畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
(可從教務處網頁上下載)打印,要求正文小4號宋體,1.5倍行距,禁 打印在 上 。
3.任務書內填寫的內容,必須 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文) 的情況 一 , 有 ,應 經 所在專業(yè)
系(院) 領導審 后 可 填寫。
4.任務書內有 學院 、 專業(yè) 名 的填寫,應寫 文 ,不 寫 字 ?。學生的 學號 要寫
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5.任務書內 要¥?文§ 的填寫,應按currency1'“???學院fi?畢業(yè)設計(論文)fl寫 –?的要求書寫。
6.有 ?· ?的填寫,應 按currency1?標GB/T 7408—94' 據元 ??格式、”???、 ? …‰
? ? `的要求,一′用??ˉ 字書寫。? 2002?4·2 或 2002-04-02”。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
從 學的基fi?論?發(fā), 用PROE??ˇ—汽車傳動軸 , 導 ¨ANAYS?? 行有限
元分析, 汽車傳動軸 行有限元 分析 分析。根據分析 設計? 的傳動軸, 設計
?效 ,a fi。 目的在于 學生??分析 ?o 題的 —學 工 , ?學生的基
fi ; 學生 ? 、正??用¥?文§的??分析 正??寫??文? 的工 ;?學
生 好的工 、工 。 …掌握 行調查 究、 向生產實際, 向工程??人員學 的工
2.fi畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題任務的內容 要求(包括原始 據、??要求、工 要求 ):
1.運用PROE??ˇ—汽車傳動軸 ,要求有詳細的步驟。
2. 導 ¨ANAYS?? 行有限元分析,要求有詳細 程。
3.運用ANSYS?? 行有限元 分析 分析,通 分析 可 傳動軸存在的 題 的薄弱
環(huán)節(jié),并 行傳動軸的強 剛 校核,在 的受 條?下,分別 實心軸 空心軸 行應 分析,分析?
傳動軸 空心軸 實心軸的性 劣,而后 傳動軸 行 化設計。
1.要求在畢業(yè)設計 程 ,應有嚴肅認真的?學 ,嚴謹求實的工 ;
2.依據課題設計任務,認真 行 ?、閱讀、整?,正??用工具書 網絡、熟練掌握 計算 ,
按… 開題報告、外文¥? 內容;
3.按…¥加答辯,答辯前各項 `的 要 整、齊 。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
3. fi畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題 的要求〔包括圖 、實物 硬?要求〕:
1.課題從 學的基fi?論?發(fā), 用PROE??ˇ—汽車傳動軸 , 導 ¨ANAYS?? 行有限
元分析, 汽車傳動軸 行有限元 分析 分析。根據分析 設計? 的傳動軸。
3. 外文¥? 譯文(附原文)3000字。
4. 要¥?文§:
[1] 唐 兵,王偉. 基于ANSYS 的汽車傳動軸的有限元分析[J].汽車工程,2013(01).
[2] 王恩偉. 淺析汽車傳動軸零?的標準化設計[J]. 黑龍江??”?,2011(11).
[3] 鐘佩思,王景林,劉梅,劉鳳景. 基于有限元的傳動軸受扭分析[J]. 機械傳動,2008(12).
[4] 吳俊功, 王洪民 許晶. 基于ANSYS的傳動軸強 分析[J]. 橡塑??與裝備,2014(11).
[5] 耀東,郭喜平. ANSYS 機械工程應用25 例[M]. 北京:電子工業(yè)?版社,2007.
[6] 呂 敏.汽車傳動軸有限元分析[J].?? 富向導,2012(08).
[7] 程凱,殷?富. ANSYS 幾種ˇ 的 究[J]. 機械,2005(06) .
[8] 祝凌云,李斌. Pro/ENGINEER運動仿真 有限元分析[M]. 人民郵電?版社, 2004.
