畢業(yè)設計(論文)參考文獻譯文系 別: 機 械 工 程 系專 業(yè): 機械設計制造及其自動化可調(diào)式多軸頭加工工具摘要:在多軸頭匹配類型機床上,加工單元包括一個基于處理進退運動的原始的職位和一個加工的位置,第一個環(huán)形導軌包括一個可移動的軌道包圍的加工單元,它坐落在原來的位置,第二個環(huán)形鋼導軌和處理在一個地方上的軸向位移的從前導軌,分別為多軸頭進行的第一和第二支導軌。第一和第二索引機制的交換連接頭分別為多軸第一和第二導軌等同為駕車前往角位移,處理和電梯機制從第一次和第二次側(cè)導軌的垂距在一個地方移動為鐵路提供更換多軸頭之間的第一個和第二個導軌,靜止軌道交通發(fā)展的一個重要組成部分的第一導軌和部分第二導軌的分歧是生活在一個圓弧鋼軌在一個地方上相應的舉升機構(gòu),例如,電梯機制相互連接組成的電梯扶手電梯的第一和第二,升降導軌是指連接到電梯,都還有待提高,并降低了之間的第一個和第二個導軌。關鍵詞:多軸頭、導軌、電梯機制、角位移1.領域的發(fā)明本發(fā)明涉及一種多抽頭類型機床上,加工單元包括一個基地處理進退運動之間的一個原始的職位和加工的位置,第一個環(huán)形導軌包括一個可移動的軌道積分與加工單元和一個固定的軌道包圍了加工單元,它坐落在原來的位置,第二環(huán)形鋼導軌和處理在一個地方上的軸向位移的從前導軌,復數(shù)個多軸的連接頭每頭進行了第一和第二支導軌,第一和第二索引機制的替代連接頭分別多軸的與第一和第二導軌多軸頭連接為駕車前往角位移等處理,電梯機制從第一次和第二次側(cè)導軌在一個地方移動鋼軌的垂距提供更換多軸頭之間的第一和第二支導軌。2.原有的類型描述這樣的多軸頭代替型機工具,是由通常為人所知的No.13923/86日本出版。與上述常規(guī)機床不同,搭車機制和轉(zhuǎn)移機制的要求,是多軸頭之間傳遞的第一和第二道軌和電梯機制,導致了一個復雜的施工。此外,一個空間必須被遺棄在第二個導軌更換多軸相應減少,導致儲存一定數(shù)量的多軸頭。3.總結(jié)已經(jīng)發(fā)明的本發(fā)明已經(jīng)完成這樣的情況下,它是針對本發(fā)明的對象類型提供一個多軸頭機床,所述頭替換轉(zhuǎn)移的機制多軸頭之間的第一個和第二個道軌和電梯結(jié)構(gòu)簡化,同時也增加了一定數(shù)量的多軸頭儲存。根據(jù)本發(fā)明的一個組成部分,靜止軌道的第一導軌和部分第二軌道的分歧是搭車軌道在在一個地方一個圓弧相應的舉升機構(gòu),分別為舉升機構(gòu)組成一個電梯設備相互連接的電梯扶手第一和第二,電梯驅(qū)動導軌是指連接到電梯,都還有待提高,并降低了之間的第一個和第二個導軌。采用上述的建設,多軸頭可以移動之間的第一個和第二個道軌和另外,當電梯軌道的第一導軌移到第二導軌,一個多軸頭儲存在第二個導軌是撤退出來。因此,同樣數(shù)量的多軸主管能夠儲存在第一和第二支導軌。這就使得它能夠增加適當?shù)亩噍S頭儲存為比上年更佳和簡化的安排替換運動。這是本發(fā)明的另一個對象類型提供一個多軸頭替換機床所取代多軸取決于頭是順利的變化對該類型的作品,并提高了加工效率。這是本發(fā)明的進一步的對象類型提供一個多軸頭替換機床其中所述的上升和降低多軸頭運動的穩(wěn)定性。上述和其他物體、主要特點和優(yōu)點,從閱讀以下的描述了優(yōu)先化身會同繪圖形,這項發(fā)明將變得明顯。圖紙同類體現(xiàn)本發(fā)明將簡要描述如下圖一:是一個可調(diào)式多軸頭加工工具的全圖;圖二:是一個切面機床的角度,顯示在1被簡化部分;圖三:是截取的圖一中III的半切面圖片;圖四:是對圖三一比一放大的截面圖;圖五:是截取的圖三中箭頭V所示的圖片;圖六:是對圖四一比一放大的截面圖;圖七:是截取的圖三中箭頭VII所示的圖片;圖八:是截取的圖七中箭頭VIII所示的圖片;圖九:是截取的圖三中箭頭IX所示的圖片;圖十:對圖三側(cè)面的截圖圖片;圖十一:對圖三中XI的一比一放大的圖片;圖十二:是圖三中的XII的一比一放大的圖片;圖十三:可調(diào)多軸頭加工工具的外部圖片;圖十四:不同種類的可調(diào)多軸頭圖片。 圖2 切面機床的角度,顯示在1被簡化部分圖1 可調(diào)式多軸頭加工工具的全圖圖3 截取的圖一中III的半切面圖片圖4 對圖三一比一放大的截面圖圖3 截取的圖一中III的半切面圖片。圖5 截取的圖三中箭頭V所示的圖片圖6 對圖四一比一放大的截面圖 圖8 截取的圖七中箭頭VIII所示的圖片圖7 截取的圖三中箭頭VII所示的圖片 圖9 截取的圖三中箭頭IX所示的圖片圖10 圖三側(cè)面的截圖圖片 圖12 圖三中的XII的一比一放大的圖片圖11 圖三中XI的一比一放大的圖片圖13 可調(diào)多軸頭加工工具的外部圖片圖14 不同種類的可調(diào)多軸頭圖片多軸頭運作圖形的分析電梯機制在降低60圖14所示(五)向下移動的多主軸頭,相應的第二導軌6,也向下移動的多主軸頭C1到其立場相應的第一個導軌5。在這種情況下,一間多主軸頭D3和指數(shù)臂第二個索引機制的關系是26 31順序控制存儲在99個同樣,雖然多主軸頭C1的相應機制的第二個索引的數(shù)據(jù)26 99的順序控制存儲在索引手臂協(xié)會與索引機制的第一個25 28。在一個由多主軸B2的加工,多軸頭C2是從第二個引導降低到第一軌導軌5 6,以及由多主軸頭B3的加工,多軸頭C3是下調(diào)第二導軌6入第一個導軌5。此外白衣更換多軸箱C2和C3,多主軸頭A2和A3為指導,從第一軌移動到第二個5導軌6。當一個工作復本的是經(jīng)過加工的工作工務局運輸,多軸箱的C1,C2和C3可以依次帶入到加工位置MP的效果由個人多軸箱的C1,C2和順序補體C3。在由多軸箱的C1,C2和C3等加工,多軸頭D1和D2和D3是從第二個引導降低到第一軌指南6軌5提供一個工作將隨后運送。例如,在由多主軸頭C2的加工,多軸D2是降低到5首導軌,如圖14所示。在這種情況下,多主軸D3是上面的第二個指導多軸頭位于D2的軌道6。于是,當25索引機制,使經(jīng)營加工完成后,由多主軸頭C2的進入加工位置MP多主軸頭體C3,第二個索引機制也運作方式,26到60方位取代,如圖所示在圖14。如果多主軸頭C3是要以先進的加工位置國會議員到機器的工作廁所,然后電梯機制60解除運動,以提高多主軸頭B3到第二軌操作指南6,而在同一撤退時從第二引導多軸頭向上軌6格A1,如圖14所示。此后,第二個索引機制運作方式,轉(zhuǎn)26在圖14所示的為60在一個方向相反的描述,參考圖14所示,從而將多主軸頭D3上電梯導軌10。10在這種條件下,降低電梯的機制使60多主軸頭D3的第一要到5導軌在圖14所示,降低。在這種方式的多軸箱A1到每一個地方,B1到B3中,C1到C3和D1至D3可以加工成所需的地位,影響到加工到國會議員提出。此外,由于多主軸頭可放置,為后續(xù)加工。此外,由于多主軸頭可放置,為后續(xù)加工,加工效率可提高。此外,由于多軸箱相同數(shù)量可以在第一和第二指導存儲軌5,6,對多主軸頭數(shù),可以存儲比以前更多的藝術(shù)。自導柱61 10成員是通過連接在電梯66和60 69大幅機制與基一整體的,也有可能支持一個穩(wěn)定的方式垂直導柱61。此外,在電梯上升和下降60機制,支持13個鐵路連接兩個18歲以下的電梯導軌為指導的梳84和85,和連鎖塊的多軸箱A1至A3,B1的36到B3,C1到C3和D1to維生素D3是在頭部引導會員86 87.的指導下,多軸箱A1至A3,B1至B3,C1到C3和D3的D1to被提出,并在穩(wěn)定地降低。