關鍵詞:彎板 沖裁 成型 工序
Bending plate stamping forming process and die design
This design topic for stamping process and die design of bending plate, reflects the design of moderate complexity parts requirements, content and direction, the design of a certain significance. Through the design of the die parts, to further strengthen their basic knowledge of stamping die design, paving the way and draw a more profound experience for die design more complex.
This design using the basic knowledge of stamping forming process and die design, firstly analyzed the molding process of stamping, ready for the selected type of process scheme; expand size stamping calculates, check the material blanking clearance and molding process parameters calculation of thick, easy cutting edge size.
The stamping shape roughly flat plate with a hole tail fold type U bent, so in the discharge process when considering successively forming and punching process. The first punch forming, the forming force will cause the hole position offset; the first forming die punching will result in increasing the complexity and increase the mold manufacturing costs. According to the products shown relative tolerance requires the use of plate bending process combined with the actual production, analysis of space position a little deviation on the quality of products, such as hole position on the effect on the quality of large, can only consider the first forming punching process, whereas the punching forming to reduce the manufacturing cost and production cycle.
The process scheme, query design manual and data and by design to mold assembly and related parts and components under the guidance of the instructor.
Finally, check all design steps, the systematic gaps, improve the mold design.
Keywords: bending plate blanking molding process