高考英語一輪復習 Module8 Unit 4 Films and film events(1)課件 牛津譯林版(湖南專用)

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1、Module8Unit 4 Films and film events(1)1、deliberately adv. 故意地,不慌不忙地You have deliberately acted against my wishes. 你故意和我的想法對著干。She had deliberately shifted our relations. 她故意地改變了我們的關系。deliberately, on purpose上述用作副詞的詞和詞組均有“有意地、故意地”之意。deliberately 指經(jīng)過深思熟慮后而行事。on purpose 側重所作所為具有特殊目的。 She continued to t

2、oss the books severally upon the floor. 她繼續(xù)故意把書一本一本地往地上扔。deliberately2、 resemble v. 與相似,像The brothers resemble each other in taste. 那對兄弟品味相似。 She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character. 她和她姐姐外貌相似,但性格不同。 You resemble your mother very closely. 你非常像你的母親。resembles that of The situation

3、of stock market closely _ ten years ago. 股市的這種形勢與10年前的十分相似。3、 accumulate v. 積累,增加,聚集They set out to accumulate a huge mass of data. 他們開始積累大量的資料。accumulate, collect, gather這些動詞均含“積聚,聚集,積累”之意。accumulate 幾乎可用于指任何事物量的增加,側重連續(xù)不斷地,一點一滴地聚積。collect 普通用詞,多用于指物,側重指有區(qū)別地作選擇或有安排有計劃地把零散物集中起來。gather 普通用詞,指人或物或抽象事物都

4、可用。側重于圍繞一個中心的集合、聚集。wisely; accumulatedBy investing _ she _ a fortune.她由于投資精明而積蓄了一筆財產(chǎn)。4、 contrary n. & adj. 相反的事實;相對應的;相反的contrary to (用作介詞) 違反(某事物)on the contrary 與此相反,恰恰相反to the contrary與此相反(的)Your deeds are contrary to the traffic rules. 你的行為是和交通規(guī)則背道而馳的。It doesnt seem ugly to me; on the contrary,

5、I think its rather beautiful. 我覺得它并不丑,恰恰相反,它挺美。I will continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary. 我仍然相信這一點,除非能證明它與此相反。opposite adj. 相反的,對面的,相對的 adv. 相反的,對面地 n. 對面,相反,對立物 opposite 多指位置、方向、性質、結果的不同。表示處于講話人對面時放于名詞后;表示一組相對事物中的一個時放在名詞前。the girl opposite對面的姑娘live on the opposite side of the

6、street 住在街的對面還可以作介詞,作介詞時其后也可以加 to。opposite the school 在學校的對面The shop opposite the street belongs to me. 街對面的商店是我經(jīng)營的。He smiled and sat down opposite to her. 他微笑著坐在她的對面。Contrary to _ what I had thought, the companys atmosphere was not easy and enjoyable at all. 與我原先的想法相反的是,這家公司的氣氛一點都不輕松愉快。 5、 disappoi

7、nt v. 使失望, 使破滅The result disappointed him. 結果使他失望。Im sorry to disappoint your plans. 我很抱歉妨礙了你的計劃。I am sorry to disappoint your expectations. 我很抱歉使你的希望落空。 disappointing adj. 令人失望的,掃興的 (指物) a disappointing novel 令人失望的小說disappointed adj. 感到失望的 (指人)disappointment n. 失望disappointedly; disappointingly adv

8、. 令人失望地Disappointingly, he had nothing new to show us. 他沒什么新鮮東西給我們看, 使人感到失望。is bound to disappointHer decision to cancel the concert her fans.她決定取消這場音樂會,肯定會使她的歌迷失望。1、 as long as 只要,如果( so long as)(引導條件狀語從句);既然;長達You may use the room as you like, as long as you clean it afterward. 只要你過后打掃干凈,你可以隨意使用這間

9、房。As long as you are going to the post office, you can do something for me. 如果你去郵局,就幫我做點事情。He waited for as long as a month, but she didnt turn up. 他等了一個月那么久,但她沒有出現(xiàn)。(1) as long as 與一樣長I dont believe this river is as long as that one. 我認為這條河不與那條河一樣長。(2) 常見的引導條件狀語從句的詞還有:if, unless, in case, on conditi

10、on that, provided, providing, suppose, supposing等。The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _ I did. A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as Aas much as與一樣。2、give thought to 考慮,思考I have given enough thought to the matter. 我已經(jīng)反復思考了這件事情。 be lost in thought 陷入沉思w

11、ithout thought 不假思索have (no) thought of(沒)有的打算thought for 對的體諒 / 關懷thoughtful adj. 細心的,體貼的I have no thought of annoying you. 我沒有要激怒你的想法。Ill give _ to your suggestion that we _ a party in honor of the experienced professor.A. much thought; holdB. many thoughts; should holdC. much thought; will holdD.

