821 檸條聯(lián)合收割機切割及撥禾裝置的設計
821 檸條聯(lián)合收割機切割及撥禾裝置的設計,聯(lián)合收割機,切割,裝置,設計
畢業(yè)設計說明書中文摘要檸條聯(lián)合收割機切割及撥禾裝置的設計摘要 檸條是豆科錦雞兒屬的一個種,多年生長灌木植物,檸條抗旱、抗寒、耐瘠薄、耐風沙、具有極強的生命力和抗逆性。鑒于檸條獨特的生物特性,多年來它一直是內(nèi)蒙古西部及山西西北部和陜西、甘肅等防風固沙、防止水土流失的重要選用植物。全國檸條種植面積已達到 666.66 萬 hm2 ,僅山西大同市檸條種植面積達到 2 萬 hm2 。檸條含有豐富的蛋白質(zhì),開花期鮮檸條干物質(zhì)含粗蛋白 14%,粗脂肪 3.5%,粗纖維 39.3%,無氮浸出物 31.3%,粗灰分 5.4%。由此可見,檸條還是優(yōu)良的經(jīng)濟飼料。然而由于種植檸條的地區(qū)都是生態(tài)狀況較差的地區(qū),這類地區(qū)實行了嚴格的禁牧舍飼圈養(yǎng)后,使檸條的經(jīng)濟價值很難體現(xiàn)。為了使檸條的飼用價值得到體現(xiàn),可以對符合標準的檸條進行平茬作業(yè),再進行后續(xù)加工,生產(chǎn)出的產(chǎn)品可以添加到飼料中去。但是檸條難收割這個問題在農(nóng)用機械制造領域已經(jīng)成為共識,現(xiàn)有的平茬機械切割效果差,檸條被切割后直接凌亂的散落在地里。這些機械的適應性差,很多地方還是需要人工砍切收割。由于檸條莖稈木質(zhì)化較高,而且莖稈上多硬刺,人工砍割和收集都非常不容易,收割效率極低而且效果非常差。為了解決這一難題,使檸條經(jīng)濟價值得到更好的體現(xiàn),滿足廣大檸條種植地區(qū)的要求,本文設計了一種檸條的聯(lián)合收割機械。這款聯(lián)合收割機采用 65 馬力柴油機,首先采用鏈式撥禾裝置把檸條撥入收割臺,采用了往復式切割器對檸條進行切割,然后通過加持鏈條送入立式壓扁輸送輥系統(tǒng)進行壓扁及輸送,隨后送入立式滾筒切碎系統(tǒng)對檸條進行切碎,切碎的檸條最終掉入滾筒下的集料箱實現(xiàn)莖稈的收集,實現(xiàn)了檸條的聯(lián)合收割。其中壓扁輸送輥和滾筒切碎裝置采用立式安裝,使整體機構變的緊湊,節(jié)省了空間,與前面的往復式切割系統(tǒng)能夠很好的配合。此檸條聯(lián)合收割機的設計為檸條的聯(lián)合收割提出了新的方式,為后續(xù)的設計和研究提供了一個較好的方向。檸條聯(lián)合收割機的切割和撥禾裝置是非常重要的,而且還要處理好前進速度和撥禾速度的關系,檸條是比較硬的一種作物,所以在切割和撥禾過程中是其中的難點,不能像小麥那樣的大的撥禾輪,而是采用了鏈式傳動,鏈條上按放著長齒條,在工作時,不斷運動把檸條往割刀方向撥。其主要特點:1.聯(lián)合化程度高。2.對收割后的檸條進行了粗加工,方便后續(xù)的加工處理。關鍵詞 檸條 聯(lián)合收割機 往復式切割器 壓扁輥 滾筒切碎刀山 西 農(nóng) 業(yè) 大 學本科生畢業(yè)論文(設計)選題審批表畢業(yè)論文(設計)題目指 導 教 師 職 稱學生具備條件選題完成形式內(nèi) 容 簡 要:系主任簽字:年 月 日 院長簽字:年 月 日山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學本科生畢業(yè)論文(設計)開題報告題 目 ____________________學院名稱 ____________________專業(yè)名稱 ____________________年 級 ____________________學生姓名 ____________________學 號 ____________________指導教師 ____________________職 稱 ____________________________年 月 日 7選題的依據(jù)及意義(包括課題的理論價值和實踐價值;國內(nèi)外的研究概況等): 7本課題研究內(nèi)容本課題研究方案研究的創(chuàng)新之處 8研究過程(含完成期限)指導教師意見指導教師簽名:年 月 日教研室意見教研室主任簽名:年 月 日院系意見主管領導簽名:年 月 日 8論文題目 學 院 專 業(yè) 年 級 姓 名 指導教師 職 稱 (200 年 月)山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學教務處制畢 業(yè) 論 文 11畢業(yè)論文(設計)指導教師評審標準序號 評審項目 指 標 滿分1 工作量、工作態(tài) 度按期圓滿完成規(guī)定的任務,難易程度和工作量符合教學要求,體現(xiàn)本專業(yè)基本訓練的內(nèi)容;工作認真,遵守紀律;作風嚴謹務實。202 調(diào)查論證能獨立查閱文獻和調(diào)研;能正確翻譯外文資料;能較好地作出開題報告;有綜合、收集和正確利用各種信息的能力。153 設計、實驗方案 與實驗技能設計、實驗方案科學合理,方案具體可行;能獨立操作實驗,數(shù)據(jù)采集、計算、處理正確;結構設計合理、工藝可行、推導正確或程序運行可靠。204 分析與解決問題的能力能運用所學知識和技能及獲取新知識去發(fā)現(xiàn)與解決實際問題;能對課題進行理論分析,并得出有價值的結論205 論文(設計)質(zhì) 量立論正確,論據(jù)充分,結論嚴謹合理;實驗正確,分析、處理問題科學;綜述簡練完整,結構格式符合論文(設計)要求;文理通順,技術用語準確,規(guī)范;圖表完備、制圖正確。206 創(chuàng) 新 具有創(chuàng)新意識;對前人工作有改進、突破、或有獨特見解,有一定應用價值。 5各教學單位可結合本專業(yè)特點和要求,制定相應的評價標準。 11畢業(yè)論文(設計)評閱人評審標準序號 評審項目 指 標 滿分1 選 題 選題達到本專業(yè)教學基本要求,難易程度、工作量大小合適。 202 綜述材料調(diào)查論證根據(jù)課題任務,能獨立查閱文獻資料和從事有關調(diào)研。有綜合歸納、利用各種信息的能力,開題論證較充分。翻譯外文資料的水平較高。153 設計、推導、 計算、論證方案設計合理,具有可操作性;推導正確;計算準確;結構合理、工藝可行;圖樣繪制與技術要求符合國家標準及要求。454 論文設計質(zhì)量論點明確,論據(jù)充分,結論正確;條理清楚,文理通順,用語符合技術規(guī)范;圖表清楚,書寫格式規(guī)范。155 創(chuàng) 新 對前人工作有改進、突破、或有獨特見解;有一定應用價值。 5各教學單位可結合本專業(yè)特點和要求,制定相應的評價標準。 11畢業(yè)論文(設計)答辯評審標準序號 評審項目 指 標 滿分1 報告內(nèi)容思路清新;語言表達準確,概念清楚,論點正確;實驗方法科學,分析歸納合理;結論嚴謹,論文(設計)有應用價值。402 報告過程 準備工作充分, 具備必要的報告影像資料;報告在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)作完。 103 答 辯 回答問題有理論依據(jù),基本概念清楚。主要問題回答簡明準確。 454 創(chuàng) 新 對前人工作有改進或突破,或有獨特見解。 5各教學單位可結合本專業(yè)特點和要求,制定相應的評價標準。14山 西 農(nóng) 業(yè) 大 學畢業(yè)論文(設計)成績單院系 專業(yè) 入學時間學號 學生姓名 班級周數(shù) 起止日期 指導教師 職稱論文(設計)題目指導教師評語 建議成績 指導教師簽名 年 月 日評閱人評語 建議成績 評閱人簽名 年 月 日答辯與評分綜合成績答辯小組負責人簽名年 月 日14本成績單一式二份,一份裝訂在畢業(yè)論文(設計)中,一份入學生學籍檔案。優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)論文(設計)推薦表論文題目 學生姓名 學 號 專 業(yè) 學 院 指導教師 審稿說明:1.對論文內(nèi)容、論文質(zhì)量、學術水平(含文字、圖表、公式)的評價。2.對論文具體說明推薦的理由。3.推薦的論文稿件是否符合編寫規(guī)范要求。推薦人意見:推薦人簽字: 年 月 日院長簽字: 年 月 日144.標注化審核報告(BS)4.1 產(chǎn)品圖樣的審查手推式剪草機的傳動裝置和刀具設計已經(jīng)基本完成,現(xiàn)以具備全套圖紙和一線基本數(shù)據(jù),根據(jù)有關規(guī)定,對其進行標注化審查,結果如下:(1) 產(chǎn)品的圖樣完整、統(tǒng)一、表達準確清楚、圖樣清楚。符合 GB4440-84、GB-83《機械制圖》的規(guī)定。(2) 產(chǎn)品圖樣公差與配合的選擇與標準符合 GB/T1800、3-1998 的規(guī)定。(3) 產(chǎn)品圖樣的編號符合 JB/T5054.5-2000《中華人民共和國機械行業(yè)標準》產(chǎn)品圖樣及設計的完整性。