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機械機床設計機械制造工藝學課程設計是在我們學完了大學的全部基礎課、技術基礎課以及大部分專業(yè)課之后進行的.這是我們在進行畢業(yè)設計之前對所學各課程的一次深入的綜合性的總復習,也是一次理論聯系實際的訓練,因此,它在我們四年的大學生活中占有重要的地位。 這次設計的是牛頭刨床的撥叉,包括零件圖、毛坯圖、裝配圖各一張,機械加工工藝過程卡片和與工序卡片各一張。首先我們要熟悉零件和了解其作用,它位于車床變速機構中,主要起換檔作用。然后,根據零件的性質和零件圖上各端面的粗糙度確定毛坯的尺寸和機械加工余量。最后擬定撥叉的工藝路線圖,制定該工件的夾緊方案,畫出夾具裝配圖。 牛頭刨床撥叉零件的加工工藝及銑端面專用夾具設計。從零件的結構外型分析,它的外型復雜,且不易加工,因此該零件選用是鑄造件。它的主要加工面是孔、撥叉叉口兩端面和側面、槽口,在加工中由于面的加工精度要比孔的加工精度容易保證。因此,在設計中采用先面后孔的原則,并將孔與平面的加工劃分為粗加工和精加工階段,以保證加工精度。在本設計中,先以一個面加工出一個基準面,然后,再以該基準面加工相應的孔。在后面的工序中,均以該孔為定位基準,加工撥叉叉口兩端面(相對于孔的位置精度高)槽口和斜平面,在整個加工過程中,分別采用了銑床、鉆床。并設計了端面銑的專用夾具。由于該零件的尺寸不大,所需的夾緊力不大。因此,夾緊方式都采用手動夾緊,它的夾緊簡單,機構的設計更為方便,滿足夾緊要求。 就我個人而言,我希望能通過這次課程設計,了解并認識一般機器零件的生產工藝過程,鞏固和加深已學過的技術基礎課和專業(yè)課的知識,理論聯系實際,從中鍛煉自己分析問題、解決問題的能力,為今后的工作打下一個良好的基礎,并且為后續(xù)課程的學習打好基礎。有很多不同的種類和制造商的自動排序技術,對市場的今天, 但是它們可以被分為三種基本類型。這些技術的運用某些類型的探測信號,即能區(qū)分塑料瓶的基礎上的化學或物理特性當信號檢測和分析,由一個傳感器。 第一種類型的自動分揀系統(tǒng),是通過光學傳感。光學分揀系統(tǒng)使用可見光分開,塑膠瓶,以顏色。第二類是系統(tǒng)基于傳動技術 ,即一個信號,通過直接通過瓶,并閱讀由一個傳感器在另一邊的瓶子。每個塑料樹脂都有其特點響應信號的基礎上,其獨特的化學組成。第三類是表面上的掃描裝置,而信號的彈跳,表面上的瓶子,并其反射到傳感器,以資識別。同樣,每一個塑膠樹脂類型都有其自己獨特的回應。當傳感器檢測到的是什么尋找,它一般會啟動噴氣將彈出或直接項目,它已經確認。主要分揀技術,在目前使用的,包括光學, X光傳輸( xrt ) , X射線熒光分析( XRF ) ,和近紅外(近紅外) 。 一些自動排序技術,有能力的多種類,由兩個樹脂型和顏色, 而一些被稱為二元分類系統(tǒng)-即那些找出一項目,并分別從流瓶。第一代的自動排序技術二元分類系統(tǒng)主要是發(fā)達國家以提供可靠分離兩個視覺上相似,而高度不相容的塑料從回收的角度來看-,即聚氯乙烯和聚酯。正如已經討論過,聚氯乙烯是一大污染物寵物回收,甚至在非常低的濃度。 當前先進的系統(tǒng),先進的自動分類技術相結合的幾種類型的傳感器,以提供多種排序功能,溪流commingled塑膠樹脂類型。為例如,有一個商業(yè)系采用了一個xrt傳感器分離PVC瓶,那是一個紅外傳感器分隔樽清晰,半透明和不透明的類別, 其次是光學傳感器的那種瓶子以顏色,最后一個近紅外傳感器分離瓶樹脂類。熱力學計算是壓縮機計算的基礎。普通壓縮機在熱力計算上有壓縮機輔助設計系統(tǒng)的幫助,會大大加快設計進度,使設計更加合理。而全無油潤滑壓縮機熱力學計算,在人工計算時查取圖時出現的誤差,數據選取的不符合計算要求,所導致計算數據的不正確或不準確。針對當前尚無全無油潤滑壓縮機輔助計算系統(tǒng)的情況。通過對計算時所需圖表的數字化,編制了全無油潤滑壓縮機熱力學輔助設計系統(tǒng),成功的簡化了全無油潤滑壓縮機的熱力學計算過程,實現了對計算時所需數據的在線選取,智能查圖查表,對數據的輸出、保存和打印,并提高了計算參數的準確性和可靠性。一、介紹機床的布局 壓縮機排氣量的大小決定了星輪、螺桿直徑的大小和嚙合中心距的大小,因此螺桿直徑的不同,機床的主軸與刀具的回轉中心也不同。為滿足加工不同直徑的螺桿,目前國內單螺桿加工機床的布局大致有以下幾種方案。 第一種:機床的主軸與刀具回轉中心的中心距為固定式 機床的主軸與刀具回轉中心的中心距為固定式,中心距不可調整。加工幾種直徑的螺桿就需要幾種中心距規(guī)格不同的機床。 優(yōu)點:機床的結構簡單。 缺點:每種機床只能加工一種規(guī)格的螺桿,當市場上某種規(guī)格的壓縮機螺桿需要量大時,造成一臺機床加工,其他機床閑置。 第二種:機床的主軸箱為可回轉式 機床可根據加工螺桿直徑的大小在加工前把主軸箱旋轉一個角度。這種主軸箱能夠回轉的機床是對上述第一種機床在使用方法上的改進,與第一種機床的結構基本相同。 優(yōu)點:機床的結構簡單,能適應多種規(guī)格螺桿的加工。 缺點1:主軸箱旋轉后主軸回轉中心線與刀具回轉中心線間的距離不易精確測量。 缺點2:主軸箱旋轉后主軸前端面與刀具的回轉中心線間的距離減少,因此加工較大直徑的螺桿受到限制。 第三種:機床的主軸箱為橫向移動式 主軸箱底部與底座之間布置有矩形滑動導軌,主軸箱移動的方向垂直于主軸回轉中心線并垂直于刀具回轉中心線。主軸箱的動力通過花鍵軸傳給底座內的刀具進給機構。 根據加工螺桿直徑的大小,在加工前用手輪絲杠進給機構把主軸箱移動到適當位置,然后用螺釘將主軸箱固定在底座上。主軸箱的移動距離可用光柵尺檢測,位置誤差0.005mm。 采用主軸箱可橫向移動的一個機床就可以加工直徑95385mm之間任何一種規(guī)格的螺桿。 由于加工95385mm直徑的螺桿,造成主軸前端面與刀具回轉中心線間的距離差值過大,因此在實際應用時設計成兩種規(guī)格的機床,一個機床加工95205mm直徑的螺桿,另一個機床加工180385mm直徑的螺桿。 優(yōu)點:機床能適應多種規(guī)格螺桿的加工,每種規(guī)格的螺桿不需要配備相應的加工機床。 缺點:機床的結構和機床的裝配較前二種機床復雜,機床的造價也較前二種機床高。 二、介紹機床的主軸結構 機床主軸箱的水平主軸和底座上的立式的主軸精度的高低決定了被加工螺桿的精度,同時螺桿在壓縮機中以幾千轉的速度高速旋轉時,精度較差的螺桿會使壓縮機產生發(fā)熱、振動、效率低、磨損快等現象。 國內目前現有的單螺桿加工機床主軸結構大致有以下兩種方案。 第一種:軸承徑向游隙不可調的主軸結構 主軸前軸承采用1個雙列圓柱滾子軸承和兩個推力球軸承組合,該主軸使用雙列圓柱滾子軸承承受徑向切削力,使用兩個推力球軸承承受軸向切削力。 主軸后軸承一般采用1個雙列圓柱滾子軸承或采用1個向心球軸承。 這種主軸結構的優(yōu)點:主軸的加工和裝配簡單,造價較低。 缺點1:由于主軸軸承的徑向游隙不可調整,所以主軸精度較差。雖然可以利用軸承的內徑和軸徑的過盈配合來消除軸承的徑向游隙,但每個軸承的內徑和徑向游隙不是一個固定值,因此設計和加工時很難給準軸徑與軸承內徑的配合公差。 缺點2:在市場上很難買到國產或進口的C、D級或P4、P5級的推力球軸承,機床生產廠常用普通級軸承替代使用,此舉也影響了主軸精度的提高。 軸承徑向游隙不可調的主軸結構適用于一般精度的普通機床,不適用于對主軸精度要求較高的機床。 第二種:軸承徑向游隙可調的主軸結構 主軸前軸承采用一個P4級圓錐孔的雙列圓柱滾子軸承和1個P4級的雙列向心推力球軸承組合。該主軸使用圓錐孔的雙列圓柱滾子軸承承受徑向切削力,使用雙列向心推力球軸承承受軸向切削力和部分徑向切削力。 