12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機的電動機保護技術
摘要: 介紹了12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機電動機的各種電氣及機械保護技術, 以及日常維護保養(yǎng)應注意的問題。
關鍵詞: 連續(xù)采煤機; 電動機; 電氣保護; 機械保護; 維護
Protect ion T echnolog y of M otor of M odel 12CM15 Cont inuous Shearer
(College of Optical And Electronical Information Changchun University Of Science And Technology 0951102 , China)
?? Abstract: The paper int roduced various elect rical and mechanical protect ion technolo gies of motor o f
mo del 12CM15 continuo us shearer, and expounded pro blems w hich should be paid at tentio n to in ro ut inemaintenance.
自榆神煤炭榆樹灣煤礦有限公司引進美國JOY 公司生產(chǎn)的12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機以來, 在生產(chǎn)實踐中取得了良好的效果, 充分發(fā)揮了設備的優(yōu)勢, 實現(xiàn)了高產(chǎn)高效。在雙巷掘進時, 該采煤機達到月均進尺1 500 m 的掘進速度, 在一綜采兩連采配置的千萬噸礦井生產(chǎn)模式中起到了舉足輕重的作用。12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機裝機功率為553 kW, 包括8 臺電動機, 除2 臺牽引電動機的額定功率為26 kW、額定電壓為DC 250 V 外, 其余6 臺電動機的額定電壓均為AC 1 050 V, 其中包括2 臺截割電動機( 額定功率為170 kW) 、1 臺油泵電動機( 額定功率為52 kW) 、2 臺裝運電動機( 額定功率為45 kW)、1 臺通風機電動機( 額定功率為19 kW) 。除2 臺牽引電動機采用直流串激型外, 其余6 臺電機均為易維護的三相交流異步電動機。除通風機電動機外, 其它電動機均采用水冷式。本文將對12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機電動機采用的電氣及機械保護技術進行詳細介紹, 以供參考。
1 、 電氣保護
12CMl5 型連續(xù)采煤機電動機的電氣保護有過
流保護、過載保護、過熱保護以及漏電監(jiān)視保護和漏電閉鎖保護[ 1] 。
(1) 過流保護。為防止發(fā)生短路故障, 電氣系
統(tǒng)中過流保護主要采用了2 種實現(xiàn)方法: 一種方法是通過斷路器中的電磁脫扣機構(gòu)來自動完成, 一旦電流超過設定值, 電磁脫扣機構(gòu)立即自動脫扣跳閘,使斷路器切斷電源, 該方法一般用于大電流( 如1 200 A、1 090 A 或980 A) 過流保護, 此外, 斷路器還完成短路故障保護的任務; 另一種方法是通過電流傳感器測量電流并把測量數(shù)據(jù)傳送給PLC, 由PLC 按預先規(guī)定的電流限制值( 如350 A 或80 A)以及過流限制時間( 0. 2 s) 控制執(zhí)行機構(gòu)( 接觸器或可控硅整流器) 來執(zhí)行斷電, 這種方法多用于電流值相對小的過流( 或稱堵轉(zhuǎn)電流) 保護。
(2) 過載保護[ 2] 。過載保護用于防止電動機長
時間過載運行而發(fā)熱減少發(fā)動機壽命。過載保護與過流保護的不同之處在于它的信號取自于熱繼電器, 而熱繼電器模擬電動機的熱積累效應, 具有反時限的特征。也就是說, 當電流超過規(guī)定的某一值( 如額定值的1. 2 倍) 后, 并不立即實施保護, 而是要延遲一定的時間, 而且這個延時時間隨電流超過規(guī)定值的多少而變, 一般來說, 當電流為額定值的1. 2 倍時, 延遲時間大約是幾分鐘到幾十分鐘, 而電流為額定值的6 倍左右時, 延時時間僅為幾秒或十幾秒。過載保護的執(zhí)行過程與前面所說的小電流過流保護
的情況基本相同, 都是由PLC 控制執(zhí)行機構(gòu)來執(zhí)行斷電, 不同的只是檢測信號取自于具有反時限特征的熱繼電器。
(3) 過熱保護。過熱保護動作值通過直接測量
電動機繞組溫度來取得。在12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤
機的每個電動機內(nèi)部繞組中都設置一些熱敏開關元件, 其特征等效于一個溫控常閉開關, 正常時, 這些熱敏元件表現(xiàn)為低阻值, 相當于開關閉合; 而當溫度升高到某一規(guī)定值以上時, 它們表現(xiàn)為高阻狀態(tài), 相當于開關打開。過熱保護正是利用了這一特征并在PLC 和相應的執(zhí)行機構(gòu)配合下完成的。
(4) 漏電保護。在安全方面, 最基本、也是煤礦井下電氣設備必備的一項措施就是漏電保護措施。漏電保護一般有2 種形式, 一種可以稱作為漏電監(jiān)視, 另一種是漏電閉鎖。在12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機系統(tǒng)中, 直接使用AC 1 050 V 電壓的電動機回路采用的都是漏電閉鎖方式, 牽引電動機回路則采用的是漏電監(jiān)視方式。
2 、 機械保護
12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機的截割電動機采用摩擦
離合器及扭矩軸機械保護, 裝運電動機采用扭矩軸
機械保護方式[ 3] 。
(1) 摩擦離合器
一個組件, 在每一臺截割電動機所在的傳動系統(tǒng)中裝有一套。它在將動力傳遞給截割滾筒的同時也起機械過載保護作用。摩擦離合器由輸入裝置、輸出裝置、彈簧螺栓組件、摩擦片、壓力盤、磨損指示桿、軸承、纖維定位板及密封等組成。摩擦離合器輸入裝置的內(nèi)孔花鍵與電動機空心軸外端的外花鍵連接, 動力由此輸入; 輸出裝置的內(nèi)孔花鍵與扭矩軸外端外孔花鍵連接, 動力由此輸出。輸出裝置兩側(cè)端面燒結(jié)有摩擦片, 擰緊彈簧螺栓即可將摩擦片壓緊在輸入裝置、輸出裝置和壓力盤的法蘭端面之間, 形成摩擦力矩, 實現(xiàn)動力傳送或過載保護。當外力矩( 即截割滾筒和截割鏈上截割煤巖產(chǎn)生的外力構(gòu)成
的阻力矩) 小于摩擦離合器調(diào)定的摩擦力矩時, 輸出摩擦盤處于無滑差的正常動力傳遞狀態(tài)。當外力矩大于摩擦離合器調(diào)定的摩擦力矩時, 輸出摩擦盤打滑, 起到機械保護的作用。當外力矩低于調(diào)定的摩擦力矩時, 離合器停止打滑, 恢復正常的動力傳遞。每個截割電動機配置一套摩擦離合器。摩擦離合器損壞的原因及判斷方法:
( a) 實際使用表明, 在外力矩過大的情況下, 摩擦離合器會頻繁打滑, 造成摩擦片磨損, 壓盤受熱變形。
( b) 截割減速箱輸入軸密封損壞, 潤滑油從電
動機轉(zhuǎn)子軸承進入離合器, 造成摩擦片嚴重損壞。
( c) 當磨損指示桿的端面與壓力盤相平或者當
壓力盤和輸入裝置的間隙不大于21 mm 時就需要更換輸出裝置, 裝上新裝置, 間隙應為25. 4 mm。
( 2) 扭矩軸
全保護裝置。摩擦離合器布置在電動機外側(cè), 以便于維修拆裝。這種布置在檢查或拆裝離合器時, 無需移動電動機即可順利完成。為了實現(xiàn)摩擦離合器輸出裝置與減速器之間的動力傳送, 采用了扭矩軸機械保護方式。由于電動機空心軸結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸的限制, 從空心軸穿過的扭矩軸比較細長, 扭矩軸兩端為外花鍵, 里端外花鍵與減速器齒輪聯(lián)接, 外端外花鍵與摩擦離合器輸出裝置內(nèi)花鍵聯(lián)接。在連接摩擦離合器一端的花鍵里側(cè)有一細頸的軸槽, 在過載斷裂的時候, 因為此處最細, 所以斷口應發(fā)生在這里。同時, 在這一端沿軸向制有2 個直徑大小不同的螺紋孔備拆卸更換使用。當外力矩低于扭矩軸細頸處的抗扭強度時, 扭矩軸傳送動力, 電動機驅(qū)動截割機構(gòu)
正常工作; 反之, 當外力矩大于細頸處抗扭強度時,扭矩軸在細頸處扭斷, 與扭斷的扭矩軸相連的一側(cè)電動機空轉(zhuǎn), 停止驅(qū)動截割機構(gòu), 起到電動機保護作用。此時, 需要重新更換扭矩軸。每個截割電動機、裝運電動機配置有一個扭矩軸。扭矩軸與摩擦離合器均能在傳送動力的同時起到截割機構(gòu)過載保護作用。一側(cè)或兩側(cè)力矩軸斷裂的判斷方法: 兩側(cè)電動機都轉(zhuǎn), 但是截割滾筒不轉(zhuǎn), 則可能2 臺電動機的力矩軸都斷裂了; 在以前使用不存在問題的條件下截割時, 截割頭經(jīng)常發(fā)生過載跳閘, 則可能有一根力矩
軸斷裂。此時應檢查截割電動機電流表, 電流小的電動機力矩軸可能已經(jīng)切斷。在關掉截割電動機開關時, 可以聽到一臺電動機長時間空轉(zhuǎn), 則它里面的力矩軸已經(jīng)切斷。
一般情況而言, 摩擦離合器要先于扭矩軸動作,