在上下電梯62對是相互關聯(lián)的成員74通過連接,并連接到上電梯62鏈77一雙繞在鏈輪上可旋轉(zhuǎn)的導柱的上端支持61輪76個,權(quán)重的平衡鏈被連接到77。因此,電梯運行了62個可以在一個上升和降低其水平與穩(wěn)定的方式維護和另外的態(tài)度,可以通過單動式驅(qū)動器驅(qū)動的動作方式63,在第一和第二個索引機制,25日和26日,大幅U形從事成員在38個被出售的武器28and指數(shù)每31領先結(jié)束,具有彈性偏置項目的形式領先結(jié)束,加上44和指導突起在45所提供的中央上部和下部的38個成員參與的部分,以及領先結(jié)束鎖定36座,形成符合響應的導突起44和45,因此,輪廓的上升和下降運動對多軸箱A1至A3,B1至B3,C1到C3和D1至D3,訂婚和鎖塊之間的36和28,31脫離接觸指數(shù)手臂很容易實現(xiàn),而且每時,國家可以從事堅決維護。可調(diào)多軸頭型機床的的原理和作用1.可調(diào)多軸頭型機床上加工單元組成的一對進退之間的原始位置和加工位置,第一個環(huán)形導軌包括一個可移動的軌道積分的動作說加工基地出售單位和一個靜止軌道圍繞加工單元說這是在說,原來的位置,第二個同心環(huán)形導軌與軸向偏移,在處理從一個地方說,第一導軌,一個多主軸頭多元化的每個進行說第一和第二導軌,第一和第二個索引機制釋放地分別連接到多軸箱上說,第一和第二駕駛導軌說多軸箱的角位移,和電梯處置機制,從側(cè)面說,第一和第二指導偏移量表示,從一個地方移動軌鐵路提供的多軸箱更換第一和第二之間說導軌,其中一個說:靜止軌道的一部分被劃分為一圓弧如電梯導軌在一個地方,相應地說道電梯機制,分別表示電梯機制包括連接到電梯的每一個電梯導軌的說,第一和第二導軌,解除驅(qū)動方式連接到電梯將被提高,降低了第一和第二之間說導軌。2.可調(diào)多軸頭型機床的作用,還包括為提供一個信號后,多主軸頭類型的不同信號發(fā)生器連接到的多軸箱,每年至少一個探測器在固定的位置相應的接收信號表示信號發(fā)生器的第一和第二導軌每處理,表示探測器被連接,用于控制所述第一和第二次指數(shù)序列的機制操作控制,說電梯機制來存儲各個位置的多軸箱上說,第一和第二導軌在說順序控制,以及用于檢測的工作是要工作的新加工型探測器,探測器的工作表示被連接到一個控制面板,提供了一個預備動作到順序控制信號,為新的移動工作多主軸頭一首導軌既定立場。3. 可調(diào)多軸頭型機床的作用,第一次和第二次是在導軌垂直間隔一定距離排列的互相之間的距離,除了表示對首先是導軌之間的配對相同,先說是導軌之間的第二導軌副,每上下電梯導軌副,同樣是集成,通過相互支持的鐵路。4. 可調(diào)多軸頭型機床根據(jù)權(quán)利要求為指導不斷上升和下降的升降機1或2,其中指導會員是固定地傾向于垂直擴展。5.一個可調(diào)多軸頭型機床的作用,鎖定對多軸頭安裝在每一個項目對各自的第一和第二導軌內(nèi),頭部指導會員棄置在一個地方是對應于每個電梯導軌的說,是適應擴大垂直從事于上升和下降的升降機上升和指導等,后者降低時間鎖定塊。1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool comprising a machining unit disposed on a base for advancing and retreating movements between an original position and a machining position, a first annular guide rail including a movable rail integral with the machining unit and a stationary rail to surround the machining unit which is located in the original position, a second annular guide rail disposed concentrically with and at a place axially offset from the first guide rail, a plurality of multi-spindle heads travellably carried on each of the first and second guide rails, first and second index mechanism releasably connected respectively to the multi-spindle heads on the first and second guide rails for driving such multi-spindle heads for angular displacement, and an elevator mechanism disposed sideways from the first and second guide rails at a place offset from the movable rails for providing replacement of the multi-spindle heads between the first and second guide rails.2 .Description of the Prior Art Such multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool is conventionally known from Japanese Parent Publication No.13923/86. With the above conventional machine tool, however, a lift mechanism and a shift mechanism are required for transferring of a multi-spindle head between the first and second guide rails and the elevator mechanism, resulting in a complicated construction. In addition, a space must be left in the second guide rail for replacement of the multi-spindle, resulting in a correspondingly decreased amount of the multi-spindle heads stored.