[9] 杜榮,賈糧 ,李 .基于Pro/e前處?的有限元分析在機械工程 的應用[J]. 機械工程師,
[10] , 京. ANSYS與Pro/ENGINEER ‰ 據 ?的 究[J]. 機電工程??,
[11] , 名剛. 機械設計[M]. 教 ?版社,2005.
[12] , . 機械原?[M]. 教 ?版社,2005.
[13] . 汽車傳動軸 動分析[J]. 工程,2011(17).
[14] 劉 ”. 汽車設計[M].北京: 學?版社,2001.
[15] , . ANSYS有限元 分析原?與工程應用[M]. 學?版社,2005.
[16] 剛. 汽車傳動軸扭 傳?¢性分析[J]. 機械 究與應用,2006(05).
[17] £?¥. 汽車傳動軸的ˇ 與分析[J]. ? ???業(yè),2013(09).
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
5.fi畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題工 計§:
?`currency1題,填寫審題 ;指導教師下發(fā)任務書,學生查閱課題 ¥?文§、 ,fl寫開題報告。
?開題報告、外文¥? 譯文、畢業(yè)設計(論文) ';開始畢業(yè)設計(論文)。
具體設計或 究 “實?, ?畢業(yè)設計(論文)草?,填寫 ??查 。
論文或設計fifl書、圖 , ?畢業(yè)設計(論文)`?,指導–師審核。
?畢業(yè)設計 ?文檔,學生準備答辯;?閱教師?閱學生畢業(yè)設計(論文)。
根據學院統(tǒng)一· , 行畢業(yè)設計(論文)答辯。
負責人: 2016 ? 1 · 12
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)開 題 報 告
3.“文獻綜述”應按論文的框架成文,并直 書寫(或打印)在 開題報告 一 目內,學生寫文獻綜述的
文獻應 于15 ( );
4.有 期的填寫,應 按 標GB/T 7408—94 據元 交 格式 交 期 時
?¢£?的要求,一¥用?§currency1 '書寫?!啊?004 4 26 ”或“2004-04-26”。
5 開題報告(文獻綜述)'??按?? fifl 書寫,– ?1.5?。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1.· 畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題??,?據所查”的文獻資料,?…‰寫 于1000' ?的文獻綜述:
一 前
傳動軸`汽車傳動′?傳?動ˉ的?要˙¨,它的作用` ?? ?動?一ˇ— 動 的動ˉ傳?給車 ,
汽車 生?動ˉ。它`一 ? 的 ?, 此它的動 ` ?要的。對前 動 后 ?
動的汽車? ,傳動軸a?? 的 動傳 ? 的軸,它??`?o 的, 之 ??由 。
傳動軸 或 ? ?¨, ?? 動或 動的 ????¨,一?? 用 佳的 金鋼管制成。
二 ?題研究領域的現(xiàn)狀 動態(tài)及 展方
隨著計算 技術的飛? 展,目前計算 輔助工程(CAE)已經普遍用于 種工程領域。CAE的作用:(1)完
真分析,便于改進設計,并且?? 用于實?實驗的費用;(3)精度較 , 近于實驗·果。
前,對傳動軸進–有限元分析的 目 :
(1) ·構靜ˉ分析
1)在靜ˉ作用下,得出傳動軸˙分的彎曲?? 應ˉ分布,從 了解傳動軸 受靜載荷的??,?及所
2)在靜ˉ作用下,得出 在內的整 傳動 的應ˉ分布,從 全面掌握整 傳動 的應ˉ分布,
確?其強度較大 較fi的位 并驗證之前的計算。
(2)對 同材料的傳動軸 載進–靜態(tài)分析,從 確?傳動軸 量化設計方案,同時從材料成 的角度分析
量化方案的優(yōu)劣 。
(3)對傳動軸的 強度 剛度進–分析,在此基礎上對傳動軸的·構進–優(yōu)化。