(4) 圖紙的標題欄與明細欄符合 GB/T10609. 1-1989GB/T10690. 2-1989的規(guī)定。(5) 產(chǎn)品圖樣粗糙度的標注符合 GB131-83《表面特征代號及注法》的規(guī)定。(6) 產(chǎn)品圖樣焊縫的代號符合 GB324-80《焊縫代號 》的規(guī)定。4.2 產(chǎn)品技術文件的審查(1) 產(chǎn)品的技術文件名稱、術語符合 ZB/TJ01 和 0351-90《產(chǎn)品圖樣及設計文件術語》及有關標準的規(guī)定。(2) 量和單位符合 GB3100—GB3102-93 的規(guī)定。(3)技術文件所用的編碼符合 JB/T8823-1998《機械工業(yè)企業(yè)計算機輔助管理信息分類編碼導則》的規(guī)定。(4)技術文件的完整性符合 JB/T5054.5-2000《產(chǎn)品圖樣及技術文件完整性》的規(guī)定及農(nóng)機部門的有關具體要求。4.3 標注件的使用情況本設計所用的緊固件均采用標準的螺栓,材料及材料代號也符合國家標準和部頒標準的相關規(guī)定。4.4 審查結論經(jīng)過對剪草機裝置和傳動設計的標準化審查,認為該設計基本貫徹了國家最新頒發(fā)的各種標準,圖紙和設計文件完整齊全,符合標準化得要求。學士學位論文(設計)原創(chuàng)性聲明本人鄭重聲明:所提交的學位論文,是本人在導師指導下,獨立進行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已注明引用的內(nèi)容外,本論文不包含任何其他個人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰寫過的作品成果。對本文研究做出過重要貢獻的個人和集體,均已在文中以明確方式標明。本人完全意識到本聲明的法律后果由本人承擔。學位論文作者簽名(親筆): 年 月 日-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------學士學位論文(設計)版權使用授權書專業(yè): 論文(設計)題目:本學位論文作者完全了解學校有關保留、使用學位論文的規(guī)定,本科生在校攻讀期間學位論文(設計)工作的知識產(chǎn)權單位屬山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學,同意學校保留并向國家有關部門或機構送交論文的復印件和電子版,允 許論文被查閱和借閱;本人授權山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學可以將學位論文的全部或部分內(nèi)容編入有關數(shù)據(jù)庫進行檢索,可以采用影印、縮印或掃描等復制手段保存、匯編學位論文。畢業(yè)后發(fā)表與本研究有關的文章,作者單位署名應為“山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學”,可以在備注中注明本人現(xiàn)工作單位。本研究成果的知 識產(chǎn)權歸屬山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學,未經(jīng)指導教師和山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學同意。本人不私自從事與課題有關的任何開發(fā)和盈利性活動。學位論文作者簽名(親筆): 年 月 日導 師 簽 名 (親筆): 年 月 日 畢業(yè)實習報告實習地點 河南洛陽第一拖拉機集團有限公司實習內(nèi)容 制造工藝實習 實 習 人 張 晶 專 業(yè) 機械設計制造及其自動化 班 級 機制信 052 學 號 2005151212 2009 年 3 月目 錄1 引言 ...................................................................11.1 課題的提出和意義 .....................................................11.2 國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀 .......................................................11.3 本文的研究內(nèi)容及方法 .................................................22 技術任務書 .............................................................23 設計計算說明書 .........................................................33.1 傳動方案的確定 .......................................................33.2 傳動皮帶輪的設計計算 .................................................43.2.1 減速箱主動軸傳出的皮帶輪組 .........................................43.2.2 滾筒到減速軸的皮帶輪組 .............................................63.2.3 減速軸到壓扁輸送輥的皮帶輪組 .......................................63.2.4 減速器從動軸到撥禾鏈齒輪箱的帶輪組 .................................73.3 立式收割臺設計 .......................................................73.3.1 切割器的選擇 .......................................................83.3.2 往復式切割器的設計 .................................................93.3.3 往復式切割器的構造 .................................................93.3.4 往復式切割器的類型 ................................................113.3.5 往復式切割器的結構標準化 ..........................................133.3.6 割刀進距 ..........................................................133.3.7 影響往復式切割器工作性能的因素 ....................................133.4 檸條聯(lián)合收割機割刀傳動機構的組成 ....................................143.4.1 曲柄搖桿 ABC 的運動方程 ............................................143.4.2 曲柄搖桿 ABC 的旋轉慣性力問題 ......................................153.4.3 割刀的動力學問題 ..................................................163.4.4 三角擺塊的動力學方程 ..............................................173.4.5 總 結 .............................................................173.5 撥禾器的設計 ........................................................173.5.1 鏈傳動的設計計算 ..................................................183.6 立輥式檸條壓扁輸送裝置的設計 ........................................193.7 莖稈切碎裝置的設計 ..................................................193.8 收集料斗的設計 ......................................................204 使用說明書 ............................................................205 標注化審核報告(BS) ..................................................215.1 產(chǎn)品圖樣的審查 ......................................................215.2 產(chǎn)品技術文件的審查 ..................................................215.3 標注件的使用情況 ....................................................215.4 審查結論 ............................................................226 結論 ..................................................................22參考文獻 .................................................................23致 謝 ....................................................................24畢業(yè)設計說明書英文摘要Combine harvester of Korshinsk PeashrubAbstractKorshinsk Peashrub is one of the species of Leguminosae Caragana Fabr which is a king of perennial shrub, drought-resistant, cold-resistant, widely and dusty-resistant, strong vitality and Inverse-resistance. In view of the particular biological nature of Korshinsk Peashrub, it straightly grown in the west inner Mongolia, the northwest of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu and it played an significant role of defending the breeze sand and keep water and soil, the total planting areas in the whole country is up to 66,666,600,000 hm2, , the planting area of Datong is already up to 200 thousand hm2,. Korshinsk Peashrub is rich in protain, in the time of anthesis, the fresh Korshinsk Peashrub contains 14% simple protein, 3.5% simple fat, 33.9% coarse fibre,31.3%nitrogen free eotrant,5.4% ash. Thus from this point, Korshinsk Peashrub is also a fine economic feed. Owning to the grown latitude of the Korshinsk Peashrub is at the area with bad ecosystem. After being carried out the Captive feeding ban, it is difficult to achieve the economic value. By way of incarnate the feeding value of Korshinsk Peashrub,we ping stubbles to the measured up and with the followed-up processing ,append into the feeding stuff finally, that Korshinsk Peashrub is difficult to reap has become a consensus in the manufacture of agriculture machinery zone. The existing mechanical cutting effect of ping stubble is poor and the cutting shrub falls under the earth directly. Those machines have bad adaptability and need to reap by manpower because of the Korshinsk Peashrub had high level of lignifications and much hard stem thorns, it is difficult to reap and collect by manpower .As a result the inefficient of harvesting and very poor effect.In order to solve this problem that make a better economic value of Korshinsk Peashrub, content the requirement of Korshinsk Peashrub planting areas, this paper project a machine of Korshinsk Peashrub Combined Harvester use 65-horsepower diesel engine and first use the chain collection conveyer device to push the Korshinsk Peashrub into the harvest; use the reciprocating cutter to cue the Korshinsk Peashrub; then through the chain conveyer into the vertical flatting and conveyer machine; send into the reciprocating tumbling-box cutting part to cut up the Korshinsk Peashrub; the cut Korshinsk Peashrub falls into the container box under the tumbling-box, eventually achieve the collection of the stem and combined-harvest. The flattened-sending roll and the cylinder cutter are installed in three-dimensional way which not only can make the whole contract well-knit but also can save the space; furthermore, it can be fully coordinated with the reciprocating cutting system. The designing of this Korshinsk Peashrub Combined Harvester not only promote a new way of combined-harvesting but also start a direction on the follow up study and research on the designing.Features: 1. The high degree of combination.2. This machine has done the rough cut of the reaped Korshinsk Peashrub which is convenient for the follow up processing.Keywords Korshinsk Peashrub Combin Harvester reciprocating cutter flattened roll cylinder cutterLong inefficient harvester maintenanceA "prevent long inefficient combine threshing not clear,Threshing was unclear, or after threshing crops are still left on a certain number of grain crops, or fails to retain the original threshing, and