(biāo)已被推遲了大約6年。我們預(yù)計該項目將在2007年或2008年再次招標(biāo)。 ”韓國的其他集裝箱起重機生產(chǎn)商也希望參與光陽灣擴建工程的投標(biāo),該工程有可能被授予一家韓國公司。在投標(biāo)的企業(yè)中現(xiàn)代重工將被委托設(shè)計制造釜山東集裝箱碼頭( PECT )的五個自動化軌道式龍門起重機( RMGCs ),也被稱為自動轉(zhuǎn)移起重機在。該碼頭已成為韓國第一個安裝自動起重機的碼頭,服務(wù)新泊位有4個或5個。該起重機有雙懸臂包括兩個行車線。堆疊高度按照1比6的比例為9英尺6寸高,龍門運行速度150m/min的,小車的運行速度為120m/min和空葫蘆的運行速度為75-80m/min。 在現(xiàn)代最近獲得的訂單中,有一份來自和記黃埔港口的四臺和Uam港的一臺岸邊集裝箱起重機的訂單。根據(jù)現(xiàn)代銷售部李經(jīng)理的話,來自振華的競爭仍然是在贏得海外訂單最主要的挑戰(zhàn),“我們正努力獲得更多的項目,但振華的價格低廉。我們試圖降低成本但是我們認(rèn)為在將來這將會給我們造成不好的境況?!薄叭绻櫩驼J(rèn)為質(zhì)量很重要,那么我們是沒問題的,但是如果他們認(rèn)為價錢是重要的,那么我們將不能獲得該項目。我們有經(jīng)驗建造能吊起1或2個集裝箱的起重機。我們從ABB公司購買起重機的主要控制系統(tǒng),然后在韓國組裝?!盤ortal powerChinas rapid economic growth in the past decade has resulted in a big increase in freight traffic through the countrys seaports . Old ports are being expanded and new ports built to handle the large growth in container and bulk cargo traffic all along the Chinese coastline.Chinas port expansion programme has provided a strong boost to the domestic port equipment industry, which has enjoyed a strong increase in demand for port cranes of various types, including container cranes and portal cranes along with bulk cargo handling equipment.State-run China Harbour Engineering (group) Corporation Ltd, established under the ruling State Council, is Chinas largest supplier of port cranes and bulk cargo handling equipment. The organization controls both Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery Co Ltd (ZPMC),the worlds largest manufacturer of quayside container cranes, and Shanghai Port Machinery Plant (SPMP), which specializes in the manufacturer of portal cranes and other cranes used in ports along with dry bulk cargo handling equipment.SPMPs main market is China, although the company is looking to expand its overseas sales. Although less well known than its associate ZPMC, SPMP also operates large manufacturing facilities, and is due to move part of its production shortly to Changxing Island near Shanghai where ZPMC already operates a large container crane fabrication plant.Portal and other harbour cranes are SPMPs major production item. During the past two years, the corporation has won contracts for 145 portal cranes from port authorities throughout China, both from new ports under construction and ports undergoing expansion.In recent years, SPMP has also supplied portal cranes to the United States, Iraq,and Myanmar.The port Rangoon of Myanmar in has purchased a 47m,40t portal crane while BIW of the United States has purchased three cranes-15t,150t, and 300t portal cranes. Elsewhere, SPMP has supplied 12 portal cranes to several ports in Iraq since the end of the Saddam regime. In China, SPMPs recent major orders for portal cranes include eight 40t, 45m radius cranes for Tianjin Overseas Mineral Terminal, while Yan Tai Port Bureau in Guangdong in southern China has purchased six 40t, 45m radius cranes. Other large orders include seven 10t, 25m radius cranes for Zhenjiang Port Group and an order of 1025t, 33m radius cranes from Fangcheng Port Bureau, while the Yingkou Port Group has ordered 1325t,35m radius cranes along with two 40t, 44m radius port cranes.MANY CRANES BUILT TO ORDERSPMP also supplies other cranes used in ports and harbours, many of which are built to order for clients. Quayside container cranes have been supplied to a number of foreign clients including Bangkok Port in Thailand, Kaohsiung Port in Taiwan, and Port of Vancouver in Canada. In China, SPMP has supplied quayside container cranes to Shanghai Port, Tianjin Port, Yin Kou Port, Yan Tai Port and others. The company also supplies rubber-tyred container gantry cranes to domestic and overseas clients.Customers for other cranes used in ports include Guangzhou Port in Guangdong, which purchased a 25t floating crane while Zhonggang Port has bought two double trolley 125/63t gantry cranes, along with a700t overhead crane, In 2003 Zhonggang Port awarded a contract to SPMP for a 2,600t floating crane, whichi is the largest crane the company has made in recent years.Other customers include Zhongyuan Nanytong Shipyard of Jiangsu Province has purchased two 300t goliath cranes for use in its shipyard, while Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipyard uses two of SPMPs 600t goliath cranes for its shipbuilding operations. SPMP has two factories. The Shanghai plant employs 2,000 workers while a factory in Jiangsu Province employs 1,500 workers. The combined total of 3,500 workers includes 800 technical and management staff involved in designing, developing, and building portal and other cranes along with dry bulk cargo loading and unloading equipment.Currently, SPMP is preparing to vacate its Shanghai factory site as the companys existing plot of land is part of a riverside area earmarked by the Shanghai Expo in 2010. SPMPs Shanghai factory will close at the end of 2006, and move to a new site on nearby Changxing Island.