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention has been accomplished with the such circumstances in view, and it is an object of the present invention to provide a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool, wherein a mechanism for transferring of a multi-spindle head between the first and the second guide rails and the elevator mechanism is simplified, while increasing the amount of the multi-spindle head stored. According to the present invention, a part of the stationary rail of the first guide rail and a part of the second rail are divided as a lift rail in a circular arc at a place corresponding to the elevator mechanism, respectively, and the elevator mechanism comprises an elevator connected to each of the lift rails of the first and second guide rails, and lift-drive means connected to the elevator which is to be raised and lowered between the first and second guide rails. With the above construction, the multi-spindle head can be moved between the first and second guide rails and moreover, when the lift rail of the first guide rail is moved to the second guide rail, one multi-spindle head stored on the second guide rail is retreated outwardly. Therefore, the same number of multi-spindle heads can de stored on the first and second guide rails. This makes it possible to increase the amount of multi-spindle heads stored as compared with the prior art and to simplify the arrangement for replacing movement. It is another object of the present invention to provide a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool wherein the multi-spindle heads are smoothly replaced depending upon a variation in the type of works, and a machining efficiency is improved. It is further object of the present invention to provide a multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tool wherein the rising and lowering motions of the multi-spindle head are stabilized. The above and the other objects, features and advantages of the invention will become apparent from reading of the following description of the preferred embodiments taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings. Extend vertically between the second guide rails 6 and are fixed to support plates 19. this stabilizes the rising and lowering motions of the elevators 62.between the index arms 28 and 31 which are in their position corresponding to the lift rails 10 and 18,a head guide member 86 is fixed to the support plate 19 to extend vertically and adapted to be fitted to the leading end of the locking block 36 for guiding of rising and lowering movements of each of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1to D3 and further, a head guide member 87 is fixed to the connecting member 69 to extend vertically above the index arm 31.The head guide members 86 and 87 stabilize the rising and lowering motions of the locking block 36 and thus each of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3Referring back to fig.4,detectors 88 and 89 are mounted on the support plates 14 integrals with the sationary rails 8 and 9 in the first upper guide rail 5 for detecting the type of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 locate in positions corresponding to the movable rail 7 and the lift rail 10,and a singal generator 91 is mounted on each of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 for generating a singal depending upon the type when it is located in opposition to the detectors 88 and 89.Referring to fig.5, a detector 90 is mounted on the support plate 19 integral with the sationary rail 17 of the second upper guide rail 6 for receiving a signal in opposition to the signal generator 91 of one