the corn longer branch, etc. It is among the most common of combine harvesters. How to prevent threshing, the method is as follows:1 and the harvest should keep linear assignment. Can easily otherwise, driving crop harvest threshing clarity is messy effect.2, should maintain threshing tooth thickness of unilateral not less than 2.5 mm. Otherwise, must change surface or update. Threshing tooth crest and inherit the gap should keep on net 3-5mm. Excessive threshing will influence, to adjust.3, often keep cutting grass the keenness of the sword. Cut grass by the side of the sword blade surface should be timely change wear or update. For grain threshing clean and create good conditions.4 the conveyor chamber, threshing and guide the clearance should be within 2mm - 0, too, should be adjusted translocated cannot enter threshing room.5, threshing depth is deep, not often adjust the threshing clarity of circumstances, should maintain proper depth, in order to reduce indoor embroiled in a threshing long stalk.6 and when the throttle should be put in the harvest, make maximum revs turned in every minute of 2000. Otherwise it will affect threshing effect. If found speed should be promptly dropped out, reduce the load inspection.7 and the crop growth, the field should be adopted, reduce speed reduced cut to reduce the load, enhance the threshing performance.Eight, the situation is unfavorable harvest: crops 55cm length less than poor too low, mechanical, crops have large difference, length of maturity, crop crop varieties of wet, difficult threshing.2 the long inefficient safe operations of rice harvesterCombine widely applied in rural areas, with the popularization of long inefficient combined harvesters, strengthen the safety production to prevent accidents, agricultural machinery safety supervision has become an important content of the work. JiShou is an important guarantee of economic benefit, therefore, must pay attention to the safety operation, the method is as follows:1, have qualified operation skills. Operators must attend technical training, familiar with and understand the performance, structure, the machines use, maintenance and operation mastering skills. Qualified through examination before operation.2, to observe the safety regulations. The safety instructions carefully study buyers on homework instructions and combine all sorts of safety warning labels.3 and safety clothing. Wear comfortable clothes, prohibit wearing headscarves, scarves, safe operations against the slippers etc.4 and security. Abide by traffic rules. Ban on others, pack accessory, avoid teasers, through the dam, could be JiGengLu culvert and etc, and can withstand prior to confirm unit weight, not pushy.5, safety and loading trucks. The ground must be flat hard, loading and unloading board must have enough strength, width, length and antiskid device and hook. Two parallel plates should be no difference, low slow. Midway cannot turn, speed and braking lest overturned, if need to be modified direction return to sender.6 and safety operation. Harvest Operators should be energetic, lack of sleep, drunk or illness of unfavorable operation. In the homework before pack good safety cover, shields, and try running shell, confirm the working parts may be put into operation. The machine before must honk or other methods to meet food and signaled that it is safe to those around. In the work, listen to observe, once produce abnormal shall immediately stopped running, promptly components.7 and safety inspection and maintenance. Harvesters in machine cleaning machine, check and adjustment should be shut out fault, when the shift lever, and for the engine should be separate each clutch. In the harvest, when should be raised overhaul safety devices will be locked or cut machine with reliable supporting things fixed, prevent the harvest of decline.8 and prevent fires. Should be on fire, fuel and oil spill to