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題目: 自動立體車庫結構設計 信 機 系 機 械 工 程 及 自 動 化 專 業(yè) 學 號: 0923160 學生姓名: 秦 棟 指導教師: 黃敏 (職稱: 副教授 ) (職稱: ) 2013 年 5 月 25 日 無錫太湖學院本科畢業(yè)設計(論文) 誠 信 承 諾 書 本人鄭重聲明:所呈交的畢業(yè)設計(論文) 自動立體車 庫結構設計 是本人在導師的指導下獨立進行研究所取得的成 果,其內容除了在畢業(yè)設計(論文)中特別加以標注引用,表 示致謝的內容外,本畢業(yè)設計(論文)不包含任何其他個人、 集體已發(fā)表或撰寫的成果作品。 班 級: 機械 94 學 號: 0923160 作者姓名: 2013 年 5 月 25 日 無 錫 太 湖 學 院 信 機 系 機 械 工 程 及 自 動 化 專 業(yè) 畢 業(yè) 設 計 論 文 任 務 書 一、題目及專題: 1、題目 自動立體車庫結構設計 2、專題 二、課題來源及選題依據 近年來隨著我國城市經濟的和汽車數量的增加,伴隨而來的是 城市停車狀況的尷尬場面,停車環(huán)境與城市發(fā)展的矛盾十分突出。 停車問題是城市發(fā)展過程中必然發(fā)生的問題。立體車庫通過提高單 位空間的利用率,增加了停車場單位面積內的車位密度,這樣使得 城市內有限的停車面積上可提供的更多的停車位。因此,自動化立 體車庫成為了解決城市停車難問題最有效的手段之一。 現在我國正在大力發(fā)展立體車庫,這將是未來的熱門產業(yè),所 以要對車庫結構和控制系統(tǒng)進行深入研究。 三、本設計(論文或其他)應達到的要求: 了解自動立體車庫的工作原理,國內外的研究發(fā)展現狀; 完成自動立體車庫的總體方案設計; 完成有關零部件的選型計算、結構強度校核及液壓系統(tǒng)設計; 熟練掌握有關計算機繪圖軟件,并繪制裝配圖和零件圖紙; I 完成設計說明書的撰寫,并翻譯外文資料 1 篇。 四、接受任務學生: 機械 94 班 姓名 秦 棟 五、開始及完成日期: 自 2012 年 11 月 12 日 至 2013 年 5 月 25 日 六、設計(論文)指導(或顧問): 指導教師簽名 簽名 簽名 教 研 室 主 任 學科組組長研究所 所長簽名 系主任 簽名 2012 年 11 月 12 日 摘 要 隨著我國國民經濟的快速發(fā)展,越來越的汽車進入家庭,使得我國城市停車難問題 日益加劇。立體車庫成為目前解決停車難問題的重要方式之一,其中以升降橫移式立體 車庫應用最為廣泛。 本次設計的主要內容是自動立體車庫的結構設計。而自動立體車庫按結構可分為升 降橫移類、垂直循環(huán)類、水平循環(huán)類、平面移動類、巷道堆垛類、垂直升降類、簡易升 降類等。本文主要對兩層式升降橫移自動立體車庫進行詳細的結構設計和對關鍵部位受 力分析并校核。 四柱結構型式鋼結構車庫由于其結構較為簡單有較大使用范圍,本文對其進行詳細 設計。文中主要對自動立體車庫的橫梁,縱梁,支撐柱以及載車板進行詳細的受力分析 和校核。另外,本文中的自動立體車庫采用了液壓系統(tǒng)進行傳動,區(qū)別與采用電動機驅 動的自動車庫。由于液壓傳動的優(yōu)點,車庫在升降或是橫移過程中會更加穩(wěn)定,減少了 運動中所產生的噪音,使其適用于更多場合。在車庫的設計中還介紹了車庫運行中重要 的安全防護裝置。 除此之外,還繪制了總裝圖、零件圖。 關鍵詞:自動立體車庫;結構設計;液壓 I Abstract With the development of the national economy in our country, more and more cars are entering the common families. Stereo garage becomes the first choice for solving the problems of hard parking. Especially, lift-sliding type stereo garage is the most widely used The main content of this design is the design of automatic stereo garage, the stereo garage is including lift-sliding type, vertical circulation type, level of circulation, plane mobile, laneway type, vertical lifting, simple movements and etc. The main contents of this paper is about the design structure of two layers of lifting and transferring automatic stereo garage and the force analysis and check by the key parts of stereo garage. Four-column type steel structure garage has a large range of use because of its simple structure. The main content of this paper is the force analysis and check by the beams, stringers, support columns and car carrying boards. In addition, automatic stereo garage use hydraulic system for driving, it has difference between using the motor-driven automatic garage. Because of the advantages of hydraulic transmission, the garage will be more stable in process. This makes it suitable for more occasions. The design of the garage is also introduced the safety protection device in the running of garage. In addition, the paper includes drawn up the assembly diagram, parts diagram. Keywords: automatic stereo garage; structure design; hydraulic 目 錄 摘 要 ...........................................................................................................................................III ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................................IV 目 錄 ............................................................................................................................................V 1 緒論 .............