主軸后軸承一般采用1個P5級圓錐孔的雙列圓柱滾子軸承。 圓錐孔雙列圓柱滾子軸承的內圈和配合軸徑均為1:12圓錐,用圓螺母鎖緊軸承則使軸承在軸向產生一個位移并使軸承的內圈膨脹,從而達到減少或消除軸承徑向游隙的目的。 這種主軸結構的優(yōu)點:主軸精度較高。在主軸前端面230mm直徑上測量主軸的端面跳動值為0.010mm。在主軸前端230mm外圓上測量主軸的徑向跳動值為0.005mm。第二種結構的主軸精度比第一種主軸精度提高50%左右。 這種主軸結構的缺點: 主軸的加工工藝較復雜,主軸的裝配也需要有經驗的工人操作才能使主軸精度達到理想數值。 三、刀具進給深度的控制 不同直徑的螺桿需要加工螺旋槽的深度也不同,螺旋槽的深度從幾十毫米到一百多毫米不等,刀具進給機構大約需要旋轉進刀幾千圈才能完成一個螺桿零件的加工。 由于刀具進給機構在刀具旋轉的同時還要完成進刀動作,所以一些在普通機床上常用的機械、電氣控制切深的方法都不適用于單螺桿加工機床。 單螺桿加工機床的刀具進給機構采用以下不同的方法都可以達到控制進刀深度的目的。 第一種:摩擦離合器和電氣開關控制刀具進給深度 它的控制原理是刀具切深增大時刀具進給機構的負載扭距增大,使刀具進給機構傳動鏈中的摩擦離合器打滑,一個機械連桿機構觸發(fā)電氣開關并發(fā)出聲、光信號提示操作者,此時操作者人工操作斷開刀具進給機構的動力。 這種控制方法的優(yōu)點是:控制方法簡單及零件加工和操作不受突然斷電的影響。 缺點是:加工不同直徑的螺桿需要調整摩擦離合器壓緊碟簧的預緊力。 由于每個螺桿材質的密度、硬度存在細微差異及刀具鋒利程度也存在差異,因此使這種控制方法的精度不太準確,可能導致螺桿螺旋槽的深度公差過大。 第二種:用電磁離合器、編碼器組合控制刀具進給深度 刀具進給系統(tǒng)中,裝有電磁離合器及一對用于檢測刀具轉動圈數的測速齒輪和一個編碼器。 塔式起重機是建筑施工垂直運輸的主要設備,也是衡量一個建筑施工企業(yè)裝備實力的重要標識,在當今競爭日益激烈的建筑市場,為滿足施工需要,很多施工企業(yè)都購置了塔式起重機。隨著塔式起重機在施工現場的廣泛使用,由塔式起重機引發(fā)的傷亡事故也越來越多,給人民的生命財產帶來重大損失。據國內有關部門統(tǒng)計資料表明,塔式起重機的事故率已達2.77%。其安全問題仍然是建筑施工中的憂患起重機的工作需要更多的科學技術 松散的培訓,測試和監(jiān)督的要求, 周圍的建筑起重機給這些工作的人樹立了一種虛假的安全感,在我們的行業(yè)。最近塔式起重機倒塌在一個繁忙的紐約市建筑地盤應敲響警鐘,提醒我們問題的存在,并加強我們目前安全的做法。當談到安全問題時,訓練和測試是關鍵。不過,建造業(yè)是把不合格人員放在建筑起重機的駕駛位上,甚至沒有通過今天的測試。在許多地方,沒有任何經驗必須合格的通過標準化的測試。一周的學習將給予一些人足夠的知識足以通過認證考試,然后他們可以跳轉到的起重機的駕駛室。 塔式起重機是特別危險的,尤其是在市區(qū)用地變得更加擁擠時。攀登行動更是一個風險的行動,其災難性非常高。然而,大多數塔式起重機攀登員的訓練,在一個非傳統(tǒng)的方式,通過二手知識已流傳一段時間。問題與這種類型的現成的知識是,多年來,留下來的非常少,但最重要的細節(jié)卻丟失了。這種“滲透”的知識,導致操作者只能發(fā)展自己的技巧攀登起重機,往往放棄基本的安全,企圖以節(jié)省時間和能源. 在許多情況下沒有安全裝置或警報來提醒嚴重的問題的存在。攀登人員容易遭受到影響安全性至關重要的決策所帶來的壓力。攀登時,使用損壞或泄漏的液壓系統(tǒng),沒有任何的調整,這并不鮮見。在黑暗中工作和延長工作時間是時有發(fā)生的。這種攀登方法,其中的每一次攀登都會成為新的冒險,不應該作為規(guī)范被采納。 攀爬架的設計,在制造商之間存在不同,但設計的步驟在原則上是相似的。攀登過程中是相對比較明了的,配合著的體力勞動和技術程序。這是并不復雜,它是更多地了解知道正確的序列需要做什么,然后按照下列步驟,一個又一個,確保每一步在做下一步前成功完成。這是十分重要,每個人都清楚的知道事情進展的怎么樣,在每一個階段存在什么樣的危險。這就是為什么業(yè)界需要規(guī)范的培訓,測試和監(jiān)督,其中包括一個實際的評估能力。技術人員應該隨著實際經驗的提升,直接從制造商哪里獲得標準訓練。視察員同樣也也須有具體的技術培訓。他們應獨立于安裝和維修的各方面,這由客觀決定。架設的關鍵人員應該有標準的訓練和測試.當這些需要得到滿足,起重機作業(yè)應進行嚴格按照有關制造商的指示,工程原則和政府的法律。但業(yè)內人士和國會議員,要加強他們的寬松標準,以保障公眾利益。看到自己的家園變成了塵埃和碎片的紐約市居民,會對處理這些問題的方式感到震驚。The mechanical design of machine toolMechanical Manufacturing Engineering Course design is finished we learn all the basic courses university, technical basic courses and specialized courses after most of the. This is the course of the study prior to graduation each course an in-depth and comprehensive general review is a theory with practical training, so it in our four years of university life plays an important role. The design of the shaper of the fork, including the parts diagram, rough and assembly drawings each one, the mechanical process the card and a card with the process. First, we should be familiar with parts and understand their role, which is located lathe speed change mechanism, the main effect from the shift. Then, according to the nature of parts and components map to determine the roughness of the end of the size and rough machining allowances. Fork process to finalize a road map to develop the workpiece clamping program, draw fixture assembly drawing. This design is fork Shaper milling machining process and ends special fixture design. From the appearance of parts of the structure, it looks complicated and difficult process, so the choice is casting parts. Its main processing is the hole surface, surface and both ends of the side fork Crossings, notch, in