timely rub-up. Engine exhaust and battery, not allow heads up around the machine can park in the stalk of place. And no smoking.9 and prevent burns. The engine running or just stop immediately when cannot open cooling box, prevent water jet scald, subject to open after cooling.10 and safety parked. Harvesters will reap should be parked down to the ground of the lowest positions, or shut, take out the key step, engine braking under fixed, the pavement in tyre shall be put on the track or before anti-skid pad.3 the long inefficient to prevent cut sets jams rice harvester,Cutting machine is blocked in the operation of the combined harvester ommon fault, it tends to affect the normal operation of the harvester. Serious when cut machine can't work. Therefore must pay attention to the prevention work cut machine, clogging the method is as follows:1, harvest crops cannot be dry, wet, and dew. Crops in height, otherwise easily 55mm crop uprooted, clogging the chain, but also stem not threshing. Lodging should comply with the Angle of cut in 85 degrees below 70 degrees in reverse, cut the following requirements. Harvest the crops to make excessive lodging cutting machine jam. At harvest time, reduce should reduce cutting speed, watch, found that jam. Timely parking2, the harvest should as far as possible to stay straight road. To make points bending because of grain harvest stem the grass points over the crops, and deformation when conveying grain crops is messy, clogging.3 and reasonable control the feeding amount reap crops. Such high crop harvest shall be taken, reduce speed reduced cut, avoid excessive loads caused jams. After the collision stacks points should be timely deformation is restored to the correct width, prevent excessive width caused by feeding amount caused jams increase.4 should keep a sharp, sticking. Every day after harvest should remove dirt, weeds, check and adjustment, promptly replace worn sticking. Keep moving knife knife and set the gap in 0 ~ 0.5 mm.5, help to maintain good grain chain tensioner degrees. And grain, grain and stent shall promptly replace after wearing claw back to ensure crops not messy.6 and often keep claw chain belt, bluegrass, shoot, the chain chain, depth in such a state, too loose when should adjust, excessive wear should be replaced.7 and cutting machine jams cannot use accelerated forced through. So easily make driving components are damaged. The correct approach is rapid, using artificial clear the blockage of crops.4 the long chain transmission inefficient rice harvester maintenance"Chain transmission is indispensable to combine the transmission mechanism. It's work or harvesters will directly affect the normal work of the components and performance, and therefore should be done in use, maintenance and repair the method is as follows:1 in shaft, wheel should be no skewed and swinging. In the same transmission components in the face of two sprockets should be located in the same plane and sprocket center distance 0.5 meters in the allowable deviation, 1 mm, Sprocket 0.5 meters above centre distance in the allowable deviation, 2 mm. But does not allow to have the friction sprocket teeth profile phenomenon, if two rounds of migration to produce large chain and accelerate wear off. In the replacement of sprocket, we must pay special attention to check and adjustment offset.2, the chain of firmness should fit, too tight increase power consumption, bearing wear, Too loose easily beat and chain chain. Chain of chain for: from central filed or press, two sprockets centre distance is about 2-3cm.3, a new chain or long after the use to adjust, can elongation, to look for the chain, but must be even. The chain should lock plate, back through the chain is inserted in the outside, lock piece at the turn of the mouth should be in the opposite direction.4 and sprocket badly worn, should also change new sprocket and new chain, in order to ensure