of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 locate in positions corresponding to the movable rail 18.Referring to fig.13,multi-spindle head-replacing type machine tools M are constructed in the above manner ,Each pair of the machine tools M is disposed at a plurality of ,e.g, five maching stations s1,s2,s3,s4 and s5 so as to machine from the opposite sides a plurality of ,e.g, four types of works WA,WB,WC and WD intermittently transported .More specifically ,a conveyor 95 is disposed in an endless manner to pass the machining stations s1 to s5 successtively at opposite sides of the conveyor 95 at a place corresponding to each of the machining stations s1 to s5A plurality of pallets 96 are placed on the conveyor 95 ,so that one of the plural types of works WA,WB,WC and WD which is placed onto the pallet 96 in a loading station Si which is set at a stationary location before entering each of the machining stations s1 to s5.also ,an unloading station so is set at a stationary location after passing each of the machining stations s1 to s5,so that each of the works WA,WB,WC and WD which has been machined at each of the machining atations s1 to s5 is unloaded from the pallet 96 at the unloading station so ,moreover ,the unloading pallet 96 circulates to the loading station si ,A work detector 97 is disposed at the loading station si for detecting which work WA,WB,WC and WD is supplied to the loading station si ,so that a signal resulting from the detection in the work detector 97 is delived into a total control pannel 98. on the other hand ,a sequence control 99 and a CNC system are added to each of the machine tools M,so that a signal indicative of the type of the work which has been supplied to the loading station si is transmitted from the total control planel 98 to each of the sequence controls 99In each of the machine tools M, it has been detected which multi-spindle head A1 to A3,B1 to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 is engaged with either of the index arms 28 or 31 ,through reading-out of a signal from the generator 91 by the detector 89,90, and date therefor have been stored in the sequence control 99.signals indicative of command to read-out the multi-spindle head and of machining command are delivered from the CNC system 100 into the sequence control 99 ,whereby comparison of these signals with the data stored in the sequence control 99 causes a desired multi-spindle head to move toward the machining position MP ,in this case ,when a desired multi-spindle head is located on the first guide rails 5 ,the operation of only the first index mechanism 25 causes such head to move toward the machining position MP ,but when a desired multi-spindle head is located on the second guide rails 6, the operation of the elevator mechanism 60 and the second index mechanism 26 cause such desired multi-spindle head to be brought down onto the first guide rails 5 and then , the first index mehanism 25 causes such head to move toward the machining position MP.Signals indicative of the type work and indicative of the numbers of the stations and steps from the loading station Si to a selected station are delivered as reference commands from the total control panel 98 into the sequence control 99 ,whereby multi-spindle heads to be prepared are searched by comparison