起過載保護作用。但當扭矩軸長期使用出現(xiàn)疲勞或過大的外力矩突然加載( 如截割到堅硬夾石、磺鐵礦等) 時, 若摩擦片打滑動作滯后, 扭矩軸也可能先于摩擦離合器動作而被扭斷。此外, 當一側(cè)電動機扭矩軸扭斷的同時, 另一側(cè)扭矩軸必定已承受了很高的應力, 使用壽命會縮短。此時如果只更換損壞一側(cè)的扭矩軸, 則會導致兩側(cè)扭矩軸交替損壞, 所以最好同時更換兩側(cè)扭矩軸。實際使用表明, 這種機構(gòu)過載保護裝置在外力矩過大的情況下, 摩擦離合器動作比較頻繁, 而扭斷扭矩軸的過載保護是不會經(jīng)常發(fā)生的。
3 、 日常維護保養(yǎng)應注意的問題
12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機的電動機保護技術可靠
完善, 但在日常維護工作中還應做好以下工作: 加強供水水質(zhì)管理, 定期清洗及更換濾芯, 確保過流、過載、漏電等保護元件工作正常, 定期實驗檢測, 嚴禁隨意甩掉不用; 扭矩軸損壞后必須成對更換, 定期檢查摩擦離合器的磨損指示, 達到更換標準后應立即更換。
4 、 結(jié)語
12CM15 型連續(xù)采煤機作為高產(chǎn)高效煤礦井下
煤巷掘進主要設備, 具有可靠性高、故障率低、掘進速度快的特點, 在神府東勝礦區(qū)及榆神煤炭榆樹灣煤礦有限公司得到了充分應用。對其電氣保護和機械保護技術進行了充分的探討, 為采煤機的安全運行提供了保證。
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作者簡介: 張紅( 1990- ) , 女, 吉林省白城市鎮(zhèn)賚縣人,學生 , 2013年畢業(yè)于長春理工大學光電信息學院機電工程分院
【關鍵詞】:機電一體化 技術 現(xiàn)狀 產(chǎn)品 制造技術 發(fā)展趨勢
20世紀90年代,計算機技術等的突出成就是網(wǎng)絡技術。網(wǎng)絡技術的興起和飛速發(fā)展給科學技術、工業(yè)生產(chǎn)、政治、軍事、教育義舉人么日常生活都帶來了巨大的變革。各種網(wǎng)絡將全球經(jīng)濟、生產(chǎn)連成一片,企業(yè)間的競爭也將全球化。機電一體化新產(chǎn)品一旦研制出來,只要其功能獨到,質(zhì)量可靠,很快就會暢銷全球。由于網(wǎng)絡的普及,基于網(wǎng)絡的各種遠程控制和監(jiān)視技術方興未艾,而遠程控制的終端設備本身就是機電一體化產(chǎn)品?,F(xiàn)場總線和局域網(wǎng)技術是家用電器網(wǎng)絡化已成大勢,利用家庭網(wǎng)絡(home net)將各種家用電器連接成以計算機為中心的計算機集成家電系統(tǒng)(computer integrated appliance system, CIAS),使人們在家里分享各種高技術帶來的便利與快樂。因此,機電一體化產(chǎn)品無疑朝著網(wǎng)絡化方向發(fā)展。
微型化興起于20世紀80年代末,指的是機電一體化向微型機器和微觀領域發(fā)展的趨勢。國外稱其為微電子機械系統(tǒng)(MEMS),泛指幾何尺寸不超過1cm3的機電一體化產(chǎn)品,并向微米、納米級發(fā)展。微機電一體化產(chǎn)品體積小 、耗能少、運動靈活,在生物醫(yī)療、軍事、信息等方面具有不可比擬的優(yōu)勢。微機電一體化發(fā)展的瓶頸在于微機械技術,微機電一體化產(chǎn)品的加工采用精細加工技術,即超精密技術,它包括光刻技術和蝕刻技術兩類。
Integration of machinery present situation and development tendency
[ Abstract ]: The integration of machinery was the modern science and technology development inevitable result, this article has summarized the integration of machinery technology basic outline and the development background. Summarized the domestic and foreign in tegrations of machinery technology present situation, the analysis integration of machinery technology development tendency.
[ Key word ]: Integration of machinery technology present situation product manufacture technological development tendency
1. introduction
