天津市高考英語二輪復習 第五部分 書面表達 專題二十四 提綱類課件

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《天津市高考英語二輪復習 第五部分 書面表達 專題二十四 提綱類課件》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關《天津市高考英語二輪復習 第五部分 書面表達 專題二十四 提綱類課件(65頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。



3、生比較關注和常見的事件或者現(xiàn)象,與考生的日常生活經(jīng)歷相關,符合考生的認知能力,考生有話可說。所選話題富有時代氣息,能喚起考生強烈的主人翁意識和社會責任感,很好地傳遞正能量。-5-命題規(guī)律備考策略20132017年高考英語天津卷寫作考點統(tǒng)計 -6-命題規(guī)律備考策略1.仔細審題,巧妙布局一篇文章要想寫得精彩,仔細審題、巧妙布局是至關重要的。在做書面表達題目時,有些考生對要點把握不到位,沒有弄清楚時態(tài)、文體、人稱等,審題跑偏;有些考生只注意語法結構正確,不注意使用關聯(lián)詞,文章讀起來不流暢,讀整篇文章好像在讀句子,而不是讀文章??忌鶕?jù)句與句、段與段之間的邏輯關系使用恰當?shù)倪^渡詞,使全文結構嚴密,表






9、est wishes!” “Good luck to you!”等。而電子郵件通常很簡明,如:Best,Thanks,Yours等。(5)落款直接寫發(fā)件人的姓名,且與結束語對齊。-15-2.語句模板(1)段首常用語:Thank you for your letter of.Im glad/pleased to tell you that.I am very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago.Thanks for your invitation to the Christmas party.How are you

10、 getting along with your study?(2)話題引入常用語:Im glad to tell you something about.As far as I know/am concerned/see.-16-(3)段尾常用語:Please write to me soon and tell me about your.Im looking forward to your reply.With kind/best regards/wishes.If so,please email me in response.-17-3.寫作模板Dear ,I am extremely

11、pleased to hear from you./I have good news to tell you,./I am ,a/an from .As far as I know,.Its said that .So you can not only but also .If youre interested,let me know as early as possible so that .By the way,.Looking forward to your reply./I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earl

12、iest convenience.Best regards for your health and success.Yours,_-18-4.滿分范文假設你是晨光中學高二(1)班的班長李津,得知美國學生Chris 作為交換生,下學期將到你班學習。請你根據(jù)以下提示,給他寫封郵件:(1)表示歡迎;(2)介紹與本地生活相關的信息(如天氣、飲食等);(3)介紹本班情況;(4)希望Chris做哪些事情,以增進中美學生之間的了解和友誼。參考詞匯:交換生 exchange student-19-范文:Dear Chris,Im Li Jin,monitor of Class One,Grade Eleven

13、.I have heard that you are to come to our school as an exchange student,and I,on behalf of our class,welcome you warmly and sincerely.Now,Id like to introduce some details about the weather,food,and our class.The weather in fall is very pleasant.It is neither too hot nor too cold,and neither too dry

14、 nor too humid.The temperature here is at about 20 degrees centigrade.Moreover,the food in Tianjin is delicious,including the Eight Great Bowls and the Four Great Stews,and some snacks such as Goubuli,a kind of steamed bun with filling.I am sure you will enjoy them.-20-Our class is a very warm famil

15、y.There are 60 students in our class,containing 35 boys and 25 girls.You will find it easy to join us since we all want to make friends with you.Then,you neednt worry about the life here,because the girls and boys in our class are very friendly and helpful.Whenever you get into trouble,they are read

16、y to lend their hands to you.At last,I personally advise you to learn some basic Chinese,in order to communicate with local people and it will be much easier for you to get on with teachers and classmates if you speak Chinese.We are looking forward to seeing you.Yours,Li Jin-21-(二)申請信1.基本結構申請信一般都包括這

