【介紹中國的英語文章閱讀】 英語閱讀理解訓(xùn)練

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1、【介紹中國的英語文章閱讀】 英語閱讀理解訓(xùn)練近年來,隨著中國經(jīng)濟實力的增強,中國文化吸引了世界的目光。WTT分享介紹中國的英語文章,希望可以幫助大家!介紹中國的英語文章:紋身在中國不再是禁忌 Tattoos have a long history in China. But for most of that history they were stigmatized,associated with prisoners, vagrants and the criminal underworld.Thanks in part to the influenceof celebrities and s

2、ports stars, tattoos have bee much more socially accepted in the pastdecade. Its a trend driven by a younger generation that isnt afraid of standing out but alsoby the sophisticated skills of Chinas tattoo artists.紋身在中國有著悠久的歷史。但是大部分時間,紋身都受到歧視,被看作與罪犯、盲流以及黑社會有關(guān)。由于名人以及體育明星的影響,過去十年間,紋身越來越能被社會認(rèn)可。年輕一代標(biāo)新立異

3、,紋身師技術(shù)爐火純青,共同驅(qū)動了這個趨勢。Getting inked is one way for young people to forge their own identity and mark lifeexperiences.對年輕人來說,紋身是塑造自己身份、銘記生活經(jīng)歷的一種方式?!癐 think a tattoo is a sign of myself, like your name. Its the most special part of your body, itmakes you different. Shows your mind, your world,” says Wa

4、ng Zi, 28, a fashion designer. Shehas a tattoo of a hot air balloon on her shoulder blade, a design she drew herself to cherisha childhood dream of flying in one.“我覺得紋身是自己的一種標(biāo)志,就像你的名字。它是身體最特殊的部分,讓你感覺與眾不同,展現(xiàn)自己的內(nèi)心和世界?!?8歲的服裝設(shè)計師王梓說道。她的肩胛上有一個熱氣球紋身。該圖出自王梓之手,代表珍惜兒時乘坐熱氣球的夢想。Just as Chinese characters are a

5、 popular choice in the West, in China some people like tattoosof English words and phrases. Popular words include “l(fā)ove,”and “forever.” Others choose songlyrics or es from the Bible.就像西方人喜歡將漢字作為紋身一樣,中國很多人喜歡英文字母或短語。最受歡迎的單詞是“l(fā)ove”和“forever”。還有人選擇歌詞或者從圣經(jīng)引用句子。Asia has long had its own tattoo culture. Ch

6、ina is starting to develop its own unique styles,drawing on both ancient and modern inspiration.紋身文化在亞洲有很長的歷史。中國根據(jù)傳統(tǒng)或者西方的靈感,逐步發(fā)展其自身的風(fēng)格。Qiao Zhengfei is a 20-year-old tattoo artist who opened up her own studio in her native Xiamenbefore moving her business to Beijing. She specializes in “blackwork,”

7、an intricate form basedon a style of embroidery. The former art theory student likes the fact that tattoos are a livingembodiment of her work.20歲的喬征飛(音譯)在家鄉(xiāng)廈門開設(shè)了自己的工作室,之后遷往北京。她尤為擅長“黑白紋身”,即基于刺繡的一種復(fù)雜紋身。這位藝術(shù)學(xué)學(xué)生表示很高興紋身成為自己作品的活化身。In China, some parlors are cubicle affairs, a small square room with a curt

8、ain and heavilytattooed proprietors. Others boast large studios with art adorning the walls. The Chinesetattoo artists I spoke to shied away from calling their work an art form, viewing it as a trade.在中國,一些紋身店只是一間小房子,掛著窗簾,業(yè)主身上紋滿了紋身。其他一些較大的紋身店中,作品掛滿了墻壁。我采訪的中國紋身藝術(shù)家并不將自己的工作看做是一種藝術(shù)形式,而將其視為是一種交易。Eight ye

9、ars ago, Zhao Liang graduated from teaching college after majoring in art and plannedto find a teaching or civil service job. “But they both were not well paid jobs. Since I have tosupport my family I thought I should find a job that can earn a living.” One day, he saw aposter advertizing tattoos fo

10、r 50 yuan each and thought about giving it a go. “Then I starteddoing (it). I just thought life is going to be better and better.”八年前,主修藝術(shù)的趙亮(音譯)從師范學(xué)院畢業(yè),打算找個教學(xué)或者公務(wù)員的工作?!暗切┕ぷ鞴べY很低。而我需要養(yǎng)家,因此想找個能養(yǎng)家糊口的工作?!币惶欤吹揭粡埿麄骷y身的工作,每個紋身50元,就決定嘗試一下?!半S后我就走上了這條路。我只覺得生活越來越好了?!苯榻B中國的英語文章:調(diào)查顯示:74%的中國人相信中國文化將在世界上具有更強號召力 A