大量 用有限元方?對汽車傳動′˙¨進–設計 分析,— ˙¨的設計更加 理 ?靠。未?,針對汽車設
計的CAE分析—更加精細化,復雜程度也—隨之提 ,但汽車設計的周期會逐漸縮短,開 成 —會降低。
前傳動軸的 展呈現(xiàn)“下趨勢:
1)超大型 超精密 長壽命 效率。
2)多種材質 多種空腔 多種成型方?一?化。
3)設計加工的 '化 化。
4)新材料的廣泛應用— 能 特殊用途聯(lián)軸 得 展,并催生出更加先進的加工方?。
5)標準化程度— 提 。
?題 先? 車 基 為依據對其傳動軸進–·構設計, 后 用ANSYS分析 ¨對傳動軸進–有限元
分析,·構靜ˉ分析, 同材料的靜ˉ分析, 強度 剛度分析, 分析其 據·果,得出·論,提
出優(yōu)化方案,為傳動 的進一 優(yōu)化設計提 。 ??大大縮短傳動軸 成的開 周期,提 設計質
量,降低開 成 。
[1] .汽車構造:下 [M]. 3 . : 工業(yè)出 ,2009
[2] .汽車設計 [M]. 4 . : 工業(yè)出 ,2004
[3] , .汽車設計?程設計指導書 [M]. : 工業(yè)出 ,2009
[4] .汽車?¢設計 [M]. :£?大學出 ,2010
[5] 范¥?,§currency1' .材料ˉ學 [M]. : £?大學出 ,2008
[6] “?,??.CATIA V5 (汽車) fi全精 教程 [M]. :…fl交 出 ,2007
[7] 周 ,–fi?. 基于CATA的空?· 軸有限元分析[J]. 工程師. 2015(08)
[8] ?, ?剛,??”,??…, ‰ . ?ˉ 傳動軸 `′成型工?研究[J]. ?′技術.
[9] –fi?,周 . 基于有限元分析的 ˉ¨工? 制[J]. 工程師. 2014(11)
[10] ? ,???. 傳動軸˙率-?˙率¨ ?靠 分析[J]. 傳動. 2014(08)
[11] ?. ? 的有限元分析及?軸的優(yōu)化設計[J]. ˇ??? . 2013(09)
[12] ˇ‰—, 傳 ,范同?. 車 – 構軸′優(yōu)化設計[J]. 學 技術. 2013(08)
[13] ?,于 , . 基于有限元的傳動軸·構設計 優(yōu)化[J]. 工程 動化. 2013(02)
[14] ? . ??車傳動軸強度 壽命分析[J]. 專用汽車. 2013(02)
[15] ??, a , — , ?,??見. WD-450型多?oo軸靜動態(tài)特 分析[J]. 設計 制
造. 2011(10)
[16] ? ,? 生,?開 . 基于CATIA的 ? ?出軸有限元分析[J]. 電子. 2010(06)
[17] ,?新fl. 應用Pro/MECHANICA的 傳動軸的研究 分析[J]. 現(xiàn) 制造工程. 2010(06)
[18] . 傳動軸的有限元分析 設計優(yōu)化[J]. 工程師. 2009(12)
[19] ? , ? , , ??. 基于有限元的傳動軸受 分析[J]. 傳動. 2008(05)
[20] 新?, ‰? .有限元?基礎及ANSYS應用[M]. : 學出 , 2008
[21]? , ?,喬建軍. CATIA V5 R20 ?應用[M]. :£?大學出 ,2011
[22]朱新濤,許祖 ,徐?. CATIA V5 設計[M]. : 工業(yè)出 ,2001
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
2. ?題要研究或解決的問題 擬采用的研究 段(途徑):
一 研究問題
用 ANSYS 進–傳動軸的強度及剛度校核,給出相應的 應ˉ 單位 角 據有限元分析·果,
在進–強度及剛度校核時,還— 用 ANSYS 進–驗證。 分析其 據·果,得出·論,提出優(yōu)化方案,為
傳動 的優(yōu)化設計提 。為傳動軸設計提 理論依據。
二 研究方?