17、樣幾個部分:申請的原因,具備的條件,懇請對方考慮自己的申請并表示謝意,期望回復。具體為:第一段:說明寫信的目的,介紹自己是誰、對所申請職位或院校的了解以及自己將會為對方所做的貢獻、信息的來源等。這一段要寫得簡短而又能吸引收信人的注意力。第二段:介紹自己的學歷或工作經(jīng)歷,本人的個性,已經(jīng)取得的成績,說明你為何對這一職位或學校感興趣以及你對未來的打算等。第三段:表示感謝和期待對方優(yōu)先考慮自己的申請,以求得到面試等機會。這段尤其要注意語氣,應禮貌而又自信。-22-2.語句模板(1)說明應聘原因的常用語:I learned from sb./the newspaper that your compan

18、y wanted to hire.I was told that.I have just read in the newspaper that.I am writing to inquire opportunities for.-23-(2)介紹個人簡歷的常用語:Now Id like to introduce myself to you.My name is.Im.years old.I graduated from.University in 2016.I like swimming,singing and dancing in my spare time.I work hard and

19、I can get along/on well with others.Im good at English and my spoken English is especially good.I can understand English and I can talk to foreigners in English freely.I am currently studying.I would be interested in doing .-24-(3)表示感謝,請求答復并提供聯(lián)系方式的常用語:Thank you very much.Thank you for your considera

20、tion of my application.If you agree with me,Ill work hard and try to be a(n).I am available for an interview.I look forward to hearing from you.If you agree with me,please write a letter to me or phone me.I live at.My telephone number is.-25-3.寫作模板Dear Sir/Madam,I write this letter to apply for the

21、position that you have advertised in (報紙名稱).I am from .As a(n) ,I have been .Besides,I won in .If you consider me appropriate for the job,please call me at .I will appreciate it very much if you could give me an early reply./Thank you for considering my application,and I am looking forward to meetin

22、g you.Yours sincerely,Li Ming-26-4.滿分范文假定你是李華,將于今年七月從新星外語學校畢業(yè)。你從報紙上得知B&B公司要招聘一名英文秘書,你很感興趣。請給該公司寫一封求職信,包括下列要點:1.年齡;2.學習情況和英文水平;3.興趣特長;4.性格特點。注意:1.詞數(shù)不少于100;2.可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3.開頭和結尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。-27-Dear Sir/Madam,I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in the newspaper. _

23、Im looking forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,Li Hua-28-范文:Dear Sir/Madam,I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in the newspaper.I hear your company needs an English secretary.Im really interested in this position and hope I can work for you.Im 18 years old and wi

24、ll be graduating from Xinxing Foreign Language School this July.Im an excellent student,and Im among the top 5 in my class of 50 students.Im good at English,especially spoken English.I often use the computer and I type very fast.In my spare time,I read a lot.Poems are my favourite.I enjoy music very

25、 much too.Being an active young person,I like sports and outdoor activities.-29-Besides,Im easy to get along well with and I like to make friends.If you consider me appropriate for the job,please call me at any time.Im looking forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,Li Hua-30-(三)消息通知1.基本結構通知(notice)是上

26、級對下級、組織對成員布置工作,傳達或告訴公眾某件事等情況下使用的一種應用文體,通常分為口頭通知和書面通知兩種。(1)口頭通知是面對面地把信息傳達給對方。這種通知開頭應有稱呼語,正式場合用Ladies and gentlemen,有時也可以用Boys and girls等。開頭還常有提醒聽眾注意的開場白,如Attention,please.或May I have your attention,please?或I have an announcement to make.等。結尾常說Thats all.Thank you.或Thank you for listening.等,以示禮貌。口頭通知無須

27、說明發(fā)布通知的日期和發(fā)布通知的人(單位)。-31-(2)寫書面通知時,應清晰地寫出發(fā)布通知的單位和日期。一般情況下,書面通知的首行居中寫上Notice。通知的發(fā)布單位常寫在正文結束的右下角,也可以寫在Notice 的上方或前面,發(fā)布通知的日期一般寫在正文的左下角(在落款的下一行)或寫在通知正文的右上角(在Notice的下一行)??陬^通知和書面通知都是宣布即將發(fā)生的事情及其具體內(nèi)容,因而多用將來時,一般用祈使句來強調。通知的語言要簡潔明了,條理清晰,準確無誤,特別是時間很重要,必須寫得十分明確,不容絲毫含糊。-32-2.語句模板(1)段首常用語:May I have/call your atte