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 本課題研究的內容及意義 ...................................................................................................1 1.2 國內外的發(fā)展概況 ................................................................................................................2 1.3 本章小結 ................................................................................................................................4 2 自動立體車庫的總體設計方案 .................................................................................................5 2.1 升降橫移自動立體車庫選型 ...............................................................................................5 2.2 自動立體車庫提升方式的選擇 ...........................................................................................6 2.3 自動立體車庫的其他部件 ...................................................................................................6 2.4 自動立體車庫的設計參數 ...................................................................................................7 2.5 自動立體車庫結構設計的內容及要求 ...............................................................................7 2.6 本章小結 ...............................................................................................................................7 3 自動立體車庫主體框架設計 .....................................................................................................8 3.1 立體車庫的工作原理 ............................................................................................................8 3.2 自動立體車庫鋼結構設計 ....................................................................................................8 3.2.1 支撐柱設計 ....................................................................................................................9 3.2.2 橫梁受力分析 ..............................................................................................................12 3.2.3 縱梁受力分析 ..............................................................................................................13 3.3 載車板受力分析校核 .........................................................................................................15 3.4 本章小結 ..............................................................................................................................16 4 自動立體車庫的傳動系統(tǒng) .......................................................................................................17 4.1 上層載車板提升裝置設計 .................................................................................................17 4.1.1 升降傳動系統(tǒng)設計 ......................................................................................................17 4.1.2 升降液壓系統(tǒng)設計 ......................................................................................................19 4.1.3 升降液壓系統(tǒng)鏈輪設計 ..............................................................................................20 4.1.4 升降液壓系統(tǒng)傳動軸設計 ..........................................................................................21 4.2 橫移液壓系統(tǒng)設計 .............................................................................................................22 4.3 本章小結 ..............................................................................................................................24 5 車庫的配套系統(tǒng) .......................................................................................................................25 5.1 安全系統(tǒng) .............................................................................................................................25 5.2 立體車庫 的控制系統(tǒng) .........................................................................................................26 5.3 本章小結 .............................................................................................................................28 6 結論與展望 ...............................................................................................................................29 6.1 結論 ......................................................................................................................................29 6.2 不足之處及未來展望 ..........................................................................................................29 I 致 謝 ...........................................................................................................................................30 參考文獻 .......................................................................................................................................31 附 錄 ...........................................................................................................................................32 0 1 緒論 1.1 本課題研究的內容及意義 本課題研究的內容是:自動立體車庫的結構設計,包括自動立體車庫的總體方案設 計,有關零件部件的選型計算,結構強度校核及液壓系統(tǒng)設計,并繪制出裝配圖和零件 圖紙。 本課題研究的意義是:自動立體車庫是我國的新興產業(yè),具有廣闊的發(fā)展前景。隨 著我國經濟快速的發(fā)展,城市交通擁堵和停車難的問題成了影響城市發(fā)展的重要因素之 一,傳統(tǒng)的車庫己經不能適應城市發(fā)展的要求,再加上我國汽車保有量的不斷增加,自 動立體車庫成為解決這一問題的必然途徑 1。機械式立體車庫具有空間利用率高,節(jié)省城 市有限的土地資源;具有建造成本較低、建造周期較短;車輛停放入車庫快速便捷、自 動車庫更加安全,還具有節(jié)約能源等優(yōu)點。同時自動立體車庫還可以在有限的土地上停 放更多的車輛,便于集中管理,減少管理費用和人員等的優(yōu)勢,在各個小區(qū)或空地都可 以根據當地的實際情況進行立體車庫的建設,可大大緩解這些地方停車難的問題,這對 現在車庫緊張的小區(qū)和其他人員較多的公共場所提供了很好的解決方法。因此,機械式 立體車庫具有廣闊的應用前景。 而自動立體車庫的結構設計是車庫建設及運行的重要環(huán)節(jié),其設計水平與質量直接 影響到用戶的安全和建造成本。合理的結構設計可最大限度的利用有限的土地空間,緩 解城市中停車難的問題。而目前我國自動立體車庫加工生產廠家沒有統(tǒng)一的標準:大多 數自動立體車庫行業(yè)的生產廠家大多以國外現有產品或技術為基礎進行制造,對產品創(chuàng) 新開發(fā)能力差,沒有自己的知識產權;我國對立體車庫的新技術引入研究較少,而對立 體車庫的主體結構框架鋼研究和優(yōu)化才剛剛起步,不能形成較大的生產加工規(guī)模。機械 式自動立體車庫種類較多,按照現在立體車庫的發(fā)展,可將它分為巷道堆垛式立體車庫, 垂直升降式立體車庫,垂直循環(huán)式立體車庫,圓形水平循環(huán)式立體車庫等。 根據運行方式和結構特點可分為:升降橫移式立體車庫,水平循環(huán)式立體車庫,垂 直循環(huán)式立體車庫,多層循環(huán)式立體車庫,堆垛式立體車庫,平面移動式立體車庫,垂 直升降式立體車庫,簡易升降式立體車庫等八大類 2。 1、升降橫移式立體車庫:整機特點,可有效利用空間,提高空間利用率達數倍。存 取車快捷便利,其結構使用跨梁結構設計,使車輛出入無障礙。采用PLC控制,自動化程 度高,人機界面好,多種操作方式可選配,操作簡便,同時環(huán)保節(jié)能,低噪音。但下層 車庫必須有一空位用于車庫升降。 2、垂直循環(huán)式立體車庫:車庫采取垂直方向做循環(huán)運動進行對車輛存取的方式的立 體車庫。垂直循環(huán)式立體車庫調車時間短,取車快速,占地面積小,可設置在地面上或 半地上半地下,可獨立或附設在建筑物內,還可多臺組合。 3、水平循環(huán)式立體車庫:采用水平循環(huán)運動來存取車輛的機械式立體車庫。水平循 環(huán)式立體車庫可以省去進出車道,充分利用狹長地形的地方建車庫,降低通風裝置的費 用,若多層重疊可為大型停車場,但車庫只有一個出入El,存取車時間較長,實用性差。 4、簡易升降式立體車庫:其結構大多為一個車位泊兩臺車,構造簡單實用,無需特 殊地面基礎要求。適合裝置于工廠、別墅、住宅停車場 。 1 5、多層循環(huán)式立體車庫:其工作原理是使載車板作上下循環(huán)運動來進行車輛的調取 工作。 