(2)熟悉CATIA,Pro/E,ANSYS ¨。
(3)查”相 期刊 論文了解新的設計 分析方?。
(5)遇 問題及時 指導老師交流 ?教。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1.對“文獻綜述”的評 :
研究現(xiàn)狀 動態(tài)及 展方 進–綜 分析 評述,但缺乏 己的見解?;?符 文獻綜述的要求。
2.對 ?題的深度 廣度及工作量的意見 對設計(論文)·果的預測:
?題對汽車傳動軸進–有限元分析,對 生? 具有一? 研指導意義,其研究方?具有一?的 實用價
值。所涉及研究內容必須要求在認真學習了相 專業(yè)?程后,再經 進一 深入學習有限元分析方?及相
¨之后,才能做? ?題的,工作量適?。經 認真充分地學習 準備工作,應 能夠保質保量地“期完成畢
3.`否同意開題:√ 同意 □ 同意
2016 03 09
2016 04 07
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文
譯文題目: Automotive safety systems and
technology research and analysis
?! I(yè):
職 稱:
Automotive safety systems and technology research and analysis
auto parts of good and bad will directly affect the safety of the car, are directly related to the people's life safety and security in wealth. This article mainly from the car's active safety technology and passive safety technology two aspects elaborated the importance of car parts, and how to improve the safety of the car.
Key words: automobile, active safety technology, passive safety technology
As traffic tools of the modernization and absolute number increase sharply, traffic accidents are also increasing. Car accident has become severe global social issues. Undoubtedly, advanced auto safety facilities are the driving safety indispensable safeguard. So, we should start, from technology to research and development of high performance, high safety car, also want to strengthen the regular inspection in cars, so timely maintenance investigation, make cars often in good technical status, so as to improve the safety performance of the car.
Here we introduced active safety technology and automobile car passive safety technology. Auto safety is according to the traffic accident happened before and after the classified. One is in a traffic accident take safety measures, especially before immediately will produce risk condition, drivers manipulate the steering wheel avoid or emergency brake to avoid traffic accidents. In the car, drive in usually to ensure the basic manipulation stability, drivers on the surrounding environment and to ensure the visual recognition sex drive the car itself, developed the basic performance ant-lock braking system (ABS), prevent slippery drive system (ASR), active suspension, power steering and four-wheel drive (4WD), four-wheel steering (4WS), lighting system, wiper, the rear view mirror, prevent from rear-end collision car alarm system and laser radar, etc. These security devices and technology, called active safety system, can also be called preventive security system. On the other hand, in order to reduce traffic accidents and company by personnel directly suffer degree, ensure company take staff and pedestrian safety, says the security for passive safety, can also be called conflict safety. When after the accident, in order to prevent disasters, including prevent the expansion of fire and make crew from traffic accident can extricate the security devices and systems, called prevent disaster expand security system.
One.Automobile active security technology
1. ABS braking system
Ant-lock Braking System (Braking System, lock do by ABS computers as ABS), hydraulic device, the wheel speed sensors, brake hydraulic pipeline and electrical wiring etc. Their structures are shown below.
ABS tasseled for the car in various driving conditions braking performance and brake safety particularly important, especially is emergency braking, can make full use of the peak between tire and road surface adhesion properties, improve performance and reduce automobile fight side slip braking distance, give full play to the braking performance, but also increase the automobile braking process control. So as to reduce the possibility of car accidents.
No installation ABS car, if the driving force trample brake pedal, wheel will rapidly lower speed, and finally wheels stop turning, but body because of inertia remains forward sliding. This phenomenon was at the wheel and pavement occur between larger "slip", appear this kind of situation, the car tires of automobile lateral spreads almost disappear, so poor force will appear the following phenomena:
(1) Steering stability fall: the steering wheel is ineffective, vehicle tail manipulation of curl, serious when vehicle circles or appear folding phenomenon;
(2) Handling fall: manipulate the steering wheel and short of steering requirements;
(3) Braking distance extended: more than general braking distance.
So, we can imagine to have installed ABS system of the car safety is very important.