the process because of surface precision machining precision holes easier than the guarantee. Therefore, the first plane used in the design principles of post-holes, and holes and the plane is divided into roughing and finishing processing stage to ensure accuracy. In this design, first to a base level of a surface processing, and then, then the corresponding holes in the base-level processing. In the following processes, are the holes for the locating datum, processing fork Crossings at both ends of surface (relative to the hole location accuracy) slot and the inclined plane, in the processing were used milling machine, drilling machine. And designed a special face milling fixture. As the size of the parts is not required clamping force is not. Therefore, the clamping means are manually clamped, clamping it simple, mechanism design is more convenient to meet the clamping requirements. Personally, I hope that through the course design, understanding and awareness of general machinery parts production process, have learned to consolidate and deepen the technical knowledge of basic courses and specialized courses, theory with practice, from exercising their own analysis of the problem, ability to solve problems for future work lay a good foundation, and for follow-up courses of study in future. There are many different types and manufacturers of auto-sort technologies on the market today,but they can be classified into three basic types. These technologies employ some type ofdetection signal that can differentiate plastic bottles based on chemical or physical characteristicswhen that signal is detected and analyzed by a sensor.The first type of auto-sortation is through optical sensoring. Optical sorting systems use,visible light to separate plastic bottles by color. The second type are systems based on,“transmission technologies” whereby a signal passes directly through the bottle and isread by a sensor on the other side of the bottle. Each plastic resin has a characteristic,response to the signal based on its unique chemical composition. The third type are surface scanning devices where the signals bounce off the surface of the bottle and are reflected back to the sensor for identification. Similarly, each plastic resin type has itsown unique response. When a sensor detects what it is looking for, it will generally activate an air jet that will eject or direct the item it has positively identified. The major sortation technologies in use today include optical, X-ray transmission (XRT), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and near-infrared (NIR).Some auto-sort technologies are capable of multiple sorts, by both resin type and color,while some are known as “binary-sort” systems - namely those that identify just one item and separate it from a stream of bottles. The first generation of auto-sort technologies were binary-sort systems primarily developed to provide reliable separation of two visually similar, yet highly incompatible plastics from a recycling perspective - namely PVC and PET. As has been discussed, PVC is a major contaminant in PET recycling even at very low concentrations. The current state-of-the-art in auto-sort technology combines several types of sensors to provide multiple sorting functions for streams of commingled plastic