11、bout 74 percent of Chinese people are confident the countrys culture will be globallypopular, a survey has showed.近日一項調(diào)查顯示,約有74%的中國人相信,未來中國文化在世界上會有很強號召力。According to a survey jointly conducted by the China Youth Daily and wenjuan., morethan half of those surveyed believe Chinese characters and tradi

12、tional costume, designs andpatterns are the top representatives of Chinese culture. According to the newspaper, a total of2,000 people were surveyed. Among them, about half are post-1980s generations, while thoseborn after 1990 account for 23 percent.據(jù)中國青年報和問卷網(wǎng)聯(lián)合進(jìn)行的調(diào)查結(jié)果顯示,超過一半的受訪者認(rèn)為中國的漢字、傳統(tǒng)服飾、紋樣和圖案是

13、中國風(fēng)的重要載體。據(jù)悉,共有2000人參與了這項調(diào)查,其中一半是80后,而90后占了23%。About 83 percent of the people surveyed said they have a strong interest in products that carrytraditional Chinese elements, the China Youth Daily reported on Tuesday.據(jù)中國青年報2月16日的報道,83%的受訪者表示他們對帶有中國風(fēng)元素的產(chǎn)品有濃厚的興趣。The majority of respondents said Chinese cu

14、lture is reserved and diversified, with more than78 percent questioning the way in which international brands employ Chinese elements.多數(shù)受訪者表示,中國文化是一個含蓄而又多元化的概念,有超過78%的受訪者認(rèn)為國際品牌追求的中國味兒不夠地道。Meanwhile, only 33 percent of the respondents considered bright red and yellow as elementsrepresenting Chinese c

15、ulture, though the two colors were promoted by many designers.然而,各大商家普遍認(rèn)為“用了大紅、大黃等顏色就是中國風(fēng)”這一觀點,僅有33%的受訪者表示贊同。介紹中國的英語文章:中國文化 Chinese Culture In recent years, there are more and more Confucius Institutes being built all around the world, which shows that our Chinese culture bee much more popular than

16、ever. As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has long history and creates many splendid cultures. The ancient culture once had great influence on the world, such as Japan, South Korea and other Asian and European countries.近年,世界各地建立了越來越多的孔子學(xué)院,這表明我們的中國文化比過去更受歡迎了。作為四大文明古國之一,中國有著悠久的歷史并且創(chuàng)造了許多輝煌

17、的文化。古代文化曾經(jīng)對世界產(chǎn)生了巨大影響,比如日本,韓國以及其他歐亞國家。From the respect of school, Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Legalism are the main schools created in ancient China, and they also have great influence on the Modern China and the world, especially the Confucianism. They deeply root in traditional Chinese cultur

18、e and peoples daily lives.就學(xué)校方面來看,儒家、墨家、道家以及法家是中國古代開創(chuàng)的主要流派。它們也對現(xiàn)代中國和世界產(chǎn)生了巨大影響,尤其是儒家思想。它們深深的根植于傳統(tǒng)的中國文化和人們的日常生活中。Specially, kung fu, traditional Chinese painting, poem, opera, cooking, clothing, architecture and many other kinds of cultural forms make up the splendid Chinese culture. The kinds listed

19、above are the typical ones which connect to each other at the same time. For exle, painting, clothing and architecture has many things in mon. And each kind of cultural form contains numerous intentions.特別地,功夫、傳統(tǒng)的中國繪畫、詩歌、戲劇、烹飪、服飾、建筑以及很多其他種類的文化形式組成了輝煌的中國文化。以上列舉的種類都是典型的,同時也是相互聯(lián)系的。例如,繪畫、服飾和建筑有很多的共同之處。每

20、一種文化形式都包涵了大量的意向。In short, Chinese culture are the accumulation of Chinese history, which makes Chinese culture colorful and prosperous. If one wants to know or study Chinese culture deeply, he or she must spend much time in it, otherwise he or she can only get the tip of an iceberg.簡而言之,中國文化是中國歷史的累積,歷史使得中國文化豐富多彩和繁榮。如果一個人想要深入了解或者學(xué)習(xí)中國文化,他必須花大量的時間在上面,否則只能得到冰山一角??戳恕敖榻B中國的英語文章”的人【END】第 9 頁 共 9 頁

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