12、 some thought; canAthought在此為不可數(shù)名詞;that從句為名詞suggestion的同位語從句,從句中應用虛擬語氣形式(should)動詞原形。_ in thought,he didnt notice the teacher come in,standing by him. A. Losing B. Lose C. Loses D. LostD過去分詞短語lost in thought由短語 be lost in thought(陷入沉思)而來。3、regardless of adv. 不加理會;不顧The law requires equal treatment f

13、or all, regardless of race, religion, or sex. 不管他的種族、宗教或性別如何,法律要求平等地對待所有的人。regardless of 不管;不顧,側重于主觀上的“不考慮”。in spite of不管;不顧,偏重指不受某種客觀情況的阻撓,相當于despite sth.。He says what he thinks, regardless of other peoples feelings. 他總是不顧別人的感受,說自己想說的。We went out in spite of/despite the rain. 盡管下雨,我們還是出去了。although,

14、 though, as, while表示“盡管”、“雖然”時為連詞,后接從句。且although / while 從句不可倒裝,though從句可倒裝也可不倒裝,as從句是一定要倒裝的。The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable _ his financial situation. A. with respect to B. in accord with C. regardless of D. in terms ofC根據(jù)4個詞組的意思分別是“關于;與一般;不顧;依據(jù)

15、”和句意“不管他的財政情況如何,我們的目的是每一個愿意和有能力接受高等教育的人都能得到這種機會”,符合句意的只有C項,故答案為C。_, the astronauts just work and never show off what they have done.A. Heroes as they areB. As they are heroesC. Though heroes they areD. Heroes although they areA由as引導的讓步狀語從句,構成倒裝,表語名詞 / 形容詞,狀語副詞或某些行為動詞提前。Although / While he is clever,

16、 he still works hard. Though , he still works hard. _, he still works hard.盡管他聰明,他還是工作很努力。he is clever; Clever as he is4、show off 炫耀, 賣弄He likes to show off his masculine physique. 他喜歡炫耀他的陽剛之氣。His showoff only serves to show up his ignorance. 他的賣弄只不過暴露了他自己的無知。Stop showing off in front of everybody.

17、別在大伙跟前賣弄了。Mike has only driven to the pub his new car he usually walks!to show off5、in defence of sb.in sb.s defence 為辯護,保衛(wèi)In defence of his policy, the Minister pointed to the sharp decrease in road deaths. 部長在為自己的政策辯護時指出,交通死亡事故已經(jīng)銳減。in case of 萬一in need of 需要in favor of 支持in honor of 紀念in search of

18、 尋找He wrote a letter to the manager _(為辯護) her.in defence ofThere is a good chance that,也可寫成Chances are that意為:很有可能Nowadays, if a film wins an award at Sundance, there is a good chance it will become famous!現(xiàn)在如果一部電影能獲得圣丹斯獎項,那它極有可能成名!If you cannot explain it in plain English, there is a good chance t

19、hat you actually do not understand things with enough depth. 如果你沒辦法用簡單的英文解釋,很可能你理解得不夠透徹。Chances are that change will cause few problems. 很有可能這樣的變化將不會引起問題。There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.比爾很有希望及時從傷痛中恢復過來參加跑步比賽。thatIf you live in the country or have ever v

20、isited there, _ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.chances1. D考查動詞辨析。句中的“a wider range of”可知證據(jù)開始積累,故答案為D。本句意思是:醫(yī)學證據(jù)開始積累,這表明這些新藥比起在實驗室里在動物身上所做的預測還有著更大范圍的益處。operate 操作;運行; 做手術; strengthen 加強; approve 同意;贊成;批準; accumulate 積累;積聚。1. Clinical evidence began to _, suggesting that

21、the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.(2011湖北) A. operate B. strengthen C. approve D. accumulate2 My teacher says shes canceling the class play. I just cant understand. _. You were looking forward to it.(2011福建)A. It doesnt matter B.

22、 Its very unwise of her C. Dont worry about it D. You must be disappointed2. DIt doesnt matter.沒關系,不要緊;Its very unwise of her.她很不明智;Dont worry about it.別擔心;You must be disappointed.你肯定非常失望。由語境You were looking forward to it.“你一直盼著”而老師卻要cancel it“取消它” 可知選擇D項“你肯定非常失望”。 句意:“我老師說她要取消課堂劇。我就是不明白?!薄澳憧隙ǚ浅J?。你一直盼著呢。”

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