28、ntion,please?Attention,please,everybody!I have an announcement to make.I have something to tell you.(2)段中常用語:There will be a talk this afternoon.The Students Union has decided that.We shall have a lecture on.It has been decided that well pay a visit to.-33-(3)段尾常用語:Please be there on time and dont b

29、e late.I hope you can have a good time.Thats all.Thank you.-34-3.寫作模板(1)書面通知模板:NoticeIn order to , is to be held on (day),(date),at (time)in (place).Whoever is interested in it is welcome to attend .Those who want to take part in please sign up at the Students Union.Please remember:.The Students Uni

30、on1st April,2017-35-(2)口頭通知模板:Ladies and gentlemen,Your attention,please.I have something to tell you.具體內(nèi)容: Please remember:時間: 地點: Thank you for listening.-36-4.滿分范文假如今天為2017年4月23日,請以宿舍管理委員會的名義寫一份開會通知,內(nèi)容如下:1.時間:4月25日晚上7點。2.地點:3號樓103房間。3.內(nèi)容:學生宿舍安全問題短會,討論安全用電、火災應變、防止失竊等問題,并由委員會做相關的要求。4.參加人員:每寢室一名同學。5

31、.要求:按時到場,帶筆記本,做好記錄,并回去傳達給室友。注意:通知格式已寫好,不計入總詞數(shù);詞數(shù)不少于100。參考詞匯:學生宿舍 dormitory盜竊 theft(n.)-37-Notice_The Dormitory CommitteeApril 23rd,2017-38-范文:NoticeA brief meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 25th.At the meeting,the safety problems of our students dormi

32、tory will be talked about.Specific topics of the discussion will include proper use of electricity,what to do in case of fire and the prevention of theft.Also,other related concerns can be put forward at the meeting,too.It is required that one member of each dormitory should be present.Please take a

33、 notebook and arrive on time.Each student to attend the meeting should take notes and inform your roommates of what is discussed and what measures will be taken.The Dormitory CommitteeApril 23rd,2017-39-(四)演講致辭1.基本結構在一些正式場合接待客人時,主人一般總是要說一些熱情友好的話表示歡迎,使客人感到賓至如歸,這就叫歡迎致辭;當客人在你處逗留一段時間準備離開時,主人會設宴歡送,賓主歡聚一堂

34、,并致祝愿,這時主人說的一些話就叫歡送致辭。無論誰發(fā)表演說,發(fā)言人都是為了達到某一特定的目的。所以根據(jù)致辭的目的,發(fā)言稿可分為宣講類和歡迎(送)類。其共同的特點在于:主題突出,易于為聽眾接受。此類寫作在結構安排上可分為如下三個部分:-40-第一部分:稱謂(對聽眾或與會者的稱呼)。如:Friends/Ladies and gentlemen/Dear fellow students/Boys and girls,.第二部分:正文或導言。正文部分明確介紹歡迎或歡送的對象,簡單介紹其身份、經(jīng)歷,進行過哪些活動等。第三部分:結束語。如:Thats all.Thank you!或Thank you fo

35、r your listening/attention.等。-41-2.語句模板(1)歡迎致辭常用語:We are glad to have a chance to get together with.We feel greatly honored to have a chance to be with.Lets give our warm welcome to.Thank you for your accepting our invitation to come to.First of all,allow me on behalf of sb.to do sth.Now let us ask

36、sb.to speak to us.(2)歡送致辭常用語:In bidding farewell to sb.To convey our profound friendship to sb.To convey our best regards and respects to sb.To wish sb.a pleasant journey home and good health.May the friendship between.be further developed!-42-3.寫作模板Good morning,everyone,Its so nice to see all of yo

37、u here.I feel honored to have the opportunity to give/make/deliver you a speech on/about./Its a great pleasure for me to speak here.The topic of my speech is ./Today I will talk about ./Its nice to talk/speak about.First of all .Besides,.Last but not least,./To begin with,.Secondly,.Whats more,.As f