of the reference command signals with the data stored in the sequence control 99 and are caused to sequentially move toward the first guide rails 5 by command from the sequence control 99 .The operation of this embodiment will be described below in conjunction with FIGS ,14(a)to14(j).suppose that the multi-spindle head A1 to A3and B1 to B3 have been placed successively on the first guide rails 5 ,while the multi-spindle heads C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 have been placed successively on the second guide rails 6,as shown in FIGS ,14(a),for example ,when works WA,WB,WC and WD are intended to be delivered in this order and subjected successively to three steps of srilling ,tapping and reaming in a certain machine tool MIn this case ,the multi-spindle head A1 is brought into the machining position MP to effect drilling of a work WA and then ,the multi-spindle heads A2 and A3 are sequentially brought into the machining position MP to effect tapping and reaming of the work WA in sequence Thereafter with the transporting of a work WB ,the multi-spindle head B1 is brought into the machining position MP as shown in FIG.14(b) to effect drilling of the work WB ,Because the multi-spindle heads C1,C2and C3 for a work which will be subsequently transported are located on the second guide rails 6 at this time the multi-spindle head C1 is moved from the second guide rails 6 to the first guide rails 5 during machining by the multi-spindle head B1.That is ,the multi-spindle heads A1 and D3 which are in their positions corresponding to the lift rails 10 and 18 are raised to the upper limit positions by the elevator mechanism 60 ,as shown in FIG.14(c).this causes the the multi-spindle heads A1 to move up to a position corresponding to the second rails 6 and also causes the multi-spindle heads D3 to retreat upwardly from the second guide rails 6 ,in this case ,the data for the retreated multi-spindle head D3 is erased from the sequence control 99 ,and data for the multi-spindle head A1 from the Signal generator 91 is read out in the detector 90,whereby a relationship between the index arm 31 in the second index mechanism 26 and the multi-spindle head A1 is newly stored in the sequence control 99.Then,the multi-spindle heads C1 to C3,D1,D2 and A1 are driven by the second index mechanism 26 to be angularly displaced through 60 in a clockwise direction along the second guide rails 6,as shown in FIG.14(d). Consequently, the multi-spindle head C1 is brought into a position corresponding to the lift rails 18.Thereupon, the elevator mechanism 60 is lowered as shown in FIG.14(e) to move down the multi-spindle head D3 to its position corresponding to the second guide rails 6 and also to move down the multi-spindle head C1 to its position corresponding to the first guide rails 5. In this case , a relationship between the multi-spindle head D3 and the index arm 31 of the second index mechanism 26 is stored again in the sequence control 99,while the data for multi-spindle head C1 corresponding to the second index mechanism 26 in the sequence control 99 is stored in association with the index arm 28 of the first index mechanism 25.Such motion is done in the same manner even at machining by the multi-spindle heads B2 and B3. At machining by the multi-spindle B2, the