6、堆垛式立體車庫:通過升降機、行走臺車及橫移裝置輸送載車板實現存取車操作, 整個過程全自動完成,可設置于地上或地下,充分利用有效空間。載車板的升降和行走 同時運行,存取車方便快捷。全封閉式管理,安全可靠,保障人、車安全 3。 從機械式自動立體車庫的類型上看,應用較多的是升降橫移式立體車庫,占自動車 庫總量的絕大部分,其所占比例隨著機械式立體車庫的發(fā)展還會繼續(xù)上升 4。所以本文詳 細對升降橫移式自動立體車庫結構設計進行研究。 1.2 國內外的發(fā)展概況 機械式立體車庫經過幾十年的發(fā)展,已由初期的半自動化控制方式發(fā)展到全自動化 的控制方式;機械結構也發(fā)展到了模塊化設計,便于組合、拆卸;使用材料和工藝也都 有了突飛猛進的發(fā)展 5。如今,立體車庫在西歐、東南亞、韓國、日本都得到了廣泛的應 用,形成了一個包括制造、安裝、使用和維修的行業(yè) 6。 存檔編碼:無無錫錫太太湖湖學學院院 2013 屆屆畢畢業(yè)業(yè)作作業(yè)業(yè)周周次次進進度度計計劃劃、檢檢查查落落實實表表 系別:信機系 班級:機械94 學生姓名:秦棟 課題(設計)名稱:自動立體車庫結構設計 開始日期:2012年11月12日周次起止日期工作計劃、進度每周主要完成內容存在問題、改進方法指導教師意見并簽字備 注1-32012年11月12日-2012年12月2日教師下達畢業(yè)設計任務,學生初步閱讀資料,完成畢業(yè)設計開題報告。按照任務書要求查閱論文相關參考資料,填寫畢業(yè)設計開題報告書存在問題:對課題理解程度不夠,對其難點分析不夠,分析能力欠缺。改進方法:在指導老師的幫助下,對課題有較深的了解。4-102012年12月3日-2013年1月20日指導專業(yè)實訓機械設計綜合實訓,機械關鍵部件設計校核存在問題:機械部件設計不夠完善,缺少經驗。改進方法:了解機械設計的詳細過程。11-122013年1月21日-3月1日指導畢業(yè)實習相關機械制造廠實習,了解本專業(yè)的實踐知識存在問題:沒有實習實訓的經驗,無法將課本知融會貫通。改進方法:認真參與工作,虛心求教。132013年3月4日-3月8日查閱參考資料查閱與設計有關的參考資料不少于10篇,其中外文不少于5篇存在問題:查閱資料相關度小,無法滿足要求。改進方法:利用空余時間,去圖書館查找相關資料,在網上查找相關文獻。142013年3月11日-3月15日翻譯外文資料翻譯機械方面的外文資料存在問題:專業(yè)英文水平較低,無法正確翻譯專業(yè)詞匯。改進方法:借助一些翻譯軟件、專業(yè)字典幫助翻譯提高翻譯準確性性。152013年3月18日-3月22日自動立體車庫選型設計傳動方案分析各種自動立體車庫的性能,查閱相關資料,根據實際選擇存在問題:缺乏設計經驗,傳動方式不合理。改進方法:重新確立合理的傳動方案。162013年3月25日-3月29日繪制裝配圖初步繪制裝配圖存在問題:零部件設計有錯誤。改進方法:重新設計校核并繪制相關部件。172013年4月1日-4月5日繪制裝配圖初步完成裝配圖存在問題:不能完全體現車庫傳動細節(jié)。改進方法:繪制局部視圖,體現傳動過程。182013年4月8日-4月12日主要零件結構設計和校核對主要零件結構和尺寸進行設計和計算存在問題:主體框架結構設計不合理,無法承受載荷。改進方法:認真查閱各方面資料,重新校核計算。192013年4月15日-4月20日繪制完整裝配圖修改完成裝配圖存在問題:不能完全體現車庫傳動細節(jié)。改進方法:繪制局部視圖,體現傳動過程。202013年4月22日-4月27日繪制零件圖繪制支撐柱和橫梁存在問題:標注尺寸不全,無圖紙標號。改進方法:檢查標注,補全圖號。212013年4月29日-5月3日繪制零件圖繪制縱梁和載車板存在問題:標注尺寸不全,圖紙表示不全面。改進方法:檢查標注,繪制局部剖圖。222013年5月6日-5月10日設計說明書(論文)、摘要和小結編寫完成設計說明書(論文)、摘要和小結存在問題:說明書的格式不規(guī)范,摘要不合理要求等。改進方法:根據畢業(yè)設計的規(guī)范要求更改,重新按要求編寫摘要。23-252013年5月13日-5月25日修改設計說明書(論文)格式上交資料、準備答辯修改設計說明書開題報告格式存在問題:附錄格式不規(guī)范,摘要英文不合理要求等。改進方法:根據畢業(yè)設計的規(guī)范要求更改。說明:1、“工作計劃、進度”、“指導教師意見并簽字”由指導教師填寫,“每周主要完成內容”,“存在問題、改進方法”由學生填寫。2、本表由各系妥善歸檔,保存?zhèn)洳?。周次起止日期工作計劃、進度每周主要完成內容存在問題、改進方法指導教師意見并簽字備 注
題目: 自動立體車庫結構設計
信機 系 機械工程及自動化專業(yè)
學 號: 0923160
學生姓名: 秦 棟
指導教師: 黃敏 (職稱: 副教授 )
(職稱: )
目 錄
題目: 自動立體車庫結構設計
信機 系 機械工程及自動化 專業(yè)
學 號: 0923160
學生姓名: 秦 棟
指導教師:黃 敏 (職稱: 副教授 )
(職稱: )
(1) 課題科學意義
(2) 自動立體車庫的研究狀況及其發(fā)展前景
① 了解自動立體車庫的工作原理,國內外的研究發(fā)展現狀;
② 完成自動立體車庫的總體方案設計;
③ 完成有關零部件的選型計算、結構強度校核及液壓系統(tǒng)設計;
④ 熟練掌握有關計算機繪圖軟件,并繪制裝配圖和零件圖紙;
⑤ 完成設計說明書的撰寫,并翻譯外文資料1篇。
2013年4月21日-2013年5月 3 日:繪制相關零件圖。
2013年5月 4 日-2013年5月10日:畢業(yè)論文撰寫。
2013年5月 6日-2013年 5月20日:畢業(yè)論文修改工作。
① 自動立體車庫結構較為緊湊,可有效利用空間。
② 適用于小規(guī)模車庫和地下車庫改造且費用較低。
① 現已有大規(guī)模立體車庫的結構設計的資料。
② 要將車庫小型化,完善結構設計并加入液壓傳動系統(tǒng)。
年 月 日
年 月 日
年 月 日
Zhuoran Zhang Department of Electrical & Engineering Wuhan Polytechnic University Wuhan, China E-mail: Harry zzr@126.com
Zhe Mao, Hailing Wan Department of Electrical & Engineering Wuhan Polytechnic University Wuhan, China E-mail:maozhe998@ sina.com
Abstract—with the development of the modern society, the number of the vehicles in these cities has been increasing with an exponential speed; especially the private cars, putting a great pressure on urban transportation and parking slot. This article is mainly concerned about the entire structure, running procedure and electrical system design including hardware and program design ideas for lifting-traversing stereo garage, which will not only shorten the developing period but also orient parking to centralization and automation direction; Owning some reference value.