2. the ASR drive torque control system
ABS are used to prevent car braking process wheel lock, will wheel sliding rate control in ideal range, so as to shorten the braking distance, improve automobile braking direction stability and steering control, so as to improve the safety of the car. Along with the increase of vehicle performance requirements, not only in braking process required to prevent wheel lock, and asked the driver to prevent drive roller skating turn in the process, making cars in the direction stability, driving process steering control ability and acceleration performance, so are improved by the car drive torque steering system ASR (Accelerations Regulation) Slip. ASR is the perfect complement and ABS ASR, but most alone is set with ABS combined together, commonly used ABS/ASR says, called antis kid control system.
ASR is mainly used to prevent car in the beginning, accelerate the wheels, guarantee slip in the car accelerated rate and improve the stability in bad pavement drive attached conditions. It makes no difference speed in the car lock ice roads and muddy road started and to improve its capacity, also can prevent high in speed by turning cars gliding pavement and rear lateral spreads phenomenon.
Anyhow, prevent the wheel because ASR slip, can maximize the engine driving moment of cars had enough, ensure the longitudinal force, lateral force and manipulation of power, make cars in starting, steering and accelerate the process, in gliding and muddy road, in a mountain area downhill process can steadily driving, guarantees the safety, reducing tire wear and fuel consumption, and improves the car driving capability.
3. VDC system
ABS/ASR system successfully solves the brake and the car when driven direction stability problem, but cannot solve the vehicle steering stability problem driving direction. For example when steering road, inevitably by lateral and longitudinal force, only local surface can provide full lateral and longitudinal force, the pilot can control vehicles. If the ground adhesion ability lower lateral, will damage cars driving ability predetermined direction. Rainy days cars driving, often high-speed steering lateral sliding out, it is the ground because of insufficient lateral adhesion ability. To resolve the issue, and developed countries automobile industry recently in ABS/ASR system on the basis of the development of dynamic Control system (into car Dynamics Control, the abbreviation VDC Vehicle). The system of the car brake, driving, suspension, steering, engine and so on various main assembly control system in function, structure organic ground comprehensive together, can make cars in all kinds of bad working conditions, such as ice road pavement, commuting, river bend pavement and took evasive action moving line, braking and acceleration and the downhill for different conditions, such as bearing, different type pressure and different levels of type wear all have good direction stability, to show the best driving performance. VDC applications, in braking, acceleration and steering aspects of driver's fully released request, is the car of active safety driving a new milestone.
VDC of steering control system is mainly by driving for each wheel brake control and engine power output control to realize. For example, if the car turn left front wheel for steering the inadequate capacity tend to slip out of the corner, VDC system can measure imminent, just know lateral spreads left rear brake adopt appropriate measures. If at the same corner, because rear wheel tend to slip out of favor of lateral overmuch, VDC system is proper braking to front-right wheel failure, maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. In extreme cases, VDC system can also take reduce engine to reduce the power output, and to reduce the speed of the demand side adhesion ability to maintain the stability of the vehicle driving. Adopt VDC system, automobile in folio pavement or corner of pavement braking distance still can further reduce.
4 . CCS cars cruise control system
Auto cruise Control System (Cruiser Control System, abbreviation for CCS) is can make automobile work in engine favorable speed range, reduce driver's driving manipulate labor intensity, improve the driving comfort the automatic driving device.
Car cruising system (CCS) role is required by the driver: after a normally-closed switch, no speed on the accelerator pedal can automatically keep the speed, make the vehicle with the fixed speed. Using this device, when on the highway after a long time, the driver driving not have to control the accelerator pedal, reduce fatigue, while reducing unnecessary speed change, can reduce save fuel.
Auto cruise control system is the earliest development of the automotive electronic control system. This system USES another speed sensor, will speed signal input engine control microcomputer, by microcomputer control vacuum system work. This system can make use of the server, speed control switch lever and brake pedal on vacuum lift switches etc, its function and basic system the same.