“The new factory will be much bigger than the present plant,” Li said. “Phase 1 will be ready for us when we move at the end of 2006.”In addition to moving the Shanghai factory to a new site, SPMP expects future business operation with ZPMC.Officials at China Harbour Engineering (Group) Corporation are understood to have told SPMP of plants for SPMP and ZPMC to co-operate more in bidding for projects in future. Both companies are expected to retain their individual manufacturing capability, however, with precise details of future co-operation still some way from being finalised.Meanwhile, SPMP associate company ZPMC is strengthening its position as the worlds largest manufacturer of ship-to-shore container cranes, supplying slightly more than half the annual international container crane market. In addition to operating four crane production complexes for its crane manufacturing and other businesses.ZPMCs full range of products includes quayside container cranes, rubber-tyred gantry cranes, bulk material ship loaders and unloaders, bucket-wheel stackers and reclaimers, portal cranes, floating cranes, and engineering vessels. The company has also diversified into manufacturing other large steel structures including large steel bridges.ZPMC EXPANDING PRODUCTIONZPMCs cranes and other products are in use at over 150 shipping terminals in 37 countries and regions worldwide. By the end of December 2005, ZPMC had supplied 705 quayside container cranes, and had orders in hand to deliver another 128 quayside container cranes in 2006. In addition, at the end of 2005 ZPMC had delivered 1,148 rubber-tyred gantry cranes to customers worldwide and had orders in hand to deliver 308 rubber-tyred gantry cranes to customers in 2006.ZPMC is expanding production facilities in expectation that the volume of orders will grow in future. The company owns four crane production complexes in Shanghai and the surrounding area at Jiangyin, Changzhou, Zhangjiang and Changxing Island.The Changxing production site, which was completed in 2001, covers one million sq m, and has a 3.5km coastline. The facility is capable of manufacturing 160 quayside ship-to-shore container cranes each year along with 300 rubber-tyred gantry cranes and 200,000 metric tons of large steel bridge structures.Plans call for a futher 3 million sq m of land to be reclaimed at Changxing, which ZPMC will develop to become its largest production centre.Korea looks inward In a fragmented global port crane industry, Korean manufacturers are being forced to look for more business in their domestic markets South Koreas container crane and port crane equipment manufacturing industry has become more focused on the domestic market in recent years as manufacturers have faced tough price competition from ZPMC of China in major foreign markets. The problem is the same as that faced by other port crane manufacturers around the world, none of which account for more than about an 8% share of the world container crane market. As well as ZPMC, competition from European and Japanese equipment suppliers is also strong, both for quayside container cranes and for rubber-tyred gantry crane contracts. While South Korean firms-including Hyundai Heavy Industries, Samsung Heavy Industries, Doosan Heavy Industries, and Hanjin Heavy Industries continue to bid for international contracts, winning large orders has become increasingly rare. Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co Ltd is believed to be the only South Korean port crane maker to have won a large container crane contract during the past few years, with most orders booker by Korean manufacturers being for less than 10 crane units. Doosan recently completed delivery of a 42-unit rubber-tyred gantry crane (RTGC) order to the Port of Singapore Authority PSN that was awarded in 2004. Including a recent contract. Doosan has received orders to supply the Port of Singapore with a total of 120 RTGCs since 1997. The recent batch of RTGCs is designed for increased safety. Esch of the RTGCs is fitted with 16 wheels instead of the usual eight. “We have supplied container cranes locally and overseas. Most projects are one or two units, but Singapore has been 120 units,” commented a source in Doosan Heavy Industries material handling equipment division. “Container cranes can lift one or two containers depending on the client, but the twin spreader design is normal now. Our biggest contract before was with Pusan Port for over 10 container cranes.” BUILDING POWER PLANTSDoosan Heavy Industries major activities include the design and construction of power plants. Apart from supplying protection equipment, Doosan also manufactures turbines and generator sets. Doosan has a large castings and forging division. Other major activities include the construction of desalination plants in the Middle East. Container port handling equipment is produced by Doosans material handling equipment division, which supplies coal handling equipment and bulk cargo handling facilities for other industries. Port of Singapore Authority is the largest customer for RTGCs. Other recent clients include Southern Gateway Terminals in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and Korea Express in the Port of Pusan. Doosan also supplies ship to shore container cranes. Recent quayside gantry crane clients include Jakarta Container Terminal in Indonesia, Jawaharlal Nehru Port near Mumbai in India, and Frazer Terminal in Vancouver. “Prospects for our port crane sales are not bright. ZPMC is dominating the world market due to price,” the source commented. “We are looking for projects not invoving ZPMC as they are not concerned with all projects. We got contracts in Singapore in 2004 and 2005. We had no success anywhere else, but we are still bidding on various tenders.” Doosan is expected to be one of the bidders for container cranes to be installed in South Koreas planned Kwangyang Bay Port expansion. The companys R&D division is involved developing new automated controls that will be required for quayside container cranes installed in the port expansion. “Container cranes are well developed in technical terms. There is nothing else to develop except for automation,” the source said. “We are developing more automated controls, but the new features are not commercialized yet. Our government has a plan for Kwangyang Bay 3-2 terminal project, which they announced will be developed as an automated terminal. We have to adapt to this. The tender has been postponed for about six years. We expect the project will be tendered again in 2007 or 2008.” South Koreas other container crane manufacturers also are expected to bid for the Kwangyang Bay project, which is likely to be awarded to a local supplier. Hyundal Samho Heavy Industries will be among the bidders having recently commissioned five automated rail mounted gantry cranes (RMGCs) also known as automated transfer cranes at Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT) . The terminal has become the first terminal in Korea to install automated cranes, which are in service at new berths four and five . The cranes stack nine-wide between a 28.5m rail gauge, and have dual cantilevers covering two road lanes . Stack height is 1 over 6 by 9ft 6in high and operational speeds are 150m/min for the gantry , 120m/min for the trolley and 75-80m/min for the empty hoist . Among other recent orders that Hyundai has won is a contract for four quayside container cranes from Hutchison Port Holdings and one for Uam Port. Competition from ZPMC remains the main challenge in winning overseas contracts according to Hyundai Heavy Industries sales manager Lee Yong Tae : “ We are trying to get more projects , but ZPMC has a very low price . We will try to cut our price but we think it will lead to a bad situation in future . ” “ if customers think that quality is important then we are ok , but if they just think about price we cannot win the project . We have experience of building cranes to lift one or two containers .We buy the main crane controls system from ABB and then use a Korean fabricator .”