Keywords- Stereo Garage, Omron PLC, Design
Insufficient parking slots is resulted from the development of the cities, economy and transportation of the cities, the traditional garages are always making the use of the nature vacancy, in a community, the ratio between parking slots and residents is approximately 1:1, one parking slot for a family at least, in order to solve the contradiction that the parking slots using precious commercial land, the stereo mechanical garages with the advantage of the average parking slot takes of less area have been gradually in front of us. Compared with the traditional underground parking garage, the stereo garages have more advantages. First of all, the stereo garages can save more area. The traditional ways must be amassed driving path for vehicles, averagely, a car will take up 40m2 If we take multi-layers garage (6 layers) in to consideration, it is possible for 13 cars to park in the area of 50m2, which will save lots of land resources and land construction expenditure. Meanwhile, the stereo garage could guarantee the safety of the people and their cars. If there is anybody in the garage or the cars are not fully stopped, the system controlled by electrical equipment will not run either. It means that, in the scale of the management, the mechanical garage could separate the people and vehicles, which makes it more systematically. Especially for underground garages, install this kind of garage will save a large area of illumination system, so it is also emerge conservation and environment protection.
According to the present development of the stereo garage, the stereo garage is including lifting-traversing, roadway stacking, vertical lifting, vertical circulating, circle level circulation; The concept of the stereo garage is all from automatic logistic material transmitting system. [3]The purpose of the stereo garage is to solve the parking problem in developed cities, that is make use of limited area to park more vehicles so as to save land resources of the cities and manage the static transportation of the urban. This article gives out a way to design lifting-traversing stereo garage based on Omron PLC CP1H, which could extend to solve relevant projects.
The modularization concept is imported in lifting-traversing stereo garage. It can be designed into two to five layers or half underground type, the number of the slot is from tens to hundreds. This kind of garage is suitable for both above ground and underground, the characteristics could be generalized as less occupation of land, simple structure, flexible configuration, lower cost in construction, decoration and fire protection and short period of construction; Safe and convenient for saving and taking cars; Smoothly operation, lower noise during running. [4] It is also appropriate for commercial, bureau and residential use. The safety equipment mainly is photoelectrical sensors, limiting displacement protector and emergency switch.