In this system, electronic control device can accord change of driving resistance, automatic regulation engine throttle Angle, make the speed constant. Such not only reduce unnecessary speed change, which saves fuel, also reduced the driver's burden.
Two. Automobile passive safety technology
1. Seat belt
Car seat belt is a safety device, it can in car collision or sharp turn, make crew to keep its original position as possible without mobile and rotation, avoid collision with in-car hard parts caused damage. Seat belts and airbags, as modern cars are safety devices, but the long history of the former, popularize the scope.
The seemingly simple seat belt actually not "simple". Attention has been at the forefront of traffic safety, through the analysis of general motors after a car accident found: seat belt not only makes people protect the lives, can be in more than half of the accident to reduce or even eliminate drivers, motorists are the chance of injury. Car collision or unexpected emergency braking force generated great inertia, will allow the driver and passenger and car windscreen, steering wheel, seat, collision happened objects such as secondary to drive is caused extremely easily crew serious damage, even drive occupant seats or threw the apex, seat belts can will ride in the seat. Bondage personnel When has the accident, which can effectively prevent the collision, and its buffer role can absorbs a great deal of kinetic energy, reduce rides personnel extent of the injuries.
Fasten your seat belt airbags play our role is also an important condition. Because the airbag to maximize role for the ride in the impact of the physical location, sitting instant action have extremely strict and the requirements. Otherwise, the airbag started strong instantaneous wallops to head are fragile site, may cause serious damage, especially for children, this damage can be fatal. Even the most ordinary three belts, try a can timely in crash that lived rides the bundle, ensure the upper part of a ride in the airbag fully extended range, make the airbag most effectively play efficacy. Accordingly, must not because the car is equipped with airbags and feel carefree seat belt fastened, only to reduce or eliminate the traffic accident happen.
2. The airbag
When the front collision happened strong, because inertia, who rides the body forward fast moving, then seat belts and will try to "pull" rides on person the body, absorb some of the impact energy, while the airbag with "the eyepiece trend" inflatable and completely open; Then the rides the upper body will sink to airbags, gas also began from the vent air uniform escaping, and absorbed most of the impact energy; Subsequently, the ride back seat and return to the body. Above the whole process is almost always happens in a flash, who rides the completely in passive situation, in this case, the passive rely on auxiliary occupant protection system is the only option. Airbags development design is based on the protection on seat belt Co., LTD; they cooperate with each other to ride the play the auxiliary protective effect.
Seat belt usage in under the condition of the crew, balloon help reduce chest, head and facial injuries in the seriousness of the collision. When car collision happened before, the first is the car to stop motion, car under the action of inertial force crews to go forward with the original speed still sport. Not wearing a seat belt crews will and steering dish, front windscreen together, so it can be severely hurt; Wearing a seat belt as car stop the crew can stop moving forward movement and gradually. If collision violent, crew forward movement of the seat belts, even faster in the complete stop before motion, still and in-car things together. If this fashion in steering the disk or within the pop up balloon inflated dash, it can protect the occupant reduce the possibility of car together with things, more uniform dispersion head, chest, absorb the impact energy of movement, thus crew has added effect of seat belts.
In addition to seat belts and airbags outside car passive safety technology includes car bumper, automobile safety glass, security body, occupant head and neck protection system (WHIPS), etc. These vehicles to improve the safety performance has very important contribution
Three. Automobile active safety new technology
1. Eye Car skills
Eye Car technology can make each driver eyes in the same relative height, guarantee of pavement and the surrounding a six-lane unimpeded sight and best visibility. This technology can also offer a specific driving environment. Eye Car through the use of first-class motor mobile automatic will different figure driver's eyes tuned to the same height to solve the problem, meanwhile, visibility of steering dish, brake and accelerate pedals and floor and the central adjustment to constitute console to their respective driving conditions. Meanwhile to the former pillar design, will it again from drivers sights removed. Because the bus driver received the most crucial information generally have 90% from outside, acquired through the eyes observe. So, this improvement for vehicle safety is of great significance.