good engagement. Not only change the new chain or new single chain. Otherwise it will cause a new chain or improperly meshed accelerate new sprocket and wear. Sprocket tooth surfaces wear to a certain degree in turn use (used to face adjustable sprocket). In order to prolong the using time.5, old and new chain chain can use, otherwise easy mixed in transmission chain, tensile impact.6, chain in work should promptly fill lube. Oil must enter roller and set in the fitting clearance, improve the working conditions and reduce wear.7 and when the machine, long-term storage chain should be removed using kerosene or diesel clean, then coated with oil or butter in a dry place, to prevent corrosion.5 the long inefficient rice harvester inter-district assignments need attention"As a long inefficient (KUBOTA) combine professional harvest, 28% of homework is quite important. To smoothly inter-district harvest, please users must be attached to the following aspects of work.1 the preparation before operation, and develops(1) inter-district assignment information collection. Users can according to relevant state departments of information throughout the wheat and rice harvest and local agricultural information management, also may follow contact with customers, because the harvest of the local conditions are familiar with the user.(2) business contacts. On-the-spot investigation in the field conditions, crop growth and high price, etc.(3) inter-district homework route. According to the time sequence of all crops, choose as far as possible, set harvest security conditions are good, traffic is convenient.(4) machine. In order to avoid failure inter-district assignments must be done before operation expenses in inter-district before repair, comsumption products, oil etc. Such as engine oil, inferior oil market, many in the local time before to 28% of purchase. Hara& Co. inefficient(5) and vendors. Homework, route will inter-district inform vendors, carry on with the certificate (the combine harvester driver's license and id card of 28%, etc.).(6). Try to purchase related (machine, personnel) insurance.2 and develops in the homework problems that should be paid attention to(1) harvest in the operation, to avoid attention combining exertion caused by accidents due to overwork.(2) strengthen the maintenance and inspection machine, the machine always in good working condition.(3) to strengthen the supervision of machine, storage, especially to avoid machine weathered and guard against theft, prevent damage.3 and the handling problemsSuch as: (1) in the inter-district assignments harvesters malfunction, please come and maintenance service, will contact details (including harvesters fault fault components, harvest field around), damaged parts, and quantity (shows a part of components in place, serial number part), the specific location and harvesters telephone users such report maintenance personnel.(2) if you want to buy parts, can contact with long inefficient local hara& Co., company address (spare parts purchase, etc.) should be near. If you cannot buy accessories, direct contact with the seller, to discuss the required parts orders and shipping method, in the shortest possible time after receiving accessories, maintenance, continue to work.6 the maintenance long inefficient rice harvester of unidirectional clutch,The function is a one-way clutch combine harvester in advance when the power of the engine reliably transfer to combine harvester, fall off quickly, in order to realize the need of combine harvesters. In use due to improper operation, easy cause one-way clutch early wear, harvesting machine doesn't work well. Therefore, must grasp the correct use of method.1 and the drive belt should reap department regularly or adjustment, the length of a spring in 102mm, cannot too loose or too tight. Or should adjust the length of the spring.2 and combine in operation should be done in the