38、ar as I am concerned/In my opinion,.From what have been discussed above,we can safely draw the conclusion that .Thank you for your attention/listening.-43-4.滿分范文(2016天津卷)假設你是晨光中學的學生會主席李津。一批來自英國的高中生與你校學生開展了為期兩周的交流活動?,F(xiàn)在,他們即將回國,你將在歡送會上致辭。請根據(jù)以下提示寫一篇發(fā)言稿。(1)回顧雙方的交流活動(如學習、生活、體育、文藝等方面);(2)談談收獲或感想;(3)表達祝愿與期望

39、。注意:(1)詞數(shù)不少于100;(2)可適當加入細節(jié),使內(nèi)容充實、行文連貫;(3)開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。-44-Dear friends,How time flies!_Thank you.-45-范文:Dear friends,How time flies!It is two weeks since you came to our school and you are going to return to England soon.As the chairman of the Students Union of Chenguang Middle School,I am honour

40、ed to be given such a chance to deliver a speech to you.Firstly,we will never forget those happy scenes of studying and living together with you,which will benefit us a lot in the future.Your performance in sports and art also has made a deep impression on us.Secondly,not only has the two-week commu

41、nication helped us Chinese students have a better understanding about English culture, education and customs,it also has made us become good friends.Finally,may our friendship last forever and hope you can visit our school next year.Thank you!-46-(五)倡議書1.基本結構倡議書的結構為:稱呼、日期、正文和署名。倡議書的正文內(nèi)容一般有三部分:第一部分:正

42、文的開頭。簡明扼要地寫出倡議的目的、意義和有關背景,讓人們懂得“為什么”要去參與所倡議的活動。只有了解、理解了活動的目的、意義,人們才會自覺地行動起來。第二部分:正文的主體。寫倡議的主要內(nèi)容和具體措施,即寫“做什么”和“怎么做”。這是倡議書的核心部分。這部分最好用條款分別列出,交代清楚,讓響應者有所遵循,清楚要做什么和怎么去做。要寫得明確、清晰。第三部分:結尾。寫倡議者的決心和希望。這部分要寫得熱情洋溢,富有鼓舞性。最好能提出一個可以概括全文主旨的響亮、有力的口號,讓響應者既能記住倡議的主要內(nèi)容,又能受到鼓舞。-47-2.語句模板(1)段首常用語:I think/suggest we shou

43、ld.In my opinion,we had better.In order to.,I advise.It is required that we.(2)段中常用語:Im calling for your active participation in.Do you cherish the precious opportunities to volunteer in.?I think we should follow the following advice.Here is a great chance not to be missed by any enthusiastic youth.

44、-48-(3)段尾常用語:Lets join our hands and take action immediately.In my opinion,we should be polite and spare no effort to do something.Only in this way can we make a great success.-49-3.寫作模板April 25th,2017Dear friends,As is known to all,our school has launched a campaign against bad habits in order to b

45、uild a civilized campus .Thats all.Thank you.-50-4.滿分范文你作為學生會主席,為了擁有一個更美好的校園,向全校學生發(fā)出環(huán)保倡議,以告知大家保護環(huán)境是我們中學生的責任。請根據(jù)以下要點寫一份倡議書。1.步行或騎車上學;2.謹記關燈和關水龍頭;3.愛護校園的一草一木,不亂扔垃圾;4.循環(huán)利用資源,為環(huán)保做貢獻。參考詞匯:水龍頭tap注意:1.詞數(shù)不少于100;2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3.開頭和結尾已為你寫好。-51-April 25th,2017Dear friends,_Thank you!The Students Union-52-范

46、文:April 25th,2017Dear friends,Do you want to live in a beautiful world?If so,it is our duty to protect the environment.To fulfill this task,we should bear the following in mind.-53-To begin with,we should stick to the habit of going to school on foot or by bike.In addition,we should protect the envi

47、ronment of our school by not throwing rubbish around.Remember to turn off the taps and the lights when we dont use them and its important to recycle everything that can be recycled.Last but not least,we should care for the plants and trees in our schoolyard.Only in this way can we make our schoolyar