2. Cam Car technology
Cam Car technology aims to help improve the driver of perception. The technical features are:
(1) Installed in the car to camera system on both sides before to make drivers can bypass the large vehicle behind a car or see ahead of pedestrians. In a typical driving situation in the crowded traffic, the pilot of the center-left cornering could more easily view the opposite of vehicles.
(2) Side after buy video camera provides broader visual profile of vision. The camera coverage than traditional rear view mirror wants wide, especially for the adjacent driveway.
(3) Installed in a car, the four miniatures sector form to decorate after a camera can obtain the car panoramic perspective. Image via electronic synthesis,has the zoom and 160 ° wide-angle ability.
(4) "night eye" (Night Eye) camera can be in low illumination conditions, when the car is in reverse gear, even in a dark cases can also provide car close range after small images.
Four. Automobile passive safety new technology
1. Future airbags
(1) It cans inflatable screen system. This is a new safety design; its basic principle is to protect in-car occupant's head, when that happens it will carry on the air, air after the tent shape is swelling.
(2) Tubular inflatable structure head air sac. This system for supplement current side protection system, still stopover in protecting the chest and abdomen, branch ministry, to head protection were insufficient. It with rigid body structure, the door body protective just beams, side air sac, can form a complete side safe defend net, this will be the future security protection trend.
(3) Head support system. Head support system generally called the headrest, vehicles which the headrest, with seats, not just for comfortable fact is more important to safety. Vehicle if in an emergency brake, the body will have strong to and fro, because the principle of inertia occupant body swinging, especially neck must follow. If no head support buffer headrest, neck injury caused by damage is very surprising.
(4) The external airbags.
2. Adaptive constraint technology system (ARTS)
New adaptive constraint technology system (ARTS) use a series of sensors to monitor the driver seat, seat belt use, in front of the occupant take quality and location and intensity of the collision of the collisions and collision force direction, then according to the specific information such as the collision of each front airbag characteristics of the crew on regulated. The system can further reduce due to improper airbag for crew on the damage, especially for smaller front row figure crew.
3. Automobile energy-absorbing direction column
Auto absorbing in automobile direction tubing through collisions of redistribution to steering wheel wallop, would wallop path to deliver shunt quickly, making the minimum of load on the steering wheel. The steering column by hollow tubes and steering bearings form. Traditional hollow tubes and the steering column steering bearings is integral, steering shaft top and steering connections, the connecting with direction below. And suck can direction string of characteristic is will the steering column in two, divided into unblock steering column and the steering column under two parts; Inside of the steering shaft also divided into two sections, with outgoing quarter agencies between them connected. Once a collision make direction, outgoing quarter mechanism has displacement bottom tailor-made steering shaft will fold, under the steering column move on the steering column, to achieve "indented within" and thus expand space reduce damage.
Five. The tire pressure monitoring system
In a car's tyros high-speed process, all drivers fault is the most worry and the most difficult to prevent, is also sudden traffic accident happened important reasons. According to statistics, China highway in the traffic accident is caused due to 70% of a flat tire, and in the U.S. this ratio is as high as 80%. How to prevent a blowout has become an important task of safe driving. According to the national quality supervise center of rubber tires in the expert analysis, maintain the standard tire pressure driving and the timely discovery tire is to prevent leakage of key blowout. Tire Pressure and Monitoring System (TPMS) - car Tire Pressure Monitoring System will no doubt is the ideal tool. The system is mainly used in automobile driving to tire pressure real-time automatic monitoring; to a flat tire and depression are the police, in order to ensure safety.
Drivers from the monitors can know each tire pressure value, when tire pressure below the club set pressure limit, monitor will automatically alarm.
Anyhow, car active safety technology and passive safety technology for the safety of automobile driving is very important, and besides, such as environmental factor, artificial factor of the vehicle safety is also very important. Therefore, we must be prepared to all aspects of requirements and technology, to ensure the safety of vehicle driving.
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