resin types. For example, one commercial system uses an XRT sensor to separate PVC bottles, then an infrared sensor that separates bottles into clear, translucent and opaque categories, followed by optical sensors that sort bottles by color, and finally an NIR sensor to separate the bottles by resin category. The thermodynamic calculation is the basis of the compressor calculation. With the help of the compressor-aided design system, the ordinary compressor is able to speed up its progress in calculation, which in turn reasonablizes the design; while the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor caused errors or inaccuracy when pictures are retrieved by hand and figures are not best chosen. It is towards this problem that the compressor-aided design system for the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor is made by digitalizing all the pictures and figures. This system will simplize the calculating process of the thermodynamic non-oil lubrication compressor, enable to select data on line, retrieve pictures and figures intelligently, output, save and print them and improve the accuracy and reliability of the calculating parameters as well.First, introduce the layout of machine tools Decide the size of the compressor displacement of the stars round, screw diameter, mesh size and the size of the center distance, so different in diameter screw, machine tool spindle and the rotary center are also different. To meet the processing of different diameter screw, single screw Currently the layout of machine tools in general there are several options. The first is: machine tool rotary tool spindle center and the center distance for the fixed Machine tool rotary tool spindle center and the center distance for the fixed, can not adjust the center distance. Processing of several of the screw diameter on the center distance required several different specifications of the machine. Advantages: simple structure of the machine. Disadvantage: each machine can only process a specification of the screw, when the market on a certain specification requirements when the screw compressor, resulting in a machine, other machine idle. The second: the machine tool spindle box for rotary Processing screw machine according to the size of the diameter at the processing before a point of rotating spindle box. Spindle box that the machine can turn on a machine at the above-mentioned article on the use of the improvements, with the first structure of a machine tool is basically the same. Advantages: the structure of machine tool easy to adapt to a variety of specifications of the processing screw. One disadvantage: after the rotating spindle box and the tool spindle turning center line distance between the center line of accurate measurement difficult. 2 disadvantage: after the rotating spindle spindle box and the front surface of the rotary cutter centerline distance between the reduction of the larger diameter of the screw processing is limited. The third: the machine tool spindle box for horizontal mobile Box at the bottom of the spindle and the base there is arranged between the rectangular sliding rail, spindle box perpendicular to the direction of movement of spindle centerline and perpendicular to the centerline of the tool rotation. Through the power of the spindle box spline shaft to the base of the tool feed mechanism. Screw diameter, according to the size of the processing in the processing of the previous round by hand to the body put into the screw spindle box moved to the appropriate location, and then screw the spindle box on a fixed base. Spindle box available from the mobile Grating detection, position error 0.005mm. Horizontal spindle box can be used as a mobile machine can process diameter 95 385mm any kind between the screw specifications. 