48、d more and more beautiful.Lets all take action now and contribute to environmental protection.Thank you!The Students Union-54-A AB BC CD D(2017全國卷)假定你是李華,正在教你的英國朋友Leslie學習漢語。請你寫封郵件告知下次上課的計劃。內(nèi)容包括:1.時間和地點;2.內(nèi)容:學習唐詩;3.課前準備:簡要了解唐朝的歷史。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。-55-A AB BC CD D范文范文:Hi Leslie,Im glad

49、that you have made great progress in Chinese learning.You know it isnt easy to learn a foreign language.But you are so confident and never give up whenever you meet with difficulties.Im sure you will succeed through your hard work.I am writing to tell you that our next Chinese class is scheduled for

50、 next Saturday.You are supposed to arrive at Room 301 before 2 p.m.You are to learn about Tang Poetry,which is a very important part of Chinese culture and history.You will read some famous poems and learn about some well-known poets,like Li Bai,Du Fu and so on.-56-A AB BC CD DBy the way,youd better

51、 get a brief idea of the history of the Tang Dynasty beforehand so that you can have a better understanding of the poems that we will learn.Best,Li Hua-57-A AB BC CD D(2017天津河西區(qū)一模)假設你是紅星中學的李津,你的美國朋友Mike邀請你今年暑假去他家度假,請你根據(jù)以下要點寫一封回信。1.接受邀請并表達感謝;2.詢問那邊的情況(內(nèi)容自擬,至少兩點);3.約定接機時間:7月8日上午9點,航班號CA9834.表達想見到他的強烈愿

52、望。(注意:短文不少于100詞)-58-A AB BC CD D范文范文:Dear Mike,How is everything going?I am highly honored to accept your invitation for the summer vacation and thank you in advance.I will treasure this wonderful chance,which will help me learn more about American culture and life.Now I am making some necessary pre

53、parations for it.Could you be so kind as to tell me something about the climate there and what clothes are needed?Besides,my flight No.CA983 will arrive at 9 am,on July 8.I would appreciate it if you could pick me up at the airport.I cant wait to see you again!I am looking forward to your early repl

54、y.Yours,Li Jin-59-A AB BC CD D假如你是李津,你在報上看到天津電視臺今年將舉辦“外國人學中文”才藝大賽。你的美國朋友Peter正在天津大學學中文,你覺得他應去試一試。請按以下要點給他寫信告知此事,并表示可以提供幫助。比賽時間:7月18日 報名時間:截止到6月30日 報名地點:天津電視臺參賽內(nèi)容:中文形式的各種表演,比如唱中文歌,獲獎辦法:獲獎者將被授予獎章,并有機會到北京參觀旅游注意:1.詞數(shù):100左右;2.可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3.參考詞匯:才藝大賽 talent show。-60-A AB BC CD DDear Peter,Hows everythi

55、ng going? _Yours sincerely,Li Jin-61-A AB BC CD D范文范文:Dear Peter,Hows everything going?I have read in a newspaper that a “Learn Chinese” Foreigners Talent Show will be held in Tianjin Television Station on July 18.I know you are talented in performing,and you are studying Chinese in Tianjin Universi

56、ty.I think it is a good chance for you to show your talent,and how well youve learned Chinese!You can either sing Chinese songs or perform a short play.The winners will be awarded a medal,and get the opportunity to visit Beijing.-62-A AB BC CD DIf you would like to try,youll have to go to the TV sta

57、tion to sign up before the end of June.If there is anything I can do for you,I would be more than glad to help.Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Jin-63-A AB BC CD D某英語報社向中學生征文,請你以“My ideal job”為標題,根據(jù)下列要點完成短文。1.職業(yè)特點;2.選擇的理由;3.目前做何準備。注意:1.詞數(shù)不少于100;2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫;3.文章標題已給出。-64-A AB BC CD DMy ideal job_

58、-65-A AB BC CD D范文范文:My ideal jobI often imagine what I will be in the future.I hope I will work in a computer company as a program designer because I like designing the computer program.I will enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues.I will do a good job in whatever I do.I also hope that

59、 I wont be very busy so that I can spare time to accompany my families.In my free time,I will continue to take regular exercise,such as swimming,running and various ball games.For my future ideal job,I am making every effort to make it come true.No matter how hard it is,I will go on trying hard and never give it up.

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