The modern science and technology unceasing development, enormously impelled different discipline intersecting with the seepage, has caused the project domain technological revolution and the transformation. In mechanical engineering domain, because the microelectron technology and the computer technology rapid development and its forms to the mechanical industry seepage the integration of machinery, caused the mechanical industry the technical structure, the product organization, the function and the constitution, the production method and the management system has had the huge change, caused the industrial production to step into "the integration of machinery" by "the machinery electrification" for the characteristic development phase.
2. integrations of machinery outlines
The integration of machinery is refers in the organization new owner function, the power function, in the information processing function and the control function introduces the electronic technology, unifies the system the mechanism and the electron design and software which constitutes always to call.
Mechatronics development since has become one has its own system of new disciplines, as science and technology is developing, will be given new content. However, its basic characteristics can be summarized as : electromechanical integration is from the system point of view, the integrated use of machinery technology, electronics technology, automatic control technology, computer technology, information technology, sensor monitoring technology, power electronics technology, interface technology, Transform information technology and software programming technology, and other technical groups, according to target functional and optimization objectives of the Organization, rational distribution and the distribution of the functional unit, multi-function, high-quality, high reliability, Energy-efficient realization of the significance of specific functions, which makes the whole system optimization of systems engineering technology. And the resulting functional systems, electromechanical integration into a system or electromechanical integration products.