As the fig. l representing, besides the central controller PLC, the stereo garage system could be divided into three sections: I. Mechanical System; It includes column, beam, carrying board, vehicle frame, hooks and etc. II. Electrical System; this section is the core of this article, which controls the whole system to operate. III. Touching Panel; it is the port from which operators and the system exchanging messages, operators could not only operate the system, but also in the situation of the malfunction, it could let operator enter the manual or debugging mode.
Figure 1. The structure of the system Figure 2. Touch Screen (Auto running and Manual)
We mainly use the Omron PLC CPH1, on considering the control requirement and the cost, we adopting CP1HX40DR-A PLC, the programming ways are ladder diagram or ST instruction list. The instruction length is 1 to 7 steps per instruction, each I/O relays has 1600 ports, USB 1.1 for communication.
The display part, we import screen of WEINVIEW MT6056i series, the screen material is TFT, 5.6 inches, and the resolution is 320x234, with USB2.0 port supporting downloading. The frequency of the CPU is 400 MHz, 128RAM.
The mechanical parts cooperating with electrical system are carrying board, hooks and chains. There are 6 slots on each layer besides 7 slots on the top layer, totally 37 slots, the purpose for one slot empty on each layer is that making enough space for carrying board to move. The carrying boards of the first floor only design to traverse, also the top floor carrying boards are only supposed to lift. The other carrying boards among these floors are designed to life and traverse. In this way, this system could achieve the saving and taking from any slots among these 6 layers.
In addition, this system has a touch screen system, which switches between auto run and manual debugging mode. Under the auto run mode, it could select a certain slot to accomplish saving and taking behavior, at the same time, monitoring the operation of the system. (Green words "System Running" in auto mode without malfunction). When failure occurs, the system seized and on screen flashing yellow failure code with red backdrop, with the help of the failure code, the professional operator could recognize and eliminate the failures promptly and accurately. On considering more authorities are given in manual debugging mode, to preclude unprofessional persons enter the mode by chance, before enter the mode, there is a cipher verification, in which the sequence could be set by ourselves. This would protect the system from potential dangers.
Figure 2 is the graph of system auto running, manual and debugging.
The strong power system includes power supply, protection and driving mechanism, here is electronic motors. Installing XJ3-D on the forepart of the power supply wire, which is used to protect phase sequence of the three-phase voltage, so that guarantee the right rotation of the motors. Moreover, the motors on some layers use the same three-phase voltage.
There are 6 traversing motors on the first layer, 6 traversing motors for 2 to 5 layers each, and so it is with lifting motors for 2 to 5 layers. The top layers have only 7 lifting motors. After setting the motors, mark every motor. For example, the motor driving the third slot of the second layer, we mark it with "23", the relay before the motor are named KM23. Here series connect all the motors' thermal protection, any motor's problem will stop the system. In this way, it has no influence on the stability of the system, but lowers the cost. At the same time, make it easier to find the problems. (What we need to do is press the thermal protection switch one by one).
The weak power system is also the control system, which are mainly the PLC mode and its 5 extended modules, also the sensors. As the figure below, on the right is the input part, DC 24V, on the left, is the output section, AC 220V, to connect with contactors and drive them. These device's functions have close relationships with the entire system's control requirements. On the above of the graph, the protection equipment are emergency switch, installed beside the touching panel, emergency only, trigger it, the system stops; Front and back photoelectrical sensors, which are used to detect people or unidentified objects breaking into the system, if this happens, the system would stop then response with photoelectrical failure, the goal is to protect the people and the vehicles. The phase sequence protection has been illustrated before; Over current protection normally activated under the motor stuck; All the margin switches series connected, cult the main power when any carrying board exceed the limiting position.
Limit switches including up ones and down ones or left and right limit switches. In order to achieve the controlling requirements, the level limit switches are installed on the both side of the each slot frame, while the vertical limit switches are installed on the chain which attached to the motor. It is necessary to point out that the first layer only installed down and left right limit switches, the top layer only installed up switches these switches could sense the position of the carrying boards, helping to finish the lifting and traversing control; Hook position sensors is to fix the vehicles and sense the slot empty or not.
The output points"00 04 05 06 07" are to select different phase for each layer, so control the motors' rotation ways.
Figure 3. PLC Modules (Segment)
There are other 4 extended modules, which only give more I/O ports to the system, similar to this main part.