95 385mm processing because of the diameter of the screw, causing the front surface and the tool spindle rotation the distance between the center line of the margin is too large, the actual application in the design specifications of the machine into two, a 95 205mm machine screw diameter Another 180 385mm machine screw diameter. Advantages: a variety of tools to adapt to the specifications of the processing screw, each screw specifications need not be provided with the appropriate machine tools. Disadvantage: the structure of machine tools and machine tool assembly of the two kinds of more complex machine tools, machine tools than the cost of two kinds of machine tools before the high. Second, introduce the structure of machine tool spindle The level of machine tool spindle box on the main axis and the base of the vertical axis determines the degree of precision was the precision screw machining, at the same time screw compressor at a speed of thousands of high-speed rotary switch, the accuracy of the screw will be less so that the compressor have a fever, vibration, low efficiency, such as wear and tear situation quickly. Currently available single-screw machine spindle structure of the program has the following two. The first is: bearing radial clearance is not adjustable spindle structure Before spindle bearing out the use of one pairs of cylindrical roller bearings and thrust ball bearing combination of both, the main use of double row cylindrical roller bearings under radial cutting force, the use of two ball bearings to bear axial thrust cutting force. After the general adoption of the spindle bearings out one pairs of cylindrical roller bearings or a ball bearing to the heart. Main advantages of this structure: the main axis of the processing and assembly of simple, low cost. One disadvantage: because the main axis of the radial bearing clearance can not be adjusted so poor precision spindle. Although the use of bearings and shaft diameter fit to eliminate the radial bearing clearance, but each bearing diameter and radial clearance is not a fixed value, so it is difficult to design and processing to the quasi-axial-radial and bearings with bore tolerances. 2 disadvantage: it is very difficult to buy in the market of domestically produced or imported, C, D or P4, P5 class thrust ball bearings, machine tool manufacturing plant commonly used alternative to the use of ordinary class bearings, which also affected the accuracy of the enhance spindle. Bearing radial clearance adjustable spindle structure do not apply to the general accuracy of the general machine tools, does not apply to require a higher accuracy of the spindle of machine tools. The second: the radial bearing clearance adjustable spindle structure Before the adoption of a spindle bearing P4 class of double row