Therefore, "mechatronics" covered "technical" and "product" two aspects. However, electromechanical integration technology is based on the above-mentioned groups, organic fusion technology an integrated technology, which is not mechanical technology, microelectronics technology, and other new technologies simple combination of patchwork. This is the mechanical and electrical integration and electrical machinery and processing machinery formed by electrification in the fundamental concept of distinction. Mechanical engineering technology purely technical development of electric machinery, the machinery is still traditional, Its main function is still to replace and enlarge the physical. However, the development of electromechanical integration, which the microelectronics devices may replace some mechanical parts of the original function, also given many new functions, such as the automatic detection, automatic processing, automatic record Automatic adjustment and control automatic diagnosis and protection. That is, electromechanical integration products is not only the hands and limbs extended, or the sensations and minds of the eyes, with the characteristics of intelligent mechatronics and mechanical functions in the electrification of the essential difference between.
3. Electromechanical integration of development
Electromechanical integration, the development can be roughly divided into three stages. 20 1960s before the first stage, the stage called the initial stage. During this period, people unconsciously use of electronic technology in the preliminary results to perfect the performance of mechanical products. Especially during the Second World War, a war to stimulate the machinery and electronic technologies, These electromechanical combination of military technology to civilian use after the war, the post-war economic recovery played a positive role. At that time, research and development on the whole is still in a state of spontaneous. Due to the time of the development of electronic technology has not yet reached a certain level. Mechanical Technology and the integration of electronic technology is still impossible to extensive and in-depth development, and has developed products are not widely promoted. 20 Century 70 ~ 80 years for the second stage, known as the flourishing development stage. During this period, computer technology, control technology, communications technology, electromechanical integration of development laid a technological basis. Massive, super-scale integrated circuits and micro-computer rapid development electromechanical integration of the development provided adequate material basis. This period is characterized by : ① mechatronics first term in Japan is generally acceptable, Some of the 20th century, the late 1980s the world will be more widely accepted; ② electromechanical integration technologies and products to be a tremendous development; ③ countries have started to electromechanical integration technologies and products give a great deal of concern and support.
20 late 1990s and began electromechanical integration technology to intelligent direction of the new stage, electromechanical integration into the in-depth development period. On one hand, optical, communication technology into the electromechanical integration, microfabrication technology has electromechanical integration, which would take place the first leg, a-mechanical-electrical integration, and micro-electromechanical integration of new branches; on the other hand, electromechanical integration system modeling design, Analysis and Integration, electromechanical integration of disciplines and development trends have conducted in-depth research. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence technology and neural network technology and fiber technology, and other fields made tremendous progress, electromechanical integration of technology has opened up a vast world of development. These studies will help further establish mechatronics integrity of the foundation and gradually form a complete scientific system.
China is from the 1980s of the 20th century only at the beginning of studies in this respect and application. The State Council has established a leading group electromechanical integration, and the technology as the "863 Program". For the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" planning and development program in 2010 when full account of international electromechanical integration of technology development trends and the resulting potential impact. Many tertiary education institutions, research institutes and large and medium-sized enterprises in some of this technology development and application done a lot of work, not achieved certain results, but with Japan and other advanced countries still have a considerable gap.
4. Electromechanical integration, the development trend
Mechatronics combines mechanical, electronic, optical, control, computer, information and other multidisciplinary cross-integrated, its development and progress and to promote reliance on technology related to development and progress. Therefore, electromechanical integration, the main direction of development is as follows :
4.1 Intelligent
Intelligent 21st century electromechanical integration of technological development an important development direction. Artificial Intelligence in electromechanical integration of builders is receiving increasing attention, CNC machine tools and robots intelligent application is important. Here the "intelligent" to describe the machinery is in control theory on the basis of absorption artificial intelligence, operations research, computer science, fuzzy math, psychology, physiology and chaotic dynamics of new ideas, new methods, simulate human intelligence, it is judgment, reasoning, logical thinking and independent decision-making ability, in order to get a higher control objectives. Indeed, to make the integrated products is identical with the people on the wisdom, it is impossible, but also unnecessary. However, the high performance, high-speed microprocessors to make the integrated products are endowed with low intelligence or of some smart, it is entirely possible and necessary.