As far as the first layer concerned, it is only designed to traverse, so as to make space to upper layer's carrying boards to move downward. So do the other layers, which are designed to traverse. When traversing meet the requirements, lifting mechanism will run to put the carrying board down, finishing the saving and taking procedure. During the procedure the photoelectrical sensors are open and will behave as fore part has explained. In figure 2A, is the taking condition, at this time "Loading" will flash until the taking procedure finishes.
When we enter "51", the system will distinguish whether the operation is a taking or a saving according to the hook of the 51 slot. Then prints the message responded to the state of the hook on the screen, the operator could confirm the operation or cancel it. On confirming, the 51 carrying board will wait for its downward boards to finish the traversing move then moving down. In addition, a timer is added to this control module in order to preclude level limit switches malfunction, resulting into the traversing move time up. If the time for traversing move exceeds the set time, the system will warn the operator "traversing move time up" which displays on the screen, the operator could check out the failure. The up limit switches are used to sense whether the carrying boards are stopped at their routine slots, which the level switches can't finish. Maybe one carrying board stuck between two layers. Only do all the upper layers' carrying boards stop at their routine slots, the selected carrying board's lifting move is activated. A timer is also set into the lifting control, with the same function as traversing timer. The elevator carries the vehicle down to the ground, release the hook, now the photoelectrical signal shut down, and waiting for the owners to take their vehicle. On driving away the vehicle and operator's confirming the photoelectrical signal resumes, the carrying board back to its slot from the down way.
Figure 4. The flowchart of the taking and saving procedure
The saving process is based on taking procedure, so they are familiar; the only difference is the hook move.
In this system, we choose Omron CX-ONE 3.0 to program the PLC. The language for programming is classic ladder diagram. On considering the stereo garages are installed in different condition and requirement of different users, the scale of the stereo garages should be flexible, for example different layers or slots. In order to meet the different scales requirements, the program is modularized, only need to change the I/O ports, the logical relations in the ladder diagram are fixed. In this way, it is not only with highly compatibility but also shortens the period to develop relevant designs and make it easier to debugging and repair.
Conditional jumps are widely used in the programming; the entire program consists of different modules, on certain conditions, the program jumps.
As illustrated before, there are only two movements for a carrying board, lifting or traversing, beside the boards of first and top layers. The condition for the fifth could traverse is all the upper layers slots' up limiting switches closed. Then "Traverse OK" is activated, and then the program will make analysis of the operation until meet set conditions, the program jumps. For the lifting movements are always with the downward movements, so program the downward standards, the system will run. The entire program is programmed with this method, above the passage, is only a traversing OK and vertical move OK module. Similarly, modules of a fixed slot, for example slot "21". "21 Traversing Move", "21 Vertical Move"; for whole system, "Emergency Stop and Protection", "Button Select", "System Monitor" and "Debugging" modules, which cooperate with each other to accomplish the control and monitor.
Figure 5. Monitoring and Display module (Segment)
Fig. 5 is the segment program of the monitoring module, all the motors' protection series connected, so are the phase sequence protection and margin switches. Any of them change; PLC will transfer messages to the screen, which displays. Meanwhile, cults off the main KM, the system stops.
This paper introduces lift shifting type six floors of three-dimensional garage design method based on Omron CP1HX40DR-A controller, completing the requirements of three-dimensional garage for city vehicle management toward the direction of automation and centralization. This design can be used to restore occupied pavement, reduce preempting, and ensure safety, in addition that it could reduce traffic congestion time, reducing the injury. On this basis, the problem has been thoroughly eliminated, including various vehicles disorderly stopping and parting in disorder, and the appearance of parking places with dirty, disorderly and poor, thus protecting vehicles away from lost, being damaged and stolen. Finally, the road is giving back to the vehicles and pedestrians, the lawn to the green space, the environment of the neat civilization life to the modern metropolis.
The development cycle has been greatly shortened, based on the design about three-dimensional garage design of PLC controller. This is also a kind of inevitable of the electrification, digital and automation advancement. The thoughts and methods of this design can be applied to other scale garage and relevant problems of design.
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Zhuoran Zhang 電氣工程 武漢理工大學 武漢,中國
電子郵件:Harry zzr@126.com
Zhe Mao, Hailing Wan 電氣工程 武漢理工大學 武漢,中國