1 Microsystem Technologies10(2004)531535_Springer-Verlag2004DOI10.1007/s00542-004-0387-2Replicationofm icrolensarraysbyinjectionm olding B.-K. Lee, D. S. Kim , T. H. Kwon B.-K. Lee, D. S. Kim , T. H. Kwon( however, flowratehasthesim ilar effect toPC. It m ight be rem inded that packingtim e doesnot affect thereplicabilityif agateisfrozensincefrozengatepreventsm aterial from flowingintothecavity. Therefore, theeffect ofpackingtim e disappearsafteracertaintim e dependingontheprocessingconditions. Fig.4ac(leftside).Surfaceprofiles of m icrolens (PC with diam eter (/) of 300m ). a effect of packing pressure, beffect of flowrate, c effectof packing tim e Fig.5ac.(rightside)Surfaceprofiles of m icrolens (PMMAwith diam eter( /)of 300 m ). aeffect of packingpressure, beffectof flowrate,c effect of packingtim e 6 4.2Surfaceroughness Averagedsurfaceroughness, Ra, valuesof300 m diam eter m icrolenses andthem old insert werem easured byanatom icforcem icroscope (BioscopeAFM, Digital Instrum ents). Them easurem ents wereperform ed aroundthetopofeachm icrolens andthem easuring areawas5 m 5 m . Figure6showsAFMim ages andm easured Ravaluesofm icrolenses. PMMAreplicasofm icrolens havethelowest Ravalue, 1.606nm . It m ay benotedthat AFMm easurem ent indicatedthat Ravalueof injectionm olded m icrolens arrays is sm al er thanthecorrespondingoneof them old insert. Thereasonfor theim provedsurfaceroughnessinthereplicatedm icrolens arraysisnot clearat thism om ent, but m ight beattributedtothereflowcausedby surfacetensionduringacoolingprocess. It m ay befurther notedthat theRavalueof injectionm olded m icrolens arrays iscom parable withthat offineoptical com ponents inpractical use. Fig. 6. AFMim ages and averagedsurface roughness, Ra, values of the m old insert andinjectionm olded 300m diam eter m icrolenses. a Nickel m old insert, bPS, cPMMA, dPC 4.3Focallength Thefocal lengthoflensescanbecalculatedbyawellknownequationasfol ows: 1 1 21 1 1( 1)( )nf R R wheref, nl, R1andR2arefocal length, refractiveindexof lensm aterial, twoprincipal radi of curvature, respectively.Forinstance, focal lengthsofthem olded m icrolenses wereapproxim ately calculatedas1.065m m (withR1 0.624m m andR2 ¥)for200 m diam eter m icrolens, 1.130m m (withR1=0.662m m andR2=)for300m m icrolens and2.580m m (withR1=1.512m m andR2=) for 500m m icrolens accordingtoEq. (1). Thesecalculationswerebasedonanassum ption that m icrolenses arereplicatedwithPC(nl=1.586)andhavetheidentical shapeofthem old insert. It m ight bem entioned that thegeom etry ofthem olded m icrolens m ight beinverselydeducedfrom anexperim ental m easurem ent ofthefocal length. 5Conclusion Thereplicationofm icrolens arrayswascarriedout bytheinjectionm olding processwiththenickel m old insert whichwas 7 electroplatedfrom them icrolens arraysm aster fabricatedviaam odified LIGAprocess.Theeffects of processingconditionswereinvestigatedthroughextensiveexperim ents conductedwithvarious processing conditions. Theresultsshowedthat thehigherpackingpressureorthehigherflowrateis, thebetterreplicabilityisachieved. Incom parison, thepackingtim e wasfoundtohavelittleeffect onthereplicationofm icrolens arrays. Theinjectionm olded m icrolens arrayshadasm al er averagedsurfaceroughnessvaluesthanthem old insert, whichm ight beattributedtothereflowinducedbysurfacetensionduringthecoolingstage. AndPMMAreplicasofm icrolens arrayshadthe best surfacequality(i.e. thelowest roughnessvalueofRa=1.606nm ). Thesurfaceroughnessofinjectionm olded m icrolensarraysiscom parable withthat offineoptical com ponents inpractical use. Inthisregard, injectionm olding m ight beauseful m anufacturing tool form ass productionofm icrolensarrays. References1. Ruther P; GerlachB; Gottert J; IlieM; Mul er A; Om ann C(1997) Fabricationandcharacterizationof m icrolenses realizedbyam odified LIGAprocess. PureAppl Opt 6: 6436532. PopovicZD; SpragueRA; NevilleConnel GA(1988)Techniqueform onolithic fabricationofm icrolens array. Appl Opt27: 128112843. BeinhornF; Ihlem ann J; Luther K; TroeJ(1999) Micro-lensarrays generatedbyUVlaser irradiationof dopedPMMA. Appl PhysA68: 7097134. MoonS; LeeN; KangS(2003) Fabricationofam icrolens arrayusingm icro-com pression m olding withanelectroform ed m old insert. JMicrom ech Microeng13: 981035. OngNS; KohYH; FuYQ(2002)Microlensarrayproducedusinghot em bossing process. MicroelectronEng60: 365379 6. LeeS-K; LeeK-C; LeeSS(2002)Asim ple m ethod form icrolens fabricationbythem odified LIGAprocess. JMicrom echMicroeng12: 334340 7. Kim DS; YangSS; LeeS-K; KwonTH; LeeSS(2003)Physical m odeling andanalysisofm icrolens form ation fabricatedbyam odified LIGAprocess. JMicrom ech Microeng13: 523531 8. Bauer W; Knitter R; Em de A; Bartelt G; Gohring D; Hansjosten E(2002) Replication techniques for ceram icm icrocom ponents withhighaspect ratio. Microsyst Technol 7: 8590