4.2 Modular
Modularity is an important and difficult project. Mechanical and electrical integration product lines and numerous manufacturers, research and development interface with the standard mechanical, electrical interface, Dynamic Interface, environment interface modules electromechanical integration products is a very complex but very important things. If developed Set slowdown, the smart governor, the electrical characteristics of the power unit with vision, image processing, Identification and location of the functions of the control unit and can be completed various typical-operated mechanical device. Thus, the use of standard cell can quickly develop new products, while also expanding production scale. This requires the development of standards for the various components, modules and interface matching. Due to a conflict of interest, the recent difficult to develop an international or national standards in this regard. But through the formation of some large enterprises have gradually formed. Clearly, the standardization of electrical products and serialization of the benefits can be sure, Whether to production standards electromechanical integration of enterprises or units of production electromechanical integration of enterprise products, scale enterprises electromechanical integration will bring about a better future.
4.3 Network
90s of the 20th century, computer technology is an outstanding achievement in networking technology. Network Technology and the rise to the rapid development of science and technology, industrial production, political, military, Education act everyday life are what people have brought tremendous changes. Various networks to the global economy, as a production company, and inter-enterprise competition will globalization. Electromechanical integration of new products once developed, as long as their unique functional, reliable, and will soon be sold all over the world. Due to the popularity of the network, the network-based remote control and monitoring technology is ascendant. and the remote control terminal equipment itself is mechatronics products. Fieldbus and LAN technology is the network of household appliances has become the trend, use home network (home net) will be linked into various household appliances to computers at the center of computer integrated home appliances system (computer integrated appliance system, CIAS), so that people at home sharing the various high-tech facilities and happiness. Therefore, electromechanical integration, network products undoubtedly towards the direction of development.
4.4 miniaturization
Miniature rise in the 20th century the end of the 1980s, refers to the integration of micro-electromechanical machines and the micro trend of development. Foreign known as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), refers to the geometric size of more than 1 cm3 of mechatronics products, and Micron, nano-level development. MEMS integration products small size, less consumption, exercise flexibility in biological medical, military, , and other aspects of information due to the advantages. Micro-electro-mechanical integration is the bottleneck MEMS technology, micro-electromechanical integration products are processed using sophisticated processing technologies. that the ultra-sophisticated technology, including lithography and etching techniques two.
4.5 Green
Industry developed for the people's living brought tremendous changes. On one hand, material wealth, living comfortable; The other hand, a reduction of resources, the ecological environment has been seriously polluted. So, people called for the protection of the environment and resources, and return to nature. Green product concept came into being under such voices, green is the trend of the times. Green products in its design, manufacture, use and destruction of the life process, meet specific environmental and human health, at the request of the ecological environment or harm innocent little, a very high utilization rate of resources.
4.6 systematized
Systematic one of the features of the system architecture is the further use of open and the model bus architecture. System configuration can be flexible, tailoring and arbitrary combinations, while seeking to achieve more coordination and control subsystems and integrated management. 2 performance of the communication function is greatly enhanced, in addition to general RS232, RS485 there, the personification of DCS. Future integration of mechanical and electrical products and pay more attention to the relationship between people, electromechanical integration of personalization has two implications. Level, the integration of mechanical and electrical products to the end user is people, how to give electromechanical integration of intelligent products, emotional, Humanity has become increasingly important, especially for household robots, is the realm of its senior man-machine integration. At another level, it is an imitation of biological mechanism, the development of various electromechanical products flowers. In fact, many of mechatronics products are inspired by the developed the of animals.
5. Conclusion
In summary, the emergence of mechatronics is not isolated, it is in many scientific and technological development of the crystallization is the development of social productive forces to a certain stage of the inevitable requirement. Of course, and the Electrical and Mechanical related to the integration of many technologies, and with the development of science and technology. technical integration of the trend is becoming increasingly obvious. electromechanical integration of a broad development prospects will be brighter.