stable power, speed, smooth junction stable steering, must not stop, accelerated, steep, hurry to, in order to reduce the shock load one-way clutch.3 and in harvest in the homework assignments to observe the harvest, cutting machine, jams that immediately after stopping harvesting clutch, separated by artificial clear all the progress of begin again after operation. Do not remove or not in blocking incomplete remove junction, clutch, so easily to harvest early damage of unidirectional clutch.4 and reasonable control the feeding amount reap crops. When high-yielding crop harvest if should be taken to cut, reduce speed reducing excess load in order to reduce the one-way clutch. After the collision stacks points should be timely deformation is returned to the correct width, in order to prevent excessive width caused by feeding amount caused jams increase.5 and the harvest of lodging crops can not force (85 degrees below for the cut and thrust to 70 degrees Celsius) cut. Lodging crops are messy, should be adopted in the harvest threshing depth, using automatic control, find out timely downtime clogging.6 and one-way clutch after damage replace. In the first should check whether the axis wear is a one-way away when the diameter of the axis wear to 18.771 mm, must change the new axis, otherwise the new one-way clutch after loaded still cannot play a role.Wheel organization function is supporting the full weight of combine harvesters, driving and harvest, it is the important system combines walking working parts. If not for the correct use and operation, maintenance, easily wheel organization early wear. Therefore must pay attention to early wear prevention. The method is as follows:1, to strengthen the wheel organization daily maintenance. Do homework after stent to load, timely, lifting, tensioner arm sticky roller and mud product, clean weed.2 and constant observation wheel load, wheel, lifting, tensioner wheel rotation condition videotapes. Find abnormal or wheel rotation, should not carefully, change bad parts, hidden faults.3, check the quantity, truck wheels lubricant should be added to the shortage of oil. Provisions Find duo-cone floating oil, should change in time to maintain good sealing.4, truck wheels, stents, lifting, tensioner wheel rim thickness should have worn thin change in time, otherwise caused by insufficient strength variant rupture, scrape.5 and driving wheel wear a tooth thickness 5mm amounted to face when using, adjustable to prolong the using life. When both tooth thickness should be promptly replace worn, otherwise it will cause sprocket and track core iron meshing impact when increases, abnormal wear iron core, serious when still can hook iron core.6 500 hours, each work regularly to walk round institutions should be thoroughly checked, repair, to achieve good technical conditions.7 and combine in road, should avoid bad roads in the road. When the crawler bottom to have cleared eyewinker. Ensure the wheel in good working environment, improve its service life.Long inefficient combine the good crop harvest lodging with benign. Under normal circumstances can harvest the crops for lodging 85 degrees below, cut cut in inverse 70s. At harvest time must pay attention to grasp the operation method under:1, should use a sharp knife sticking the sword, and the gap shall be in 0 ~ 0.5 mm.2 stacks, claws should be adjusted to height can lift crop panicle position (namely the position on a standard). To straighten up, reduce crop messy.3 stacks, and shall be transferred to "high speed", and to increase the help shift position for lodging, grain number of grain crop rotary.4, harvest of transmission belt, shoot the chain chain, ear grain, should according to regulations chain tensioner, cutting machine is too loose in the harvest clogging.5, conveying chain tightly guide if wear, should adjust guide and chain of zero clearance, crop is involved, or within the cylinder