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Pressing Mechanism Design
In the instruction, mainly includes my design ideas and design process, and some computation. Including the introduction, mill(rolling extension principle, the classification of mill,the component of mill, the structure form, status and development trend), transmission scheme, motor selection, the parameters calculating of main transmission system( main reducer design, determining of rolling power), parameters calculating of pressing system(vice reducer design, parameters calculating of worm drive, parameters calculating of press ball screw and intensity),lubrication(lubrication method,the classification of lubrication),Design summary, references,thanks.
Introduction of mechanical part of main areas of “pressing” are introduced;The main profile of rolling over the next class machinery are introduced in the deferred mechanical;Transmission scheme worked for graduation design is the embodiment of the task;The part of motorselection is sure to two motors;Main transmission system parameters are calculated from;The main motor is part of the transmission chain to roll on speed, power and transmission;Pressing system parameters calculation is from vice motor to roll the transmission chain of speed, power and transmission;Lubrication part is needed for rolling extension device type lubrication and determine;Design summary is about in the summary parts in the process of design experiences and harvest.
Keywords: Pressing agency, Rolling extension machinery, Roll, Ball screw, Reducer