tapered hole cylindrical roller bearings and a P4-class double row ball bearing thrust to the combination of heart. The use of the spindle hole of the double row tapered cylindrical roller bearings under radial cutting force, the use of double row ball bearing thrust to the heart to bear part of the axial and radial cutting force cutting force. Spindle bearings generally used after a P5 class of double row tapered hole cylindrical roller bearings. Double row tapered hole cylindrical roller bearings with inner ring and shaft are tapered 1:12, bearing lock nut with a round led a bearing in the axial displacement of the inner ring bearings and expansion, to reduce or eliminate Bearing radial clearance purposes. Main structure of such advantages: high precision spindle. At the front spindle diameter 230mm noodle on the end measuring spindle Beat value of 0.010mm. 230mm cylindrical spindle at the front end on the radial axis measurement value of Beat 0.005mm. The second structure of the spindle of a precision spindle accuracy than the first about 50% improve. Main disadvantage of this structure: The principal axis of the more complicated process, the spindle assembly also has the experience necessary to make the workers to operate the spindle achieve the desired numerical accuracy. Third, the depth of the tool feed control Required different processing screw diameter spiral groove depth is also different from the depth of the spiral groove mm from dozens to more than 100 millimeters range around the tool into the institutions required to feed the thousands of ring rotation in order to achieve a screw machining . Feed because of the tool in the tool rotating at the same time achieve motion feed, so on a number of general machine tools used in mechanical, electrical control method of depth of cut does not apply to single-screw machine. Single screw machine tools give agencies into the following different methods can be feed to control the depth of purpose. The first is: friction clutch and electrical switches to control the depth of the tool feed Its principle is to control depth of cut increases the tool cutter feed mechanism increases the load torque so that the tool feeding mechanism of the friction transmission chain slipping clutch, a mechanical linkage concurrent silent trigger electrical switches, optical signal prompted operator, when manual operator to disconnect the tool into the power sector. The advantages of this control method are: the control method is simple and spare parts processing and operational power from the impact of a sudden. Disadvantage are: processing of different diameter screw to adjust the clutch friction discs pressed the preload spring. Material because of the density of each screw, and the hardness of the existence of subtle differences in the degree of cutting tools sharp differences exist, thus the accuracy of this control method was not too accurate, may lead to screw spiral groove depth tolerance is too large. The second: use of an electromagnetic clutch, encoder control tool into the mix to the depth of Tool feed system, equipped with electromagnetic clutch and a tool for detecting the number of rotating ring gear and a gun encoder. It is a tool of control principle剛接觸hand screw surface encoder to start counting switch, then start coun