threshing.6 and the cleanness of threshing regulating handle should be put on "open" position, to minimize threshing room load.7 and the cutting grass threshing indoor dao should be promptly replace, sharp. In order to ensure the clarity, reduce crop threshing damage grain.8 and cut in assignments platform height should keep in grain from the ground height is about 20mm. High grain can help claws, cannot fulfill the harvest. Low is easy to root crops, accelerate uprooted sticking.9 and cut width should with slightly less than normal cut width for good (usually right portion of the grain open about 200 ~ 250m m). To alleviate the harvest of load.10 and should adopt the automatic control of threshing depth, unfavorable adjustment. To minimize threshing room load.11 and the harvest of straight road, don't be keep swinging. Slow speed is not reap, jam in case.In December, when the harvest to observe operation condition, should take the first right ahead and grain threshing depth, device runs into the entrance of threshing chain and watching the sequence of operations. According to the circumstance timely adjust speed, cut width harvest threshing machine, cutting height, etc, in order to maintain good depth of operation condition.13, is not in conformity with the harvest of crops, otherwise not forced to wear, and early machine crop waste is serious.7 the combine harvester threshing rice for the inefficient maintenance"1, threshing room can overload in the harvest, when high-yielding crop and speed of cutting should reduce and control the work load of the rated load operation, to prevent excessive threshing chamber of the causes.2, the harvest threshing due to lodging crops into the room to increase many weeds in the chamber pressure and threshing threshing adopts the automatic control, depth to reduce indoor excessive threshing straw into.3, correctly use the regulating handle gib threshing. When lodging at harvest crops, the regulating handle on the open position, make indoor crop threshing, reduce indoor quickly. In the threshing, grain on the small branches shall handle is placed in position, extend the time on threshing indoor crops, increase grain clarity. Usually handle position should be put in standard.4 and keep cutting grass blades, check the knife cut grass threshing indoor wear and abrasion can make crops or not cut off, retention time long, threshing ungodliness, threshing chamber pressure increases, cut grass dao in reversing or update after wear.5, conveying chain tightly compressed guide, if be the clearance of crops to easily, cause stress in threshing room greaten, must always keep checking and adjusting, chain and guide the gap with zero.Six, in use as threshing shall, when close room blocked out, after the progress of the engine can work, or forced work to cause damage to the threshing room components.8 the long inefficient rice harvester crawler maintenance instructions"Rubber pedrail are self-contained combine the important parts in the mechanism, and the price is expensive. Rubber pedrail life depends in large part on work environment and method of use. Must attach importance to the early wear rubber pedrail prevention. The method is as follows:(a), pay attention to the work environment1, rubber pedrail, diesel engine should be avoided and various oil, grease, etc. Also should avoid with acid, alkali, salt, pesticide, and other chemicals. In this case. Clean,2, rubber pedrail should avoid the rocks, in sharp steel etc uneven road. When necessary, can be laid wood or other flat object.3, rubber pedrail should avoid in gravel and gravel road surface are long. This is caused extremely easily rubber surface early wear, if the driving distance, should use loaded vehicles.(2), master correct usage1, rubber pedrail use should be timely maintenance after cleaning. If after harvest in paddy field, homework every day to prevent rubber pedrail cleaning the accel