multi-spindle head C2 is lowered from the second guide rails 6 onto the first guide rails 5, and at machining by the multi-spindle head B3 , the multi-spindle head C3 is lowered from the second guide rails 6 onto the first guide rails 5. Moreover for replacement whit the multi-spindle heads C2 and C3,the multi-spindle head A2 and A3 are moved from the first guide rails 5 to the second guide rails 6.Thus , when a work WC has been transported after machining of the work WB , the multi-spindle heads C1 , C2 and C3 can be sequentially brought into the machining position MP to effect sequential machinings by the individual multi-spindle heads C1 , C2 and C3.During such machining by the multi-spindle heads C1, C2 and C3, the multi-spindle heads D1,D2andD3 are lowered from the second guide rails 6 onto the first guide rails 5 to provide for a work WD which will be subsequently transported.For example ,during machining by the multi-spindle head C2, the multi-spindle D2 is lowered onto the first guide rails 5,as shown in FIG.14(f). In this case , the multi-spindle D3 is located above the multi-spindle head D2 on the second guide rails 6.Thereupon, when the index mechanism 25 is operated to bring the multi-spindle head C3 into the machining position MP after completion of machining by the multi-spindle head C2, the second index mechanism 26 is also operated to angularly displace through 60, as shown in FIG.14(g).If the multi-spindle head C3 is to be advanced to the machining position MP to machine the work WC, then the elevator mechanism 60 is operated for lifting movement to raise the multi-spindle head B3 to the second guide rails 6, while at same time retreating the multi-spindle head A1 upwardly from the second guide rails 6,as shown in FIG.14(h).Thereafter, the second index mechanism 26 is operated to turn by 60 as shown in FIG.14(i) in a direction opposite to that described with reference to and shown in FIG.14(g), thereby placing the multi-spindle head D3 onto the lift rails 10.10In such condition, the lowering of the elevator mechanism 60 enables the multi-spindle head D3 to be lowered onto the first guide rails 5, as shown in FIG.14(j).In this manner, each of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A#, B1to B3,C1 to C3 and D1 to D3 can be brought into the machining position MP as desired to effect into the machining . Moreover, since the multi-spindle heads can be preparatorily placed to provide for the subsequent machining. Moreover ,since the multi-spindle heads can be preparatorily placed to provide for the subsequent machining , the machining efficiency can be improved. Additionally, since the same number of multi-spindle heads can be stored on the first and second guide rails 5,6,the number of the multi-spindle heads which can be stores is more than that in the prior art.Since the guide pillars 61 are substantially integral with the base 1 through the connecting members 66 and 69 in the elevator mechanism 60, it is possible to support the guide pillars 61 vertically in a stabilized manner . In addition, during rising and lowering of the elevator mechanism 60,the rail support 13 which connects both the lift rails 18 are guided on the guide bars 84 and 85,and the locking blocks 36 of the multi-spindle heads A1 to A3,B1 to B3, C1 to C3 and D1to D